First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1528: It's done!

?Xianjia wine, how can a mortal body be able to resist, but after a few mouthfuls, the fisherman is already drunk, and all that should be explained and should not be explained.

"There is a man in the city of Chang'an. The way of calculation is wonderful and unparalleled. Every time before fishing, the old man will go to the man's stall to ask for a divination."

When the Jinghe Dragon King heard this, his face was murderous: "Damn Taoist!"

When he woke up, the fisherman raised his head, but no longer saw the shadow of Jinghe Dragon King. He looked down at the fish hook in the river, but he saw a big carp. The big carp covered with golden scales was dragged up all the way. Walked straight to the city of Chang'an.

Soon after the fisherman left, he saw a violent wind rolling up, and the Jinghe Dragon King turned into a human form and followed the Taoist.

Entering the city of Chang'an, the Jinghe Dragon King followed the fisherman to the stall, his eyes swept over the Taoist, and there was a murderous in his eyes. He was about to step forward, but he heard the Taoist said: "Today's three lessons are full, you guys go away! Let go!"

After hearing the words, everyone dispersed, Jinghe Dragon King paused and turned back to Jinghe.

At the dawn of the next day, the Dragon King of Jinghe turned into a young scholar, turned around and came to Chang'an City, waiting for Yuan Shoucheng's arrival early.

After three rods in the sun, Yuan Shoucheng came dozing off, and seeing the young scribe in front of the stall, his heart moved: "What does the son want to ask?"

Jinghe Dragon King looked at Yuan Shoucheng at this time, and after a while he laughed in his heart: "It turns out to be a common man!"

but it is

From the eyes of the Jinghe Dragon King, Yuan Shoucheng was just a mortal, and he didn't have the slightest energy in his body.

"Just ask how the sky is cloudy and sunny?" Jinghe Dragon King looked at Yuan Shoucheng with a pair of eyes, and he was suspicious: "This ordinary Taoist can really determine the river course of my Jinghe Dragon Clan?"

I thought so, but I was suspicious and didn't believe it.

"Let's try this gentleman's true or false" Jinghe Longwang's eyes showed a cold light.

Yuan Shoucheng sneered in his heart: "I'm not afraid you won't get the bait!"

In fact, no matter what the Jinghe Dragon King wanted to ask, it didn't matter. Yuan Shoucheng had some ways to lure him into a condom and let him know that he was great.

Immediately drew out a hexagram, Yuan Shoucheng said: "The top of the mountain is lost in clouds, and the top of the mountain is covered by mist. If the rain is occupied, it will be tomorrow."

After hearing this, Jinghe Dragon King said calmly: "When will it rain tomorrow? How big is the rain?"

The corners of Yuan Shoucheng's mouth turned up, revealing an unchecked smile: "Tomorrow will be full of clouds at the beginning of the day, thunder will be thundered at the beginning of the day, it will rain at noon, and rain will not be sufficient at any time, and a total of three feet, three inches and forty-eight o'clock will be available."

The Dragon King of Jinghe didn't believe it at all. He was the Dragon King. How can you know what rain is on this boundary?

"With empty words, how can you believe that you are full of words?" Jinghe Dragon King sneered.

Yuan Shoucheng didn't feel annoyed. Seeing Jinghe Dragon King got up to leave, he didn't hesitate to say, "How about a bet with you?"

"Oh?" Jinghe Dragon King stopped: "You want to bet with me? How to bet?"

"Just bet on tomorrow when it rains?" Yuan Shoucheng said.

"Okay! You guys really don't shed tears if they don't see the coffin. If it rains tomorrow, I will give you fifty taels of gold. If it doesn't rain..." Jinghe Longwang smiled.

"If there is no rain, you will smash my sign, and the old way will get out of Chang'an City." Yuan Shoucheng Road.

"Oh?" Jinghe Dragon King frowned: "It's a big tone, it's up to you!"

Jinghe Dragon King laughed wildly and left!

Does he know if there is rain in the boundary of Chang'an City?

"It must be that the fisherman has a problem. He has a special way to catch my dragon son and grandchildren, but he deliberately made a lie and pushed me off the Taoist. When I kill the fisherman, the crisis in Jinghe can be resolved!" Jinghe The Dragon King drove the demon wind all the way to the field, but after searching for a long time, he never noticed the fisherman's trail, and said angrily: "But I told him to go away! I will find him fishing in the future, so I have to swallow him all at once. No."

The Dragon King of Jinghe returned to the Shui Mansion. At this time, the gods and gods lined up and came to inquire. After all, the people in the Shui Mansion were panicked, and this matter involved the lives of everyone.

A crab general stepped forward and said, "My lord, but did you kill the fisherman? Caught the man?"

Jinghe Dragon King sneered: "The fisherman lied to me when he saw the opportunity, and then took the opportunity to escape. I saw the Taoist priest in Chang'an City."

"The Taoist priest instructed the fisherman to catch the Jinghe dragon seed, the king must not be merciless, and he should be killed!" The general on one side said.

"Oh, that man is a liar who runs around the rivers and lakes to beg for food. I asked him when it rained, and he explained that it rained; when I asked him what time and the number of rains, he said that the clouds are at the time of the day, thunder is coming at the time, and it rains at noon. , Before the rain was enough, I got water three feet three inches and forty-eight. I had a bet with him; if he said, I would give him fifty taels of money; if it was a little worse, I would break his facade. Get him up and don't confuse the crowd in Chang'an."

Hearing this, everyone in the water mansion laughed and said: "The king is the master of the eight rivers. Only the king knows whether there is rain or not. This man must have lost his ugliness in front of the true dragon!"

