First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1541: Shocking

? Li Chengqian's suffering was indeed in vain. Changsun Wugou thought too well, but unfortunately he did not understand Li Shimin's thoughts.

Since ancient times, he has grown up in an orderly manner, and Li Shimin himself has experienced the most painful and tormented things in the world. Of course, he does not want the brothers to smash the wall to happen to his son.

The abolition of the long and the young, and the abolition of the concubine are the root of curse and the way to perish.




Changsun Wugu walked back and forth in the hall, his eyes flashed with thoughtful light, and after a long time he clenched his palms, his eyes flowed murderously: "I don't have so much time, I can't wait any longer!"

"Come on, Chuan Hou Junji!" After a long time, I heard Changsun Wugou speak.

After the decree was passed down, Changsun Wugu was not allowed to wait for long, and Hou Junji walked straight to the palace of Changsun Wuguo, and respectfully said: "The final general Hou Junji, pay homage to the empress."

"General Hou don't want to see outside, sit down!" Empress Xiao said.

After hearing the words of Empress Xiao, Hou Junji sat down respectfully: "I don't know what the mother can order to call the future."

"Hou Junji, how is this palace treating you?" Empress Xiao looked at Hou Junji with a pair of eyes.

"Grace is as heavy as a mountain, and this fate belongs to the empress in the end. If it was not the empress who pleaded in front of the first emperor, she knelt for three days and three nights outside the big tent, I am afraid that she would have lost her soul to the ghost at the end." Hou Junji's expression Dignified and firm: "But there was an order from my mother, go up the sword and go down to the sea of ​​flames, and never frown below."

"Good! Good! Good!" Empress Xiao clapped her hands again and again, with smiles in her eyes: "Hou Junji listens to the order."

"The end is here!" Hou Junji respectfully said.

"There is a secret decree in this palace, which is left to you." Empress Xiao picked up a secret letter and placed it in front of Hou Junji, with a solemn expression in her eyes: "If there is a pardon in this palace, if there is a Japanese Gong Bintian, you should open the secret decree and act according to your plan."

"Yes!" Although Hou Junji was a little confused, he had to comply with the decree of the grandson Wugou.

"You go down." Changsun Wukui turned his back to Hou Junji, looked up at the clouds in the sky in a big red robe, and heard his voice fluttering.

Hou Junji couldn't figure it out, and didn't know why Empress Xiao had summoned herself. It's weird to just pass on a secret decree and then send myself away.

When Hou Junji went away, Empress Xiao sighed, and after a long time she said, "This is the biggest back hand left by this palace for Li Tang. If you can survive it, you should have taken Li Tang away."

After speaking, he saw that the aura in Wuguo's palace gradually fell into silence.

Outside Chang'an City

Yuan Shoucheng looked at the stars in the sky with a pair of eyes, and after a while he let out a long breath: "Some people want to do something to the East Palace, I'm afraid that things seem a little bad. At the beginning, the governor ordered me to pay close attention to all movements in the East Palace. What should we do now? Although there is turbulence in the East Palace, it may not be that serious."

"Emperor Donghua is reincarnated, what plans does the governor have?" Guan Zi looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Following the changes and working hard to cultivate." Zhang Bairen turned and left, only his voice was floating in the air: "The land of Bashu is closer to Miaojiang. You need to be more cautious. I'm afraid that Miaojiang will not be safe and defend yourself. This caused some turbulence in my country and caused some troubles."

"I see. Although Miao Jiang is dangerous, it can't keep up with the undercurrents of Middle-Earth. Be careful yourself" Guan Zizai shouted from a distance.

Without answering Guan Zizai's words, Zhang Bairen's figure has disappeared into the clouds outside the sky.


After returning to the small village, Zhang Bairen stood at the entrance of the village, but suddenly stopped. He looked at the fading energy inside the entrance of the village, with a dignified look in his eyes, and then quickly walked towards his yard.

The door opened, and the entrance was white, with three thousand white hair fluttering.

"'s wrong with you?" Zhang Bairen's voice trembled, and he hurried to Zhang Lihua's body. He looked at Zhang Lihua, whose hair was dry and dying, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

"Sir, you are back!"

Without answering Zhang Bairen’s words, Zhang Lihua stood up slowly: "The concubine cooks herself personally and prepares a banquet for you, but they are all carefully cooked. There are my husband’s favorite eight-treasure balls, braised lion head, sweet and sour pork, and braised. carp……."

The delicacies were brought out one by one and placed in front of Zhang Bairen. Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of wonderful eyes: "Sir, try it soon."

"What's wrong with your hair?" Zhang Bairen didn't move the dishes, but looked at Zhang Lihua with serious eyes.

"When Mr. finishes eating, Lihua will tell you." Zhang Lihua's words are beyond doubt, with unprecedented certainty.

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words. For some reason, his heart trembled, and a bad premonition came from his heart.

After a while, he slowly picked up the chopsticks and caught a piece of braised carp.

"Sir, please eat more, don't waste your concubine's efforts" Zhang Lihua smiled and gave Zhang Bairen some food.

Zhang Bairen's heart was beating wildly, always feeling that something was not right, thinking about Zhang Lihua's affairs in his heart, but he couldn't eat it.

