First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1503: Enchanted killing


The tiger spurted blood and kept coughing.

"Bitch, you still have the face to say! The words of the matchmaker, the eight matchmakers and six recruits, are all clear and unambiguous, but you actually eloped with this mud leg and gave birth to this wicked species. You treat Lao Tzu as What? Where do you put my Lin family? Where do you want to put the face of the Lin family? My Lin family is also a big family with a surname, you have put me ashamed of the Lin family, it's not a pity for you to die!" Lin Pingzhi's eyes It's all red, it's true to say, and now I'm in such a situation, isn't this **** forced it? Implicated by this bitch?

"Come on, tie up that guy for me, and this son wants to show him with his own eyes what it's like to be humiliated to death by his own wife! To dare to shame me from the Lin family is simply a shame and shame!" Lin Pingzhi Looking savage.

"Ru'er, what are you doing! Don't hurry up and let Ru'er go!" Jing Wushuang was furious and punched out.


Jing Wushuang flew upside down, and Lin Pingzhi sneered at this moment: "The shackles in the red dust blinded your soul, and the heart demon blocked the potential in your body. The strong man who crossed the world in the past has no power to bind the chicken. !"

"Fallen! You don't deserve to be a killer!" Lin Pingzhi shook his head secretly, and looked at Li Ru who was crying and struggling, with a trace of struggle in his eyes. Go to blame those great people!"

"Come here, tie it up for me!" Lin Pingzhi kicked Jing Wushuang into a dog's feces, tied it to one of the pillars, then waved his hands towards Li Ru and walked straight to Li Ru.

"Brother Lin, let them go! Please! We have been childhood sweethearts, please let them go. As long as you are willing to let them go, I will promise you everything!" Looking at Lin Ping with a cold face , Li Ru fell to his knees at this moment, with red and swollen eye sockets.

"Quack, promise me everything?" Lin Pingzhi wore a wicked smile, but his body was constantly shaking, and his fingers were white: "Why is it so troublesome, I just got it myself!"

After speaking, he directly lifted Li Ru and threw it on the grinding disc on the side, then flung his jacket and rushed straight on.

"Animal!" Li Ru struggled desperately, while Jing Wushuang's eyes were congested: "Bastard, you are going to let go of Ru'er, I won't let you go! I won't let you go!"


At this time, Jing Wu had no hands and no power to bind chickens, just an ordinary farmer, how to break free from the suppression of the strong bones.

"Mother! Don't bully my mother!" Huzi got up from the ground at this time, rushed towards Lin Pingzhi's thigh, and bit down fiercely.

"The little beast is looking for death!" Lin Pingzhi suddenly threw his leg, but the next moment he saw blood flying in the sky, the tiger flew out, smashed the stone lock in the yard and turned into a puddle of meat.

"Beast! Beast! I am endless with you! I am endless with you!" Jing Wushuang roared desperately.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi's complexion was bloodshot, his eyes flowed murderously, and the blood dripped from the palm of his hand.

No one knows that Huzi is not Jing Wushuang's son, but his bloodline of Lin Pingzhi.

On the one hand, Li Ru seemed to be stunned, looking at Lin Pingzhi with a grim look, a look of hatred appeared in his eyes: "You are crazy! You are crazy! You are crazy!"


Lin Pingzhi pulled abruptly and scratched Li Ru's dress, eyes full of scarlet blood: "Bitch, I want to see if you really like him! I want you to watch your favorite woman get People are ravaged, but you look helpless!"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Jing Wushuang with a pair of eyes, then pulled off the pants from home and rushed towards Li Ru.

"Brother Jing, help! Help me! Help me!"

"No! No! No!"


Li Ru was wailing desperately, and the tearing of his clothes could be heard in Jing Wushuang's ears, like thunder.


Suddenly Jing Wushuang's eyes reddened, and his skin was constantly walking around like an earthworm. Black silk aura escaped from his pores: "I want to kill you! I want to kill you! I want to kill you! "

The shackles that were sealed by the red dust were rushed away by Taotao's demon energy at this time, and a burst of black energy shot out from Jing Wushuang's body. The six-character mantra in his arms was wrapped around the Buddha's light, and he wanted to suppress Jing Wushuang's body. Devilish.

But at this time, Jing Wushuang was already enchanted, and he could only hear the six-character mantra and flew towards the distance.

"Roar~~~" Jing Wushuang roared up to the sky: "Tiger!"


The two bone-changing warriors around him instantly turned into powder.

"Don't!" At this moment Li Ru took the opportunity to slam into the grinding pan. Even though Jing Wushuang was a martial artist, he was helpless at this time.


Lin Pingzhi turned into a **** mist and floated in the air. Jing Wushuang embraced Li Ru, his eyes full of grief: "Why? Why? Why!"

Jing Wushuang looked up to the sky and roared, shaking away the clouds in the sky.

