First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1477: Behead Beheaded Khan

Shibi Khan stepped on the waves, wrapped in the black emperor Dragon Qi, cut off the torrential flood with a single knife, and smashed Zhang Bairen.

Law of Destiny!

The law of cause and effect!

Before the dragon's energy descended, Zhang Bairen already felt the suppression of the power of law, and wanted to knock himself down from the clouds and transform himself into an ordinary mortal again.

"It's kind of interesting, is this your confidence to trample on my Central Plains for it?" A petal in Zhang Bairen's hand was flowing, and the next moment it dissipated infinitely, and the overwhelming petals were flying around him.

A finger popped out, and the distance between the world and the earth was lengthening infinitely, and then Shibi Khan seemed to be slicing in the empty space. It was clear that Zhang Bairen was close at hand, but it seemed to be thousands of miles away.

"Sand between your fingers!"

A finger popped out, without the slightest fireworks, the understatement seemed to be splashing ink, and he lightly pointed towards the center of Shibi Khan's brow.

Time seemed to stop flowing, and that finger turned into eternity.


The emperor Dragon Qi around Shibi Khan was unwilling to wait for death like this. At this moment, he suddenly roared, breaking the restriction of time and space, and shattering the stagnant time and space with a roar.

"Bang!" Zhang Bairen took a step back, blood stains slowly flowing down the corners of his mouth, his eyes full of solemnity.

"Sure enough, before becoming an immortal, how do people fight against the laws of heaven and earth! How to fight against the fate of heaven and earth! It's a pity that I am not a human!" Zhang Bairen wiped the blood stains at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his palm, and slowly held a scroll of drawings in his hand.

Jiangshan Sheji map!

"If Qimin Khan had your ability back then, he would not be killed by me!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion.

"Asshole, you **** it!" Shibi Kehan ​​was immediately furious when he heard the words, and a raging flame appeared in his eyes.

The picture of Jiangshan Sheji was distorted and turned into a spear under Zhang Bairen's urging.

After all, the emperor's dragon qi is nothing more than a law between heaven and earth. Zhang Bairen's great avenue flower is the sustenance of the law between heaven and earth, and the carrier that the law manifests, Zhang Bairen can naturally control the three thousand laws.

The red spear distorted the void at this time, shook it gently torn the air, leaving three blood-red plum blossoms, and pointed towards Shibi Khan's acupuncture points.


The space is under Zhang Bairen's grasp. At this time, Shibi Khan has fallen into the wind. If it were not for the Dragon Qi guardian of the emperor, he would have died.

The first shot, as if a cold poisonous snake burrowed out of the soil, instantly pierced the roaring Dragon Qi.

The second shot, the strange spear was inserted into Habitat's chest.

When Zhang Bairen was not restrained by the Dragon Qi of the emperor, the ordinary and the most powerful had no resistance at all in his hands.

Shibi Khan's martial arts cultivation level is not high, but it is not too low. He is stuck at the threshold of the Dao and cannot break through, and he cannot truly enter the realm of the Dao. It can be said that success is also dragon energy, and failure is also dragon energy. Dragon energy not only suppresses the world, but also suppresses the realm of one's own cultivation, and constantly wears away one's own cultivation.


Zhang Bairen shot Shibi Khan away with a shot, and a cold light appeared in his eyes: "Who can you blame for your own death?"

Sibi Khan is dead!

After being pierced through the heart by Zhang Bairen, he couldn't survive at all.

In fact, if Zhang Bairen wanted to punish Shibi Khan in Turkic territory, it would really be a dilemma. However, he prefers not to die, and Shibi Khan dares to set foot in the Central Plains. If Zhang Bairen can't seize this opportunity, he is not a world-renowned powerhouse.

As mentioned above, once the emperor leaves his own territory, the Dragon Qi of the emperor will be continuously weakened. The further away from his own territory, the stronger this weakening will be.

The most important thing is that at this time Li Tang also has the emperor Dragon Qi. Although Li Tang’s emperor Dragon Qi has not yet reached its peak state, it is a landlord and an earth-headed snake. The suppression and containment of Sibi Khan should not be underestimated and abolished Si. Most of the power of Bi Kehan's Dragon Qi.

Hundreds of thousands of troops from the Turks came violently. With the help of hundreds of thousands of troops, Shibi Khan could avoid the suppression of Tang Longqi. However, Zhang Bairen's approach caused hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops to collapse, and Shibi Khan's strength instantly weakened.

It can be said that the time, the right place, and the people are not in his hands. How can Shibi Khan be undefeated?


At this moment, the people below had just reacted. Who would have thought that Zhang Bairen would kill Shibi Khan in two encounters?

The sky is falling!

At the moment Shibi Khan died, the Turkic people below still looked shocked, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

The sky is falling!

The naivety has fallen!


The Turkic ground shook, the legal realm shook, and there was another Turkic strongman Bin Tian.

An emperor who had suppressed the grassland for decades was buried in the middle earth, buried in the green mountains and green waters.

The King of Stone Man suddenly smashed Zhang Bairen with a punch, trying to buy time for Shibi Khan. The strongest man was alive and stubborn. Although he was pierced through his heart, he might not have the possibility of coming back to life.


