First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1544: Clue

? "Daomen, Beimanshan!" With the rosary in his hand, the world-zun showed a touch of contemplation. After a while, he said: "The ghost king of Beimanshan has seized the seal of the Heavenly Capital of Taiping Dao. How can the Taiping Dao disciples give up?"

"Perhaps my chance for Buddhism to fight against Taoism is here!" The World Venerable stood up slowly, looking at the shore of the East China Sea with his eyes: "If the Taiping Taoist disciple really robs Kuafu's body, then the world will be great. , I am afraid that there will be no one who can check and balance. Beimanshan will definitely change hands. If I can seize the opportunity in Buddhism..."

The Blessed One's heart moved at that moment.

It was said that Zhang Bairen carried the ancient bronze lamp, and there was no one on the road, and went straight to the bedroom of Changsun Wugou.

Dressed in red yarn, the beautiful lady sat in front of the case, staring at the candlelight blankly.

"Didn't it mean that no one can come in without the order of this palace?"

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Empress Xiao said slightly displeased.

"Huh?" The footsteps kept quiet, and the whole body became quiet in an instant. The world and the world were gradually moving away. Only this footstep became the only one between the world.

Zhang Bairen stood behind Empress Changsun, raging: "Wuguo, you woman is so vicious, even your own son can get a poisonous hand. It really is a green bamboo snake mouth, a wasp tail needle, both They are not poisonous, they are the most poisonous to a woman's heart. Chengqian is your flesh and blood. How is it different from the other princes? It's just that your father is different. How can you ruin your way and your ambition!"

Zhang Bairen's words were full of murderous intent, and he came to Queen Changsun: "You must give me an explanation for this matter."

"It's you? You can actually break into the inner palace?" Wu Gu's eyes were full of surprise.

The Imperial Palace is the place where the power of the emperor is the strongest. Zhang Bairen ignored the dragon energy of the emperor and performed Taoism in the palace, which was almost incredible.

It's incredible!

"What's the matter? Although the Ouchi Imperial Palace has a strong dragon spirit, it cannot be combined to target me. It is like a handful of sand and a piece of soil. As long as the traces of this seat are not discovered by Li Er, this Ouchi Imperial Palace will come and go. Freedom" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Now, you should give me an explanation!"

Back then, Zhang Bairen often walked in the Oney Palace, but he did some research on the Dragon Qi and knew the truth.

"Haha, explain? What do you want to explain? This Jiangshan was originally not a successor to Qian, and originally did not belong to him. I just dismissed things on the right track, and I can't be too greedy!" Changsun Wugu turned to look at Zhang Bairen, his eyes full of Angrily, staring at Zhang Bairen without fear.

"You..." Zhang Bairen pointed to the grandson Wugu, and after a while he suddenly flicked his sleeves: "I am too lazy to care about the dead. According to your current situation, how many years can you hold on for Li Tang? Sooner or later? It was Cheng Qian, with the full support of Wagang and Zhuojun, even if Li Er wanted to abolish the prince, it would be impossible."

While talking, they came to Changsun Wuku, their faces were close, their breaths crossed, and Zhang Bairen's voice was cold: "You don't have to daydream!"

After speaking, Zhang Bairen's figure disappeared in the palace: "You can do it yourself."

Originally, Zhang Bairen intended to teach Changsun Wugou a lesson, but when he saw Changsun Wugou's body melt into the void, the deeper his Taoism became unpredictable, even Zhang Bairen would never provoke him at this time.

The closer this woman is to death, the more powerful and incredible she will be.

When he walked out of Da Nei, Zhang Bairen thought a little bit in his heart, and his eyes showed a little dignified: "The long-sun Wugou has a big cause and effect with me. There is still a counterattack before he dies."

Zhang Bairen knew that if he died just like this, Zhuojun, Wagang, and Wang Shichong would absolutely not be able to stop Li Tang's counterattack. When the time comes, the whole world will come together.

"I still need to be more cautious, and after tolerating her for a few years and torture her to death, Li Tangjiangshan hasn't let me toss it casually" Zhang Bairen was cautious in his heart, with a fluctuating light in his eyes, and after a while he smiled. Clapping his palms: "The power of Wugou's blow before death is almost immortal. I am afraid that this blow will be left to me. I need to keep a low profile."

I have to say that Wugou's physique is too terrifying, this kind of person will naturally step into the path, the cultivation base does not need to meditate, and will grow day and night.

Not being able to become an immortal is the end of death and return to the void, without even the chance of reincarnation.

Although the killing machine in Changsun Wugui's eyes was insignificant, it was caught by Zhang Bairen, and Changsun Wugui was afraid that he was determined to die with him.

He has a good future, how can he fight with the grandson Wugou?

"Almost, Wuguo, the longson, is dead, and it's time for the woman from the martial family to enter the palace!" Zhang Bairen tapped his belt with his fingers, and then smiled after a while: "Call Samurai Xun to see me."

In recent years, the business of the Wu family has grown, especially the Li family uprised a few years ago. The Wu family's various money, food and materials helped each other. Now Li Tang has won the world, and the Wu family has the merit of being a dragon, and its status in the court is not low.