A group of aquatic people kept touting that the Jinghe Dragon King was good for life. After all, I live a short life and cultivate hard all year round. I ignore the world and don’t know the human relationship. I was blown away by all the water people for a while, and said loudly: "Come here, get the drink!"

The Dragon King of Jinghe was having a banquet in the Shui Mansion. At this time, the Tiangong Dharma Realm was surging, but he said Li Yuanji bid farewell to Li Yuan. Thinking of his wife and daughter being ravaged in the Lower Realm, his heart began to drip blood, and a wave of anger continued to rise, impacting him. Chest.

"King Qi, walk slowly" at this moment, the four celestial masters on one side came.

"I don't know what the four celestial masters do if they call this king?" Li Yuanji didn't dare to be rude to the four celestial masters.

One of the celestial masters smiled and said: "King Qi has invited, we want to ask you for a favor."

"Please help me?" Li Yuanji was taken aback.

Another celestial master said: "King Qi does not know that my Taoist gate wants to regain the waters of the Jinghe River and give Buddhism a power. The emperor of the lower world actually supports the Buddhism Daxing, where is my gate? The Sihailong clan is even more of a wall, and it is secretly hidden. I voted for Buddhism, my Daoism is now in danger, and of course I won’t sit still."

"Give Li Shimin trouble?" Listening to the dissatisfaction with the emperor of the world in the words of several people, Li Yuanji suddenly came to the spirit: "Go, let's go into the palace and talk in detail."

About half a day later, I saw Li Yuanji walking out of the mansion with the four great celestial masters, and promised to the four great celestial masters: "You real people, let me leave this matter to me. My father has long been dissatisfied with the people. After my Li family is old, how can I worship Buddhism? This is not difficult, it will be a while."

Li Yuanji hurriedly went to Li Yuan's bedroom. Rainfall was the responsibility of the dragon clan. The dragon clan was granted a ban in the past.

Jinghe Dragon Palace Hall

At this time, the Dragon King of Jinghe was drinking, and suddenly only the sound of heaven reverberated, a golden armoured man came to the water mansion: "The Emperor of Heaven, the King of Jinghe will take the decree."

"Huh?" At this time, the dragon king of Jinghe drank a little big head. Hearing what the yellow-turbaned man said, his eyes showed dissatisfaction: "Accepting the decree? The emperor's arrogance is too big, and you will be with me."

The dragon clan is a great power in the world, how can it really kneel down and take orders?

The Golden Armored Warrior didn't say much, and threw the imperial decree directly to the Dragon King of Jinghe, then turned and left.

The Dragon King of Jinghe opened the imperial edict and was shocked, but saw that the imperial edict was exactly the same as the fortune teller said.

"Damn it, how could it be like this! Is this king going to lose to a mortal?" Jinghe Dragon King threw the imperial decree on the ground and stepped on it.

While the shrimp soldiers and crabs stepped forward and picked up the imperial decree on the ground, their expressions changed immediately. One of them said: "The king, the emperor's decree, how should this be good? Is the king going to lose to a humble mortal? Save!"

"This king must never lose to a mortal. This king only honors the imperial decree of the Dragon Palace. As for the emperor's decree of this day, it is just a piece of waste paper!" Qinglong King heard the words at this time, especially in front of so many subordinates. , Thinking of all kinds of flattery before, there was a hot pain on his face, how can he bow his head at this time?

"No big king, after all, we are in the human race, and we can't underestimate the emperor's decree! Otherwise, how can it be difficult for the dragon king to do it!" a side general said.

"Huh? No? Is it impossible for this king to lose to a human race?" Qinglong King said dissatisfied.

What kind of character is he, how can he lose to a human race?

"Hahaha, my lord... Our Dragon Clan and Li Tang have a lot of friendship, and they are allies, but they are not easy to beat the face of the It is better to change the rainy hour and deduct one or two points from him. , I don’t expect Tiangong to go into it!" Partial general said: "In this way, the face of the emperor will be alleviated, and the face of the king will be preserved."

"Hahaha! Good! Good! Good! Your strategy is good, just follow you! Just follow you! What kind of status is this king? I am the prince of the Four Seas, the future lord of the dragon clan, so Li Yuan would dare to come and ask me? Rain, it is to give him face!" Jinghe Dragon King laughed wildly.

"It's done!"

In Zhuojun, Zhang Bairen held the soft silk in his hand and slowly wiped the sword in his hand.

"It depends on whether the Dragon King of the Seas has the courage to come inland!" Zhang Bairen's eyes revealed a murderous intent: "The matter of slaying the dragon is now!"

Second day

When it came time to spread the clouds and rain, Jinghe Dragon King directly delayed the time and deducted the points. Then, when the clouds and rain were over, they landed straight in the city of Chang'an, transformed into a scribe, and came to the Yuan Shoucheng booth. Said directly smashed for a while.

Angry into anger!

Jinghe Dragon King became angry from shame, how could he be defeated by a mortal?

"You demon who speaks falsely about misfortune and blessing, dare to confuse people here? I smashed your stall today and told you to get out of Chang'an City!"

Looking at the messed up stall, Yuan Shoucheng shook his head, sighed unhurriedly, and walked straight into Chang'an City without saying a word.

"Humph!" Looking at Yuan Shoucheng's back, Jinghe Dragon King showed murderous intent, but this is the human race boundary, after all, he did not dare to take action, turned and disappeared in the crowd.

Heavenly Palace

At this time, the four celestial masters were already waiting, looking at the waters of the Jinghe River below, a sneer appeared in their eyes.


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