First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 971: Bai Yuyun

"Two gentlemen, don't I have a chance for my fourth brother to live like this?" Li Shimin looked at the two with earnest eyes.

Zhenren Ziyang shook his head and sighed heavily, unable to speak.

Sun Simiao frowned in thought, and then said after a while: "It may not be impossible to do it."

"Sir, please teach me!" Li Shimin stepped forward, holding Sun Simiao's wrist, his eyes filled with earnestness.

"Most Governors study heaven and humans, and they are descending from immortals. Sword Qi arises because of the Governors, and all causality is born from the Governors. If the Governors are willing to take action, there is bound to be a turnaround!" Sun Simiao said.

Li Shimin smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and for a moment did not know what to say. If he and Zhang Bairen had a death feud, they were afraid that the governor would be magnanimous and would not help.

"It's also karma. The Li family condones evil demons to harm people, just like today's Taoism cycle!" The real Ziyang Yangshen left Li Mansion erratic.

Sun Simiao sighed: "I'm going back to think of a way to explore the general manager's tone."

"Thank you, the real person!" Li Shimin thanked Sun Simiao and sighed as he looked at Sun Simiao's back.

"Second son, third lady and uncle are here!" The guard Tongbing.

"Please come in!" Li Shimin sat in the courtyard depressed and silent.

far away

Changsun Wugou sighed slightly, slowly changed into men's clothing, left Li Mansion, and headed for Luoyang City.

Li Yuanba's tragic situation today is Li Shimin's tomorrow. The eldest grandson Wugou will never allow Li Shimin to fall into such a situation.

"Second brother!" Li Xiuning and Chai Shao walked in together, looked at the depressed Li Shimin, and whispered.

Li Yuanba was playing in the mud in the yard, and tears fell in Li Xiuning's eyes.

"Sit down!" Li Shimin pointed to the seat.

"Second brother, is the fourth brother really hopeless?" Li Xiuning said.

Listening to Li Xiuning's words, Li Shimin was silent for a while, then looked at Chai Shao and said: "The Medicine King said that unless the general governor takes action, he will not be able to return to the sky; now the general governor and my Li family are forge a deadly feud, don't think about it! "

Li Xiuning was taken aback when he heard the words, and Chai Shao's complexion changed, and then he patted his chest and said to Li Xiuning: "Lady, don't worry, for Fuding, you will invite all the famous doctors in the world, Gaozhen, to cure Xuanba's illness."

Zhuojun Border

Servant bone Mohe touched the magical medicine in his arms, with a hint of excitement in his eyes. His trip really achieved a lot. Starting with the magical medicine for immortality, the biggest goal was achieved.

Opening the jade box, looking at the magic medicine of longevity in his hand, the servant bone Mohe twisted the magic medicine to his mouth, but he couldn't swallow it for a long time.

For some reason, an intuition in the dark told myself that this medicine is not appropriate! Fatal wrong!

"Isn't this the magic medicine for longevity?" The servant bone Mohe looked at the red pill, showing a pensive color: "Why does it give me a sense of crisis?"

Compared with the longevity medicine, the servant bone Mohe trusted his instinct more. Putting the magical medicine into his arms, the servant bone Mohe slowly stood up and looked into the distance: "Let’s go back to the Turks and do some research in secret to find out what is wrong, and then it’s not too late to swallow the magical medicine. ."

Since the magic medicine has fallen into his own hands, who can take it away?

Just thinking about it, suddenly the servant bone Mohe stopped, standing by the river and watching the golden light upstream.

Yu Juluo is wearing a golden armor, standing by the river and looking into the distance, shining brightly in the sun.

Pugu Mohe stuffed the magical medicine into his waist, and then strode in silence for a while.

Everyone is in the highest realm. Although Yujuluo walks farther than himself, there is no reason why I will be afraid of him.

"How did the general know that I would pass by here!" Pu Gu Mohe stood not far in front of Yujuluo.

"The governor said that you will pass by this place today, so you must pass by this place!" Yu Juluo turned around and looked at the servant bone Mohe.

"So who is the calculation!" The servant bone Mohe looked at Yujuluo: "You are here to wait for me specially, who wants to come here and have any instructions!"

"The elixir of immortality is not something that the barbarians outside the Great Wall can get involved, leaving the magic drug to sever your finger, and the old man will let you make a living!" Yu Juluo said domineeringly.

"The general governor is really powerful, and even I know that I won the magic medicine for longevity! I want me to judge myself, I am afraid that the general is not capable of it!" Mu He said with a smile, without the slightest fear on his face.

"You dare to sneak into the Central Plains to make trouble, and almost broke the refining of the longevity medicine of the Governor. If you don't ask you to leave something, I will not be able to explain to the world's heroes for the masters of the Central Plains!" Yu Juluo sighed slightly, "You The Turks colluded with Lingwu thief Bai Yuyun to rob the horses of the Central Plains. After hearing this news, the general governor was very upset. He specifically asked this general to wait here and ask you for sin!"

"I'm just a grassland protector, how can Khan do things, it's not my turn to give directions." The servant bone Mohe's voice was solemn, and he began to gather his energy and spirit: "The general really wants to do it with me? You are now in a critical period of transformation. If Dao Gong is ruined rashly, I am afraid it is not good!"

