First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1030: Impermanence

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! There is obviously something wrong with Yuwen Chengdu at this time, and diehard loyalists will never belong to the descendants of the great family. Die loyalty only belongs to the assassins and personal guards who have been raised since childhood, and will definitely not belong to the pride of Yuwen Chengdu.

Zhang Bairen narrowed his eyes and looked at Yuwen Chengdu in surprise, silently.

Zhang Bairen didn't want to provoke Yuwen Chengdu, but Yuwen Chengdu refused to let Zhang Bairen go. He turned the golden token in his hand: "Zhang Bairen and Yu Juluo, you two have not taken action to wipe out the strong people here!"

Yu Juluo looked at Yuwen Chengdu, and Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Yuwen Chengdu, you dare to steal the emperor's waist card and pass the emperor's decree privately. It is simply bold, and I will take you down and go to the emperor to ask the crime."

While speaking, Zhang Bairen stretched out a palm, and came to Yuwen Chengdu with a flash of figure, and hit Yuwen Chengdu with a palm.


Yuwen Chengdu stepped forward, sonic booming, and took the initiative to slam in front of Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen's figure flashed, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Yuwen Chengdu, kicking Yuwen Chengdu: "Compared with me, you are too far behind!"

Zhang Bairen took the sun's origin as the fundamental method and began to hammer his own bones. Once completed, it would become the supreme body that is inexhaustible and indestructible. It is one of the most powerful treasures between the heavens and the earth, with infinite power.

Even though he has just started now, he is also extraordinary.

The fiery air overflowed in Zhang Bairen's body, and he slapped it into Yuwen Chengdu's body, instantly perfused into the blood of the opponent, and the blood was solidified in an instant and turned into a solid.

Yuwen Chengdu's discoloration changed, his blood swelled to dissolve the bruises in his veins, and his eyes stared at Zhang Bairen stubbornly, their eyes full of fear.

Zhang Bairen stood quietly on the spot: "If I don't trouble you, I'm already a great kindness. Now you dare to provoke me on the initiative.

Yuwen Chengdu's complexion changed wildly, a pair of eyes swept across the crowd, and slowly drawn from the golden armor behind his back, and the three-section short stick appeared in his hand.

The short club made an instant contact, turned into a horse, and stood in the field staringly: "Whoever dares to make a move is an enemy of the court!"

"I'm here! Never let the Yinsi powerhouse be born!" The servant bone Mo Hezong entangled with Yuwen Chengdu.

The next moment the two sides smashed into a ball, and the spear in Yuwen Chengdu's hand was like lightning. With the explosion of each and every one, white spear flowers remained in the air, condensed in the air and could not disperse.


After twenty strokes, the servant bone Mohe was pierced through the thigh by Yuwen Chengdu with a shot, and then suddenly picked up, fell into the distance and collected clouds of smoke.


Zhang Bairen's pupils are tightened, and the servant bone is almost twenty years earlier than Yuwen Chengdu, but he is not the opponent of Yuwen Chengdu, which shows the ability of Yuwen Chengdu.

"Yuwen Chengdu has a special physique, so he is born brave and unparalleled!" Xu Fu explained.

Some people are born with the ability to lift a thousand pounds and carry a tripod on their shoulders, which is not comparable to ordinary people. These characters have great talents, and once they practice martial arts, they will go a long way and sweep the invincibles of the same rank.

Obviously, Yuwen Chengdu is an example of this, otherwise it would not be favored by Yujuluo.

"This kid is very talented in martial arts. When he has not yet practiced martial arts, Yijin Dacheng is not his opponent. When he begins to change tendons and sweeps Yigu Dacheng. When Yigu Dacheng becomes an enemy, he can see that God is not bad, and God is not bad. Being able to face the ultimate path without dying. Now that he has stepped into the threshold of the ultimate path, he is getting more and more out of control" Yujuluo's eyes are full of admiration.

Looking at Yujuluo, Zhang Bairen felt weird, but he didn't say much.

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang!

Unfortunately, Yuwen Chengdu has a natural rival, and that is Li Yuanba.

If Yuwen Chengdu had a thousand catties before martial arts, then Li Yuanba had five thousand catties. Now that Li Yuanba has reversed the real body of the overlord, his power is even more unpredictable, almost inconceivable.

"Whoever dares to take action is to be an enemy of the court, so let's not blame this general for ruthlessly!" Yuwen Chengdu looked ruthless.

"The vertical son is rampant" The Khitan supreme Taoist shot, a machete in his hand split seventeen knives one after another, shocking Yuwen Chengdu also with surprise.


After fifteen strokes, the strongest Khitan Dao followed in the footsteps of Pugu Mohe.

Yuwen Chengdu has no killers. Everyone is the most powerful. One party is determined to escape. It is almost impossible to kill.

After such a delay, I saw the desolate Qi in the air once again escaped, and each Qi was transformed into a figure, slashing towards the Yang Shen, Zhi Dao, and God Martial Artists in the field.

Zhang Bairen stood there quietly, as if it were a small sun, all the phantoms had not yet approached, they had been melted by the hot air waves.

"Everyone, you must not let the Yinsi powerhouse be born, or we will all have big trouble!" Uchi Wende couldn't bear it, the starlight swayed all over his body, and all the phantom shadows were turned into starlight nourishment as soon as they approached.

