First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1515: Wind from the Yangtze River

When people do something wrong, there is always a price to pay, and no one can make an exception.

What's more, he and the Dragon Clan are mortal enemies, and the hatred cannot be resolved. Li Jiaran colluded with the Dragon Clan and consumed the Human Clan's energy to become the whole Dragon Clan. Zhang Bairen would never agree to this kind of thing.

So Zhang Bairen ignored Li Xiuning's crying and begging, but stared at Li Yuan with a pair of eyes: "Please Tang Guogong Bintian."

Although Li Yuan said that he would become the emperor of the law world after death, it is better to live than to die. If a person can live, he will never die.

There is still a difference between being alive and dead. Even if you become a **** after death, it is never as good as living.

"Capital Governor!" Li Xiuning cried sadly, begging Zhang Bairen constantly.

Zhang Bairen was expressionless, ignoring Li Xiuning's words, and looked at Li Yuan with a pair of eyes: "Please Tang Guogong Bintian."

The words are sonorous and beyond doubt.

Li Yuan held the sword in his hand, his arms were trembling constantly, and slowly put the long sword across his neck.

"Father!" Li Xiuning cried out.

"Chi'er, let's get out of the way, people have done something wrong, and they will always have to pay a price!" Li Yuan patted Li Xiuning's shoulder, with a sudden force, and blood spurted out instantly.

"Father!" Li Xiuning cried out to the sky and held Li Yuan's corpse.

Li Shimin said with a sullen face: "The Governor, how satisfied are you now?"

"Satisfied?" Zhang Bairen didn't move his eyes, looked away from Li Yuan's body, and looked back and forth at Li Shimin: "The waters of the world are the territory of my human race. Although you are the co-owner of the human race, you do not represent the interests of the people of the world. There is no right to let the waters out. How can you be qualified to sit on the position of the Ninety-Five Supreme for your rebellious human race?"

"But Emperor Father has already given up the waters of the human race, and the title of the Conferred God List has been set. There is no change!" Li Shimin stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "The Governor, there is nothing I can do about this matter, everything is a foregone conclusion."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "No matter how many people are in this seat, how to let the Li Family out of the waters of the world, let me get it back, otherwise...hehe."

"Don't blame me for being ruthless, overturning your Li family's state, and breaking your Li family's anger!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed coldly.

"Zhang Bairen!!!" Li Shimin stood up abruptly, and the emperor's dragon gas burst out in an instant: "You don't want to deceive people too much! The emperor is hard to chase after a word. My Li family has reached a contract with the dragon clan, how can I do that kind of treachery Regarding this matter, where do you put my majesty? Moreover, the waters of the world have been forgiven and sealed, unless the dynasty is destroyed, how to change the list of the gods?"

"There are thousands of gods and gods in the waters of the world. If I change the list of gods, I will definitely exhaust Li Tang's vitality. In this case, you might as well just raise your troops and destroy my Li Tang, otherwise I will perish if I run out of vitality" Li Shimin's eyes Flashing cold and harsh light, never give up.

Conferring the gods needs to consume Li Tang's vitality, not to mention having to erase the gods, and even more needs the power of Li Tang's vitality.

How many gods are in the waters of the world? After erasing and pardoning the seal back and forth, it consumes twice as much energy. When that happens, Li Tang's energy will inevitably be exhausted, and the country will not be far away. How do you ask Li Shimin to cultivate the ancient imperial avenue with such a large-scale consumption of energy?

Don't agree!

This matter can never be agreed!

Li Shimin could sit back and watch Zhang Bairen drive Li Yuan to death, but he would never agree to change the list of the gods.

"If the governor has the ability, it is enough to take back the waters of the world by himself. If you want me to change the gods and do the kind of treachery, I can't do it!" Li Shimin said sonorously and resolutely.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked up and down at Li Shimin for a while, and then scanned Li Xiuning who was crying, and a murderous intent was brewing in his eyes: "In this case, you can only rely on means?"

"Don't go too far! I, Li Tang, can win the world, and I am not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead. You have forced my father Huang Bintian, so what else!" Li Shimin said with a cold expression.

"Hehe, I'm not too speculative, I'm leaving!" After speaking, Zhang Bairen turned and left, but did not look at Li Xiuning who fell to the ground.


Zhang Bairen walked away, only to see Li Shimin kicking and turning over before the case, his eyes showed a terrible anger: "Damn, I am the ninety-five supreme, how can he dare to be so presumptuous, how can he dare to force me like this!"

The atmosphere in the hall was dull, and no one answered Li Shimin's words. The Return of Spring is like an old tree, standing quietly on one side, silent.

After a while, I saw Li Shimin calm down. Looking at Li Yuan's body below, Li Xiuning, who was crying and crying, suddenly felt upset: "Second elder sister retreat for now, don’t cry again, the father of the law world, Bintian, You need the second sister to go and manage one or two."

"Why! Why did he become like this!" Li Xiuning's eyes were full of sorrow, as she walked out of the Oney Palace in a daze.

Seeing Li Xiuning's back, Li Shimin sighed with emotion: "My father has eyes but no beads!"

If Zhang Bairen was asked to be the son-in-law of the Li family, how could things have come to such a point? This world must really belong to the Li family. The kind that no one dares to refute.

