First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1504: Slaughter 100,000 Demon Blood

Why Jing Wushuang came, the old man of the Lin family couldn’t be more clear. At this time, facing the murderous Jing Wushuang, he could only ask for everything, hoping to fool him with kind words. In the future, he is looking for an opportunity to say revenge. thing.


The idea is good, but it is extremely difficult to do it. The old man of the Lin family made a mistake.

Not only did the Lin Family make a mistake, but all the real people of the Dao Sect made a mistake. Jing Wushuang, who had become a demon, didn't make sense at all.

With one cut, the old man of the Lin family turned into two halves.

The person who responded to the Lin family's grandfather was Jing Wushuang flew a knife, not waiting for everyone to let it go, the Lin family's grandfather has been killed.




The black energy in Jing Wushuang's eyes rolled, and the blood was flowing into rivers as he continued to slaughter.


The price of miscalculation is death!

So the old man of the Lin family is dead!

All the Lin family's direct descendants in the mansion are dead.

Jing Wuming, who had entered the devil, started killing, and for a time Lin Mansion became a purgatory on earth.




"The murderer is inside, don't tell him to run." Excited exclaims came from outside the door, and thousands of troops from the government office blocked the water surrounding Lin Mansion.

"A bold madman, who dared to commit a crime in the city, didn't have to rush to capture it." General Dengfeng Shoucheng looked at the mud at his feet, his eyes showed a solemn color.

"Huh?" Jing Wushuang heard the words and acted for a while, and then he slaughtered regardless.

The "Shenji Crossbow Preparation" general raised his palm: "If you obediently confess your sins, then that's it, otherwise today is your death date!"


The body of another servant was beaten to mud.

"Help General He! Help General He!"

A steward saw the government army, staggering towards the government, seeing that he was about to be saved, but saw a whistling behind him, and then a long knife was kicked out by Jing Wushuang, piercing the man's chest.

"Bold!" General He's eyes rolled with anger: "Arrangement! God machine crossbow shooting!"




The sound of breaking through the air sounded densely, and the overwhelming divine machine crossbow arrows shot towards Jing Wushuang, only to see the shadow under Jing Wushuang's feet, which had disappeared.

"Why are you harming me? Why are you waiting to harm me?" Jing Wushuang had already arrived in front of General He when he reappeared, and his head had exploded like a watermelon before he could react.


Jing Wushuang turned around and threw himself into the court's army: "Why do you want to kill me! Why did the government want to kill me? You wait for your help and want to kill me. Today, I will kill a bright universe, blue sky and white day."

"Crazy!" Looking at Jing Wushuang, who was slaying the ring below, the eyes of the Taoists showed a dumb look.

"I don't know if it's right or wrong to do this. Now Jing Wushuang has been completely enchanted, and I don't know if the World-Venerable can bring this person down!" Zhang Heng's eyes showed worry.


Zhang Bairen was holding a chess piece, and the chess piece in his hand was wobbly. On the opposite side, Zhang Lihua and Changsun Wugou smiled and joked about Zhang Bairen.

"Where are you who play chess like this? Don't say regret chess, and there are still dozens of regret moves. Even if the chess master is resurrected, it will definitely not win you. Why don't you go against the sky!" Zhang Bairen casually threw down his chess pieces. Angrily took a sip of tea.

"You said, you want to let our sisters, and I didn't force you!" Zhang Lihua said indignantly.

As he was talking, a stream of light flashed across the horizon and fell into Zhang Bairen's hands in an instant.

"Six-character mantra sticker!" Looking at the treasure in his hand, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a solemn color: "Isn't the six-character mantra sticker given to Jing Wushuang to let the other party suppress the demon? Could it be said that Jing Wushuang has found the person who has escaped the robbery? Method?"

"No! If Jing Wushuang finds a way out of the catastrophe, he should come to Zhuojun to visit me personally, instead of just asking the six-character mantra to post fly back!" Zhang Bairen's expression changed: "Jing Wushuang is afraid that something will happen to him, so The six-character mantra stickers just flew back by themselves."

"Sir, my brother..." Jing Wuming couldn't help but walked out of Zhang Bairen's shadow, his eyes full of anxiety.

"Don't panic!" Zhang Bairen took the six-character mantra stickers in his hand, and shook the spirituality of the six-character mantra stickers, instantly as if time went back in time, and what happened to Jing Wushuang was clear to him.

After a while, Zhang Bairen opened his eyes and Jing Wuming said anxiously: "Sir, how is it?"

Zhang Bairen's face was solemn when he heard the words, and the dog said after a while: "Jing Wushuang is in a demon!"

"What?" Jing Wuming was stunned when he heard the words: "Isn't there a six-character mantra sticker to suppress it? How can you still be enchanted!"

"It's a loss! Originally, your brothers have begun to use the power of the red dust to polish their xinxing, and they are not far from being completely free. Who knows that they have encountered such things!" Zhang Bairen took a deep breath.

"Sir, please sir, please do it quickly. The enchantment is not terrible. I am afraid that after the enchantment, the mass murder has condensed the blood of the devil. Then it will be difficult to surrender." Jing Wuming went straight to his knees: "Please send me a message. Show mercy and save my brother."

