First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1538: Another handwritten book from the pre-Qin period

? With one sword cut out, the law is annihilated.

The chaotic and hazy world of the old turtle was split in half in an instant.

Sword Qi is Jian Qi after all, not the body of Zhuxian's Four Swords, and its power is far less than the power of Zhuxian's Four Swords.

It's like a person hitting you, and a person blowing on you, the effect is completely two ways.

The chaos upside-down and misty world is still the world that contains the eight powers of earth, water, wind and fire, but it makes people feel a little surprised, but Laogui Daoxing is incredible.

Just passive defense, never fight back, Zhang Bairen's methods have been easily eliminated by the opponent.

"Capital Governor, let the Dragon King of the East China Sea come out," Prime Minister Kame said with a smile.

Zhang Bairen's face was gloomy, and his eyes stared at the old turtle, showing a pensive look: "Do you think you can easily beat me like this?"

Zhang Bairen and the power of the law that Yangshen entrusted to the world has not been mobilized, but this old turtle's background is too deep, it is simply unfathomable. Even if you mobilize the power of the law, you may not be able to beat him.

"Captain, don't be fooled by this old tortoise. The tortoise clan is best at defense, but its offensive power is its shortcoming. Although he took your attack, he may not be able to defeat you." Zhang Hengren Old Chengjing, aware of Zhang Bairen's concerns, reminded him at this time.

Zhang Bairen was recognized as the number one master of the human race at this time. If he loses to the four seas, it will not be a big blow to the morale of the human race.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen's eyes lit up: "Yes! Not bad! You almost missed Mount Tai. Your strongest method is defense. As long as I can break your defense, I can kill you!"

As for the attack methods of the old turtle, it is not worth mentioning in the face of defense.

The sound of the chains sounded, and Zhang Bairen saw the chains of the sun in Zhang Bairen's hands circulating, piercing through the void and rolling towards the Prime Minister Turtle.

This is a treasure trained by the Emperor of Heaven, why can't you restrain an old turtle?

"Hold on!" Prime Minister Turtle suddenly called to Zhang Bairen, and took out a skeleton in his hand: "Boy, look at the sword spirit on this skeleton, you don't know it!"

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen frowned, rolled the chain in his hand, and brought the skeleton closer, revealing an incredible expression.

The skeleton was gray, but the sword energy on it was still reluctant to disperse even though it had passed through the hurried years.

After thousands of vicissitudes, but still eternal.

"Wusheng, I know it is you! I know that your reincarnation body is back. When Daqin, you and I made the agreement, don't you remember?" Laogui stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Da Qin? A promise?" Zhang Bairen looked confused.

"Hmph, back then, in the pre-Qin period, you asked the old tortoise to help the first emperor to train into the twelve golden body. Did you forget?" Prime Minister tortoise stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You know, too," I am proficient in the calculation of heavenly secrets, and I have already known that the dragon will have a big catastrophe in the future. The sword aura and handwriting on the skeleton must not be faked!"

Looking at the scars on the skeleton in front of him, Zhang Bairen's expression became serious. He didn't remember when he shot and killed these monsters.

The handwriting and Zhuxian Jianqi cannot be faked.

This is indeed what I left behind.

But what happened in the ancient times before the Qin Dynasty?

First black and white impermanence, then Ding Dong, Xu Fu, and now it is this old tortoise, forming a huge mystery.

"Come on!" Laogui looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"What happened in the ancient pre-Qin period?" Zhang Bairen stared at the old turtle with a pair of eyes.

"I can't say it!" The old turtle just looked at Zhang Bairen faintly: "I only ask you, this token is not counted."

Can't count?

Zhang Bairen looked at the skeleton in front of him with a pair of eyes, and the handwriting on it was indeed correct.

At that moment, Zhang Bairen thought of his dream of returning to the ancient times, when he slaughtered Kunlun Mountain, and the aging of Donghua Emperor left him, Zhang Bairen's heart was shaken at that moment.

There must be something major in history that makes me have to make promises.

How could Zhang Bairen not know the terrifying consequences of changing history?

Putting the skeleton of the handwritten book away, Zhang Bairen looked at the old turtle with gloomy eyes, and then looked at the Dragon King of the East China Sea in his hand. The world seemed to be silent at that moment.

"Boy, let the Dragon King of East China Sea go, there are even greater calamities waiting for you in the future! Your enemy has never been the Dragon Clan" Old Turtle shook his head.

"Who is my enemy?" Zhang Bairen stared at the old turtle.

Prime Minister Turtle shook his head and said nothing.

Zhang Bairen shook his hand fiercely and shook the Dragon King of the East China Sea a few times. Watching the battle in the waters below, Zhang Bairen said coldly: "If the order is passed on, all the dragons will withdraw from Middle-earth, otherwise today I will not blame me for being merciless. "

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The Dragon King of East China Sea hurriedly said loudly: "Come on, send the order quickly, all dragon belongings will quit! All dragon belongings will withdraw from Middle-earth."

"Great King!" The Yellow River Dragon King rose into the sky at this time: "Great King, no!"

