First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 963: The game inside and outside the court

Seeing that the gods are not bad, one suddenly shot, the air curled up with domineering neighs, and passed a long-lasting wave of air.


Jing Wuming's fingers suddenly thickened, and he smashed an unknown number of artificial hills with a punch.

The group of heroes in the field suddenly changed color, and their eyes looked at Jing Wuming with hesitation on their faces.

This kind of power is not a difference compared to Dao.


Zhang Bairen carried his hands and looked at the ancestor of the assassin's family with a pensive look on his face: "I don't know what kind of spiritual thing this old thing has swallowed, it is so overbearing!"

overbearing! Really domineering!

Jing Wuming alone could not digest the domineering medicinal power of this spirit creature, and before it broke through to Dao, the bones and muscles in his body were transformed, and he was about to explode by the domineering medicinal properties.

Guan Zizai's eyes and nose, nose and heart, glanced around with a pair of eyes, and it seemed to have found something, and it seemed to have found nothing, just frowned and stood there silently.

"Everyone, don't be frightened by Jing Wuming's power. This power is not his own at all, but he swallows a spiritual thing in his body. When we come in contact with it, the power of the medicine is vented, and it is severely damaged by the power of the spiritual thing!" The ancestor swayed the dust in his hand, and backed away unhurriedly, and then swiped the dust in his hand for a moment.

At this time, the Taoist priests shouldn't contribute their strength, the power of the Taoist priests is limited after all, and they can't meet the gods.

"I'm coming!" Wang Yi gritted his teeth, snapped out a palm, and greeted Jing Wuming.

"Jing Wuming, if you are willing to repent, I will never embarrass you. If you continue to be stubborn, I will have to implicate the innocent and kill the ordinary children of the Jingke family!" Hedong Cui family warrior said with a gloomy expression.

"Dare you!" Jing Wuming collided with Wang Yi, and both sides stepped back three steps, and saw Jing Wuming merged into the shadow, abandoned Wang Yi, and slapped onto the head of the Cui family martial artist.

"Bang!" The Cui family martial artist's cultivation is not weak, but seeing the realm of the gods, but he was instantly blown away by Jing Wuming.

"If you dare to do something to my Jing family, the old man will ask your Hedong Cui family to pay for his life and cut your Cui family bloodline!" Jing Wuming sneered coldly.

When the cultivation base reached his realm, it was not only terrible, but very terrifying. If he laid his face down to assassinate the monks, no one could bear such revenge.

Outside the dense forest

Zhang Bairen's body is long and standing jade, seeming to blend in with the trees behind him, and the five ghosts all around fly out, holding up Zhang Bairen's warrant and disappearing:

"I originally planned to plot against some powerful people. Since your assassin family jumped out to die by themselves, then it's no wonder that the Governor is cruel!"

Zhang Bairen's words murmured, the assassin family assassinated him several times, absolutely not let go.

In the mountains and forests in the distance, a group of military secret mansion masters gathered and condensed, all dressed in black, and all the military secret mansion costumes had been removed, pretending to be guards of various major families, lurking in the dense forest and waiting quietly.


The five ghosts came with the token, Xiaohu suddenly stood up, and after receiving the token, lowered his voice and said, "Whether male or female, young or old, they will kill them all!"

It can be expected that the Jingke family will be ridiculed by all the young and old, and the remaining Jingke family powerhouses will inevitably retaliate wildly. Then the world will be reshuffled again.

Luoyang City

On the huge dragon bed, the sound of melee fighting sounded, and the flesh forest on the dragon bed was constantly intertwined, and the sound of stumbling could not stop breathing.

A black shadow twisted and appeared in Yang Guang's bedroom. He knelt to the ground with a ‘poof’. Yang Guang almost wilted with a stunned body. He shivered and collapsed on his concubine’s body.

"Please forgive the Jingke family. Although the Shadow Assassin has stolen the elixir of longevity, this matter has nothing to do with my Jingke family. Please see your majesty for the loyalty of his subordinates and forgive the Jingke family for a life!" The black shadow Kneeling on the ground, eyes filled with heavy, pleading.

After a while, I saw Yang Guang put on his clothes in silence, opened the curtain and walked out barefoot, looking at the black shadow kneeling on the ground, and whispered: "What's the matter?"

This black shadow has been loyal to him for decades, and the Jingke family has also done many things for him secretly. Yang Guang cannot ignore the other party's words.

He only heard a wry smile from the shadow: "Your Majesty, it is my Jingke family assassin who stole the elixir of life."

"Oh?" Yang Guang frowned.

A pair of eyes looked at the man on the ground, his eyes filled with puzzlement.

The man smiled bitterly: "Oh, your Majesty does not know that the shadow assassin is the number one master of the younger generation of my Jingke family. He has always been arrogant and unruly, and has only caused such a disaster. Now all the big family members have gathered in the Jingke family. The Military Secret Mansion received the command of the general governor and fished in troubled waters in secret, and wanted to kill my Jingke family. I beg your majesty to forgive my Jingke family's sins. In the future, my Jingke family will be the leader of the Great Sui Ma."

While talking, the man touched his forehead and hesitated to get up.

Yang Guang tapped his finger on the case, and after a while he said: "Jingke family really willing to take refuge in me?"

"Subordinates guarantee that if the Jingke family can survive this catastrophe, they will surrender to the Great Sui! Submit to your Majesty!" The man said solemnly.