"Don't make a noise, let me think about it!"

Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back and kept walking back and forth on the top of the mountain. While Zhang Lihua and Empress Xiao were silent, they watched Zhang Bairen thoughtfully.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Your brother is about to get rid of the calamity. How could such a coincidence meet the calamity and detonate his heart?" Zhang Bairen said with a gloomy expression: "You went down the mountain yourself and investigated it secretly, but remember not to startle the snake. ."

"Thank you, Mr." Jing Wuming gave a respectful salute, turning around and ran down the mountain without saying a word.

Looking at the back of Jing Wuming away, Zhang Bairen frowned and thought: "My Zhuojun is now so powerful, how could this happen? It shouldn't be!"

The killing continued. There was no complete body found in the entire mansion. More than 500 people in the Lin Mansion, plus thousands of soldiers in the city, were all killed by Jing Wushuang.


The guards on guard outside the door saw such a scene that looked like an Asura purgatory, his eyes were full of amazement, and he ran towards the palace.

"Run? Where to run! I want to kill him today!"


The Yamen gate of the palace city shattered in an instant, and before the guards in the Yamen reacted, a killing had come.


An official said angrily at this time: "Asshole, I am a third-ranking member who was pardoned by the court, you killed me today, and the court will not let you go in the future!"

"Won't let me go? The imperial court?" Jing Wushuang smiled coldly, licked the blood stains on the corner of his mouth, and took the knife off the corpses of these three-rank members to move.

"Stop!" The sonic boom rolled, with a punch as if the sky collapsed, slamming toward Jing Wushuang in the field.


The air waves rolled, like a bomb, and the prefect's office was overturned.

"Bold fanatics, how dare you commit a crime here!" Li Jing screamed angrily and rolled out with a long knife in his hand.

"Who are you?" Jing Wushuang saw that he hadn't killed the opponent with a single blow, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"This general is Li Jing, the official book of the Ministry of War. I just happened to meet you as a thug today, and I didn't have to die quickly!" Li Jing's eyes turned murderously, looking at the corpses everywhere in the prefectural office, a touch of cruelty appeared in his eyes.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Jing Wushuang smiled coldly, before turning around and said: "No hurry! No hurry! After I slaughtered the prefect Yamen, the ownership of this Dengfeng is expensive, it's up to you to compete!"

Talking to avoid Li Jing's attack, a path went straight towards Hou Ya.

"Asshole, stop going!" Li Jing hurriedly pursued.

But seeing that Jing Wushuang turned into a stream of light at this time, and his feet kept flashing, Li Jing couldn't catch up at all, and watched Jing Wushuang continue to kill in Dengfeng.

Blood splattered, murderous intent overflowing!

"Hahaha! Hahaha! If you can slaughter ninety-nine thousand, the blood can stain the sky!" Jing Wushuang continued to kill, his eyes were full of madness: "You are bullying me! The government officials insulted me and killed my wife and children. We must enter the city of Chang'an, overthrow the emperor Longting, and seek justice for my wife and children!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Jing Wushuang had already blushed, and all the soldiers who blocked his way had slashed to death one after another, taking the blood of the opponent's heart.

In Dengfeng, blood flowed into rivers, and countless officials and dignitaries were slaughtered.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After slaughtering Dengfeng City, Jing Wushuang was still unwilling to be satisfied, and went straight to Chang'an Tang’s strong man, of course, couldn’t let Jing Wushuang go to Chang'an City. All kinds of interceptions and killings continued. Overflowing.

Countless soldiers and generals laid the nets of the sky and the earth, but Jing Wushuang killed them, threw their helmets and disarmed them, and countless soldiers cried for their father and called their mothers to flee.

one thousand!

two thousand!

Three thousand!


Ten thousand!

Twenty thousand!


fifty thousand!

Eighty thousand!

Ninety thousand!

... ninety thousand five!

Ninety-six thousand!


... The killing continues, from Dengfeng to Chang'an City, this is a road paved with blood.

"Sovereign, don't you want to kill the demons?" Dharma's eyes showed a touch of unbearable.

"This person is from Zhuojun, the chief governor will naturally take action, but I am not easy to intervene!" The world-honored rosary twisted his rosary: ​​"What's more, nowadays all the rich and powerful have Taoism in their hearts. To slaughter a group of Buddhism, it may not be bad for me. Waiting to watch the show, although these people have deceived the secrets and cut off the sense of wisdom, I still noticed some clues!"

Speaking of this, Bodhidharma smiled and said: "Besides, with this demon, isn't my Buddhist incense prosperous again? Only if there is a demon, there will be a Buddha. If there is no demon, why do you want a Buddha? How can the people be convinced?"

"Blessed One's words are reasonable. Now that I am governed by Buddhism, all the dignitaries have already handed in the certificate of nomination!" Bodhidharma smiled.

At this moment, the World-Honored One suddenly changed his color and stood up suddenly: "Damn it, Dao Sect, are these old guys going to pierce the sky? Actually, this demon head has condensed the blood of the devil. This is a big deal!"

"Devil blood?" Bodhidharma was taken aback.

"The devil with the devil blood is the real demon!" The World Venerable took a deep breath.

ps: Come see Shen Gongbao's inheritance, wow haha.

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