First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1539: Reincarnation of Emperor Donghua

? Innate gods are mysterious and unpredictable, are they so easy to kill?

Even the congenital sacred name cannot be easily mentioned. Once the real name of the congenital **** is mentioned, it will instantly induce causality, and then the congenital **** will be resurrected from the depths of endless time and space.

The power of innate gods is definitely not a joke.

Prime Minister Turtle was jealous, and he absolutely didn't dare to mention what happened in the ancient times. If a cause and effect were accidentally caused and the ancient innate gods returned against the sky, the matter would be very troublesome.

Having said that, Zhang Bairen is definitely not so foolish, just staring at Prime Minister Tortoise with his eyes: "You should give the Governor a reasonable explanation. Why should I give you this tortoise shell?"

The old turtle shook his head and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes. After a while, he said: "I can only say that if you regard the four seas as your enemy, then you would be wrong. The four seas are not your enemy. , On the contrary, it is the guardian barrier of the Middle-earth China, but you have now killed the Azure Dragon King and cut off the hope of the dragon clan. No one can predict that you will develop in that direction in the future."

Zhang Bairen backhanded the tortoise shell away and looked at the void in the distance: "I know what you said, and I know what you want to say! Back then, King Yu sealed Kyushu, expelled foreign races, and turned China into a paradise on earth. I can't hide it from my eyes."

While talking, Zhang Bairen looked at the Taishan realm with a dignified look in his eyes, and then said: "Some things, I already knew."

When he dreamed back to ancient times, and then returned to the world today, Zhang Bairen has already noticed some clues. With the comprehension of the power of the law, Zhang Bairen is more able to sense the qi in the dark, and many things have been foreseen in his heart.

"You actually know?" Prime Minister Kame was stunned.

Zhang Bairen didn't say much, but turned to look at the cloud head in the distance, and said after a while: "Fine, you go."

"Is this going away?" Prime Minister tortoise looked at Zhang Bairen, with a look of dread on his face: "Human race has you here, no worries!"

The old turtle is gone, looking at the sea clan powerhouse who is constantly retreating from Middle-earth, all the waters of the world are taken over by the human race, and the prime minister has a sorrow in his eyes: "Good death, the Qinglong King shouldn't have appeared in this world! Qinglong King If you don’t die, the Dragon Clan’s aura cannot be emptied. How can the ancestor be resurrected?"

Prime Minister Turtle walked slowly towards the East China Sea. With his ability, it was not difficult to rescue the Azure Dragon King, and it was not difficult to save the life of the Azure Dragon King. But why did he do this? The Azure Dragon King was his own accident, the cause and effect of mobilizing the stars to kill Zhang Bairen.

The Azure Dragon King must die!

Everything about Prime Minister Turtle has been counted, but some things were beyond his expectation.

"The Wusheng sword formation is too terrifying, even if the ancestor is resurrected, I am afraid that I can't compete with it; if I have not experienced that era, I would never know how terrifying the Four Swords of Zhu Xian are!" Prime Minister Turtle shook his head and walked into the East China Sea.


Zhang Bairen didn't know the calculations of Prime Minister Turtle. If he knew that Prime Minister Turtle wanted to resurrect the ancestor of the dragon clan, he would never kill the Azure Dragon King.

But things have happened, it's no use for anyone to come.

The Dragons of the Four Seas withdrew their troops, and all the waters in the world belonged to the human race, and they were occupied by the **** of Jiang.

"Brother!" Sun Quan came to Zhang Bairen in high spirits, his eyes full of excitement: "In a month, I will be able to dominate the waters of the world, this time thanks to you."

"Daomen, Buddhism won't give you a month. This is a big cake. I am afraid that you and I can't swallow it." Zhang Bairen didn't see the slightest excitement on his face. When his cultivation level reached his level, the incense and the ground were not outside. Nothing more.

"The sun divine body!" Zhang Bairen was not too satisfied with his sun divine body. His own sun divine body's power could not be exerted at all. After all, the sun's will was too weak to mobilize the full potential of his body.

"The most important thing for me is penance. Only penance can protect everything that I want." Zhang Bairen looked thoughtful, tapping his belt with both hands in silence.

"What's wrong with Brother Xian?" Sun Quan looked at Zhang Bairen who was in deep thought, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Just thinking about things, I'm a little fascinated. My brother needs to be more cautious. The benefits of the river basin are too great. If it is swallowed by force, there will be no trouble in the future. At this time, it is better to hold the main river channels in your hands and those secondary It doesn’t matter if the river channel is temporarily placed. Once the foundation is stabilized in the future, it will not be too late to slowly conquer."

Hearing what Zhang Bairen said, Sun Quan nodded, and was about to say something, but suddenly saw a golden light across the sky, and came to Zhang Bairen in an instant.


The mighty purple air rushed toward his face.

Zhang Bairen held the invitation with a dignified look in his eyes. He turned to Sun Quan and said, "The little brother still has important matters to deal with, so I will ask my brother to ask for help."

"You can rest assured, brother, I will not miss this great opportunity for my brother, don't forget, I have the water **** rune!" Sun Quan patted his chest to promise.