Yang Guang sighed softly: "Oh! The Great Sui is now full of holes, so what can the Jingke family depend on?"

"My Majesty, please!" The figure squatted repeatedly, and the empty hall made a bang.

"Get up and talk!" Yang Guang said lightly.

"Your Majesty agreed? Thank you! Thank you!" The figure in black was ecstatic.

This is the majesty of the emperor, one word will rule the world and set the universe!

Even though this person is already a strong man who sees the gods, he has to bow down and kneel at Yang Guang's feet and beg for mercy.

No wonder imperial power is so fascinating.

"I don't need the Jingke family to take refuge, I only need the Jingke family to protect one person" Yang Guang sighed.

"Who deserves your Majesty's attention?" Sombra was taken aback.

"Yang Dai! If one day the Great Sui Dynasty collapses, you must protect Yang Da and keep a trace of my Yang family's blood!" Yang Guangdao.

The black shadow was taken aback, lowered his head and said, "In the future, Yang Da will be the lord, and my family of Jing Ke will do my best to protect his safety."

Yang Guang nodded: "Call the chief governor for an audience."

"The governor has left Luoyang!" Sombra smiled bitterly.

Yang Guang was stunned, then spread the imperial decree on the case table, writing swiftly, and then said after a while: "Then you will walk in person, and be sure to pass the imperial edict to the hands of the governor. With this imperial edict, it is enough to protect you. The safety of the Jingke family has resolved the catastrophe of the Jingke family."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Sombra took the imperial decree and immediately walked into the corner and disappeared.

Perceiving the dark shadows leaving, Yang Guang's mouth curled up with a smile: "It's done! There is no worry in my heart!"

Let’s say that Zhang Bairen frowned just after he issued the order, and the sword intent of his body began to gather introverted: "Who, come out! Don't hide your head and show your tail!"

"Generally supervise the cultivation base!" The shadow slowly walked out of the dense forest.

Seeing the other party's method of integrating the shadow into one, Zhang Bairen's pupils shrank: "From the assassin family, which one are you?"

"Your Majesty is a member of the Jingke family, and your Majesty's personal guard!" The shadow respectfully took out the imperial decree from his sleeve and handed it to Zhang Bairen: "Your Majesty has a decree, please check it out!"

Zhang Bairen didn't pick up the imperial decree, but looked at the dark shadow, and said after a while: "It seems that the capital governor's plan is yellow again this time, and the family of Jing Ke stretched their hands long enough."

"Also, please be kind to the Chief Governor, we are not enemies!" Shadow said.

Zhang Bairen looked at each other as if it were a shadow, unable to see the shape of his body.

After looking at it for a while, he took the imperial decree unhurriedly.

There is no seal on the imperial decree, it is true at first glance, and the true dragon spirit in the handwriting cannot be faked.

"If you want me to let the Jingke family go, you still need to help me with one thing!" Zhang Bairen looked at the shadow.

"The Governor ordered," the shadow said respectfully.

"Since you can invite your majesty’s imperial decree, you are not an outsider if you want to come, I will tell you that the red elixir of immortality was swallowed long ago when the drug was tested, the elixir of elixir that was taken away by the shadow assassin It's fake. My Majesty and I originally designed a play, but I didn't expect to be preempted by the shadow assassin!" Zhang Bairen stared at the black shadow under his feet unhurriedly.

"Huh?" The shadow was shocked when he heard the words.

"Go tell the shadow assassin, find a way to die, hand in the magical medicine, don't force the Governor to do it yourself!" Zhang Bairen flew into the dense forest with a token in his hand, and the Xiaohu and others who were about to kill the killer were all together. Qi Yi was stunned.

After speaking, Zhang Bairen turned and left, leaving the shadows standing there dumbly for a long time, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"Weird, the lord has just issued the decisive kill order, and he changed his mouth at this moment. For nothing, the brothers will be busy in the middle of the night!" Xiaohu passed the order, and there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes: "The game between the big men is trouble. Isn’t it happy to cut all the opponents directly like cutting vegetables? Your majesty and the chief governor work together, who dares to take advantage of it?"

The angle of the station is different, and the things considered are naturally different.

For example, right now, people's hearts are sometimes not farts, but sometimes they can control the world.

Shengshi Regardless of your popular sentiment, it suppressed everything. In troubled times, those who win the hearts of the people win the world. People's hearts are the real magic weapon that controls the situation in the world!

"Niang Niang!" Qiaoyan walked in slowly.

Empress Xiao held the hairpin in her hand and slowly combed the three thousand green silks: "How are the things you asked you to do?"

"There is news from outside the palace that the Xiao family seems to have been targeted!" Qiao Yan said.

"What a big dog!" Empress Xiao's eyes widened, and Feng Chai fell in her hand: "You go and pass on Bairen, and this matter will naturally be eliminated by Bairen."

"Yes!" Qiaoyan turned and left.

Jing Ke's family, the war is still going on, and Jing Wuming doesn't know what treasure it is swallowing. He actually takes turns to fight against the masters of all walks of life.

"Not good!" Seeing Jing Wuming, who was constantly victorious and his momentum skyrocketing, Wang Yi suddenly changed his color: "You must not let this old guy continue to win, you must rub the opponent's momentum, otherwise this old guy will be steadily vigorous. I’m afraid I’m not far from enlightenment."

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