Samurai Xun, as the helm of the martial arts family, has passed very well these years, but the thought of some things made him a little uneasy.

I was helped by Zhuojun in the past, and Zhuojun escorted his business along the way. The Wu family secretly didn't know how many hostile forces were wiped out silently. The more warrior Xun was like this, the more disturbed he felt.

Although the Wu family has the power, it is no different from an ant when compared with a behemoth like Zhuojun. However, such an ant-like force has been taken care of by Zhuo Jun many times. It is impossible to say that the samurai Xun doesn't feel a little uneasy.

"Something's wrong! What's wrong!" Samurai Yu looked at the bright moon in the sky, with a sad expression in his eyes.

Zhuojun was so kind to himself and the martial artist, so that the samurai Xun began to worry.

Does one care about ants that can be crushed to death by one's foot at any time?

Of course no one cares.

"Master, Zhuojun is here for an invitation, and the general governor invites you to Zhuojun." The old housekeeper's voice came from outside the door.

"Huh?" The warrior Xun was shocked, and he really said that Cao Cao was here, and he couldn't stand it.

"Understood, you quickly prepare the carriage!"

Samurai Xun gave an order.


Zhang Lihua's dress tomb has been erected, and the grandson Wuguo is sitting in front of Zhang Lihua's dress tomb, wondering what he is thinking.

"Have you found the trace of Empress Chen?" Zhang Bairen came to Zhang Lihua's grave and sighed.

"It's like evaporating from this world, either hiding somewhere deep in the cave, or...or not in this world" Empress Changsun turned and looked at Zhang Bairen: "Since that day, the shadow of the other party has disappeared. ."

"Trouble!" Zhang Bairen slowly squatted down and spilled the drink on Zhang Lihua's grave: "Don't worry, I will kill that Chen Shubao."

The dead are dead, but the life of the living will continue.

After the Tiangong riots that day, everything was calm again, but the four seas were a little weirdly calm at this time, which was shocking.

The battle for the waters of the world is in full swing. Sun Quan has the **** of water and holds the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in his hands. At this time, the waters of the world have been completely chaotic. Buddhism and Daomen are constantly fighting and fighting, and Sun Quan is watching and watching, but it has become a weird. Balance.

But Sun Quan found a trace of unpleasant taste in this balance. If the Buddhism and Taoism calm down and the dust settles, I'm afraid the two evil tigers will stare at him.

"It's a little troublesome. I have to go to Zhuo County to buy me some time. As long as I can digest the foundation of the Yellow River smoothly, I will not wait for the Buddha and Tao to find me. I have to find the Buddha and Tao first. "Sun Quan said helplessly.


Zhang Bairen was playing Go with Empress Xiao, only to hear the sound of footsteps, Xiaohu opened his mouth and said: "The governor, the samurai is here."

"Call him over" Zhang Bairen made a pause and stopped the chess piece in his hand.

Empress Xiao stepped back, leaving Zhang Bairen sitting there alone, looking at the chessboard in his hand, without saying a word. At this time, he heard a familiar voice: "The samurai warrior Xun pays homage to the governor."

"Get up, we are all old acquaintances, there is no need to be so polite" Zhang Bairen gathered the chess piece and looked at the warrior Xun: "Well, ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, you are already old."

The samurai Xun has average martial arts qualifications, and a trace of wind and dust can be seen on his face.

Samurai Yu smiled bitterly: "The governor is getting younger and younger."

"Come here, let's talk about a round" Zhang Bairen was noncommittal.


As long as you practice yourself into the sun **** body, even if you don't become an immortal, you can live forever.

The sun will last forever, but he will never die.

"How old is your daughter?" Zhang Bairen said.

The warrior Xun was taken aback, the chess piece in his hand suddenly stopped, and then looked at Zhang Bairen in surprise: "The governor asked which daughter?"

"There can be that" Zhang Bairen said in an unpleasant way.

"The governor doesn't know that my daughter accidentally ate a pearl of celestial grass a few years ago, and her lifespan stayed at the age of sixteen forever," Samurai said.

"Have such an opportunity?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

The warrior Xun quickly said: "The Governor, my daughter admires Buddhism and has been practicing Buddhist scriptures with Buddhist monks, but she does not intend to marry."

Hearing the words, Zhang Bairen threw his chess pieces on the chessboard: "Who do you think I am? How could I hit your daughter's hehe" the samurai chuckled.

Zhang Bairen glanced at the warrior Xun meaningfully: "You do remember the vows of the martial arts back then?"

"Everything in the martial arts is led by the governor," said the samurai.

"Just remember!" Zhang Bairen stood up: "You go."

Is this gone?

You left before your **** was hot?

But Samurai Xun didn't say much, but turned and left.

"The Buddhism is teaching Buddhism. It seems that Buddhism has already begun to make arrangements, but..." Zhang Bairen said meaningfully: "After the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, it is really hard to say who will win the game at the end. "

"How can the emperor's dragon qi be wiped out? Is there really no way?" Zhang Bairen fell into the deduction.

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