First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1505: Danluna Cave Sky

"Devil blood?"

Bodhidharma heard the words of a violent spirit, and his eyes showed horror: "Jing Wushuang wants to condense the blood of the devil? Master, it is better to suppress the matter early. If you wait for something to happen, I am afraid... I am afraid..."

"It's too late! It's too late!" World Venerable sighed one after another: "He has collected the first drop of demon blood!"

"Ah!" Bodhidharma was shocked.

"When I slaughter ninety-nine thousand and ninety-nine, I will stain the blue sky with demon blood!" Jing Wushuang's eyes stared at the palace above, with a madness in his eyes: "Hahaha! Hahaha! Take it to death! Those who dominate all living beings, wait to die!"

A burst of wild laughter shook the void and shook the sky of nine heavens.

"Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and seven...Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight...Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine..."

"Devil blood, gather!" The black mist around Jing Wushuang's body turned into a **** color, reversed the backflow, followed the pores of his body, and gathered in the body again.


The pain of cramping and peeling, at this time Jing Wushuang's demon blood cleansed his body, reversed his vitality, and his whole body was constantly trembling.


Li Jing stopped suddenly and turned to look at Jing Wushuang who was tumbling in pain. Although he didn't know what happened to the other party, but when you were sick and killing you, Li Jing turned around and punched Jing Wushuang in the chest.

The air exploded and turned into liquid, and Jing Wushuang flew out, breaking the rocks in the distance.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Jing Wushuang, take it to death!" Li Jing drew out the long knife around his waist, suddenly turned into lightning, and struck Jing Wushuang.


The black blood splattered, and Jing Wushuang was split in half by Li Jing in an instant. The jet-black blood circulated on the ground, turning into black energy circulating in the air endlessly.

"Finally cut off this demon, otherwise I don't know how much evil I will cause!" Li Jing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to turn around and walk back. After three steps, he turned abruptly, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Jing Wushuang, who had been split in half by himself, stood on the court again at this time, tumbling and wailing in pain.

Li Jing was taken aback, and a sense of horror appeared: "Didn't I split him in half?"

I did cut him in half, but how did the other party come back to life? Could it be that I was wrong before, and everything is an illusion?

"Whether you are an illusion or not, just kill you again!" Li Jing's eyes revealed a murderous intent: "I don't believe it, there are people in this world who have immortality!"

After speaking, a long knife in his hand was rolled up and the air was split, forming a vacuum visible to the naked eye, and once again cut tofu like a knife, turning Jing Wushuang into two halves.

"Kang Dang!"

The long sword returned to its sheath, Li Jing didn't turn around in a hurry this time, but continued to look at Jing Wushuang's corpse. He wanted to see if Jing Wushuang was making trouble.

"This is impossible!"

The next moment Li Jing paled with horror, and there was a sense of horror in his eyes. He saw the two corpses that had been split apart by his own family before. At this time, they were reunited in a strange way again. It seemed that the knife he had cut before was just an illusion. That's it.

"Don't think about it, you read that right, this is demon blood! Jing Wushuang is already enchanted!" Zhang Heng's figure came from a distance.

"Enchanted?" Li Jing was taken aback when he heard the words.

Although he has an extraordinary family background, he still doesn't know the idea of ​​being mad.

"Don't think about it, you can quickly return to Chang'an City and report to your Majesty. Jing Wushuang, who is now enchanted, will only become more and more powerful, and it is no longer for you to intervene!" Zhang Heng looked at Jing Wushuang, who was constantly converging his devilish energy. , There was a solemn color in his eyes.

Things are in trouble!

He and the others were just planning to use Jing Wushuang to start a war. Who would have thought that Jing Wushuang would have become a demon?

"I'm afraid I've lost control of this matter, and I need to prepare early!" Looking at the enchanted Jing Wushuang, Zhang Heng has already noticed something wrong. A figure in the distance came, and Lu Jingxiu dragged a palm-sized pill furnace: "Senior, there is a clean fire in the pill furnace in the hands of the old Taoist. If this Liao can be suppressed, it may not be impossible to die!"

Zhang Heng's face was solemn when he heard the words: "I have been traumatized before fighting against the World Venerable. I am definitely not Jing Wushuang's opponent. I am afraid that I am unable to suppress him. He is condensed by the existence of demonic blood. It is not easy to suppress it. Unless If the Blessed One takes the shot, the world in the palm of the Blessed One’s mind overlaps endlessly. Perhaps this can be suppressed."

"How do you know if you don't try!" Lu Jingxiu was a little bit unsure. Although he didn't cause this incident, after all, he and the two of them belonged to the Taoist sect and existed like Taishan Beidou. Without the acquiescence of the two, how could this happen? things happen?

Although such a big mistake was provoked by the Wang family and various Taoist temples, it was tacitly approved by the entire Taoist school.

At this time, no matter what, the two can escape without cause and effect.

"Well, let's try! Now he hasn't completed the transformation, it is the best time to kill this!" Zhang Heng's Three Treasure Whisk turned into a rope, winding and twisting the formation in the air, and then suddenly rolling downwards. Jing Wushuang bundled away.

