First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1478: Shattered Void

"Impossible! This is impossible!" Xuan Ming stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and his body trembled constantly: "This fellow has become a fairy! This fellow has become a fairy!"

After a word fell, the audience kept exclaiming.

Became a fairy?

Countless eyes gathered towards Zhang Bairen, all eyes followed Xuan Ming's voice and looked at Zhang Bairen.

"Become a fairy?" Zhang Bairen was surprised: "When did I become a fairy?"

This is not only the doubt of Zhang Bairen, but also the doubt of all the monks in the field.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. There was a touch of horror in their eyes, their eyes were uncertain, and they all looked at Zhang Bairen.

"You have become an immortal. If you don't believe me, stretch out your palm and show it to everyone!" Xuan Ming's face turned pale.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm in surprise, a touch of astonishment appeared in his eyes: "Nothing has changed?"

The palm is still the palm!




A mouthful of cold breath came, and everyone's eyes were full of horror, staring at Zhang Bairen's palm.

"How is this possible!" Lu Jingxiu hadn't awakened from the consternation yet. After seeing Zhang Bairen's palm, he took a breath of shock, his eyes filled with horror and disbelief.

"It's impossible!" Zhang Heng of Bei Tian Shi Dao stepped into the void and walked towards the field.

Not to mention Zhang Heng, even the World Zun, Bodhidharma and others couldn't sit still at this time, and they rushed to this place.

Looking at the streamers coming from the horizon, Zhang Bairen retracted his palm in surprise and placed it in front of his eyes.

The skin is delicate, like suet jade, revealing an immortal luster.

The knuckles are symmetrical and slender. The most important thing is that Zhang Bairen's palms are intact like a piece of jade, without any palm prints.

Yes, Zhang Bairen did not see any palm prints on his palm.

"Boy, show the palm of your hand to my ancestors..." Zhang Heng rushed in anxiously, his eyes full of anxiety.

Zhang Bairen shook his head, eyes full of weird colors, and slowly retracted his palm: "Nothing to look at!"

"You are going to be immortal! This is impossible! Jingrui hasn't arrived yet, why do you become immortal?" The World Venerable also walked over in disbelief.

"Become an immortal? Who said I'm going to be an immortal?" Zhang Bairen's expression was stunned, and he really didn't understand what these people meant.

"The palm prints in your hand represent the life of a person, and the palm prints in your hand have been eliminated. Doesn't it mean that your life has jumped out of the world? Jumping out of the world is a sign of all ancient and modern powers before they become immortals! Before he became an immortal, the palm prints in his hands were completely eliminated!" The world-honored pair of eyes looked at Zhang Bairen, and his eyes were full of complexity: "Do you really know what the palms of both hands represent?"

What does it represent?

The fate jumps out of the world, it represents becoming a fairy!

Only immortals are not bound by the law and can break out of the world and break their lives.

It can be said that Zhang Bairen is no longer under the control of heaven and earth, jumping out of heaven and earth, not far from becoming a god.





All kinds of eyes came to Zhang Bairen one after another, trying to swallow Zhang Bairen.

"How did you do it?" Zhang Heng's eyes were full of longing and expectation.

In response to everyone's gaze, Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back, with a calm expression: "Of course it's because I'm loved by the world, and my talent is destined to be destined for immortality!"

In a word, a mouthful of old blood came out of the cultivators in the audience.

Ignoring the gazes of the Taoists, Zhang Bairen's sun **** fire circulated in his palm, and he slapped Xuan Ming again: "My sun **** fire illuminates the world and mirrors everything in the world. How can you compete with me?"

An ordinary punch, only blessing the sun **** fire, surpassed all the magical powers in the world.

Xuan Ming's icy air could not get close to Zhang Bairen at all, and had been completely melted by the power of the sun **** fire.

Only I can beat you, but you can't beat me, this kind of suffocation can drive people crazy.

"Rampant! So daring!" Xuan Ming's eyes flowed with anger.


Void shook, and ice crystals spread out from Xuan Ming's body, icy towards Zhang Bairen.

The void in Zhang Bairen's dantian collapsed, and the overwhelming sun **** fire fell down, continuously pouring into his body.

With a punch, Xuan Ming was blown out again with the help of the surging power of the sun **** and fire.

Looking at Zhang Bairen in front of him, Xuan Ming's expression trembled for a while, as if he saw the supreme powerhouse standing in the sky and overwhelming countless gods.


It's so alike!

"That temperament is exactly the same" Xuan Ming's eyes began to be confused.


As the universe exploded, Chi You tore through the void with an axe, slashing towards Zhang Bairen like lightning.

"Your Taoism is so great that I don't believe that your physical body can break the void!" Chi You's eyes were full of madness.

Zhang Bairen is not dead, how can he seize the dragon energy between heaven and earth?

Only by capturing the dragon energy of Middle-earth can one return to the top again.