"It's done, Jing Wushuang is devil! It's useless even if Daluo **** descends to the earth! But Lin Pingzhi is cruel enough" An old man shook his head and looked at the obese man next to him: "Li Ru is your daughter, you are actually willing to It was pushed into the fire pit. According to the wishes of your ancestors, just find a brothel girl to perform a play. You actually gave up your own daughter."

"Acting? There are always flaws in acting. You don't know which of Zhuojun's horror is. Once the flaws are revealed, my family will be destroyed, and more people will die, and the sacrifice will be even greater!" In a sigh of relief: "The Lin family can't even give up their direct sons. I'm just a girl who is losing money. What can't you bear!"

"That's it, let's go quickly, the rest is not something we can intervene!" Old Dao shook his head and was about to turn away, but he heard a roar from the courtyard, followed by a burst of air, a puddle of air. The beach of flesh and blood continued to explode in the sky. At this time, Jing Wushuang was bathed in blood, his eyes were full of anger: "Lin Ping knows, I want to destroy your whole house! I want to destroy your whole house!"

As he spoke, Jing Wushuang turned into black smoke and escaped without a trace.

"Not good!" The old Taoist was shocked: "I'm afraid it's not good, Jing Wushuang actually wants to slaughter the Lin Family Mansion, the matter is big! Why doesn't the planner take the next move."

The veteran's eyes are full of puzzlement.

Dengfeng City

Since Li Tangping set the world, the rule of the world has already recovered a bit of prosperity.

The Lin Family in Dengfeng City is a great power in Dengfeng City. There are countless masters in the family, stomping their feet in Dengfeng City, it was a big earthquake.

A word from the Lin family determines the fate of hundreds of people in Dengfeng.

Vermillion gate, red lanterns hanging high

The guards on both sides were tall and tall and arrogant. Although they were only the guardians of the Dengfeng Lin family, they were inferior servants, but they had only a hint of arrogance.

The marble steps are slender and dusty, and the people passing by are far away, afraid to get the slightest approach.

I don't know when, a black-clothed shadow appeared in front of the gate, and no one knew how this black-clothed figure appeared.

Surrounded by black air, the whole person is surrounded by black air, making people unable to see their faces.

Such a weird character made the Lin family warrior not far away be vigilant, and the leading warrior said loudly: "This is the Dengfeng Lin family. Which master is your excellency, what's the important thing to come to my Dengfeng Lin family?"

"I can't talk about important matters, I just want to come to the Lin family to borrow something." The black shadow rushed towards the Lin family mansion.

As the black shadow walked in, the air seemed to stagnate and turned into a substance: "I don't know what you want to borrow, let me go to Tongbing for you..."

"No need!" Sombra interrupted the martial artist, "I'd better get it myself!"


When the words fell, the marble steps turned into powder, and then the sound was booming. The guards had not had time to react, and they had turned into a pool of white marble stained with flesh and blood.


The scarlet gate was turned into powder under the punch of the black shadow.

"Who will come to my Lin's house to run wild!" In the courtyard, a sage warrior yelled and rushed.

"I want to borrow hundreds of heads from the Lin family for a use, and I hope you can do it all!" As he said, Jing Wushuang rushed in.

Regardless of men and women, no distinction between old and young, as long as they are alive ~, they are all broken by Jing Wushuang.

The blood soared into the sky, like a worm, crawling into Jing Wushuang's skin pores.




In the courtyard, there was a piece of broken meat that exploded, and countless blood essence was swallowed by the whole body's demonic energy.


The person who saw the martial arts was just a face-to-face, and before he had time to make a move, he had been exploded and turned into fleshy flesh, and Jing Wushuang was made complete with his essence and blood.

The old man of the Lin family in the backyard looked solemn: "Go and invite Sima in the five cities, and quickly invite the masters of the prefect's yamen to come and help out. This devil is definitely not my Lin family can resist."

In the distant pavilion

Seven or eight Taoists gathered together, and the Sanfu boy looked at Jing Wushuang who was killing the innocent, with a look of intolerance in his eyes: "Is it possible to let this servant continue to fight?"

"That's hundreds of lives!" Sanfu boy said.

"He has been enchanted, can we control it? If he doesn't kill the people of the Lin family, he won't let it go!" The ancestor of the Wang family said unhurriedly: "After he completely kills the people of the Lin family, he will He will really get in the way, even if Zhuojun makes a shot, it is too late! Then we are guiding him to enter the capital and confront the emperor!"

Speaking of this, the ancestor of the Wang family smiled coldly: "I want to see if Li Shimin has the courage to offend Zhuojun who is in the face of the enchanted Jing Wushuang, and kill him!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Blood is paid for by blood, why are you forcing me! Why are you forcing me!" Jing Wushuang roared to the sky.

"This hero, I don't know what the Lin family has offended, so please let the hero explain it clearly so that I can understand when I die! Or I will wait for a banquet for the hero and make amends for you!" The old man of the Lin family walked out from the backyard.


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