First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1551: Killing in the desert

"Zhang Bairen is not so easy to deal with. He was born in a very young age. He rose from Zhuojun at a young age. He prospered for decades in the Great Sui Dynasty, but became more and more stable as Mount Tai, with few rivals in the world. His current status speaks for itself. , I’m afraid that a single Li Jing may not be able to bring back the envoys of the Western Regions!"

"It doesn't matter whether you receive it or not. What if the envoys of the Western Regions are killed? There are countless people in the Western Regions. He can kill one batch or two batches... Could he still kill hundreds of batches? To form an alliance with me, to eradicate this malignant tumor, the root cause is still in the countries of the Western Regions. Zhang Bairen beheaded the messenger, only treating the symptoms but not the root cause!" Li Shimin dismissed it with a smile.

"The envoy of the Western Regions is dead, I am afraid that the countries of the Western Regions and your majesty will make trouble, and take the opportunity to ask for benefits." Chungui Jundao.

Li Shimin was silent for a while when he heard the words, before he said: "Please go and walk in secret."

After all, the alliance between the Western Regions and Li and Tang is not a trivial matter. Li Shimin dared not be the slightest carelessness. The anti-microbial defense must smooth out all the pits that might come back.

Chunguijun nodded: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the leaders of the countries in the Western Regions are not mediocre. Those who are coming this time are all elites from various countries. It is not so easy to intercept them."

Li Shimin heard a cold light in his eyes: "I only hate that the uncultivated desert is not the territory of my Datang, otherwise this kind of thing would happen!"

The whip is beyond reach!

This is also the elbow system of the emperor's dragon qi, leaving the Great Sui territory, the emperor's dragon qi will be infinitely weakened.

Yellow sand

In front of Dragon Inn

The wind and sand made the sky dim, and a group of figures in black robes came from afar.

Quiet, silent, like a ghost, leaving no traces except for footprints.

The strong wind blew by, and the footprints were quickly buried in the yellow sand and disappeared.

Eight hundred people in black robes stood in silence in front of the Longmen Inn. No...It should be said that they were 803 people. Besides the eight hundred dead men, there were also Zhang Xutuo, Luo Yi and Wang Renze.

"This is the Longmen Inn?" Luo Yi's eyes were filled with doubts: "Actually, the old man sitting on the Yanyun Eighteen Riders is not a leisurely person, and he should come over and earn a lot of credit."

"It's not that simple!" Zhang Xutuo shook his head and glanced at Wang Ren who was on the side: "Pass the governor's decree."

Wang Ren didn't dare to say more when he heard the words, and went straight to the first ten steps, and the sound shook the station, resounding in the empty desert: "The chief governor has a purpose, and all those who participated in the interception and killing of the Western Turkic envoys will go on the road immediately."

If you have not faced Zhang Xujiao directly, you will never know how terrible Zhang Xujiao is. Although everyone is the most powerful, there is also a gap between the most powerful.

Zhang Bairen's Zhang Xutuo is so powerful, what exactly is Zhang Bairen, who is convinced by Zhang Bairen?

"Could it be that there are three heads and six arms" Wang Ren said to himself.

The quiet inn seemed to be a pool of stagnant water, and came back to life in an instant, constantly rolling.

"Go!" Zhang Xujiao took the lead.

Eight hundred dead men followed closely, and not long after they saw a group of people rushing out from the inn, looking at the black-clothed team going away, they followed closely without a word.

Although the desert is vast, it is too difficult and too difficult to hide Zhang Bairen's perception, not ordinary difficulty.

Hundreds of thousands of ghosts constantly shuttled in the desert, going up to the poor blue and down to the yellow spring, even in the sand.

The sky is shining brightly, as long as the sun shines, no one can hide Zhang Bairen's perception.

The desert is so empty, and the vitality of the smugglers is still very obvious.

In a blink of an eye, the people of Longmen Inn walked cleanly.

"You toss like this, how will our sisters do business in the future, and drink northwest wind in the future!" Princess Huarong came to Zhang Bairen.

"The money you have earned in these two days is enough for you to open an inn for ten years. These are all people in the world. They are generous and generous, not comparable to those merchants." Zhang Bairen glanced at Princess Hua Rong, and a note flew out in his hand. The ghost entrapment disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Yellow sand

A team of more than fifty people is walking in the yellow sand

The sun is venomous in the sky, even the bone-changing martial artist, at this time, feels the blood is steaming, and the blood in the body is constantly rolling.

"My lord, you say that the monarch is the same. I am far in the Western Regions, and I have no conflict of interest with Zhongtu, let alone any connection. Why should we travel all the way to this muddy water? Zhongtu Huatianbao has outstanding people, countless masters, Zhang Bairen I’ve heard of it even if it’s tens of thousands of miles away, and it’s definitely not easy to provoke. The king’s move will inevitably anger Zhang Bairen. Once Zhang Bairen comes to the door, Da Yue may not be able to hold it!" One of his deputy kept complaining.