Without any resistance, Jing Wushuang was **** by the rope, and then Lu Jingxiu took the opportunity to open his pill furnace and shook it at Jing Wushuang.

Seeing that Jing Wushuang had no resistance, he was taken in.

Zhang Heng looked at the pill furnace in Lu Jingxiu's hand with a pair of eyes, and his eyes showed a touch of movement: "Good skill, your pill furnace actually melted a heaven of heaven, it's amazing!"

"Sir, I don't know that what is smelted in my pill furnace is a flame cave. It contains all kinds of flames between heaven and earth. Without the help of this cave, I am afraid that life will be difficult." Lu Jingxiu sighed.

"Anyway, if you can refine the heaven into a treasure entrusted to the Yang God, your future achievements will be limitless" Zhang Heng said with a smile.

"Old ancestors wait, see how I refine this bastard!" Lu Jingxiu sat on the ground, embracing the pill furnace, watching his nose and his heart, and golden auras emerged from his nostrils, like flames. In general, it fell to the heart of the pill furnace zigzag.


The air was rumbling, and there were bursts of exclamation in the pill furnace. Even though Jing Wushuang's screams were across the sky, people couldn't help but feel cold.

Do evil!

As time passed, Lu Jingxiu chanted a curse, sweating on his forehead, but he did not see the slightest weakness in the pill furnace.

"Why there is always a feeling of badness in my heart!" Looking at the burning pill furnace in Lu Jingxiu's arms, an anxiety arose in Zhang Heng's heart.

"Huh will hurt my brother!"

At this moment, a shadow sprang out from under Lu Jing's feet, wrapped in the strength of Thunder Wanjun, and instantly hit Lu Jingxiu's body.

If this palm is implemented, Lu Jingxiu must go to reincarnation and abolish this physical body.

Fortunately, Lu Jingxiu is worthy of being Lu Jingxiu. He turned into a piece of paper and fell to the ground. His real body appeared not far away, dragging the pill furnace with one hand, and glaring at Jing Wuming with his eyes: "You are Who, why did you shoot me?"

"Who am I?" Jing Wuming smiled coldly: "In Xia Jing Wuming, it is my brother Jing Wushuang who was caught by you into the furnace. If you know each other, then quickly let go of my brother, otherwise we will be in trouble today. round."

"Monthly deficiency is difficult to complete? A month's deficiency is difficult to complete! You said that the person in the furnace is your brother, then it is easy to handle, the poor road is about to find the suffering master for the dead soldier's relatives, since you are here, let's I want to ask you an explanation!" Lu Jingxiu said unhurriedly.

"Explain? My people in Zhuojun always act with joy and anger. Why do you need to explain to others!" After speaking, Jing Wuming turned into a shadow, and he suddenly got out of Lu Jing's feet and pierced his chest.

"Come on! Slowly! This knight, please do it slowly, and listen to what the old way said?" Zhang Heng's palm of the hand, Jing Wuming's shadow escape method was actually broken, the field was bright and there was no shadow.

"Who are you?" Seeing Zhang Heng's hand restraining himself, Jing Wuming's expression suddenly moved, revealing a solemn expression.

"Poor Dao teaches Zhang Heng, the heir of the ancestor, and the one in Zhuojun will call me an ancestor," Zhang Heng smiled casually.

"It turns out to be real Zhang Heng, what can you do to stop me?" Jing Wuming moved his eyes when he heard the words. He knew a bit about the relationship between Zhang Heng and Zhang

This is indeed a figure of Zhang Bairen's ancestor level, so Jing Wuming is not easy to attack for a while.

"Your elder brother is in a demon" Zhang Heng sighed.

"It's just a demon. It's not difficult to wake it up by the means of my governor." Jing Wuming's eyes turned murderously: "This is definitely not the reason why he took the opportunity to suppress my brother."

"Isn't it a reason?" Zhang Heng looked at Jing Wuming with a pair of eyes: "What if your brother condenses the blood of the devil?"

"Impossible! This is impossible! In this world, apart from Chi You, who can condense the devil blood!" Jing Wuming's pupils suddenly shrank: "You don't want to blame me!"

"Is it you, you will know by looking at the pill furnace" Zhang Heng sighed: "That's demon blood. How much did Chi You pay for refining demon blood? Your brother compared with Chi You Demon God , It's not even close."

Southern Xinjiang

Chi You looked at Middle-earth with a pair of eyes, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes: "Devil blood! I never thought that there are people in this world that have condensed devil blood."

"Someone has condensed the devil blood again?" She was a spirited corpse next to her.

"This time, Middle-earth doesn't have to take action, it's a big mess on its own. Let's just wait and see a good show!" Chi You's eyes were full of pain: "If I hadn't condensed the demon blood back then, how would I break with the human race, and finally make It's irreversible."

"Anyway, my elder brother is already out of the catastrophe, but now someone is actually trapped in it again!" Shebi Zhe looked at Chi You with a pair of eyes: "In other words, what is this demon blood that makes the world so jealous?"

"Don't tell, there will be great cause and effect!" Chi You looked cautious: "You will know the mystery when you see it in the future! But I can't say it."

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