First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1476: Leech plague

The blood demon stood respectfully behind Zhang Bairen, a murderous intent enveloped his heart, and at this time the blood demon did not dare to move.

The higher the cultivation level, the more taboo Zhang Bairen is at this time. Although the opponent is just standing there easily, the Gorefiend feels that all of his body is covered by the opponent's murderous intent. As long as he dares to act a little, he will welcome himself. It must be a thunder blow.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at the blood demon with a smile but a smile: "Do you think I am not Sibi Khan's opponent?"

"How can Shibi Khan, an ant-like character, dare to be compared with his husband? However, the other party has hundreds of thousands of troops, and the murderous intent of these hundreds of thousands of people gathered in one place, and coupled with the emperor's dragon energy, I am afraid that the husband will be more powerful. Facing the hundreds of thousands of troops, all the skills will be suppressed!" The Blood God said cautiously.

Zhang Bairen sneered when he heard the words, and played with the jade gourd with his fingers: "Back then, the Khan of Qimin was also the first rank among the army of Yanmen Pass!"

After speaking, Zhang Bairen took a sip of wine: "It's just a bunch of Turkic barbarians, so what a truth!"

As he spoke, the dust in the distance was rolled up, and the clouds in the void shattered in an instant.

The earth trembled, and the mountains and birds flew.

Before the person arrived, the woman's crying and struggling had been heard from afar.

Looking at the overwhelming invisible team, Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed coldly: "Damn it!"

Damn it!

The Turkic team was scattered, and the carriage was filled with countless brocades, gold and silver treasures, and countless Han women, like two-legged sheep, were driven by the Turkic team and headed towards Mobei.

Hundreds of thousands of Han women could not have so many carriages and horses. I saw that the Turkic barbarians were slightly uncomfortable, and they would beat, scold, and punish at every turn.

Looking at the energetic Turkic army, Zhang Bairen's face gradually became gloomy.

In the wind, the blood floated for thirty miles!

Looking at Zhang Bairen with a gloomy expression, the blood demon suddenly felt a sudden change in his heart, and felt that at that moment, the sky was about to collapse.

"Don't you want to know how I deal with the Turkic army?" Zhang Bairen slowly hung the jade gourd around his waist, and when he flipped his palm, he saw a bowl in Zhang Bairen's hand.

"Mr. You still need to think twice. This move hurts heaven and peace!" Yuan Tiangang got out of nowhere, looking pale and looking at the bowl in Zhang Bairen's hand. He finally knew what Zhang Bairen was going to do to go to the sea to fill the sea.

Zhang Bairen ignored it, and watched the Turkic troops quietly with a pair of eyes. At this time, countless Turkic troops swept across the sky. When they were three miles away from the canyon, the bowl in Zhang Bairen's hand suddenly overturned, and the flood was like a nine-day waterfall. Pouring down.

Tianhe upside down!

At what moment did Yuan Tiangang seem to see Tianhe hanging upside down!

"Captain, there are still my Han women in the crowd!" Yuan Tiangang pleaded helplessly.

Zhang Bairen remained silent, and said coldly after a while: "Hehe, these hundreds of thousands of women can have hundreds of thousands of Turkic vitality as funerals, and they can be considered dead! They have made a great contribution to my Han family."


Zhang Bairen was so cold and terrifying at this time!

This time the Turkic descended south, all the Turkic tribe's youthful and vigorous forces came. If all these vigorous forces can be wiped out, at least the Han family can get the chance to destroy the Turkic king's account.


Zhang Bairen is sure to let these Han women survive!

These Han women are all from the south of the Yangtze River. They were born in the land of fish and rice. They are not very good at water quality, but at least they are much better than Turkic ducks.

The waterfall is surging, sweeping along the gorge towards the Turkic army.

"Enemy attack!" Pugu Huaien let out a heartbreaking roar, and the three armies shook in a short time, and it was not waiting for Shibi Khan to react. In the face of this kind of natural disaster, hundreds of thousands of Turkic cavalry collapsed in a short time and went crazy in all directions. Fled away.

In the face of the crisis of death, all the royal power and the rich and powerful, and the powerful commands, are all shit.

"Bold, who would dare to count me Turk!" Shibi Khan screamed savagely, slamming a palm against a rock, trying to smash the mountain to cut off the flood.

"Damn! Don't panic the king, let's see what I do!" The King of Stone Man made a move, and the world shook in an instant, and the sky was like the earth. A giant turned a hundred meters high, lifted a hill, and threw it towards the canyon.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" A burst of laughter came from Zhang Bairen's mouth, and the sound was more than a dozen li in radius. The big mountain shot by the King of Stoneman with a wave of his big sleeve has been included in the universe.

"Zhang Bairen, don't you want to fight my Turkic war!" Seeing Zhang Bairen in erratic clothes, the stone man king stepped on the water, his eyes full of solemnity.

Zhang Bairen didn't say much, but took out a jade flute in his hand, slowly placed it beside his mouth, and played gently.

