First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1029: Brain residue fan Yuwen Chengdu

Ignoring Yuwen Chengdu's words, Zhang Bairen looked at the distant battlefield with his eyes.

What do you think?

What can he see! He didn't know what was in the ground.

Feeling the qi lingering in the void, Zhang Bairen's face instantly became serious. The surrounding void is constantly distorting, and there are various Yang Shen Gaozhen watching from a distance, looking at the traces of this place.

Zhang Bairen hesitated in his heart!

Is it to use magical powers to seal the strong in the depths of the earth, or to let the opponent be born, and then take the opportunity to collect the universe picture of the Nuwa Empress.

"A dead friend is not poor!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed coldly: "The imperial court has a million army, and the emperor is in charge. This monster is born to kill himself!"

Zhang Bairen took out a six-character mantra sticker from his sleeve, and a cold light appeared in his eyes: "Why should you be robbed today."

The weird qi mechanism between the world and the earth escaped, and the qi mechanism that escaped was continuously distorted in the air, and the next moment it turned into a phantom figure, killing it towards the army of the court.

Killing all the creatures you saw, you can see that the burial in the depths of the earth is the stunning monster.

"Damn it!" A black-robed figure walked by the horizon, looking at the light and shadow constantly flowing between the sky and the earth, and suddenly roared out of anger, and sections of ancient and obscure spells slowly chanted from his mouth.




The elegy between heaven and earth was magnificent and mighty, and everyone who heard it shed tears.

The singing seems to be comforting the existence in the depths of the earth, and as the mighty singing rolls up, the roar in the depths of the earth is slowly quieting down, and the light and shadow between the sky and the earth are gradually dissipating.

"Damn, the treasure is right in front of you, how can you let this good deed be broken!" Yuwen Chengdu's eyes were cold, and the next moment his hand pierced through the void, the air was twisted wherever he passed, and the sound bursts.

"Bastard!" A fatal crisis came, and the black-robed figure had to stop singing when he saw this. His figure flickered and avoided the spear, and his eyes stared at Yuwen Chengdu angrily: "Damn! Damn you!"

After three consecutive sentences, Yuwen Chengdu's complexion turned black, and his face was filled with black energy, and he suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out black blood.

Before the black blood could land, it turned into countless black bugs, entwining towards Yuwen Chengdu.

"This is Mantra Gu!" Xu Fu didn't know when he came to the court, his eyes were full of horror: "The supreme powerhouse in this place is called the corpse, and you must not call him out of the world to avoid disaster."

"What is Mantra Gu?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"Mantra Gu is the most weird and domineering. As long as the other party speaks, Gu worms will automatically spawn in your body. If your cultivation base is too weak to react, you will have been eaten by the Gu worms and immediately fell to the ground," Xu Fudao.

Zhang Bairen was stunned: "There is such an evil thing?"

In a word, the corresponding Gu worm will be automatically derived from your body, which is almost an incredible method of the Creator.

"You **** it! You actually want to release the corpse of Shebi, you are a sinner in the Yang world, you should be poisoned to death!" Wu Bufan said again.

"Bastard!" The blood rolled in Yuwen Chengdu's body, and the heat was like magma. As soon as the Gu worm spawned, it instantly turned into ashes and was ejected into his mouth.

"Here the town is sealed by the supreme power than the corpse. In the past, the Nuwa Empress became a supreme treasure of the universe, and the supreme power of the netherworld is more than the corpse to mess up the world, so she shot to seal the luxury by the world. "The corpse" Guan Zizai's white clothes fluttered and swayed from a distance: "I never thought that after thousands of years, Shebi's corpse has not been completely wiped out."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the field changed their colors, and even Yuwen Chengdu's complexion changed wildly: "The supreme power is more luxurious than a corpse? Can the master deal with it?"

Yuwen Chengdu looked at Yujuluo, and Yujuluo smiled bitterly: "When the transformation of my teacher is at a critical moment, I can't use force at all. After my transformation is completed, even if I lose to the corpse, there is still no problem with it. The corpse is supported by the power of the entire underworld, and those who are not ordinary and powerful can fight the enemy."

Hearing this, the field became dull for a moment.

"Yuwen Chengdu, you have made a big disaster!" Wang Yi walked out of a shadow faintly.

"Everyone, don't be afraid! Even if the corpse was extremely powerful in the ancient times, it was suppressed by the universe for thousands of years, and the ability to lose seven or eight, can't I even wait for a remnant soul to deal with?" Mohe servant crossed the void , Came from the direction of Turks.

"Yes, it is extremely! An old guy who has been sealed off for thousands of years, are we still afraid that this kind of old and debilitated generation will not succeed?" The most powerful Khitan man came.

Zhang Bairen's complexion changed slightly, looking at the martial artists from all walks of life gathered in the field, he sighed softly: "Today a big battle is inevitable."

"The governor, if a map of the universe is born later, the Governor of Wanwang will fight for it, and he must not let the map of the universe fall into the hands of these people." Xu Fu did not know when he came to Zhang Bairen.

"What do you say?" The smoke above Zhang Bairen's head fell, and the whole person looked like a person in the mist, mysterious.