After eating a few bites, put down the dishes, and then looked at Zhang Lihua: "What happened to you?"

Zhang Lihua's eye sockets were red and swollen, with tears in her eyes, she looked at Zhang Bairen choked, just said one word: "Eat!"

Zhang Bairen couldn't eat it, and looked at Zhang Lihua with a pair of eyes.

"Do you want your concubine to be busy all day?" Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Listening to the choking voice, Zhang Bairen took Zhang Lihua into his arms: "Lihua, tell me, what is the matter with you? Why does your hair turn white?"

"Sir, the concubine can't bear you! The concubine can't bear you! The concubine has worked very hard, the concubine has really worked hard, but the concubine really can't hold on!" Zhang Lihua's words were choked with tears. .

"What happened?" Zhang Bairen was anxious, looking at Zhang Lihua in such a state, he couldn't help but want to interrupt the other party's words.

Zhang Lihua cried and threw herself in Zhang Bairen's arms. After a while, she wiped her tears and her mood calmed down: "The concubine is dying!"

"What?" Zhang Bairen was struck by lightning when he heard the words: "Don't be kidding, but you have swallowed the blood of the phoenix. You have a life span of thousands of years, so how can you die!"

Zhang Bairen held on to Zhang Lihua's shoulders and looked at Zhang Lihua with a pair of eyes, and his lips trembled and said: "This kind of joke is really not funny, I will punish you next time I make this kind of joke."

"Uuuuu... Concubine is reluctant to bear Mr.! Concubine is really dying!" Zhang Lihua tears down and wet her eyelashes.

"You have phoenix blood in your body, even if I die, you will not die!" Zhang Bairen said like this, but his palm was trembling.

"Although the Southern Dynasties perished, the fate of the queen of the concubine body still exists, and the phoenix still remains in the soul of the concubine body, constantly suppressing and obliterating the power of the phoenix blood. These years, the concubine's self-cultivation and self-cultivation would have suppressed the phoenix in the body. Angrily, but in the future, the Lord will come, and the concubine’s decades of hard work will be done! The dragon and the phoenix resonate, the concubine really can’t suppress it! The concubine has worked hard, but it’s really useless.”

Listening to Zhang Lihua's bitter cry, Zhang Bairen's eyes were filled with blood: "Why didn't you say it earlier! Why didn't you say it earlier! If you said it earlier, you might not find a way to suppress the phoenix."

Zhang Bairen was constantly sensing the situation in Zhang Lihua's body at this time, and his heart gradually sank to the bottom: "It's too late!"

"The concubine is afraid that her husband will cause trouble. Don't be concubine! Your husband is Lihua's only support. If your husband doesn't want Lihua, Lihua really doesn't know how to live!" Zhang Lihua burst into tears.

"Stupid you!" You are so stupid!

Zhang Bairen tightened his shirt, and the back of his hand burst into blue veins: "Chen Shubao! I will never spare him."

"Mr., all concubines are not good, because they have a superficial blessing, and there is no blessing to accompany her husband through the vicissitudes of life and age. It is the fault of the concubine, and it is the fault of the concubine!" Zhang Lihua shook her head and nestled in Zhang Bairen's arms. "The concubine can meet her husband in this life, and spend the rest of her life with her husband. It is the blessing of the concubine's life to cultivate. The only regret of the concubine is that she cannot give birth to her husband and leave a thought for her husband. Think, concubine is unwilling!"

"The concubine has nothing to ask for in this life, the only thing that is unwilling is not to leave blood for the king, in order to repay the kindness of the king in this life!" Zhang Lihua's words are full of regret.

Zhang Bairen's heart is like a knife: "Why didn't you say it early! Why didn't you say it early! I have been thinking about waiting for the completion of the divine body in the future to give birth to the heirs of perfect blood, but why didn't you tell me your situation earlier! Why! "

Zhang Lihua just smiled madly, and after a while she curled up in Zhang Bairen's arms: "Sir, if I die, would you remember me?"

Zhang Bairen didn't speak, but hugged Zhang Lihua's body hard, and a drop of tears slowly slipped and fell on Zhang Lihua's face.

"Sir, you are in tears! Concubine body has never seen her husband in tears. Your husband is a great hero who stands in heaven and earth. He has never shed tears for countless lives and You actually shed tears for your concubine body, concubine body I am so happy! I am so happy!" Zhang Lihua raised her head, ran her cold fingers across Zhang Bairen's cheeks, tapped her tears, and slowly wiped it clean: "Mr. is an earth-shattering hero. You can't cry."

"I don't believe it! I don't believe that there is no way to crack the Dragon Qi of the Emperor! I don't believe that the Dragon Qi of the Emperor cannot be suppressed!"

Zhang Bairen ignored Zhang Lihua's words. At this time, countless petals fluttered around his body, forming a gorgeous world of petals, which constantly floated in the yard: "The vitality is reversed!"

"Time has stopped!"

Zhang Bairen keeps running the power of law.


The breath of life in Zhang Lihua's body is still fading, like a bottomless pit, constantly devouring Zhang Lihua's vitality.

"Sir, you don't want to waste your efforts, there is no **** channel method in this world that can suppress such a strong law. The concubine's fate is so, no wonder others!" Zhang Lihua sighed softly.

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