The flood was terrible, but what was even more terrifying was the leech that constantly swallowed people’s spirits in the flood. The overwhelming leech swam in the flood and silently stuck to the Turkic warrior. I saw the leech sucking blood, unexpectedly. It began to multiply and derive rapidly, but in the blink of an eye, a leech turned into a large piece. The Turkic warrior had turned into a human skin, and countless leeds got out of his body and swept towards the Turkic strong with the help of waves.

It is strange to say that these leeches are only staring at men, but they don't even look at the Han women who fall into the water.

"Ah~~~ Save me! Save me! Save me!" Countless Turkic warriors screamed at this time.

"Brother Wang, why did your head grow a black granulation?" A Turkic warrior kept floating in the water holding a carriage, and looked at the Turkic warrior who was in trouble with him.

"Huh?" When the Turkic warrior heard the words, he moved his heart, waved his hand and touched his face. He felt a slight pain, and saw a granulation falling on the carriage.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the granulation, and before he looked at it carefully, he felt itchy all over.

He stretched out his palm and scratched it lightly, and then saw countless granulation shoots falling off his face, and at this moment, the skin on his arm was also squirming, and countless leech granulation generally came out of the man's arm.


There was a scream, and then he lost his breath.

"Ah~~~" The Turkic warrior on the opposite side let out a panic roar, and before they resist, he has already followed that companion.

River flooding?

No, the sea of ​​insects is flooding.

The tumbling sea of ​​insects has replaced the monstrous waterfall, replaced the tumbling waves, and tumbling to chase the Turkic army.


Countless Han women looked at the dense insect plague, and suddenly panicked, and then fainted directly.

Lechs do not eat these Han women, but it does not mean that these Han women are not afraid.

The densely overwhelmed leeches, at a glance, the mountains, rivers, and trees are covered with layers of leeches, and countless leeches are squirming in the river.

Don't say it's a woman, even a normal man, falling into this overwhelming pile of leeches at this time, will be scared to death.

"Damn it!" Seeing the screams of his hundreds of thousands of iron knights crying and crying amidst the overwhelming leeches, Shibi Khan suddenly changed his expression: "Everyone, is there a way to overcome this disaster?"

"I'm coming!" The servant bone Huai'en shot, turned into a golden light, the whole body's sharp air revolved, and countless leeches died and turned into corpses.

"Too slow! Too slow!" Shibi Kehan ​​shook his head, and Stone Man King exclaimed: "Look, those dead leech actually came back to life."

It is indeed alive again! !

The leech that was beheaded by the servant bone Huaien was actually divided into two and turned into two brand new leech.

The water carried the blood of the Turkic warriors and became the nourishment for the leech.

"The governor, this... this is simply hurtful! I'm afraid that karma will strike in the future, and the governor will not end well!" Yuan Tiangang's eyes were full of shock.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen just responded indifferently, but did not continue to speak.

"Fire!" A Turkic monk summoned a great fire, desiring to refine the leech to death and turn it into ashes. It's a pity that the leech at this time is in the water and has been cleansed by the innate **** water. How can it put this trivial fire in your eyes?

When the flames passed, all the leeches were still alive, swimming in the water, chasing after the Turkic I was a good boy, isn't this cultivator of Dao Men and Dharma? How do you play with Gu worms, more powerful than my southern Xinjiang? This is a big deal! Absolutely generous! "Wu Bufan focused on the battlefield here with a pair of eyes, and saw the overwhelming leech, with a touch of wonder in his eyes.

"I can't ask Zhang Bairen to continue. The Turks are an important force in our counterattack against Middle-Earth. There must be no accident! If the Turkic 200,000 cavalry is buried here, I am afraid that my plans will be lost in the future!" In a certain space, There was a solemn look in Chi You's eyes.

"I'll go!" Xuan Ming stood up, and the cold air around her body turned: "This deity is precisely the nemesis of these insects!"

"My lord, I'm afraid it's over! I'm afraid it's over!" The high priest's body was trembling.

"Zhang Bairen! Everything is Zhang Bairen! I wait for one to kill Zhang Bairen, and everything will be saved! We may not have the chance to come back!" Shibi Khan looked at Zhang Bairen, who was in fluttering clothes, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Everyone will take action with me. Let's kill Zhang Bairen together. There may not be no chance to turn defeat into victory!"

After speaking, Bi Khan stepped on the waves, staring at Zhang Bairen with his eyes, and suddenly withdrew the scimitar from his waist: "Zhang Bairen, if you do such a conscientious karma, you will definitely not die in the future!"

"I'm not going to die?" Zhang Bairen stopped the recorder, with a sneer in his eyes: "I don't know if I will die, but I know that your breath is exhausted, so why not quickly kill himself in front of the capital governor? , And save the capital governor's hands and feet!"

"Dreams are simply idiotic dreams! Today I have to break your body into pieces!" Shibi Khan gritted his teeth.

While talking, he has already stepped forward.


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