First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1527: Rage Jinghe

A finger?

After hearing the words, Jumang's eyes were dignified, and he raised his eyes and looked up at Xinghe: "It's a pity! Senior Zhu Jiuyin has not been resurrected, otherwise you can directly pull the murderer out in the long river of time."

"You waited for the power of the innate gods to be too much against the sky, and you still don't know how to constrain. No wonder the heavens and a hundred clans were condemned by everyone!" There was a touch of emotion in the world's eyes.

"Haha, what do you know! If it weren't for the emperor's age when I was born late, do you really think that the emperor can stop the eternity and suppress countless innate gods?" Ju Mang's eyes showed a touch of anger.

"Hehe, anyway, your innate **** succumbed when facing the emperor!" Shizun's eyes showed a touch of disdain.

"You..." The sentence stomped angrily, and then snorted coldly: "What I said before, you can think about it for yourself. If you cooperate with my congenital gods, the fairy will be yours, and you will be immortal. The way is in sight. You are ascended to the immortal, and I wait for the demon **** to gain this world, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

After speaking, Jumang has already left.

Looking at the distant back of Ju Mang, the World Venerable sat on the top of the mountain for a long time without a word. After a while, he said: "You are the innate demon god, but I am a human race. Different ways are not conspiring!"


The old fisherman danglingly dropped the bait, a smile appeared in his eyes, took the gourd and drank a drink: "Good wine! Good wine!"

The wine is indeed a good wine, but it is the monkey wine made by wild monkeys in the mountains.

As the drink poured into his mouth, the old fisherman's eyes showed a touch of intoxication, and after a while he smiled slightly: "A fish has been hooked again!"

I saw the waves of the Jinghe River tumbling, and then the fishing line kept shaking, rolling up the waves.

When the fisherman lifted his palm, he saw a behemoth emerge from the water: "Oh, what a big loach!"

It's really a big loach!

The mud loach was two meters long, the bucket was thick and thin, with golden scales, and his eyes stared at the old fisherman fiercely.

The fisherman seemed to have no eyes on the loach, lifted the fishing line to carry the loach, and walked straight to the downtown.

"Old gentleman, thank you for making up for me yesterday. Today, the little old man hung up a big loach, and he came here to make up for the chieftain!" The fisherman kept the loach still on the ground, and immediately aroused the onlookers. call.

"Hey, such a huge loach, I am afraid it has become a climate!"

"This loach is so big, it must be a great tonic!"

"Not bad! Not bad! Lao Zhang, can you sell this loach?"

"Yes, how much is a pound, I bought it!"

The old fisherman laughed and showed his neat teeth: "If you don't sell it, you can't sell it, this loach is my special respect for Taoist leader."

not far away

Zhang Heng stood in the corner looking at the loach, his eyes twitching constantly, and said to Yuan Tiangang who was on one side: "This loach has a bloodline of eight points back to its ancestors. Once transformed, it will be a pure blood dragon. This time your uncle has caught a big man. You go to Zhuojun and talk to anyone, I'm afraid the show is about to begin."

"Yes!" Yuan Tiangang nodded and bowed to Zhang Heng before turning and leaving.

Zhang Bairen may not care about Zhang Heng, but he can't!

Who is Zhang Heng? The sons of Taoist patriarchs, the incarnation of the second generation patriarchs, how dare Yuan Tiangang disrespect?


With a chessboard in front of Zhang Bairen, he was playing chess with Zhang Lihua, while Empress Xiao smiled and peeled the grapes, and then gently stuffed them into Zhang Bairen's mouth.

"Sir!" Yuan Tiangang came in hastily: "Sir, there is news from Chang'an City, saying that we can start."

Zhang Bairen did not look back, but looked at the chessboard in front of him, and said after a while: "Counting the time, two months have passed. Every day I catch three fish. The Jinghe River has become a monster of the weather. It's exhausted."

"You tell them, just do it!" Zhang Bairen dropped the chess piece intently.


Law World

Li Yuan sat down with Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji. At this time, Li Jiancheng said angrily: "Father, that Zhang Bairen is simply too much! I don't know the dignity and inferiority, and forcing your old man Bintian to persecute your elder Bin Tian is really a crime."

Li Yuan was silent when he heard this. After a while, he said: "This incident was originally my Li family's failure. No wonder the governor. It's just that the white-eyed wolf of the people colluded with Buddhism to try to usurp the throne, and even the legislature will confront us. As the son of man."

Don't be the son of man!

Although Li Yuan was full of anger, but he couldn't help Li Shimin.

Li Yuanji's eyes were bloodshot and murderous, but he said nothing.

What can he say?

His own princess is still being raped in Li Shimin's bed, what can he say?

You can only crush your teeth and swallow blood into your abdomen.

I can't do anything by myself!

Female, is not the enemy of the sky.

Jinghe Dragon Palace

The Azure Dragon King turned into an 18-year-old child, sitting on the crystal bed, closing his eyes and performing exercises, a cyan dragon ball on top of his head constantly tumbling, devouring the power of the water veins of the Jing River.