"The decree of the governor, how dare I disobey? Besides...saying something arrogant, you want to ruin my Taoism, I am afraid it is unworthy!" As he said, Yu Juluo took a palm shot and rolled up the stormy waves, flying sand and rocks. , The river in the distance is condensed.

"Could it be that I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Servant bone Mohe's scimitar was pulled out of his waist, like a cold moon flashing with cold light, splitting everything in the world, and greeted Yujuluo.


One shot fell, and both sides finished probing. The air continued to explode, and the river in the distance rolled over, revealing the mud at the bottom of the river.

"Good means!" Yu Juluo praised.

"The general has a higher means!" Mu He screamed in his heart, and secretly cursed: "Yuguluo, the old immortal, what on earth does he use as a foundation for his strength and progress so fast! The old immortal Khan refused to give me the spirit thing, otherwise would he end up like this?"

The road of martial arts, one step behind, step by step backward.

"Three hundred moves to defeat you, five hundred moves to kill you!" Yu Juluo said confident and domineering.

"Unfortunately, I will never fight you with three hundred moves!" The servant bone Mohe took one step, and came to Yujuluo as if teleporting, and the two sides instantly fought together.

After the ten moves, the servant bone Mohe found a loophole and escaped from the war ring.

Yujuluo shook his head: "Where to escape?"


With a punch, the air vibrated.

The two fled while fighting.

I have to say that as a strong man in the realm of the realm, the servant bone Mohe is really good at fleeing his life. Yu Juluo can't kill him, and actually tells the other party to escape.


Yu Juluo pressed a palm on the heavenly spirit cover of Servant Bone Mohe, and the overbearing force passed in an instant, breaking all the bones in the opponent's body.

The river splashed with waves, and the servant bone Mohe fell into the water and disappeared.

Even in the highest realm, he has scruples about the river and fish.

The ancient water **** controlled a big river with infinite power. If someone dived into the water and was calculated by someone, it would really break the Taoist skill, and Yu Juluo would have no place to cry.

After all, this place is outside the Great Wall, so I have to be careful to guard against the other side's calculations.

"With a palm of my hand, the whole body is broken. Within three to five months, this old guy can't think of making troubles. I don't know why the general governor wants me to hit this person!" Yu Juluo thought to himself.

At some point, the servant bone Mohe got the elixir of immortality, and the news that Yu Guluo was hit hard by the storm spread throughout the entire Great Wall.

Lingwu Thief

Bai Yuyun sat quietly on the sandbag, watching the sunset over the long river in the distance without saying a word.

Anyone who saw Bai Yuyun would never have thought that the notorious bandit at the border was actually a handsome man who could fly into the sky.

Rong is better than Song Yu and looks better than Pan An. Unfortunately, the only regrettable thing is that this person actually wore a big bald head.

Opposite it, the young monk Faming chanted the scriptures.

"I said, you don't want to bother me with chanting, and now I'm going to be annoyed to death! Have you ever reached the realm of your vajra indecent body?" Bai Yuyun looked at the young monk Faming.

Faming paused, and the movement of knocking the wooden fish stopped: "One step ahead!"

"Buddhism has recently made a rookie. I wonder how you compare to King Kong?" Bai Yuyun blinked.

"Vajra has inherited the King Kong Temple for thousands of years, and it has been accumulated over several generations. I am far behind." Faming is very self-aware.

"However, you have enlightened the world in your palm, blessed the indestructible body of the vajra, and found a new way to open the way to heaven. This talent is also rare!" Bai Yuyun sighed.

"Donor, you better stop!" Faming looked at Bai Yuyun with a wry smile.

"Stop? If I don't continue to shoot, how can I obtain Turkic resources? How can I obtain Korean resources!" Bai Yumin sighed, "I am different from you. You obtained spiritual objects in the Dunhuang realm back then. Since then, your cultivation base can't be achieved by leaps and bounds. Clean up, and what about me? I'm just a wild fox Zen who was expelled from the teacher's door."

After hearing Bai Yuyun’s words, Faming smiled bitterly: "The master said, you are looting the Xiao family caravan. You should never, you shouldn’t kill! You killed the direct descendants of the Xiao family, this will inevitably be disturbed. Empress Empress, provoked the chief governor to take action; the grassland now cannot bear the anger of the chief and the Khan can’t support you either!"

"You have been in contact with the general governor before, what do you think of the general governor?" Bai Yuyun showed interest.

"Tian Zong's talent, stunning talents and brilliant, shocking the ancient and the modern..." The little monk thought for a while, and used all the words he could say on Zhang Bairen.

"How do you compare to the chief governor?" Bai Yu said.

"If I can really develop the Kingdom of Vajra, I might be able to compete with the governor!" Vajra was stunned, then said with a sullen voice: "Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Vajra is not so easy to develop. Even if it is really developed, it may not be possible. Contend against the chief governor."

"It's rare!" Bai Yuyun sighed softly, "How can these characters put me in their eyes?"

"You don't want to be lucky!" Fa Ming said with a wry smile.

"Only you are the most verbose. Go back and tell you Master that I don't have to take care of my business! Cultivation is to fight against the sky and the earth. I don't have the resources, so I don't want to fight for it. Isn't it just a waste of the path? I want to take refuge in Da Sui, but Zhongtu is a Taoist site, Zhongtu can't hold me! Can't hold me!"

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