First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1035: cause and effect

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The Khitan Dao powerhouse hesitated when he heard the words, and then he waited to see the embarrassed powerhouses, and his eyes flashed a touch of cruelty .

Just about to speak, suddenly I saw a hammer covering the sky and the sun, and it slammed it down fiercely: "Damn it! You old thing is so loud!"

Li Yuanba smashed it down with a hammer, making the Demon Shadow's face horrified. Before he could resist, he was already knocked out of the prototype under the sledgehammer.

A drop of blood!

A drop of black blood!

It was the blood of Shebi corpse, a drop of blood that Shebi corpse broke through the universe map and tried to release it.

At this moment, the drop of blood was continuously distorted, and his body shape changed for a while, before he turned into a thumb-sized villain, his eyes were full of anger: "There is such a powerful person as you!

Before this drop of blood swept the Quartet, and the powerhouses from all walks of life were defeated, but Li Yuanba and Zhang Bairen were not found.

Zhang Bairen's sky full of petals distorted the space, and it is normal for the demon **** not to see it.

"Wusheng!" The drop of blood turned his eyes, and after seeing Zhang Bairen, there was a **** expression in his eyes: "Why are you alive again! Damn it!"

The words fell, and before everyone could react, the drop of blood had penetrated the void and disappeared.

Just ran away, spinelessly.

The longer one lives, the more afraid of death, this sentence is really correct.

At this time, Li Yuanba stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "It was you who got the Universe Picture of Empress Nuwa, hand over the Universe Picture to spare your life."

"You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense." Zhang Bairen looked at his palm, and something strange happened, and the lines on his palm gradually disappeared.

With the improvement of cultivation level, the palm lines are constantly changing and blurring.

Yang Shen has already understood and touched a part of the nature of heaven and earth, and has begun to take part in the avenue of vicissitudes of heaven and earth, which contains infinite power.

"Li Yuanba, you are so powerful and brave, you dare to take a bet with me?" Zhang Bairen took his gaze back from his left hand and looked at Li Yuanba below.

"The son is not allowed!" Chungui Jun walked out of the crowd and took Li Yuanba's arm: "Don't forget how the second son told me when he came."

Li Yuanba gave Zhang Bairen a cold look, then dragged his double hammers to Chungui Jundao: "Let's go."

Spring Guijun and Li Yuanba are gone, and all the heroes in the field look at Zhang Bairen.

"You don't want to look at me, the old fox of the Return of Spring, if the universe map is in your hands, how can you easily give up?" Zhang Bairen turned around and walked outside the cave with his hands on his back: "An old guy secretly shot before and took away the universe map. The governor of the capital did not have time to intercept, and the universe map was taken by one of your ancestors. The emperor of this thing predetermined it. You should go back and persuade the ancestor to hand over the treasure, otherwise the catastrophe is at hand."

As the words went away, Zhang Bairen returned to the top, looked at the unfathomable underground abyss, and sighed slightly.

"How is it?" Yujuluo leaned forward.

"A drop of blood from the emperor Shebi of the Yin Si escaped, and Middle Earth is not at peace. This drop of blood will inevitably stir up blood and blood" Zhang Bairen sighed helplessly.

Guan Zizai's complexion changed, who would have thought that even though everyone had been prepared for a long time, something like this still happened.

"I don't know whose hand the drawing fell into" Yu Juluo looked at Zhang Bairen.

"Go ask them." Zhang Bairen pointed to the powerful men flying out of the ground.

The mortals of the sun gods turned around and the birds were scattered, and they disappeared completely and disappeared. How to ask? .

Yuwen Chengdu walked out with a gray head and face. Behind him, the most powerful men have noses and faces that are not faces. They did not say hello, and turned and left.

"What happened?" Yu Juluo looked at Yuwen Chengdu.

Yuwen's face twitched, showing a wry smile. Can he say he was defeated by a drop of blood? It's almost incredible.

"I will return to your majesty." At this time, Yuwen Chengdu's eyes returned to clarity, and he accused Yu Juluo of a crime and headed towards the emperor's camp.

"What's the matter?" Yu Juluo looked at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly and shook his head, telling the story of the underground, only to hide the matter of the universe map.

"You mean, the picture of Empress Nuwa is very likely to have fallen into the hands of the family?" Yu Juluo's expression changed.

"It's not very likely, but it must have fallen into the hands of a family of powerful families!" Zhang Bairen said firmly, with a pair of eyes looking into the distance: "The chaos is coming! First, Li Yuanba turned out to be invincible for generations, and then there was a treasure of heaven and earth. , What is good? What can be done?"

Suddenly Zhang Bairen's complexion changed, his eyes showed a look of astonishment, and then his complexion was ecstatic, and his uncontrollable ecstasy rolled up from his heart.

"What happened?" Guan Zizai was stunned. He had never seen Zhang Bairen so happy.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Skynet is so sparse and not leaking, it is really karma! It really is karma!" Zhang Bairen laughed up to the sky, watching the fish and the view of freedom inexplicably.

Without saying more to the two, Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back and walked towards Daying with a small tune.

The great families and Taoist people came here with hope, but they were disappointed and returned. The Universe Map is not something that everyone can touch.