Shattered Void is the name of the highest realm by the ancients.

Strictly speaking, the Broken Void is divided into two heavens.

The first heaven is the broken void.

The second heaven is the void within the broken.

There is no need to say more about the Shattered Outer Void. It can break the air into a vacuum, and then break the vacuum layer by layer. It is the Shattered Outer Void. The combat power of this realm is almost incredible.

The second level is the shattered inner void. The human body is so fragile. Only when it is tempered to the extreme can it break the vacuum in the body without breaking the body.

Even fools know that bacteria cannot survive in a vacuum, let alone the void after a vacuum.

Once the inner void is successfully broken, the bacteria in the body will die out, as long as there is a far and constant energy supply, you can live forever and live forever!

So the Broken Void must be divided into many realms, and the outer void can be divided into a vacuum, the void in a vacuum.

The same is true for the inner void. The Shattered Void has four levels of realm. Once these four levels of realm are cultivated, the body will be immortal, immortal, and long-lived.

Then the void inside and outside are compatible, you can break the shackles of heaven and earth and climb onto the avenue of heaven and earth.

The inner void is too difficult, not ordinary!

The most powerful person wants to break the outer void, perhaps as long as he works hard, he can do it, and even the vacuum in the outer void can be crushed, but if he wants to break his own inner void, it is almost impossible to complete.

In order to break the inner void in the ancient times, Chi You also needed to help Queen Mother West, mix countless genius treasures with the eternal immortality medicine, and combined with the supreme magical powers to become an immortal body, only then can he achieve the broken inner void and make his body Turned into a vacuum, immortal and immortal in the world.

Even Xuanyuan Huangdi couldn't do this step, let alone countless descendants?

Chi You didn't believe that Zhang Bairen's Taoism was so high, but his physical body was also so incredible.

Zhang Bairen shook his head, Chi You's sharp blade, he didn't want to try.

A clatter of chains rang out all over his body, and only a ‘clang’ spark splashed all over him, and Zhang Bairen’s eyes showed a dignified look, and he was actually cut back by Chi You three steps.

There are four realms of Broken Void, one realm and one heaven, and each stage is different from the sky.

Xuanyuan Huangdi was repressed by Chi You's steadily retreating back then. If it hadn't been enshrined in the Supreme Secret Code of the Three Tombs, it would have been unpredictable for the outcome of the battle, and human history would be rewritten.

Gently tapping the case table with his fingers, Zhang Bairen looked at Chi You with a pair of eyes, frowning slightly, and then said after a while: "It's interesting, I'm about to learn your skills!"

"Come again!"

Zhang Bairen slapped a fist, the water vapor in the void evaporated in an instant, and the ice on the ground continued to melt.


There was a thunderous sound in the void.

Zhang Bairen looked solemnly at the ancestors who watched the battle around him: "You are all the people of my middle-earth, how can you let the demon gods wreak havoc here."

Everyone was silent when they heard the words. Before the day of shock is coming, everyone still needs to save their strength. If it is forced, who will make unwarranted expenditures?

Looking at the people, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a look of disappointment. Being immortal has become the obsession of everyone. How could he ruin his chances because of ordinary people?

"Don't panic the governor, I'll help you!" A magnificent sword light came from a distance across the void and cut straight towards Xuan Ming.

Yin Gui shot!

Yin Gui and Xuan Ming are now immortal, and the hatred between the two sides cannot be ended unless one of them falls.

This is indeed the case. Only one party must die before the matter is over.

Zhang Bairen looked at the ice-bound leech below, and looked around at the demon god, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

One of my most worried situations was born!

Not bad!

This is indeed the case. One of my most worried situations was born and I was isolated!

The world is vast, and there are countless humans who are strong, but no one helps him.

Turning to look at Zhang Heng, Zhang Heng gave a wry smile: "I haven't recovered my strength now, but I can't help you!"

Looking at the Taoist people again, they all bowed their heads silently.

"Unless Zhuxian's Four Swords Formation is dispatched, I won't want to seek benefits today!" Zhang Bairen slowly stretched out his palm, and a white flower slowly emerged, like a dream, and was held in his hand.

The sun **** body is not yet complete and lacks the means of attack. If it is too powerful to kill the opponent, it can only be used to protect oneself, on the contrary, it is not as powerful as its own magic weapon.

"Although I am not a rival, but I am not convinced!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of excitement: "I will never succumb to anyone! The Turks dare to come to my middle-earth to wreak havoc, and must pay a price!"

After speaking, Zhang Bairen gently dragged his palm on the petals, and saw a white petal fall in his hand.


The void exploded, the ground, water, wind and fire were rolled up, and the yin and yang were swept away violently, turning into an endless bedding, covering the void in a radius of dozens of miles.

"The avenue is blooming, I'm about to try hand-cutting!" Zhang Bairen voiced loudly.


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