First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1516: The heart attack, the Lord was surprised

?How many years did Prime Minister Turtle live?

The Dragon King of the East China Sea did not know how many years Prime Minister Turtle lived, but he once heard his grandfather say that his grandfather's grandfather was still alive, and then Prime Minister Turtle was already the prime minister of the East China Sea.

Prime Minister Kame must know what Donghai Dragon King knew.

The things that Prime Minister Kame knew, the East Sea Dragon King might not know.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea knows the importance of the Yangtze River. Doesn’t Prime Minister Turtle know?

"It's difficult!" Prime Minister Turtle held his hands on his back, and his eyes showed a dignified look: "The two water veins of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are different from the ordinary water veins. After being sealed by the orthodox gods, the three souls and seven souls of Sun Quan have merged with the Yangtze River. One, who can kill him without special means?"

"If you can't kill, you must kill. You can't capture the waters of the Yangtze River. How can one restrain the emperor's dragon qi and vent the power of the emperor's dragon qi with just a yellow river!" The East China Sea Dragon King looked at Prime Minister Turtle with solemn eyes: "Prime Minister, you live It’s been long enough, and we still need to think about ways to do this. Only by controlling the two ancestral veins can my dragon clan be able to steal the sky and change the sun, so that Zhongtu has changed the world, and my monster clan will return to the prosperous one. Ancestral land."

Prime Minister Tortoise smiled bitterly when he heard the words, you also said that the Yangtze River is one of the two important water veins, can the human race be careless? I don't know how many eyes are staring.

As he was talking, he heard a rush of footsteps, and then listened to the general patrol outside the door: "Enlighten the Dragon King, Li Tang's messenger is here."

"Quickly, please" Donghai Dragon King's eyes moved, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Not long after, I saw Li Shentong walk into the East China Sea Dragon Palace with a gloomy expression and bowed to the Dragon King above: "I have seen the Dragon King."

"General Li is courteous, why come to my East China Sea to have fun today?" Donghai Dragon King asked in surprise.

"Everything does not go to the Temple of the Three Treasures. I have come here today to tell you something important. Please make preparations for the Dragon King as early as possible" Li Shen channeled.

"Huh?" The Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly became serious when he heard the words, and he felt a bad feeling on a whim: "What happened to the general?"

"Oh!" Li Shentong sighed: "It's all to blame for your dragon clan's inaction. How could the waters of the Yangtze River be taken away! Now the water **** of the Yangtze River has noticed the trickyness of the waters of the world, and has spread the matter to Zhuojun That person. At noon, the person who entered the palace to find the emperor's theory, forced to death the Emperor Bintian, this matter is afraid it will be a big trouble!"

"What!" The East Sea Dragon King suddenly stood up in shock, with a panic in his eyes: "The one from Zhuojun actually found out."

"It's not good! It's not good!" The East China Sea Dragon King was so shocked that the scales stood up.

"I wonder if the emperor has a way to deal with it?" Donghai Dragon King said.

For Zhang Bairen, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is extremely jealous. At this time, he was shocked to hear that Zhang Bairen had received the news, and suddenly panicked.

"If the emperor has a way to deal with it, the emperor will not be forced to die in the deep palace. This is my shame, Li Tang!" Li Shentong gritted his teeth.

Hearing Li Shentong's words, the East China Sea Dragon King looked at Prime Minister Turtle on one side: "What does the Prime Minister think now?"

"Don't panic the king! Don't panic! The origin of the Yellow River veins is in our hands. The Yellow River Dragon King's body merges with the Yellow River. Who can take away the gods from his hands, even if Zhang Bairen knows this, what can he do? Look?" Prime Minister Turtle was calm and calm in his eyes.

"But... why the Yangtze River is missing!" Donghai Dragon King stared at Prime Minister Turtle.

Prime Minister Tortoise scratched his head when he heard the words: "It was possible that the Dragon King of the Yangtze River had not fully integrated the origin of the Yangtze River at that time, so such a chaos happened and was taken away by others."

This is the only reasonable explanation, and only in this way can it be explained.

It must be known that the gods integrate their origins, and it is impossible to seize the opponent's divine edict.

If ordinary gods have a mental calculation, they also have a certain chance of success, but where is the Yellow River? One of the ancestral veins in the world, is it what you said to grab it?

"Everyone, the news has arrived. This general shouldn't stay for long, lest he be tracked by Zhuojun, and there will be no trouble!" Li Shentong stood up and wanted to leave.

"General, wait a minute, I don't know how your Majesty treats this matter?" Donghai Dragon King stopped Li Shentong.

Li Shentong smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The god's position has been forgiven to your dragon clan. Whether you can keep it depends on your dragon clan's methods. With the Zhuojun staring, do you think your majesty will have a chance?"

Even if Li Shimin wanted to intervene, he was helpless.

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

Li Shentong left, and the dragon palace was silent.

After a while, I heard the East China Sea Dragon King say: "This is not the time to turn your face with Zhuojun, who is now in full swing, and my dragon clan is thankless to do it right. Can the prime minister have a way to break the situation?"

Prime Minister Tortoise walked around in the hall with his beard twisted. After a while, his eyes lit up suddenly: "Dragon King, there is a way for the villain to solve the situation of the king."

"Quick way," Donghai Dragon King said eagerly.

"Buddha!" ​​Prime Minister Turtle said with a smile: "Don't we have an alliance with Buddhism? The reason why my dragon clan is not tolerated by human race is because we are outsiders. If the Yellow River Dragon King is called to go to Buddhism, he will worship Buddhism and rely on Buddhism. Seeking blessing, what excuse does the chief governor have for making trouble?"

