First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1543: Sister Gongsun down the mountain

? Coming to this world for five years, Zhang's mother spent five years with herself, and the remaining decades are all with Zhang Lihua by her side. In this strange world, the two of them have made a living from Mobei. High status and power dominate the world.

Zhang Lihua has already left before the glory and wealth can be enjoyed.

Standing behind Empress Xiao, Zhang Bairen hugged the other person in his arms and hugged him tightly: "Don't worry, give me time, I will definitely figure out a way to destroy the emperor's dragon spirit."

"It is a bit unrealistic to destroy the emperor's dragon qi, it is better to have fun in time, sir, and cherish the people in front of you!" Empress Xiao turned around, staring at Zhang Bairen with water-like eyes.

Zhang Bairen was stunned for a moment, then breathed quickly, hugged Empress Xiao, turned and walked into the house not far away.

Taihua Mountains

Zhang Bairen walked slowly in the Taihua Mountains, looking at the green scenery of the ancient trees in the Taihua Mountains, his eyes were full of emotion.

"The Governor" Taihua Mountain God walked out and respectfully saluted.

Zhang Bairen waved his hand: "This seat is only here to find Sister Gongsun, so please withdraw."

Taihua Mountain God retired respectfully, leaving Zhang Bairen alone to continue walking into the mountain. Before reaching the top of the mountain, he heard the sound of sword light from the sound of the wind, the void was cut apart, and there was a burst of sound.

Sister Gongsun’s kendo became more and more unpredictable and incredible.

"Sir!" Aunt Gongsun stared at the purple-clothed figure walking in the wind, with a smile in her eyes.

Zhang Bairen stood still and looked at the two Gongsun sisters silently.

"What's the matter with you?" Gongsun Xiaoniang rushed over and looked up and down Zhang Bairen: "Did you feel guilty for throwing our sisters in the deep mountains and forests?"

The aunt slapped Xiao Niang on the head, and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of wonderful eyes: "What is bothering you, husband?"

"I'm here this time to pick you up." Zhang Bairen looked up at Sister Gongsun: "Let's get married."

"What?" The Gongsun sisters were all taken aback when they heard the words.

"I said, let's get married!" Zhang Bairen said irritably.

"Do you have a great accomplishment in your magic?" Gongsun Xiaoniang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Zhang Bairen shook his head and tapped his fingers on his belt: "It's just that some things are connected. There are endless variables in the future. It's better to cherish the people in front of you. If your sisters have any major changes in the future, I can't regret it."

"Hmph, you have changed a lot! It's a pity that before, our sisters wanted to marry you, but you were discouraged in every way. Now you want to marry, our sisters can't agree to it," Gongsun Xiaoniang exclaimed.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen frowned and looked at the Gongsun sisters in surprise: "Are you going to regret the marriage and don't want to marry me?"

"Hmph, our sisters don't have time to marry you now. We have to go down the mountain to clean up our swordsmanship. It's a pity that you are a step late" Gongsun Xiaoniang said angrily, "Look, we have all packed up."

Sure enough, following Gongsun Xiaoniang's fingers, she saw that the two burdens had already been sorted out.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly, his eyes were full of surprise, and after a while he said, "It's because I didn't come in time."

Sisters of the Gongsun family actually started to refine Jianxin, without knowing it at all.

Refining the sword heart, this step is equivalent to the realm of the Dharma body of the Taoist school, and the strong Yang Shen keeps accumulating the Dharma body and collecting the power of faith.

And if you switch to the Dao Sect, it is truly transcendence, immortal and immortal. Just like Zhang Heng, even if he was cut off by a Dharma body, he could still be resurrected from the rest of the Dharma body.

Swordsmanship is not the law body, but his own thoughts.

Seeing through the seven emotions and six desires in the red dust, constantly cutting out his distracting thoughts, quintessentially his own Yang God.

The reincarnation of miscellaneous thoughts is equivalent to a Dharmakaya.

"Nowadays, the world is peaceful, so I just take the opportunity to become enlightened." Aunt Gongsun said with a smile: "What's more, grandpa should be born again these years and step into the road. Our sisters still want to see."

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, while aunt Gongsun said worriedly: "If you are not happy, then our sisters will not go, let's go back to Zhuo County to get married with you."

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Bairen's mouth. Is he the kind of selfish person? The fairy road is greater than the sky, greater than the seven emotions and six desires, and greater than the countless human relationships in the world.

The seven emotions and six desires are all vain, only the way to become a **** is true.

Zhang Bairen couldn't think of a reason to cut off the path of Gongsun sisters.

"Do you want me to protect you?" Zhang Bairen looked at Sister Gongsun.

"You don't need you, you are a busy person, it is enough for our sisters to protect each other!" Gongsun Xiaoniang said angrily.

Zhang Bairen silently counted with his fingers, but it was always a bit difficult to determine the secrets of relatives around him.

After a while, Zhang Bairen patted Gongsun Xiaoniang on the head: "When you get to the bottom of the mountain, you must not be naughty and cause trouble for your sister."

Xiaoniang Gongsun rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and a touch of impatience appeared in her eyes: "Got it! Got it!"