After half a day, I saw the dragon ball exuding immeasurable light and was swallowed into the belly by the Jinghe Dragon King. He suddenly opened his eyes, and thunder struck across his eyes: "Yes! Not bad! Father made the Jinghe Dragon King for me. After only a few years of cultivation, it’s worth more than a hundred years of hard work. Jinghe is one of the pivots of the world's water veins, and it has the blessing of countless water veins in the world. As long as you give me twenty years, I can cultivate to great success. Those idiots of the human race only think that my dragons are greedy for the number of water veins, but they don’t know that the gods of the water veins secretly mobilize the power of the water veins to bless the Jinghe for my practice!"

The Dragon King of Jinghe is supported by the human water veins, and is blessed by half of the human aura. Of course, his cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds.

The dragons occupy the human water veins, which is nothing more than a cover. The real plan is to mobilize the power of the world water veins in Jinghe for the cultivation of the Qinglong King.

The human race has accumulated in the water veins for thousands of years. If the Azure Dragon King is fully completed, it will be difficult to think about it.

"Black catfish! Black catfish!" Qinglong King called out.

A word fell, but no outside response was seen.

The Azure Dragon King suddenly turned gloomy, stood up and got off the platform, and walked to the outside world: "Black catfish, where have you been?"

"My lord, it's okay! It's okay! You are finally out!" However, seeing a crab hurriedly rushing over, he knelt down and wailed.

"Xiu is about to cry, what happened, don't tell me quickly" Qinglong King said impatiently.

"The king doesn't know, you have been in retreat for two months, and an old fisherman came on the bank. This old fisherman has extraordinary methods. He actually fished my dragon son and grandson of the Jinghe River. After these two months, the Jinghe River has become a climatic dragon. All of them were fished away by the old man. Just three days ago, General Black Catfish was also fished away by the old man. Going on like this, I'm afraid that the Jinghe Dragon Clan will perish." The crab cried loudly.

"What? There is such a thing?" Jinghe Dragon King suddenly became angry when he heard it, turned and walked into the secret room, and took a roster. When he opened the roster, his eyes suddenly cracked: "Bold fisherman, this is going to Breaking my Jinghe Qi is really worthy of death!"

What is your way?

However, I saw the names on the roster. At this time, they were all dimmed and turned to gray. They were obviously dead and became other people's belly meals.

"Asshole, this king is going to kill him!" The Dragon King Jinghe was furious, and he rolled up the waves before going out to kill him.

"The king is not! Never! This is the human race, fishing is the right of the human race. If the king kills the human race and gives the human race an excuse to take back the water veins of the Jing River, wouldn't he betray the big master? A lot of hope? If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan, or the dragon king's Taoism is important. I wait for the life of the Shui clan to compare with the king, it is not worth mentioning!" The crab begged bitterly.

The Jinghe Dragon King really calmed down after hearing the words, and the words were murderous: "This person specializes in fishing for my aquarium dragon species. He is obviously here prepared. How can I let him go? If this continues, my aquarium must be exhausted. , This king is the Dragon King of Jinghe, how can he just sit idly by?"

Jinghe Dragon King clenched his fists tightly: "The King of Japan went to meet the fisherman in person. I would like to see what the fisherman is capable of, actually fishing for my aquarium dragon species."

After speaking, Jinghe Dragon King turned and left.

Second day

But when the old man came to the shore again, looking around for a while, he found a place to sit down.

"This Xiongtai is also fishing here?" But when he saw a husband passing by the shore and met the fisherman, he said It is, Xiongtai went to the mountain to chop wood, which is a good harvest. !" The fisherman looked at the woodcutter with a glint in his eyes, and said with a smile.

The husband came, with a glint in his eyes, and handed the wine gourd in his hand: "Xiao Ke is most interested in fishing, but unfortunately he has been suffering from no one's guidance. A few days ago, I heard that Mr. is proficient in fishing. I hope Mr. will give some advice. ."

The fisherman took the gourd and sniffed gently: "Good wine! Good wine!"

Taking a sip, the fisherman's eyes showed a look of enjoyment: "Just watch it while you are!"

After all, the fisherman put down the wine gourd, carefully plugged the lid, and then took out the bait and threw the fishing rod.

The bait is an ordinary bait, and the fishing rod is an ordinary fishing rod. The old man is an old man with no cultivation skills, but he can catch the son of a true dragon. Isn’t it strange?

Throwing the bait into the water, the old man uncovered the wine gourd stopper and drank it unhurriedly.

But for a while, I saw the Jinghe River boiling and the undercurrent surging. The Qinglong King could see with his own eyes that countless powerful monsters at the bottom of the river were fighting and fighting for that small piece of bait.

Looking at the tumbling river, the old man sitting silently hammering, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, Jinghe Dragon King stood up in shock.

"This...this...this..." Jinghe Dragon King pointed to the river water and couldn't say anything. It took a while to regain his emotions, and he squatted: "Brother, you can see that this fishing rod and bait are all ordinary. But why has it attracted countless fishes to fight for it?"

At this time, the old man was already drunk, and his brain was a little reluctant. After listening to the words of the Dragon King Jinghe, he couldn't help but proudly said: "You don't know. There is a fortune-telling gentleman in the city. Before fishing this time, I have to go to the gentleman to ask for a divination..."

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