First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 970: Li Yuanba

If Li Yuan didn't say anything, he didn't care about the magic medicine of longevity, and Sayazi ran to Taiyuan.

Li Jiancheng looked at Li Yuan's expression, and he was shocked, as if thinking of some terrible possibility, he hurried to catch up with Li Yuan.


Guan Zi was sitting in front of the pool and meditating, feeling the mighty blood and blood, suddenly frowned, and figured out to himself.

Luoyang City

Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back and looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, showing a weird color: "Unexpectedly!"

It is really unexpected, who would have thought that Li Yuanba would be disabled by his second brother in this way? In fact, Li Yuanba is not an idiot, not only is he not an idiot, but is extremely talented in martial arts. Who would have thought that Li Yuanba would have become an idiot like this?

Zhang Bairen's heart was extremely weird through the induction from the Demon Seed in the dark, and he did not expect that Li Yuanba was turned into an idiot because of himself.

"Interesting! Interesting! If I don't come, who will turn Li Yuanba into an idiot?" Zhang Bairen was secretly surprised.


The Qintian Supervisor was kneeling at Zai Yang Guang's feet, constantly lowering his head and whispering.

After a while, Yang Guang was surprised to see: "Is there really such a strange thing? I want to see it."

Assassin Family

Wang Yi looked at the Li Family in Taiyuan with a solemn expression on his face, standing beside the water pavilion not knowing what he was thinking.


At this time, the strong from all walks of life in the grassland were all horrified and inexplicable.

"In addition to the chief governor of Zhongtu, there are such strong people. How unfair is God, tell me how to get ahead in the bitter cold of Korea?" Ulji Wende stood on the observatory and looked towards Zhongtu with eyes full of Sad and desperate.

Zhongtu Zhongtuohua Zhong Shenxiu, there are constantly strong people born, it is simply desperate.

Buddhism outside the Great Wall

The abbot of the Falang Temple was silent for a long time before he sighed helplessly: "In the eventful autumn, such a strong person must have a decisive influence on my Buddhist preaching cause, but I don't know whether it is my Buddha's enemy or my Buddha's help!"

The young monk King Kong chanted the Diamond Sutra and looked at the **** wolf smoke in the country, his eyes were full of determination: "I can! I can definitely!"

Taiyuan Lijia

Li Yuanba's whole body was constantly changing, and the three treasures of his spirits and spirits rose up steadily, and the magic seeds were turned into nourishment by him and absorbed.

It lasted for a full quarter of an hour before seeing a steady breath. Li Yuanba fell on the court, looked at everyone in surprise, and rushed towards Li Shimin with an exclamation: "Second brother!"

"Yuanba? Did you not lose your memory?" Looking at Li Yuanba, Li Shimin suddenly looked happy.

Li Yuanba was surprised: "Second brother, what are you talking about! What memory does not remember!"

Speaking of seeing the reptiles on the ground, he abandoned Li Shimin and fell to his knees, picked up a piece of grass to tease the reptiles.

"Yuanba!" Tears rolled in Li Shimin's eyes and his voice was sad.

"He has become a fool now, probably only the wisdom of a few years old!" Zhen Ziyang looked at Li Yuanba with sadness in his eyes.

"Second brother, why are you crying? Who is bullying you? I'm going to beat him! Did your elder brother bully you..." Li Yuanba rolled up his sleeves and was about to find someone to fight.

"You come back! You come back!" Li Shimin grabbed Li Xuanba, but was staggered by him and almost fell to the ground.

"Second brother, are you okay!" Li Yuanba stopped.

"It's okay! It's okay! The second brother is okay, you will be obedient in the future, don't fight indiscriminately!" Tears fell in Li Shimin's eyes: "Second brother was crying with joy."

"Oh..." Li Yuanba looked at Real Ziyang with a pair of eyes: "You old man looks good, let's go catch fish together."

While talking, he dragged the real person Ziyang Yuanshen and went straight out of Li Mansion.

"Second brother, Yuanba is okay!" Looking at Li Yuanba's back, Wuguo said in a worried voice.

Li Shimin was silent when he heard this, and after a while he said, "At least he knows me! His life can be saved, and he is very lucky in misfortune! As long as he lives, he has a chance."

As he was talking, I heard a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then Li Yuan shouted: "You rebel, where are you going to play! You won't come back!"

Li Yuanba unexpectedly ran into the three of Li Yuan who had returned. Seeing Li Yuanba dragging the real Ziyang, Li Yuan couldn't help but yell.

"Who are you! Don't worry about me!" Li Yuanba rolled up his sleeves, with a look of dissatisfaction.

"I can't do it! I can't do it! He is your father! He is your father!" Real Ziyang quickly stood in front of Li Yuanba.

"My father?" Li Yuanba was taken aback.

The real Ziyang looked at Li Yuan: "Guo Duke, the noble son is very ill, so I can only reverse the real body of the overlord!"

Real Ziyang is very witty and didn't say anything about the magic medicine for longevity.

Li Shimin rushed over after hearing the sound and hurriedly saluted Li Yuan: "Father!"

"How could your fourth brother's injury suddenly worsen?" Li Yuan looked at Li Shimin.

While Li Shimin was thinking about how to answer, he saw the housekeeper of the former treasury walk out of the crowd and went straight to Li Yuan and knelt on the ground with a ‘poof’:

"Master, please call the shots!"

Seeing that steward, Li Shimin's heart suddenly burst, and a sense of badness suddenly rose.

"What's the matter with you?" Li Yuan looked at the steward.

"Return to the great master, the second son did not know where to find the magic medicine of longevity, and fed it to the fourth son to swallow it. I never thought that the magic medicine of longevity was actually a poison, and the fourth son who harmed him had to reverse the real body of the overlord!" Said it again: "All the spiritual objects in the treasury were swallowed by the fourth son, and the master is also the master."