"There is a burial mound of the Nvwa Empress in the Universe Picture. In the past, the Nüwa Empress became an immortal and abandoned the Universe Picture in her hands and buried everything in it. If the governor can obtain the Universe Picture, he may have the opportunity to touch the supremacy of the Nüwa Empress. Dadao! And the universe map contains the power of the world, which can open the channel between Yin and Yang, and can help His Majesty the First Emperor! This map is about the human aura, which should be born after a thousand years, but I don’t know why it suddenly appeared in the world. It's really strange! The fate has been broken, and I don't know what other variables will be." Xu Fu sighed lightly, his eyes full of vicissitudes.

Zhang Bairen silently nodded: "It's just that I see people of different views, obviously I don't want this great devil to reappear in the world!"

"Since the seal of the Universe Map has been moved, and the power accumulated for thousands of years has been released, how can ordinary people seal it? Unless the ancient immortals are resurrected, no one can touch the power of the Universe Map" Xu Fuqing He sighed, and his eyes were full of sorrows: "It is said that no one from the underworld will come later, the governor needs to be more careful."

Zhang Bairen looked calm, and Yu Juluo went away and said, "Withdraw the troops! The army retreats twenty miles!"

With an order, the three armies moved together.

Sitting in Longhu, Yang Guangduan stroked the map with endless divine light scattered in his hand, and sighed softly, "Unfortunately, the father closed the door of the Dharma Realm. Otherwise, with the help of the Heaven Realm, who can take advantage of this treasure?"

"Since it has been determined that the treasure is here, let's go back!" Yang Guang threw his palm and the map turned into golden light and flew out, instantly sinking into the depths of the earth.

With the effort of talking, there have been so many powerful people here.


The earth shook, and the sand and stones on the ground were rippling.

"Those who are on the verge of fighting, all line up!"

Guan Zi formed a nine-character mantra in his hand, and then his delicate fingers turned into a seal, branding towards the depths of the earth, trying to seal the town of Shanhe Shejitu that was about to be born.

"Stop it!" Yuwen Chengdu grabbed the spears of the soldiers around him, and the spears flowed around, the spears in his hand swept across, toward Guan Zizhi.


Where the spear passed, it left a trace on the air that had not disappeared for a long time.

"Yuwen Chengdu, you can't be crazy!" Guan Zi stepped forward, as if traveling through space, avoiding the long spear in Yuwen Chengdu's hand.

"I'm not crazy! Your Majesty's campaign is for the mountain and river shrine, and none of you want to undermine my plan for the Great Sui Dynasty!" Yuwen Chengdu looked fierce and his eyes were full of hostility.

"This kid looks like something is wrong!" Yu Juluo glanced at Yuwen Chengdu: "This kid has a bone in his head, how can he become the loyalty of the emperor?"

"Da Sui! Da Sui! For the sake of your eternal plan, millions of lives are floating here, you wait for the eagle dog to be really crazy, the old man will come to meet you!" Wang Yi suddenly stood up, with a sharp knife in his hand, as if he wanted to pierce Yuwen Chengdu's chest. .

"Damn!" Ma Li turned in Yuwen Chengdu's hand to greet him. Wang Yi's figure flashed, and he actually blended into Ma Li's shadow. When he appeared again, he emerged from Yuwen Chengdu's shadow, like a black light introverted knife. Coming from Netherworld, he thrust into Yuwen Chengdu's ribs.

"Get out of here!"

Yuwen Chengdu flew out, and Wang Yi flew out, his chest obviously collapsed.

At the same time, Wang Yi is not the opponent of Yuwen Chengdu, it is really terrifying.

"Bang!" The dust rolled up, Wang Yi stood up, staring at Yuwen Chengdu with a gloomy expression, then turned to look at Yujuluo: "General, the good apprentice you taught. Now the devil is about to be born, this When facing the big troubles, please be fair to the military."

All the heroes were all looking at Yu Ju Luo, who looked gloomy, and said after a while: "Chengdu, here is the supreme power of the hell, and once he is born, he will suffer catastrophe~www.wuxiaspot .com~Do you know what you are doing?"

Yuwen Chengdu waved from his sleeve, and a golden token appeared in his hand: "I have the emperor's gold medal in my hand, and the emperor ordered me to fight for the treasures here."

After speaking, he looked at Yu Juluo: "Yu Juluo and Zhang Bairen listen to the orders. This general has ordered you to stop the powerful men who hinder the birth of the treasure. If you hesitate a little, you will be fooled."

Zhang Bairen did not move like a mountain, but Yu Juluo's complexion changed: "Chengdu! Once the supreme underworld is born, the consequences will be disastrous, you have to think clearly."

"Master, I have thought clearly enough, can a lingering Demon God Can Nian be able to shake the sky? With the emperor here, my human race is now prosperous, the only one in all worlds, and a demon **** in only a small area, even if the real demon **** returns to the world, It’s just a snap to suppress."

After hearing this, Yujuluo suddenly changed color: "The emperor is so courageous."

"The emperor's power is better than the Qinhuang and Hanwu, not weaker than the three emperors and five emperors, and the natural courage is extraordinary" Yuwen Chengdu praised the present son without hesitation, and seemed to be surrounded by the emperor's brain. In his eyes, everything is good and everything is great.

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