After receiving the pictures of Jiangshan Sheji, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of mockery: "The law of heaven and earth!"

The stone man king’s law, the heavens and the earth, were born with supernatural powers. I saw the stone man king’s palm pulled, and the ten-mile mountain was instantly uprooted by it, like a black cloud, wrapped in a fierce wind, and hit Zhang Bairen.

With a palm stretched out, the universe of heaven and earth is shrinking, Zhang Bairen is not to be outdone, and the power of the law in his hand flows and lifts towards the mountain.


The peaks turned into powder, the two fisted and turned into ruins.

The wind rolled and the earth shook.

This is simply a natural disaster when Mars hit the earth!

Except for the leech and the strong bones within a radius of ten miles, the rest are all turned into powder.

"Zhang Bairen is so fierce that he killed Shibi Khan!"

By the Weishui Bridge, Li Shimin's heart suddenly twitched, which is definitely not good news for him.

With such a strong person in his own territory, it is even more difficult for Li Tang to really control this infinite world.

"Trouble!" This is not just Li Shimin's thoughts. At this time, Li Tang's full-time civil and military personnel are all twitching at the corners of their mouths, and there is a panic in his eyes.

No one noticed on the other side, a touch of excitement leaked from the bottom of Changsun Wuji's eyes, a touch of excitement that was not easy to detect.

The stronger Zhang Bairen is, the stronger the patron of the grandson family will be in the future!

Nantian Shidao

Lu Jingxiu's palm shuddered, only to hear a loud thunderbolt, and the pill furnace exploded in a moment, and Lu Jingxiu's whole body was turned into a disheveled face.

But at this time, Lu Jingxiu had no intention of paying attention to the pill furnace. Instead, all his mind was placed on the battlefield not far away. Watching Zhang Bairen fight with Sibi Khan, Sibi Khan who fell from the sky suddenly fell into Silence.

"Two shots!"

Lu Jingxiu swallowed, only to feel that his throat was dry, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

With such a powerful master, the Cao family asked himself to fight with him. Is this simply killing him?

"Too fierce!" Chi You suddenly stood up from the cave sky: "Never ask Zhang Bairen to really kill hundreds of thousands of Turks. Let's help the Turks escape quickly."

The enemy of the enemy is a friend!

Snow drifted up in the sky at some point, a figure in a black robe stepped on the void, stepping from a distance, and everything under the sky was instantly frozen by ice.

The monstrous flood instantly turned into lifelike ice, stagnating in mid-air, ready to go, countless leeches lost their vitality in the ice. Either sleep, or die.

Cold is the natural enemy and nemesis of all things.

"Who are you!" Zhang Bairen took the law of heaven and earth, avoided the punch of the stone man king, and looked at the incoming person vigilantly.

This person was all covered by the black robe, and everything in the world turned into dead silence under his feet.

Where it stands is the kingdom of ice and snow.

"Who am I?" The black-robed figure asked himself, and then said silently for a while: "Many people call me Xuan Ming!"


In a radius of thirty li, it turned into a kingdom of ice and snow in an instant. Except for the river, the grass and trees did not see the slightest influence. The Xuanming Dao skill had been dwindled, and the control had reached its peak.

"Oh? Xuan Ming? Or Li Jiancheng?" Zhang Bairen sneered, "You dare to worry about me?"

"You have to control, the deity is enshrined, but you can't sit and watch it die!" Xuan Ming's eyes were like crystals, illuminating the darkness under the hood: "The stop!"

"Stop? The Turks slaughtered the people of my Han family and robbed countless children of my Han family. How do you tell me to stop?" Zhang Bairen's vitality changed, and the purple robe was bulging, gradually turning into a white color.

"Your cultivation base has reached the top, invincible in the world, you can ascend to the immortal only when Jingrui arrives, not to mention that you have now stepped into the heavenly way, to save these ants, violating your avenue, go on like this, I'm afraid that your Dao heart will collapse and sit down, so let's stop!" Xuan Ming's eyes fell on Zhang Bairen's gray hair on the temples, and there was a dignified look in his eyes: "Since you have stepped on the heaven, then we are not enemy!"

If you step on the path of heaven, you are enemies and not friends!

"You are a demon god, I am a human being, how are we not enemies?" Zhang Bairen's eyes moved.

"I'm high above, so I should rule these ants, but some guys always oppose me for these ants. You will be unfeeling in the future, and you will be the same as demon gods like me. You regard all beings as ants. How can we not be friends?" Ming smiled and said.

Finding that Zhang Bairen had stepped into the realm of heaven, Xuan Ming was in a good mood. If Zhang Bairen was really asked to step into the realm of heaven, he would have another master like this in his own camp.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen sneered. He actually rolled up the billowing enthusiasm, and slapped Xuan Ming with a palm: "I am different from you. I just took the wrong path. I will fix it!"

"Stepping into heaven is your destiny, no one can help you!" Xuan Ming's palm stretched out from his sleeve, crystal clear, as if it were a perfect crystal.


Water and fire collided, bursting into earth-shattering turbulence.

Zhang Bairen stayed there, but Xuan Ming had already regressed more than a dozen steps.


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