Li Yuan was already angry when he heard this. He didn't have the mind to listen to the matter. He stepped forward to Li Shimin and slapped it down: "Nie barrier, dare to hurt your blood brother!"

"Father, Haier never wanted to harm Yuanba. Who would have expected that the magical medicine was actually fake. At that time, the child took the magical medicine from his eldest brother in the ice, and he was reluctant to swallow it. How could he harm Yuanba?" Li Shimin didn't dare to dodge and kept explaining.

"You mean, you radiated the rainbow light before, and you took the magic medicine of longevity?" Li Yuan looked at Li Shimin suspiciously.

At this time Li Yuan was extremely angry, what kind of thing do you count for grabbing magical medicine? Do you know how to feed your brother, don’t you and I know? Just know you swallow it? Where do you put me two?

"Father, this matter is true, the child is absolutely nothing!" Li Shimin said.

"Didn't I ask you to look after the house? You dare to run out to cause trouble! If it weren't for you, how could Yuanba end up in such a situation?" Li Yuan slapped again: "You dare to calculate your old man, if you are not good at doing it. Advocate, why bother?"

"Do you dare to beat my second brother!" Li Yuanba immediately got anxious, and regardless of you, he wanted to kill Li Yuan.

With a punch, the air solidified and compressed and turned into a vacuum.

"Four brother, don't stop quickly!" Li Shimin hurriedly shouted.

"Second brother, this old guy dares to beat you, see if I don't beat him to death!" Li Yuanba stopped his movements, dissatisfied.

"Yuanba, you dare to be rude to your father, and you don't have to quickly kneel down and admit your mistakes!" Li Jiancheng stood up with a pale expression.

"Who are you, dare to teach me!" Li Yuanba punched out, shocking Li Jiancheng's Xuanming scepter in his sleeves to fly out of the enemy automatically, blocking Li Jiancheng's body, and instantly turning Li Jiancheng into an ice lump.


The ice shattered and the scepter flew into the air. Li Jiancheng fell into the distance, not knowing his life or death.

The power of a punch is so overbearing, even Yu Juluo may not be able to take the Xuan Ming scepter.

"Big Brother!" Li Shimin was startled.

"What a good thing you did!" Li Yuan glared at Li Shimin and hurriedly went to help Li Jiancheng.

Sun Simiao stepped forward and grabbed Li Jiancheng’s pulse with a shocked expression on his face: “The old man has cracked internal organs, and he needs to rest for more than a month. Don’t do it without permission, otherwise his life will be endangered!”

"Yuanba, do you want to kill your elder brother?" Li Yuan was shocked when he heard the words, and turned around to scold Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba struggled with his neck but refused to accept it. He raised his fists and was eager to try.

However, seeing Li Shimin's stern gaze, he suddenly wilted, lowering his head in silence.

"Nizi! Nizi! It's all good things you do! All good things you do!" Li Yuan stood up and pointed at Li Shimin, constantly scolding.

In fact, Li Shimin is not to blame, Li Shimin and Li Yuan are both concubines, and Li Yuan is not taken care of on weekdays. Li Yuan's heart rests on Li Jiancheng. Li Shimin is ten years older than Li Yuanba and plays the role of brother and father in his heart. He doesn't actually have much impression of Li Yuan, except for fear, no other emotions.

Li Shimin was not the second son who was highly valued by Li Yuan at this time. Before the time of the uprising, Li Shimin did not show amazing talent and was not valued by Li Yuan. Even if Li Shimin is a martial artist, what about it? The Li family has never lacked to see martial artists.

"Enough!" The light flashed in the sky, and Li Bin descended, and Li Yuan shuddered with thunder.

"Meet the ancestor!" Everyone saluted.

Li Fang looked at Sun Simiao and clasped his fists in a salute: "Please also ask Daochang Sun to check the injuries in my grandson's body? Has the sword qi been eliminated?

Sun Simiao gave a gift. He came to Li Yuanba and took his pulse. After a while, he said: "The four sons of qi and blood are like dragons. They have entered the realm of the real world, close to the gods and demons. No need to worry about the ablation."

Li Ying breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "It seems that Zhuxian Jianqi is not impossible to resolve!"

Turned around and looked at everyone in the court: "Is it not enough to be ashamed? That's it for today!"

Although Li Yuan was unwilling, he didn't dare to violate his own words.

Li Ming looked at Li Shimin: "Since Yuanba is bound by you, you will take good care of him in the future and don't want to cause trouble. Now Yuanba's strength is It's a huge and earth-shattering trouble to make mistakes."

"Ancestors can rest assured, Shimin will teach Yuanba well!" Li Shimin respectfully saluted.

Li Ming nodded when he heard the words and looked at Li Yuan: "You come with me!"

The two walked away, and someone carried Li Jiancheng who was unconscious and went down to recover from his injuries, leaving the courtyard full of chaos.

The grandson Wushou's face was cold: "The elder is afraid that it is not the sad four sons, but the husband who calculated him, and actually snatched the blood of the phoenix from his front, causing him to lose face."

"Don't say anything, I know it in my heart!" Li Shimin sighed softly, and looked at Sun Simiao and Ziyang: "You two real people move, and the kid has something to ask."

"Oh!" The two sighed and followed Li Shimin into the other courtyard.

ps: The fourth update today. Add one more change to the leader, and last Friday's book friend "a bunch of numbers" classmates reward.

Jiu Ming just arrived in Wuxi and was busy renting a house to find a job. I owe it temporarily for renewal. Let me settle down. I'm sorry everyone.

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