First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1475: Human murder

"It's done!"

After sacrificing the bowl for half a day, Zhang Bairen suddenly opened his eyes. Under the power of the law of creation, the leech had already undergone transformation.

The red leeches are swimming in the bowl. At this time, the leeches are rooted in the whale, and then countless leeches are growing wildly.

"Captain, the Turks have retired!" At this moment, a rush of footsteps came.


The unforgettable shame constantly echoed in Li Shimin's heart.

Li Shimin clenched his fists as he watched the far-away Turkic army, bloodshot spreading in his eyes.

For a country, being beaten into the abdomen, looting countless women, food, gold and silver, and then retreating, this is a great shame for all Han elders.

As the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, where does Li Shimin face? With his back to the officials and the countless people, Li Shimin only felt that his gaze was like a knife, piercing himself full of holes.

Seeing Li Shimin’s embarrassment, Xiao Yu stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, before the Turks have asked for peace, the soldiers wanted to fight against them, but your Majesty refused. The ministers were puzzled. The captive actually retreated on his own. I wonder if your Majesty's policy is there?"

Li Shimin looked a little better when he heard the words, and forcibly raised his spirits: "Although there are many people in the Turkic community, they are not organized. Obviously, they are the mobs temporarily assembled by the major tribes. The ambition of the monarchs and ministers is to ask for bribes. At that time, the Khan was alone in the west of the water, and all the officials came to persuade me that if I did not go, I am afraid that Chang'an City would inevitably suffer from the war! I went to see Shibi Khan, if he agreed to me, he would retreat. That's it. If he refuses to retreat, I will take him prisoner, and then take the opportunity to attack the Turkic tribe. The Turks are a mob, and if I make a move, I will be like a broken bamboo. I also ordered the grandson Wuji and Li Jing to ambush in Youzhou to wait. Therefore, if Hu Liao rushed back, the soldiers invited them before, and the army stalked them, covering them like a palm. The reason why I did not fight is because the throne is weak, the country is not stable, and the people are not rich. If you go to war with Hulu, you will lose a lot, and the gain will not be worth the loss. Instead, the grievance will get deeper and deeper. On the contrary, it is better to pretend to be afraid and accumulate strength secretly. There will be revenge in the future! Jinbo, the Turks get what they want, and of course they will withdraw their troops. The Turks will inevitably be arrogant in the future, and will not be guarded against me. In the future, when I solve the internal disasters in China, I can get what he wants. , You should retreat yourself, raise your might and provoke you, and you can destroy it in one fell swoop."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin said meaningfully: "If you want to take it, you must first give it!"

In fact, Li Shimin wanted to say ‘the baby’s heart is bitter, but the baby doesn’t say it’; this is a must. If such a humiliating thing can be solved with real swords and guns, who would be willing to make compromises like this?

Say one thousand, and ten thousand, isn't it because Datang has just established the country now, everything is unstable, and the internal problems have not been resolved, so that he has to endure this bad breath?

Have to endure, can't bear it!

Shibi Khan led the army and went away violently, slaughtering the city and looting wherever he went, the entire Tang Dynasty was completely unguarded by the Turkic army.

The court is weak, the people can be bullied!


A man in a purple shirt silently carried his hands and slowly came towards the Central Plains.

One person moves, the world moves.

The stars were induced by it, and in an instant, they killed the secret and clothed the infinite starry sky, and the entire starry sky was filled with a **** red that palpitated.

The sky is murderous, the stars shift. The ground is killing intent, and the dragon and snake rise on the ground. Human murder, the world turned upside down.

Wearing a purple robe, Zhang Bairen didn't rush, taking a step that was already dozens of miles away, and headed away.

No one knows where Zhang Bairen is going, but everyone suddenly raised their heads and looked at the starry sky that is radiant and murderous in the sky.

The sky has changed!

This is the voice of all powerful people at this time!









The land of the Central Plains has become a **** on earth. Zhang Bairen has never seen Wu Ranhua before, but looking at the mud wet with blood under his feet, there is a solemn color in his eyes.

"I heard crying, pleading, and despair in the sound of the wind!" Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes, and the hair at the temples on both sides became white again in an instant.

If the sky is sentimental and the sky is also old, I will not be able to pass the hurdle in my heart after all.

The Tao that I have cultivated does not match my own character!

"Where is the way forward?" Zhang Bairen looked at the bowl in his hand and swept across the valley under his feet, with a touch of contemplation in his eyes.

Where is the way forward?

Zhang Bairen's cultivation became deeper and deeper, and even at this time he saw scenes that many people couldn't see, and saw the true face of the world, but what?

No one knows how to become a fairy!

After all, the inheritance of Guangchengzi is Guangchengzi. Guangchengzi has already walked this road. Even Laozi, who is known as the ancestor of Taoism, has not left any books on how to become immortals.

Both of Lao Tzu's disciples, Yin Xi and Shizun, did not become immortals!

Becoming a fairy is difficult, not ordinary.

Everyone doesn't know the way to become a fairy, the only thing they know is to wait! When the shocking day comes, try to cultivate one's own cultivation to the extreme, waiting for the opportunity to become immortal.

