First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1550: Fengqi Yumen Pass

? What is the most important person in the arena?


For people in the world, face is the most important thing.

Everyone is messing around, what is it?

Mixed is a face.

You said let the guest room out?

It's just wishful thinking!

He drew his sword and faced each other.

"Ping Pong"

After a mess, there was a great chaos in the inn, and countless idle hawks from the rivers and lakes, you see me and I see you, all followed and continued to applaud.

"Fuck him, **** him the tortoise grandson!"

"Counsel, you're on it! Damn him!"

"Don't persuade you, people are bullying you, how can you bear it?"

There was a chaos in the court, and everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all showed excitement.

You don’t have any entertainment in the usual seasons. If you don’t burn the fire, how can you pass the time?

"What happened over there?" Zhang Bairen turned his head abruptly, a cold air spread all over his body, and the cold wave surged with his fingers, and the whole inn was sealed by rolling ice.

The speed of the ice rolling was too fast, and it suddenly came so that everyone had frozen in place before they could react. The ferocious and excited faces were frozen, and they were all lifelike.

The inn that was originally noisy suddenly quieted down strangely, and the extreme movement made people feel tight.

The heroes were shocked at this time. Whether you saw the gods in the martial arts or the Tao, the ice attached to your own body seemed to be an indestructible steel, which firmly imprisoned yourself.




There was a sound of footsteps, and Zhang Bairen wandered into the inn, looking at the stagnant faces, there was no wave in his eyes, as if he were dead.

Who is he?

Everyone in the field, look at me and I look at you, although the body is frozen, but the eyes can still move. Looking at the man dressed in purple and wearing a crystal mask, everyone's eyes were full of solemnity.

The existence of hundreds of martial arts masters in the ice-covered inn in an instant is definitely not an unknown person in the world. This person must have a great background.

Even seeing the strong gods is obediently sealed by ice, which shows that this person's ability has exceeded his imagination.

"Longmen Inn must not use force. This is a rule that has been passed down for thousands of years." Zhang Bairen slowly stepped on the stairs and slowly climbed up the third floor ladder: "Nianzaier is the first offense. I don't know the rules here. Please wait. If so, please. I will tell you to wait for your reincarnation."

While talking about the figure walking into the depths of the pavilion, the crystal clear ice also evaporated in an instant.

Everything seemed to be a dream, but at this time the whole inn was strangely quiet. You look at me and you, all of them are silent and dare not speak.

The two gangs of rushing people suddenly turned off, and looked at the depths of the third-floor pavilion with fear on their faces.

"Brother, who is this?" A burly man looked at the red and swollen Dian Er.

"This is our boss. This inn has been standing in Dunhuang for thousands of years. How can you not be able to do it?" Although Xiao Er was annoyed in his heart, he had to mutter.

"Huh?" The big man threw a piece of gold into the small second hand: "Brother, I have an irritable temper. This piece of gold is considered a gift."

The second shopkeeper took the gold and looked at it for a while before he smiled and nodded: "Thank you, the official! If you are uncomfortable, you can slap me."

One slap for a piece of gold is definitely a worthwhile business. If you slap him ten slaps, you will have the money to marry a wife.

When the big man heard this, he suddenly felt excited: "Don't you want to harm me, your master is so terrible, how can I dare to do it again? Didn't go to the house, does the wood house have it?"

Xiao Er nodded: "Guest officer, you came to the house and asked you to sleep in the wood room. What wrong..."

"It doesn't matter, the temperature difference between day and night in this desert is huge, and the wood house is much better than outside," the man said, patting his chest.

At this time, the buzzing in the restaurant kept humming, and all the masters of the rivers and lakes are all you look at me and I look at you, and one of them whispered: "You guys, maybe you can see the origin of this person?"

"This person is afraid of coming from a Taoist sect. This technique of ice is so perfect that he is also a top-ranking figure in the entire Middle Earth," another person answered.

"But in the Great Sui area, I have never heard of anyone who is good at making ice. The former prince of Li Tang, Li Jiancheng, used the technique of profound ice..."

"Hush, don't want to say, Li Jiancheng died early. This person is a taboo in the dynasty. If you are heard by court spies, you don't want to live?" Another person quickly stopped the big man.

"Heh, what are you afraid of? This is Dunhuang. Emperor Li Tang can't control it. Even if he knows what I'm talking about, what can he do?" The big man didn't take it seriously. Tang Tianzi looked in his eyes.

Although Emperor Li Tang was aloof, he was too far away from himself and others.

"Everyone, most of the superintendents told us to intercept the messengers of the Western Regions, but the desert is so big, and no one knows where the messengers of the Western Regions are. How do you tell us to find them?" Someone started to bring the topic into the right track.

Everyone came to Dunhuang not to travel, but to kill people.

When these words fall, the heroes look at me and I see you, and they are all lost in thought.

"You guys, may you hear about the origin of the envoys of the Western Regions?" a strong man said.

