First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1540: Wugou's mind

?How can I not know when I set foot on the fairy road?

There was a daze in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and Guan Zi looked at Zhang Bairen: "Since the Emperor Donghua said it, it must not be aimless. Why are you making such a big storm in Middle Earth now?"

For what?

Of course it is to continue playing chess!

The chess game is just beginning.

Ouchi Palace

One storm has calmed down, but another storm has just begun.

"How can we abolish Chengqian! Abolish the position of prince of Chengqian!" Empress Changsun stood in front of the pavilion and looked at the bright moon in the sky for a long time.

She only knows that her time is running out, and the Void Inspiration is getting stronger and stronger. Perhaps in three or five years, she will have to rise in Taoism, but she must end her cause and effect before dying.

Fingers tapped Yu Pei lightly, and Chang Sun Wu Gu stared at the sky blankly.

"How is the prince recently?" Changsun Wuguo said.

"Return to the empress, since the prince's leg was abolished, his temper has become more and more irritable. There are already more than a dozen young eunuchs in the palace who were killed by the rod..." the servant said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Changsun Wugou frowned, then said after a while: "Take this palace to have a look."

Changsun Wuguo followed the servant to the East Palace. He heard a sound of smashing before he even approached. Li Chengqian's violent voice sounded like a thunder: "Damn! Bastard! Bastard thing, come here... drag it to the palace. Go out and die."

"Your Majesty, please be merciful! Your Majesty be merciful!" He only listened to the wailing, but was unable to resist, and was dragged out by the two guards and pulled out of the bedroom.

"Wait!" Changsun Wugou called out the two soldiers.

"Niang Niang" the guard said respectfully.

Changsun Wugou waved his hand and motioned to the guard to let go of the eunuch.

"Thanks Niang Niang! Thank you Niang Niang!" The little **** bowed his head repeatedly and pleaded guilty.

"Let's all go down, go in this palace and have a look." Changsun Wugou walked into Li Chengqian's bedroom, frowned, and saw Li Chengqian, who was like a madman with a disheveled hair.

The wine is scented, and the beautiful clothes are extremely attractive.

"Happy! Happy!" Li Chengqian's clothes were scattered, his fat body leaning on the desk, a pot of wine was poured into his abdomen, his eyes were full of blurred colors: "Hahaha! Happy!"

Looking at the beauty in the clothes, the grandson Wuguo had a gloomy face, and then suddenly yelled, "Enough!"

The hall was quiet, and the ladies of the palace dropped their heads one after another, their eyes filled with panic: "I have seen the empress."

The gaze flicked across Gong E, the anger flowed in the eyes of the grandson Wu Gu, and he stopped on Gong E's bruised neck.

"You wait until you go down." Wu Gu's face was gloomy.

The hall became quiet in an instant

Changsun Wuguo stared at Li Chengqian with a pair of eyes, with guilt and anger in his eyes. After a while, he said: ‘Chengqian, what are you like now! ’


Li Chengqian bent his legs and knelt directly on the ground, crying.

"Why are you crying? Didn't you just break a leg? In the future, this Li Tang country will still be yours!" Looking at Li Chengqian, who was all over his body, Changsun Wugu's fingers clenched tightly, and his veins violent.

In any case, Li Chengqian is the meat that fell from her body, and the adult is wrong and the child is right. Li Chengqian is innocent, he doesn't know anything.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Li Chengqian laughed sorrowfully, and shook the world: "The queen must not blame me, the child has a lame leg, how can the monarch of the dignified kingdom Li Tang be a lame."

"There are countless genius doctors in the world, and there are always those who can heal your injuries. Why are you so depressed?" Longsun Wugou hated that iron could not become a steel track.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Anyway, I, Prince Li Tang, will be abolished sooner or later, so I don’t want to enjoy the fun of being a gentleman at this time. If I am treated as a prince, there is no chance!" After speaking, Li Chengqian didn't care about the eldest grandson Wugu, but limped on his own, stumbled to the front of the case and picked up a drink.

Seeing this silence, Changsun Wugou said after a while: "Cheng Qian, do you hate your mother for not letting you practice martial arts? If you had practiced martial arts earlier, you wouldn't be what you are today."

"How dare the child! How dare the child! What is good about martial arts, the child does not like martial arts, it has nothing to do with his mother!" Li Chengqian shook his head repeatedly, and cried loudly after drinking a few drinks.

Listening to Li Chengqian's heart-piercing cry, Changsun Wukui's eyes were rolling with tears, and after a while he said: "Mother, go and tell your father, you won't abolish your crown prince anyway."

"It's useless! Li Tang's future monarch cannot be a waste person! Never can be a waste person! Even if my father promises not to abolish me, the Manchu civil and military will never agree!" Li Chengqian's words were full of despair : "You don't listen to what Mr. Pei said that day, if you don't have a good student to practice martial arts, otherwise you won't end up in the situation like today."

Changsun Wukui's heart is like a knife twist, but when he thinks of Zhang Bairen's insults, collisions, and the conspiracy and tricks, Changsun Wuku wants to smash his silver teeth, his eyes are full of murderousness, his heart is cold, and the cold light bursts.