As for the chance of becoming immortal... the predecessors never left any classics.

If the sky is love, the sky is also old!

Zhang Bairen's temples have begun to pale, and the road to heaven is not so easy to walk.

Zhang Bairen didn't want to go to the heavens, but when he practiced the incarnation of the four innate gods, the power of the incarnation of the four innate gods was too powerful, unconsciously assimilating Zhang Bairen's character.

The road is crooked! Go crooked silently!

A pot of grown-up wine and a handful of refined steel!

Zhang Bairen stood silently on the top of the mountain and drank his drink, his eyes looked far away, with a touch of contemplation in his eyes.

Everything in the world is in my heart.

"Why is the governor here!" The blood demon did not know when he came to Zhang Bairen.

"Waiting to kill!" Zhang Bairen did not turn around.

"When to kill?" The blood demon's body energy began to converge.

"When the wine is at its strongest, it starts to kill!" Zhang Bairen stood there, looking into the distance with his eyes, sipping his drink one after another, the people he was waiting for had not yet come.

In other words, the person he wants to kill has not yet come.

The change of heaven was not only noticed by the great powers of all walks of life, but also by the Turkic masters. Sibi Khan was sitting on the horse at this time, and there was a panic in his eyes. For some reason, there was always a sense of anxiety in his heart.

"Where is the high priest?" Habitat Khan turned around.

Wearing a black robe, the old man who was all covered in the black robe slowly walked out, looked into the distance, and said after a while: "The king is afraid that it will be difficult. This murderous intent came from Zhuo County. The king is here!"

"Zhuojun?" Shibi Khan's complexion condensed, and a heavy touch appeared in his eyes. He turned to the Gorefiend and said: "You go to find the way! Ask what the general governor wants to do!"

The Gorefiend turned and left, Shibi Khan looked at the army that was still plundering, and said loudly: "Immediately retreat and return to Saibei."

When Zhang Bairen shot, Shibi Khan never dared to take it lightly.

"World Lord, how sure do you say Zhang Bairen is?" Bodhidharma looked at the Lord, and the celestial changes could not be hidden from them.

"It's not a certainty, but whether the general governor wants to kill someone!" The World Venerable sighed, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "After thousands of years of life, there are only two people who can't see through as a teacher. One of them is a teacher. Teacher Lao Tan, the second one is this Bairen!"

Bodhidharma was stunned secretly, and never thought that his master's assessment of Zhang Bairen was so high, which was simply unexpected.

Seeing Bodhidharma's reaction, the world-honored shook his head unhurriedly: "Look at it, a shocking war is about to break out!"

A shocking battle is indeed about to break out!

Nantian Shidao

Lu Jingxiu was smelting the pill and looked towards Mobei with his eyes: "Xiaoxiao Falling Leaf Moon Invisible Sword, it depends on whether you really have that ability."

Xiaoxiao Falling Yeyue Invisible Sword, persuade Jun Nihai and look back!

Zhang Bairen is the real No. 1 sword in the world.

Prince House

Pei Yu looked at Li Chengqian who was panting, lifted the wooden sword in his hand and tried to pull it out, but the next moment he saw his face changed, as if he had discovered something terrifying, and he broke through the sonic boom without saying a word~www.wuxiaspot. com~Go to Mobei.

"What are you going crazy!" Li Chengqian wiped the sweat on his forehead and fell to the ground with a ‘poof’.

Weishui temporary bridge river bank

Li Shimin led the officials to return to Chang'an City, but suddenly stopped. The officials looked towards Mobei together.

Murderous intentions rushed into the night, even a monk who had just begun to practice Qi, could still perceive the murderous intentions between heaven and earth at this time.

The murderous intent is so strong that it casts a shadow on people's hearts. Dao Xin is constantly shaking and swaying at this time.



The eyes of all parts of the world looked towards Saibei.

At the same time, all the great powers of southern Xinjiang and other roads also looked towards the northern Xinjiang together.

"I'm about to take the opportunity to weigh up this kid's abilities." There was a dignified look in Shebi's corpse's eyes: "The deeper this kid is unfathomable, you may be able to see the details at this time."

"You have to stop me!" Zhang Bairen held the jade gourd with a cloud of mist in his eyes, the water flowing in his eyes, drunk at the flowers.

"Don't dare!" The blood demon exploded when he heard the words: "Anyway, I am now a monster that is neither human nor ghost, but my roots are still in the human race, still in the Han family!"

"Forgive you for not dare!" Zhang Bairen sighed: "Sibi Khan is about to die, he deserves to be buried here, do you think I need to kill him?"

"Here, hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops are gathered here, and the governor wants to kill him, for fear that it is unrealistic!" the blood demon said cautiously.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen sneered, just look at it.

Hearing the words, the Gorefiend didn't dare to say anything, and pressed his lips tightly, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

He was looking forward to Zhang Bairen's shot, to see how strong Zhang Bairen was now. Today's Zhang Bairen makes many people unable to guess! Upset!


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