"Difficult! The sea of ​​sand is endless, and the messenger of the Western Regions is not a fool. How could he take the Silk Road and take the initiative to send it to the door?

"Everyone, don't worry, I heard that the governor has already mobilized eight hundred dead men from Luoyang and rushed towards Dunhuang. Even though the envoys of the Western Regions are as smooth as ghosts, they can't escape the palm of the governor. What's more, the assassin family has already started, countless The assassin of the United States sneaked into the sand sea, waiting for the arrival of the Dunhuang messenger!"

"That's right, everyone just waits for the news, and the chief governor will naturally pass the news to us"

After a few words, everyone had already figured out the clues.

On the pavilion

Zhang Bairen carried his hands, looked at the secret report in his hand, and said after a while:

"Can there be news from the envoys of the Western Regions?"

"The governor, the envoys of the Western Regions have set off, and they want to converge before Yumen Pass, and then enter Middle-earth together," Xiaolong said.

Zhang Bairen frowned in thought, and then said after a while: "Trouble! These guys are not stupid, and they also know that they hold a group for warmth. Now it seems that all these people must be intercepted outside Yumen Pass, otherwise it would be really troublesome to gather in one place."

"What's happening at the court?" Zhang Bairen asked again.

"It is said that the emperor of the time has ordered Li Jing, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, led five thousand imperial troops to come to Yanmen Pass," Xiaolong said.

Zhang Bairen nodded, his robe floating, countless ghosts and monsters all flying out, whizzing and rolling in all directions.

The Five Gods and Ghosts Dafa is not of much use to Zhang Bairen today, but finding people can come in handy now.

Hundreds of thousands of five gods and ghosts are overwhelming, no matter where the Western Region envoys pass by, they cannot escape their methods.

Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back, and his eyes were contemplative: "The countries of the Western Regions have the courage to count on me, I'm so bored."

"The governor once went to Turks with horses, and the Tubo and other countries who fought against him complained endlessly. Now people have recharged for ten years, and of course they want to get back with revenge." Yuan Tiangang walked from a distance.

"Li Jing..." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a sneer: "If there is a chance, I don't mind leaving him at Yanmen Pass."

Chang'an City

Li Shimin and Li Jing stood at the highest point of the pavilion, looking down at the endlessly illuminated city of Chang'an. There was a blur in their eyes. It took a long time to hear Li Shimin's dreamlike voice: "This is my country!"

Li Jing was silent

Li Shimin didn't look back, just holding on to the railings, his voice looming in the wind: "I know your purpose of joining the Li family back then, and I also remember that my Li family promised you the terms back then, killing Zhang Bairen to avenge you."

"Your Majesty!" Li Jing finally spoke after hearing this.

"In fact, you have always been dissatisfied in your heart. I am dissatisfied that I have won the country now, why don't you start to eradicate Zhang Bairen" Li Shimin said.

"Xiaguan dare not, Li Tang's current situation, Xiaguan knows clearly" Li Jing lowered his head.

"Clear?" Li Shimin shook his head: "No, you don't know at all! You don't know my difficulties at all, you don't know Zhang Bairen's strength, and how jealous I am. Now although I am the emperor of the world, but However, half of Li Tang Jiangshan is not under my control. The rich and prosperous world is under the control of the governor. If you count it, I want Zhang Bairen's rebel to die without a burial place more than you. He oppressed me, Li Tang. The royal family, forcing you to go to the Emperor Bintian too much, this hatred will never end."

"Your Majesty, the subordinates know! The subordinates know! The subordinates are willing to **** for your majesty and conquer the traitors in Zhuo County" Li Jing fell on one knee.

"I have endured the humiliation for so many years, and now the opportunity has finally come." Li Shimin suddenly turned his head, with an unprecedented look in his eyes: "As long as the Western Regions submit the emperor dragon will be stronger than ever. At that time, even Zhang Bairen will have to punish him under my emperor sword."

"Your Majesty!" Li Jing became excited when he heard the words, and his whole body was tumbling: "Your Majesty, please order."

"I want you to go to Yumen Pass to receive envoys from the Western Regions into Beijing, and you must bring them back to the capital safely" Li Shimin said solemnly: "Outside Yanmen Pass is the Western Regions, and I can't intervene in it. As long as you can access envoys from various countries. In Yumen Pass, I am 80% sure to kill Zhang Bairen to avenge you."

"Your Majesty, this matter is to the subordinates. If the subordinates make mistakes, they will definitely raise their heads to see you" Li Jing respectfully said.

"The Five Thousand Forbidden Army will follow you. No one in Zhuojun will sit back and watch my layout. He will definitely send his men to intercept and kill. You have to be careful!" Li Shimin took out a token and stuffed it in. In his hands: "Don't disappoint me."

"Under the official order" Li Jing knelt to the ground excitedly.

Seeing Li Jing retreating, Li Shimin turned and looked to the corner: "What do you think, sir?"

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