"Worship into Buddhism?" Donghai Dragon King hesitated when he heard the words: "Worship into Buddhism. It is inevitable that you will be moistened by Buddhism..."

"The king is not greedy, what we want is to counterattack the human race and occupy the Middle-earth China. The regional aura is just a start. As long as the **** can be saved, it is already worth it! And... I can also guide Buddhism to attack the Yangtze River. , This is a multitude of things in one fell swoop, a rare way to break the game!" Prime Minister Turtle shook his head and said.

Prime Minister tortoise deserves to be Prime Minister tortoise, he is so old and good, he found a way to break the game in an instant.

After hearing the words of Prime Minister Turtle, the East Sea Dragon King looked solemnly and said: "Why would Buddhism be an enemy of Zhuojun for the Dragon Race?"

"That is an ancestral vein. If Buddhism can occupy that ancestral vein, its aura will inevitably increase. This is an opportunity for Buddhism to subdue Daoism in one fell swoop. Blessed One is a wise man and will never give up!" Prime Minister Turtle flashed in his eyes. The color of determination.

After hearing Prime Minister Turtle's words, the East China Sea Dragon King hesitated, and then said: "Well, according to what you said, I have to bother the Prime Minister to go to Songshan in person, and I must convince the Lord to protect my dragon clan."

"Old Minister Zunzhi" Prime Minister Turtle smiled, exited the Dragon Palace, turned into a streamer and headed towards Mount Song.


Buddhism now has its own realm of Dharma, and the entire Songshan realm for hundreds of miles is bathed in the light of Buddha, making it extremely holy.

This place is the Buddhist holy realm!

How high is Laogui's strength?

Nobody knows.

In short, the old tortoise touched the top of Songshan Mountain, and all the gods and gods along the way had never noticed it.

"Master, the old turtle is polite!"

The world-zun turned his back to the road, and meditated on the wall. He heard the voice suddenly turned his head and looked at the old tortoise. There was a look of astonishment in his eyes: ""

World-honored you for a long time, did not say a Ziwu Maoyou, but his eyes were full of shock: "Are you still alive?"

"Oh, life is too long, even God won't accept me, what can I do!" The old tortoise hobbled on the boulder, and actually sat directly opposite the World-Honored one: "I haven't seen you for a thousand years, your kid will be more and more proactive. It's unpredictable, and it's better than before."

The Blessed One was relieved at this time, his eyes looked at the old turtle: "Senior, how many years have you lived?"

"How many years? I don't remember!" Prime Minister Tortoise shook his head, with a misty light in his eyes: "The only thing the old man remembers is that when the old man became enlightened, the old man once sat down and listened to it."

Blessed One smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and after a while, he said: "Senior don't know where is the place where I am now?"

"Donghai Dragon Palace" the old turtle sighed softly: "The blood of the Dragon race is flowing inside my body, and Dragon Palace is naturally my destination."

The Blessed One twisted his rosary and looked at the old tortoise with his eyes, but he couldn't see the depth of the old tortoise. After a while, he said, "Does senior have the secret of longevity?"

The old tortoise in front of you is a living fossil, what did you do? Isn't it for immortality?

Facing the old tortoise, even the world-zun couldn't help but ask about the secret law of longevity.

"You can't learn my exercises. You don't have dragon blood." The old turtle shook his head and said after a while, "I am looking for you today to help It's the whole thing. The cause and effect of the year."

"Oh?" The World Zun looked at Prime Minister Turtle in doubt.

Prime Minister Tortoise slowly said: "Li Tang reached an agreement with the Dragon Clan that all the waters in the world belong to the Dragon Clan and are controlled by the Dragon Clan. But now it is questioned by the chief governor, and the Yellow River water veins may be difficult to preserve. Your Buddhism is now recovering somewhat from the previous weather. , But it is still a lot worse. Even your fruit has not been fully verified. If you have ambitions and can resist the pressure of Zhuojun, the Yellow River Dragon King of my dragon clan will be under your Buddhism, and you will be blessed by the Yellow River Qi. After ten years, you will surely be able to stabilize the Taoist fruit, and the treasure will be fully formed."

"Yellow River Water Vessel!" The World Venerable frowned upon hearing this. Although the Yellow River water pulse was good, it was not the World Venerable's wish that Zhuo Jun had an enemy.

Who in Zhuojun is unfathomable, every time he faces each other, the World Venerable always has a feeling of fright.

"I know who in Zhuojun is not easy to deal with, but you don't know how to ask for wealth and danger. If you rely on your current aura, you may not be able to stabilize the treasure in twenty years. Now the time of shocking Rui is approaching, and immortal opportunities are always there. It may come, but I don’t know if God will give you twenty years of practice time, so that you can truly master the power of the law.” The old turtle stared at the Blessed One with his eyes.

Heart attack, who can match the old tortoise who has lived for countless years?

Laogui, such an antique, has thoroughly penetrated people's hearts and knows where the opponent's weakness is.

The Blessed One does not care about the aura of the Yellow River, but cares about time. With the blessing of the Yellow River, the solidification time of one's own treasures has been cut by at least half.

The key is that he doesn't know when the fairy plane will come, ten years is too long, he can't wait!

ps: It was wrong, Sun Ce should be Sun Quan. I'm sorry everyone, I don't feel very embarrassed.

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