For Li Tang, how much did the Li family give?

That demon must never be cheap.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with being an idle prince with peace of mind!" Changsun Wuguo sighed: "You can eat, drink and have fun all day long. The whole Li Tang has countless gold and silver for you to enjoy."

"Mother, even you persuaded me to step down as a prince! Really, even you are persuading me! You don't like me too!" Li Chengqian looked at the grandson Wugou with a pair of eyes, laughing wildly, his eyes full of madness. : "A man must not be powerless for a day! A man must not be powerless for a day!"

Originally, as long as Li Chengqian waited comfortably and killed Li Shimin, this Li Tang was naturally his, but now it has gone so far as to change from a future king of the country to the idle prince. It is strange that Li Chengqian can bear it.

"Bang!" Li Chengqian smashed the case of Fei: "You lied to me! You lied to me! All of you lied to me!"

Changsun Wukui had tears in his eyes, and he looked at Li Chengqian for a long time before he turned and left.

"You lied to me! All liars! All liars!" Li Chengqian smashed the incense burner in his hand as he looked at the back of Wuguo, his grandson.

Tai Chi Hall

Li Shimin stood in the hall with a gloomy expression at this time, his eyes looked into the distant void, and there was a slight fluctuation and blur in his eyes.

The catastrophe of Tiangong was so easily settled, but there are more important things waiting for him to do.


The Daomen actually violated the imperial decree and made turtles one by one, allowing the Sea Clan to ravage Middle-earth, and Li Shimin was thinking about how to deal with them.

Moreover, the waters of the world are vacant, and this is a great time to put people in.

"Second Young Master, in this battle, the Yangtze Dragon King has gained the most. The water **** of the Yangtze River not only swallowed the water veins of the Yellow River, but also seized the opportunity to occupy the famous water veins in the world..." Chungui Jun frowned as he watched the secret report in his hand.

"The water **** of the Yangtze River? Why haven't you heard of this person's name before? What kind of **** is he who doesn't understand the rules so much, telling him to spit out the waters of the Yellow River and enter the capital to lead the crime" Li Shimin said dissatisfied.

While talking, Li Shimin took out the imperial edict: "Aiqing, go and declare the edict!"

Chunguijun accepted the imperial decree, and his pupils tightened: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not good."

"How bad! The whole world is not Wang Tu, this world is my world, I want to re-entitle the water **** of the world, what's wrong? You just need to declare the decree," Li Shimin said.

Spring Return Jun hesitated, then said: "The water gods of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River are not easy to provoke. I am afraid that the other party will not follow and will not spit out the benefits of eating."

"Haha, no? I hope he doesn't adhere to it, and then I will kill him and completely control the waters of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River." Li Shimin's eyes flowed murderously: "Proclaim the decree, and make the Yellow River and the Yangtze River Water Gods come to Beijing to plead guilty."

As he was talking, there was a rush of footsteps, and Changsun Wugou walked into the hall.

Chunguijun bowed his head and retired. The eldest son Wugou came to Li Shimin with a sullen face: "You are busy with family and country affairs all day, have you ever thought about inheriting Qian?"

"What's wrong with Cheng Qian? What can he do!" Li Shimin was taken aback, then said disapprovingly.

Changsun Wugou's heart moved when he heard the words, and his expression was grief-stricken: "The broken leg hit him too much. Now that child is drunk and dying in the East Palace all day long, you, the father, don't even look at him.

"Huh?" Li Shimin frowned suddenly: "Is there such a thing?"

Changsun Wugu sighed, and after a while he said, "Cheng Qian's leg is lame. I am afraid it is not suitable to continue to be a prince. Did you think about the new prince's second brother?"

"What are you saying, aren't you lame? What's the big deal!" Li Shimin's expression changed: "The position of the prince is related to the power of a country. How can you abolish the prince at will? Why do you want to abolish the prince?"

Changsun Wugou was stunned when he heard the words: "I, Li Tang, went to the kingdom of heaven, and the appearance of the emperor represents my face of Li Qian’s leg was abolished, how can we continue to Li Tang for me?"

Li Shimin shook his head: "If the name is not correct, then the words will be unsatisfactory. The inheritance of Qian Qian is my direct line of Li and Tang, and I should be the prince. How can I change it at will?"

Li Shimin said with lingering fear: "The change of Xuanwu Gate is just in sight. How can I do such a foolish thing? If Chengqian is abandoned, wouldn't it be forcing them to kill each other? I'm not that stupid yet."

"I don't need to talk about the matter of abandonment, I will never leave such hidden dangers." Li Shimin shook his head. If Li Yuan had not promised to pardon himself as a prince, he would never give birth to that kind of ambition.

If there is no growing ambition, things will not develop to the point it is today.

"How could this be?" Changsun Wugou couldn't help but his face turned pale, and his body shivered slightly. Is it just a waste of energy that he has given up so much energy?

Isn't Chengqian's sufferings for nothing?

"No! The prince must be abolished!" Changsun Wugou kept admonishing himself.

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