The sun gods took action, and various methods of subduing demons and demons were released to the earth, desiring to suppress the demon and calm the disaster.

"Dare you!" Yuwen Chengdu's eyes were about to split, and the spear in his hand shot through the air, destroying all the magical powers, and guarding the bottom firmly.

It's a pity that the real people of Yangshen gather and disperse invisible, which is not something that Yu Wencheng can hold.

In the crowd

Chunguijun stood in the field and watched the Yin Jue once again. He wanted to seal the earth's Guan Zizai. He suddenly stood up, and an emerald green branch stretched out and pierced towards Guan Zizai's heart.

"Be careful!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Bairen's heart was suddenly startled, and his thoughts had reached the back of Guan Zi, and a six-character mantra post appeared in his hand:

Hum! Well! Ni! Bang! mum! Hum!

The body of Guan Zi is coming, once the body is cut off, it will inevitably die.

A palm seems to have endless void opening up, the power of ground, water, wind and fire is running, and the sky and the earth are collapsing and heading towards the suppression of Spring Return.

"The universe in the palm is the old bald man's method!" Chun Guijun's complexion changed, he stepped back, and then changed his technique again and went straight into the depths of the earth.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback, never thinking that the Spring Return Jun also had the magical power of escape.

"Thank you Dudu" Guan Zi turned his head to look at Zhang Bairen, showing a touch of gratitude.

Zhang Bairen shook his head and looked at Chunguijun who had escaped into the depths of the earth: "This old guy always feels something is abnormal. How did you get rid of the law?"

"It's late! The demon has come out!" Guan Zizai sighed helplessly.


The leader of Southern Xinjiang stared at the qi that soared up into the sky with a gloomy expression: "Who is bad for me in Southern Xinjiang!"

"Never call you out of the world, you give me back!" The Nanjiang leader kept pinching the tactics, bleeding from his fingertips, drawing blood-red talisman urns on the ground.

"Master, I'll help you!" The great wizard fell beside the master, with blood flowing out of his hands, continuously soaking the soil under his feet.

"I'm going back to settle accounts with you, if it weren't for you to toss around, it won't break my Southern Xinjiang Wanzai plan!" The leader stared at the great wizard with a gloomy face, and continued to draw the talisman.

There was a gloomy look in the eyes of the great wizard, and a murderous intent was fleeting, and then he lowered his head and drew the talisman with the leader.

Time passed by, and the ground under my feet was shaking more and more.

At this time, the earth's magnetic field was disordered, and even if he was proficient in Escape, there was no way to sneak into the depths of the earth.

"Damn it!" At this time, all Taoist priests were anxious like ants on a hot pot, watching the increasing tremor, shocked that they didn't know what to do.

I don't know when, the family members appeared on the battlefield, their eyes staring at the trembling earth, showing fiery colors.

"Father, is it a big game this time?" Li Shimin looked worried, and a touch of anxiety appeared in his eyes.

"That's a picture of the universe, Nuwa Empress's burial mound, whoever can get it will definitely be detached, even if my Li family fails to compete for the dynasty, it can be detached!" Li Yuanhaosheng comforted, and then said: "Say, your brother Yuanba is here, not to mention that he is a demon **** who has been sealed for thousands of years. Even if a real demon **** descends, your brother can hammer him to death."

"Second, Dad is right. This is an opportunity for my Li family. Don't hesitate. Tianyu won't take the blame. You don't understand the truth, right" Li Jiancheng persuaded.

Li Shimin had a somber face when he heard the Standing on the edge of the battlefield, watching the shaking earth silently.



A burst of fascinating laughter sounded, and there were two more illusory shadows in the void.

"Congratulations on the return of the Great!"

"My Yin Division will inevitably sweep away the strong from all races, and once again stand on top of the heavens"

The eyes of black and white impermanence are full of weird colors.

Hei Wuchang said: "There are many new humans who are strong."

Bai Wuchang said: "These are the prey of my underworld. Now that the emperor returns, the channel between Yin and Yang is just around the corner. Lovely prey, it doesn't hurt to ask you to live longer. Cherish the last time left."

"It's also here, it's better to take two back and torture the situation in the human world!" Hei Wuchang sneered coldly.

"Black and white impermanence!" Xu Fu shrank his pupils and lowered his voice: "How could they appear in the Yang Shi."

"Black and white impermanence is very strong?" Zhang Bairen whispered.

"It can be described as strong. Under the ten great Yamas of the underworld, the judge is equal to the black and white impermanence and the bull's head. They are the strongest under the ten emperors. They are the characters who have set foot on the path of immortality, far beyond ordinary Yang. "Shenzhen" Xu Fu's expression changed wildly: "You can't be found by him, otherwise your majesty's plan will inevitably be exposed, and everything will be done."

After speaking, Xu Fu had gone away and disappeared.

"Who are you!" Yuwen Chengdu looked at the black and white impermanence coldly.

"Good essence of blood" Bai Wuchang praised.

"It's a pity that the characters who have entered the longevity, the three souls and seven souls have dispersed into the acupuncture points, and we are not the same as us" Hei Wuchang sighed helplessly.

"This kid is a trouble. I hate the Taoist martial artist the most. Let's get rid of him first." Bai Wuchang's face was cold, and his murderous intent was not concealed.

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