Looking at the grandmother Gongsun on one side, Zhang Bairen looked around, but couldn't take out any treasure, patted it up and down, and finally had no choice but to tear off two strands of hair and entangle them in the fingers of the Gongsun sisters.

"I am washing the marrow and cutting the hair now. This hair has been tempered and tempered, and it has been nourished by my sword aura, qi and blood, and it is the sharpest. The most important thing is that there is a sword aura attached to it. , As long as you suffer an accident, this sword aura can protect you with one blow." Zhang Bairen said with eager eyes: "Sword aura, I will definitely feel it! No matter you are at the end of the world, I will rush to rescue you."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen turned and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance: "Let's go down the mountain."

Sisters of the Gongsun family were embarrassed, but after repeated urging by Zhang Bairen, she saw the sisters of Gongsun turn around and leave.

In the forest

Zhang Bairen sat on the top of the mountain alone, with his eyes looking at the cloud head in the distance, and after a long time he said, "This is really a lonely person."

"If your husband is reluctant, why send Sister Gongsun down the mountain?" Taihua Mountain, the mountain god, walked over and stood beside Zhang Bairen.

"People, don't be too selfish. Sister Gongsun can't live for me alone, they also have their own lives" Zhang Bairen sighed.

"The Immortal Dao is not so good. If the Gongsun sisters become Dao, they will inevitably go through many calamities. If you accidentally destroy the jade and die, the governor will be unable to regret it!" There was a touch of emotion in the eyes of Taihua Mountain God: "Reincarnation is not so good. The mystery in the womb is not so easy to break. Once you enter the cycle of reincarnation, it is as deep as the sea, and no one can tell the variables. Back then, I lacked the courage to enter the cycle of reincarnation, so I mixed the position of a mountain **** of Taihua Mountain. Live to this day."

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and after a while, he said softly, "Everyone has their own destiny."

In fact, living is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes living is too boring, it is better to die and sleep.

Until the figure of Gongsun sister slowly disappeared, Zhang Bairen turned and walked south.

South China Sea

Purple Bamboo Forest

Guan Zi, dressed in white, weaves bamboo baskets unhurriedly.

A gust of breeze blew, rippling layers of ripples, Guan Zizai raised his head and looked at Zhang Bairen in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"I want to drink with you." Zhang Bairen sat beside Guan Zizai, taking out the finest wine in his hand: "This is a 300-year-old wine, drink it or not?"

Guan Zi shook his head without speaking.

She never drinks.

Zhang Bairen thought about it by himself, and after a while, he said: "You have the inheritance of the moral heavenly sovereign, how do you know how to break the dragon spirit of the emperor?"

After hearing the words, Guan Zizai moved and threw the bamboo basket into the river water. Seeing the bamboo basket drifting, but not sinking, Guan Zizai sighed, "This is the fate! As the Ninth Five-Year Plan, you can enjoy beautiful clothes and jade food, and the worship of thousands of people in the world. This is the cause and effect that no one can break. Xiao The queen can't escape death, don't waste your thoughts."

"I don't believe it! Everything between heaven and earth is mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Even if it is my Zhuxian sword formation, there is restraint. Why can't I have my Zhuxian sword aura even if the emperor's dragon spirit is so small, how can there be no restraint?" Zhang Bairen did not believe it.

"Don't go against the sky, do something stupid, it's not worth it!" Guan Zizai's eyes lit up, and he looked at Zhang Bairen with a dignified look in his eyes.

"I have a conclusion in my heart." After speaking, Zhang Bairen continued to drink.

The two drank Yutu Dongsheng at noon in the sun, and then saw Zhang Bairen stand up full of alcohol and threw the wine jar into the pool water: "At the meeting!"

Seeing Zhang Bairen's figure gradually disappearing, Guan Zizao slowly stood up, watched for a long time, and sighed echoing in the bamboo forest: "Oh, I'm afraid there will be another storm!"

Chang'an City

Chang'an city under the night sky with red lights and dust

Holding a lantern in his hand, Zhang Bairen broke the Dragon Qi of the emperor and descended to the palace in Chang'an City.

The location of the East Palace is not a secret to Zhang Bairen.

A breeze blew, countless guards in the East Palace collapsed to the ground and fell asleep.

Zhang Bairen straightly carried the lantern and came outside the hall.

Before getting close, Zhang Bairen had already stopped ten feet away.

The voices of utter desperation, women's screams and gasps, mixed with weird tones continue to come.

"Sexy dog ​​and horse, reluctant to give up day and night!" Zhang Bairen's face suddenly turned pale, standing outside the gate silently.

After a quarter of an hour, calm in the hall was restored, and Zhang Bairen slowly stepped forward and opened the door and walked into the hall of the East Palace.

At the entrance, there was an unbearable filth. A dozen women were lying naked on the ground, the shiny liquid exuding an unpleasant smell.

At this time Li Chengqian had fallen asleep, Zhang Bairen looked at the bloated Li Chengqian, and his face suddenly became hard to look: "Things that are not useful, that woman is really cruel! My own son is willing to calculate this way."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen went straight out of the East Palace and walked towards the bedroom of the grandson Wugou, cursing and saying: "I have to tell you more!"

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