First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1036: Awaken Ulji Bundoku!

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Wu Qi transformed into a real Yang God, the deity must be trained as a twelve zodiac **** as soon as possible, before he can restrain him!" Wu Bufan looked Looking at Wu Qi's away back, bursts of murderous intent were revealed.

"There is a great **** behind this kid, I can't help to erase his memory." Wu Qi walked on the road, his eyes looked at the murderous intent that towered in all directions, and his pupils shrank sharply: "The commonplace is not easy! Everyone looked down on the commonplace. world."

"Black-and-white impermanence, see the emperor!" Not long away, I saw the two people standing respectfully at the intersection and saluting.

"Get up, haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, you two have also become ecstasy messengers of the underworld." Looking at the two ghosts, the eyes of Shebi's corpse showed the smell of the vicissitudes of life.

The two messengers smiled bitterly, but did not dare to say more.

"You two traveled around the world for me to check the four murderous intents!" Shebi said.

The two messengers were taken aback: "The four murderous intents?"

She Bishi rolled her eyebrows: "Can't you see? Those four murderous intents are magnificent and majestic, just like nine days, can't you see?"

Black and white impermanence shook their heads together.

After hearing this, Shebi was silent, and after a while, he said: "You two will return to the underworld to pass on the news! Yang Shi is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Tell the other emperors that if you are not sure, don't attack. Yang Shi, it’s not too late for me to explore the details of Yang Shi."

Thinking of the brave and unparalleled Li Yuanba, that shocking and irresistible hammer, the two messengers smiled bitterly, and bowed to the corpse before turning to leave.

"You said let's go back like this?" Hei Wuchang looked at Bai Wuchang.

"Wusheng is very likely to be resurrected. I haven't found out the matter. Who dare to go back casually? There is also the whereabouts of the world map, and I don't know that it was taken away by that old monster! Yangshi is really not easy!" Bai Wuchang sighed slightly.

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She went straight to Ulchi Wende.

"Master, please sit down" Ulji Bunde respectfully invited the Great Wizard to sit down: "Why did you miss the news of the Great Wizard before?"

"Going underground to capture the world map, unfortunately, I missed it!" Sabi sighed slightly, and looked at Ulchi Wende with a pair of eyes. He saw that Ulchi Wende was a little horrified, and said with a little uneasiness: "Why does the mage look like this? I?"

"Is there anything I'm sorry for the old man?" She asked Ulji Wende in a tone of disguise.

"We are close friends, how can I not help you!" Ulji Bund was stunned.

Seeing that Ulji Wende's expression didn't seem to be fake, Shebi said: "Then I ask you, why did you harm me?"

"How did it hurt you?" Ulji Bunde was taken aback.

She was pondering for a while before he said: "You used to infuse a qi in my body, but don't you remember?"

"When?" Ulji Wende was taken aback.

She recalled a little, and told the time.

Ulchi Wende frowned and thought hard, and after a while, he looked painful and said, "I can't remember! I can't remember them all! I have forgotten them all!"

The face of Shebi Zhe changed, and the expression of Ulchi Wende also changed wildly: "This is impossible. I have lit the star of life and shone through the fog. How can I lose my memory?"

"I'll help you!"

Sabi Shiyi pointed at the eyebrows of Ulchi Wende, and the two of them went upstream in an instant, following the memory of Ulchi Wende, and walked towards the point in time.

The past is vivid, and suddenly there is a mist in front of me, blocking all the past.

"It's here!" Shebi's face was gloomy.

"Brother Dao please help me to break through the fog and find out the truth!" Ulchi Wende's face was gloomy, and his own memory was actually manipulated. It was incredible, and it was horrified.

She pointed out, the mist was blown away by a gust of wind, and the next moment endless fragments of memory poured into Ulchi Wende's mind.

Indeed, he pointed at Wu Qi's forehead, what was the mass of innocence at his fingertips?

"Have you remembered?" Wu Qi looked at Ulchi Wende.

Ulchi Bunde's face was gloomy: "I don't even remember such a big thing. I don't even have any impression of what that mass of innocence is."

"Continue to upstream, you can always find the lost memory!" Shebi said.

Ulchi Wende looked gloomy, hesitated a little, then nodded without hesitation, and the two continued to swim upstream.

When the time in the memory turned around, the mist overwhelmed the entire memory.

Looking at the endless mist, Ulji Wend's face suddenly became gloomy.

My own memory is actually being manipulated in this way. It is really deceiving too much. If the other party wants his own life, wouldn't it be easy?


Zhang Bairen just walked into the big tent and was about to take a sip of tea. He suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of Goryeo: "Fun! Interesting!"

"I'm here to break the barrier!" Shebi Zhe suddenly shot.


The mist slowly blown away, and a peach blossom forest in the distant mist has a beautiful scenery, and two figures sit under the peach trees.

A game of chess is placed in front of the two ~ One of them is the memory of Ulji Wende, the other is hazy, like a person in a cloud, not real.

"The two are here!" The figure playing chess suddenly said.

"Who are you?" Looking at the misty figure, Ulji Bunde looked furious and suddenly questioned.

"You shouldn't come! There will be no result!" Zhang Bairen's slender fingers twisted a chess piece and landed on the chessboard.

One drop, the peach blossoms are colorful.

"With the power of both of us, I wonder if you can break through your blockade!" Ulji Wende said angrily.

"This one next to you?" Zhang Bairen turned around and looked at it for a while, then shook his head: "Uninvited accidental chess piece, it is already a mud bodhisattva who cannot protect itself from crossing the river. Do you still want to rely on him?"

Looking at his memory of playing chess, Ulchi Bund, although it was only a short distance away, was like a corner of the world.

"Subishi, you take the initiative to enter the game, how do you ask this seat to say hello! I have seen a stupid, I have never seen such a stupid!" Zhang Bairen dropped a chess piece: "Go back! When will you surpass me? It’s not too late to look at breaking the barrier!"


In reality, Sabi Shi blasted Ulchi Wende with a punch, causing the illusion to be shattered and the memory lost.

"Wow!" Suddenly the memory in front of them was shattered, and the two were about to fall out of the broken memory. Suddenly the memory of having been playing chess suddenly shot, a peach blossom flew out slowly and headed towards Ulchi Wende.

"So courageous!" Zhang Bairen yelled, and Jianguang shot and cut off the peach blossom, but still one petal fell in the hands of Ulchi Wende.

"Magic!" Subconsciously glanced at half of the font in his hand, Ulji Wende was startled, and the memory of time was shattered, clouds and mist covered the sky, and the two were driven out.

ps: The lord, let's stop first, my fingers hurt...oooooo.

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