Zhang Bairen nodded, and without saying anything, it turned into golden light and spread out in the air, then instantly turned into invisible.


Sweeping across the misty mountains and clouds, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion.

"The noise you made this time is not small." Guan Zizao moved lightly and came to Zhang Bairen's side.

Zhang Bairen smiled, and then said: "There is no way, the water vein matter is very important, and I have a great feud with the world, and I cannot let the Azure Dragon King rise."

"Emperor Donghua is about to be reincarnated" Guan Zizai sighed softly and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "What are you prepared for?"

"Why do I need to prepare?" Zhang Bairen shook his head: "Emperor Donghua's origins are unpredictable and he has a deep footing. Why should I intervene in this matter, we are just a witness."

As he said, the cave sky above opened, a figure in Tsing Yi slowly walked out, and then swallowed the entire cave sky with a mouth.

"Emperor" Zhang Bairen respectfully saluted.

"Fine, you kid don't want to be polite, we don't like that one" Donghua Dijun has a handsome face and extraordinary bearing, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"A hundred years ago, this emperor accepted a disciple and called it: Zhong Liquan. He is a guardian appointed by this emperor. I have to teach my Supreme Dharma, thousands of years of hard work, Jindan Dadao, if you see it in the future , Can take care of the emperor on behalf of the emperor. "Emperor Donghua looked at Zhang Bairen and Guanzi.

The two people in front of them are both contemporary figures, and their shots are the big men who shake things up and overwhelm one side.

"The emperor reincarnated, do you want me to save you?" Zhang Bairen hesitated slightly.

"Don't! Don't! Don't intervene in the affairs of this seat!" Donghua Emperor was shocked when he heard the words, his eyes were full of shock, and he waved his hand quickly.

"Why?" Zhang Bairen was a little depressed by Emperor Donghua's expression. Is he so scary?

Not terrible, but troublesome.

"You have too much cause and effect. Although you have a lot of allies, you have more enemies. If you go to peace today, it is the best time for this emperor to reincarnate, and Zhong Liquan has been living in seclusion in the mountains and old forests, and has never gone down the mountain to forge cause and effect. , Even if something goes wrong, it will not kill people. If you intervene, it will be different..." Emperor Donghua shook his head repeatedly.

For Zhang Bairen, Emperor Donghua has been watching with cold eyes over the years. Zhang Bairen's move to save himself, although there are advantages, but the disadvantages are even greater.

Zhang Bairen touched his nose, then smiled bitterly and shook his head silently.

Seeing this, Emperor Donghua sighed slightly: "I'm going to reincarnation now, I don't know if I am still me!"

"Daomen only seek this life, not the next life. After reincarnation, you are not you! But you are still you!" Zhang Bairen said mysteriously.

"I am not me, I am just cause and effect!" Emperor Donghua looked solemnly: "Since the beginning of the world, this emperor has witnessed countless rises and falls, and he has already lived enough. If you don't become immortal, then you will never fall into reincarnation. Detached."

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen was shocked. He never thought that Emperor Donghua had such great perseverance, and he actually swore an oath.

Looking at Zhang Bairen, Emperor Donghua patted him on the shoulder: "I am different from you. I have witnessed the vicissitudes of life, saw the great power of the Emperor of Heaven, suppressing the gods in the world. I have also seen the rise of the human race, the battle of the deer, and the town of Dayu. Kyushu. Lao Tan once discussed the road with me, and I am no longer confused about Xianlu."

"What the **** is Xianlu's secret?" Zhang Bairen looked at Emperor Donghua with a pair of eyes, revealing a frightening luster.

While watching the words, his eyes flickered, and his eyes looked at Emperor Donghua.

Emperor Donghua turned his head to look at Zhang Bairen, and said after a while: "You don't have to worry about so much, as long as you follow your own path, then it is the fairy road. Although there is a fairy opportunity on the day of shocking Rui, it is with you It may not be useful."

After speaking, don’t wait for Zhang Bairen to ask Emperor Donghua turned and looked at the great mountains and rivers: "The emperor will go, if you encounter the emperor’s reincarnation body in the future, I hope you won’t forget to take photos. "

After speaking, I saw the Emperor Donghua transforming into a rainbow light, soaring into the sky in an instant, piercing through time and space and disappearing into the darkness.

Emperor Donghua is reincarnated.

Zhang Bairen looked at the back of Emperor Donghua in a daze, and after a while he came back to his senses: "Good demeanor! So free and easy! You deserve to be the Emperor of the ancients, and the Emperor of Donghua will surely enlighten you."

"Emperor Donghua has witnessed the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of time. For others, there may only be one ten million hope for enlightenment, but for Emperor Donghua, there is at least one tenth of hope." Guan Zizai's eyes leaked. Blurred: "Emperor Donghua created the Supreme Secret Art Jindan Avenue, where is my way forward?"

Speaking of this, I looked at Zhang Bairen curiously: "Emperor Donghua said that you have already set foot on the road of immortality. I think you are no different from me."

Zhang Bairen fell into deep thought when he heard the words, not to say it was Guan Zizai, even if he himself did not know when he set foot on the immortal road.

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