A drop of black blood continued to flow in the air, turning into a vague little figure, and his eyes were full of light: "Back then, Nuwa suppressed me, but I didn't know that my ancestors were in charge of death. The Three Corpses Dafa practiced to the extreme, and the soul was wrapped in a drop of natal life. After thousands of years of hard work, I finally broke the seal of the Universe Map and escaped. Staying in the Universe Map, my ancestors will only end up in smoke. Although I abandoned the Xeon Divine Body, with my soul and spirit The power of the unparalleled in the blood is not comparable to these guys. It sweeps the Yang world to collect the essence and blood, and the peak period of recovery is just around the corner. It is incredible that such a powerful person should appear in the world! Wusheng this guy is actually resurrected, what is going on? ?"

As he spoke, the black blood looked in all directions, then a pair of eyes looked in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and the pupils shrank: "What is that? Why does the slightest contact with the eyes make the next moment a feeling of fascination?"

"This world is not easy! Really it is not easy!" The essence of blood hovered in the void, sensing the continuous murderous intent in the void in all directions, and was shocked.

At this time, Zhuxian Four Swords seemed to perceive the soul, essence and blood, and the smell of great nourishment, and they secretly tried to ingest and swallow the extravagant blood and soul.

The Four Swords of Zhuxian are truly killing swords, the supreme magic sword, and the power to reach the sky completely, it is simply not something that the extravagant corpse can resist.

There was no time to wander in secret, collect essence and blood to reshape the real body, following the traction of cause and effect in the dark, and descending in front of the two fainting corpses.

"It was he who summoned me out by casting a spell. In this case, the old man swallows your soul and takes your body, it is karma!" Shebi corpse directly sank into the great wizard's eyebrow ancestral orifice, looking at the sleeping three souls and seven souls and that Dao Dao Zhen Qi, without a word, turned into a devil, opened his mouth and started to swallow.

"Who are you!" At this time, the great elder suddenly woke up, looking at the demon **** who was standing on top of the universe, the blood basin swallowed the universe in the ancestor orifice of his eyebrows, and suddenly revealed a frightening color.

"Who am I? You let the ancestor me out, don’t you know who the ancestor I am?" Shebi smirked, and the world in the ancestral aperture under her feet instantly turned into a sea of ​​black blood, swallowed by the boundless wave of blood .

Wu Qi's soul is constantly struggling and resisting, but it is a pity that a drop of blood from the corpse sweeps the existence of the powerful, how can a mere Wu Qi be able to contend?

"The adult is forgiving, the villain is willing to surrender! The villain is willing to return to the adult, find a supreme body for the adult, and become the adult's house!" Wu Qi's resistance was invalid, and he knelt down and began to surrender.

"No, your physical body is enough for the old ancestor. What kind of physical blood is basically an illusory thing to the old man." Shebi corpse smiled coldly, and the monstrous waves dragged his soul in in an instant.

The blood sea rolled, invading Wu Qi's meridians, swallowing Wu Qi's true energy, and interpreting Wu Qi's memory.

As Wu Qi's soul was absorbed and merged into one, a strange memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

I saw a figure pointing at Wu Qi's eyebrows, as if something had merged into Wu Qi's three souls and seven souls, and then Wu Qi lost his memory.

Seeing this Shebi Zhe suddenly felt a sudden sudden change in her heart, and a bad premonition surged into her mind.

"What's that?" The'Great Wizard' suddenly sat up, and swept across the former Nanjiang leader with a gloomy expression. He was about to kill him, but saw the twelve gu worms slowly crawling out of his body, staring at him eagerly. .

"His bloodline!" Looking at the twelve gu worms, the murderous intent of the great wizard gradually dissipated, and slowly stood up and paced back and forth: "What the **** is that tapped into the Soul of Wu Qi!"

Wu Qi found something wrong. There was a weird and inexplicable aura in his blood and soul, which merged with his three souls and seven souls. This aura was invisible and invisible. Can't detect it.

The Demon Seed is too mysterious, especially when Zhang Bairen has realized the truth that a vacuum is not empty, and that nothingness is also empty, the Demon Seed has truly become great and invisible.

This extravagant corpse died on its own, and actively integrated the magic seed, who could be blamed?

"Ulchi Wende! First go to Ulchi Wende and ask clearly!" Sabiji stood up with a gloomy face and walked away.

"Wu Qi, you bastard, where are you going!" At this moment, the Nanjiang leader woke up, suddenly opened his eyes, and stared at Wu Qi angrily.

Without answering Wu Bufan's words, Shebi's corpse-shaped world dissipated in the air, and was never seen again.

"Hiss!" Wu Bufan took a breath: "Gathering and dispersing are invisible, when did Wu Qi this servant have such a profound way and become a Yang God? I am afraid that the Yang God is not so casual!"

"Damn it, this **** hides so deeply, do you want to try to usurp the position of the master of the deity?" Wu Bufan suddenly thought about it.

ps: Recommend a book "Shen Gong Leopard Inheritance" to everyone is really good-looking, the author personally tried it is Xiancao.

I recommend another copy of "The Goddess Is Poisonous", written by my apprentice. If you have female votes, you can vote...

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