"Asshole, since this king has ordered, how can you disprove it!" Donghai Dragon King roared angrily, constantly struggling in Zhang Bairen's hands.

"Bang!" Void shook, a cannon rang, and all the human race dragons began to retreat to the East China Sea.

The eyes of Sun Quan below showed ecstasy: "Hahaha, generals, follow me to occupy the world's waterways."

Chang'an City

Li Shimin's face suddenly became gloomy

I was at a disadvantage, and Zhang Bairen took control of the waterway. How would I compete with Zhang Bairen in the future?

"Sir!" Li Shimin could not sit still.

"Your Majesty, those are all things outside of your body. As long as you can continue to gather the true dragon's energy, gather the laws of fate, and kill Zhang Bairen, those are all yours!" Ju Mang slowly said.

Li Shimin took a deep breath when he heard the words, and forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart, his eyes showed a dignified look: "What a pity!"

It's a pity that it's a good time to accept the world's waterways!

"Bang!" The Dragon King of East China Sea was thrown away by Zhang Bairen's sleeve, and a sneer appeared in his eyes: "You know you!"


There were waves in the East China Sea, and the East China Sea Dragon King stared at Zhang Bairen embarrassedly, trying to say something, but after all, he didn't speak, and he closed his mouth altogether, with anger brewing in his eyes.

Lost it!

Not only did the Azure Dragon King die, but he also lost the waters of the Human Race. For the Dragon Race, this transaction is too bad, too bad!

Zhang Bairen swept across the heroes of the heavens, and finally his eyes fell on Prime Minister Turtle: "You follow me!"

Zhang Bairen was too curious about what happened in the ancient pre-Qin period, and everything started from that time.

A big drama disappeared, ending with a fiasco of the dragon clan.

It can't be said to be a disastrous defeat, at least since today, the status of the dragon clan will be greatly improved in the world. There is an old monster who does not know how many years to live, and the Four Seas Dragon Clan does have long-lasting capital.


Zhang Bairen fell out of the light, and the Prime Minister tortoise stood beside Zhang Bairen; as for the trivial things like the waters of the world, Sun Quan would naturally have to bother, and Zhang Bairen would not be able to take action.

"Let's talk about what happened in the pre-Qin ancient times, how could this seat beg you..." Zhang Bairen held his hands on his back, his voice full of gloom.

"Don't talk about this..." The old turtle shook his head.

"Don't fool me with your set of tricks, if you don't say it, don't blame me for killing you alive!" Zhang Bairen's words were full of murderous intent.

Prime Minister Turtle looked at Zhang Bairen up and down when he heard the words, and after a while he said, "That's right, you are so hot, you are an inanimate Taoist."

"But why are you so weak? What about your sword drawing?" Laogui's eyes were full of surprise: "Why don't you see your sword drawing?"

"How do you know?" Zhang Bairen was shocked, his own Zhu Xianjian picture is his biggest secret, never born, how does this old turtle know?

"Back then, in the pre-Qin period, how many innate gods did you slaughter in a roll of arrays? Have you forgotten?" Prime Minister Turtle's eyes were full of shock.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback: "What happened in the ancient pre-Qin period?"

"Don't you remember? You lost even the formation?" Prime Minister Turtle looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of mung bean eyes, and then he laughed wildly: "Hahaha, no life, no life, I don't think you have today! Back then you almost To slaughter my dragons to death, I have to take action today, Laogui, to let you know how powerful it is."

While talking, Old Turtle rolled up his sleeves, seemingly lacking in fear, and suddenly slammed Zhang Bairen with his Wang Ba fist.


Zhang Bairen stood still, touched his hot eyes, and said in a cold voice:

"Array? Are you looking for this?"

A cloud of gray gas floated up and down in Zhang Bairen's hands, as if a cloud of chaos, the earth-shattering murderous intent to destroy the universe was brewing in the gray gas.

"Uh..." Prime Minister Turtle immediately stopped in front of Zhang Bairen's fist, and looked at the tumbling air current in Zhang Bairen's hands, his body was shaking: "Hehe, kidding! Just kidding!"

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen pointed to his red and swollen eye sockets: "Is this also a joke?"

"It's just that I haven't seen it in many years... I haven't seen it in many years... It's not How did you hide this murderous intent?" Kame prime minister changed the subject.

Zhang Bairen flipped the palm of his hand, put the array away, grabbed Prime Minister Turtle by the neck, and slammed his white fist down.


"Oh, don't fight! Old tortoise, I became the real body of Xuanwu ten years ago. Unless you use the formation, don't want to break my defense!" Resist.

"Bang!" Shaking his numb arm, Zhang Bairen threw a punch again without saying a word: "Say! Tell yourself! What happened in the pre-Qin period?"

"Oh~~~ It hurts me to death!" Prime Minister Turtle wailed: "I can't tell! I can't really tell! If you say it, there will be a big problem."

"What's the big problem?" Zhang Bairen didn't believe it, "You don't want to blame me!"

"I'm telling the truth. There were too many innate gods who died that year, and once you say it, something will happen!"

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