The guard who turned to the side said: "The decree has been announced to the world, and it is said that the emperor is too high!"

After sending off the guards in the palace, the whole hall was empty, and Li Shimin turned to look at Ju Mang: "Sir, how do I compare with Zhang Bairen?"

After hearing the words, the Spring Returned gentleman meditated for a while, and said after a while: "It's still a lot of difference. The key is that no one knows where Zhang Bairen's details are. He has never tried his best, so I don't know the depth of Zhang Bairen. Good judgment."

"Let me Li Tangzhi, confront Zhang Bairen, what should I do?" Li Shimin asked again.

Junguijun began to figure out what forces Li Shimin had around him, he actually knew better than Li Shimin himself.

After a while, I heard the Chungui Jundao: "Your Majesty has the help of the World-Honored Buddhism, and the support of the Dragon King of the Seas. The old man over the Southern Wilderness can also be a lobbyist for your Majesty. Chi You wants to seize the Zhongzhou Dragon Vessel, and Zhang Bairen is like a war. The King of Stoneman and Zhang Bairen are also mortal enemies. The two generations of Khan Kings of Turks were beheaded by Zhang Bairen. After such calculations, your majesty has a great chance of winning. It is just that the major forces have a ghost and it is difficult to mobilize their unity."

"Huh?" Li Shimin was stunned when he heard the words. He never thought that such a great power would gather around him unconsciously.

"But Zhuojun is not easy to provoke. Yesterday Zhang Bairen took action to suppress Jing Wushuang. His Majesty did not see it. Now Zhang Bairen's cultivation is unfathomable. It is difficult for your Majesty to defeat Zhang Bairen, but he is already invincible. !" Jumang's eyes showed a gleam: "Now it's time to kill this. The old man is willing to make peace for your Majesty."

Li Shimin continued to ponder upon hearing this, and after a while, he said, "Don't move! If the governor of the capital is killed, the Turks will no longer be deterred, and I, Li Tangxiu, want peace. Dou Jiande, Wang Shichong and other anti-thief secretly hide their power and bide their time. The reason for submitting to Li Tang is because The governor is pressing. If Zhang Bairen dies, the world will inevitably be in chaos. I will also be hit hard. I don’t have to worry about this! I still need to work hard to wait for my emperor’s dragon qi to become successful and control the power of destiny. It's not too late to compete."

Li Shimin was not a fool, and thinking about killing Zhang Bairen would have more advantages than disadvantages. The reason why Li Tang is so peaceful now is because of Zhang Bairen’s suppression. Although foreigners covet, they dare not reach out. Although Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande and his like are unruly, they dare not make mistakes.

Compared with the general trend of the world, his face looks really not so valuable.

After hearing Li Shimin's words, Chunguijun moved his lips, trying to say something, but after all he didn't say it.

Right now, this is actually quite good. I haven't completely transformed Yin Xi's immortal body, and my strength has never been restored to its peak state. Everyone needs time, depending on who runs faster.

"However, the Dragon Clan is afraid that there is trouble, and Zhang Bairen is watching this matter. I am afraid that this matter will be difficult to handle!" Li Shimin looked into the distance with a pair of eyes: "Mr. Laofang has to go and pass this matter to the Dragon King. Tell him to take precautions. After all, I am a human race and cannot help the dragon race. It violates the righteousness of the human race! The water **** throne, my Li family, has been pardoned and sealed, and whether we can hold it depends on the dragon family's own ability~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ Walking out of Chang'an City, Zhang Bairen's eyes scanned the outline of Chang'an City behind him, looking at the dragon gas rising into the sky, and he was speechless for a long time.

Donghai Dragon Palace

Now the dragons are very moisturized, they have gained the human water veins, and have gained the blessing of the human aura, and the four seas have begun to prosper from a downturn.

At this time, there was singing and dancing in the Dragon Palace. The Dragon King of East China Sea was eating seafood, watching the singing and dancing below, and after a while, he suddenly said: "Has the Yangtze River not been captured yet?"

"Returning to the king, the Yangtze River is a hard bone. After all, where is the human race area, I can't wait to make too much action, so as not to attract the attention of the strong human race," Turtle Cheng connected hurriedly in a low voice.

"Bang!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea hit the case with a fist, and the hall was singing and dancing for a moment to quiet down: "Trash, my dragon clan controls the water veins of the world, and with the force of the whole sea, I can't suppress a single Yangtze River water vein. It is a day old. joke."

Waved his hand to signal the dancing girl in the hall to retreat, the East China Sea Dragon King turned his head to look at Prime Minister Turtle: "Have you ever found the details of the water **** of the Yangtze River?"

"The origin of the water **** of the Yangtze River is not simple. It can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms period. The old official suspected that the water **** of the Yangtze River was the Sun Quan of the Soochow Navy," Gui Cheng said.

"It's actually him!" Donghai Dragon King frowned, stood up suddenly, and said impatiently: "What a trouble!"

"The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two ancestral veins of the human race. The two horns each other. Only when we control the Yangtze River can we completely control the rights of the world's water veins, take the opportunity to defeat Mazu, and then counterattack ashore and occupy the Central Earth China." The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked gloomy: "Only when we control the Yangtze River, we can be considered to have a firm foothold. The prime minister will not know the key points here!".

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