"Tugurus, don't complain, don't you understand the so-called lip and tooth cold? And the Buddhist masters want to open up the situation in Middle-earth, and they are asking me to help, how can you talk like this and disintegrate everyone's fighting spirit "The leading Otsuki envoy was full of dissatisfaction.

"I..." Tugurus wanted to say something when he heard the words, but facing the gaze of the patriarch, he lowered his head and muttered: "You are Buddhist believers, but I am not! What is Zhang Bairen? People? Are they so troublesome? If you accidentally throw this hundred kilograms of meat in the desert, who wants to take risks."

"My lord, let's go around the Silk Road for at least two more months. There is not much food...water. If we can't touch the oasis, I'm afraid we can't support it, even if the real Yang Shen from behind keeps sending water. , But it's a drop in the bucket." Another lieutenant said.

The envoy heard the words in silence. He just walked with his head down, and after a while, he stopped and looked at the big sun in the sky: "In ten days, I will be before Yumen Pass. I will wait for the task to be completed. Ask everyone to stick to it."

As he was speaking, all of a sudden, he heard a shout from a distance, following the sound of the wind.

"Where did the call come from?" The envoy looked at the vast desert, with a solemn expression in his eyes.


The blood splattered and stained the golden sand.

"Puff whistle~"

"Puff whistle~"

The sound of the knife entering the meat sounded, and the yellow sand was constantly tumbling, and black silhouettes emerged from the yellow sand, and the dagger in his hand flashed coldly in the sun.

The desert is hot and sweaty; but at this time the heart is cold, colder than the light.

But in an instant, the team of thirty people all fell, and the billowing yellow sand turned into thirty assassins in black.

The blood was soaked in the yellow sand, and the leader among the assassins looked at the three envoys: "You are the envoys of the Great Moon?"

"You have already taken action, is it interesting to ask these questions again?" Tugurus' voice was full of gloom.

"Talk about it!" The assassin leader smiled coldly, and the next moment a sharp sword flew out from Tugurus' feet. Before he could react, the long sword had passed through the middle of his legs and exposed at the Baihui acupoint on his head. A piece of white sword tip.

"You..." Tugurus' eyes were full of disbelief, and he never thought that the other party would kill without warning. It was even harder to imagine that when I saw a godly powerhouse, he would die in such a wasteful manner.

The two remaining envoys suddenly changed their colors, and the envoy of Dayue had a stern face, and his hands clenched: "I am waiting for the envoy of Dayue. If I want to go to Li Tang to deliver the documents, you dare to intercept and kill my envoy of Dayue. , Don’t you be afraid of the anger of the emperor?"

"Oh, Dayue just doesn't know how high the sky is, and I dare to intervene in the battle of my Middle-earth. It would be too hard to see the heroes of my Middle-earth." The assassin smiled coldly, his eyes greedily looked at the envoy, as if he saw something It was delicious, and after a while, he said, "You can only see the strong gods in a few minutes. Now I see that there are no one thousand strong gods in my middle-earth, and there are eight hundred. I really don't know where your courage is, and you dare to intervene in the soil. Situation."

"I will send you up today and go to the chief governor to receive the reward!"

While talking, the assassin had already jumped up, came to the envoy in an instant, assassinated with a dagger in his hand.

"Stop, this official still has something to say!" The envoy of Otsuki is not a mediocre person, and this blow was avoided by him: "No matter what conditions Zhang Bairen offers, the official will pay Xieer ten times, as long as You can let the officer go."

"Puff whistle~"

Another figure emerged from the yellow sand, and a dagger pierced the heart of the envoy: "You Yue, when are you so long-winded!"

"This envoy of the great moon is nothing more than seeing a strong god, just to play with him, you kill him with a single knife, how can we play!" You Yue looked at the man in black dissatisfied.

"An envoy is a god. This time the number of envoys from the Western Regions is more than 300, but there are even more heroes. Hurry up and clean up the battlefield to assassinate the envoys of Tubo." The assassin behind said impatiently .

"Tubo's envoys are not easy to assassinate. It is said that once the leader or even the powerful Dao is alert to get out of it, it will be difficult to find it again," You Yue frowned.

"No matter how many, there are countless heroes coming from Middle-earth, and they will be robbed first when they are too late. Let's run for nothing." The black-clad figure said, "You Yue, this time, we must rob your father and grandfather. Go to the position of the two mountain I know, this is the best opportunity for my assassin family to intervene in the Shinto. I missed this time, I don't know how long I will have to wait." You Yue sighed.

A group of people came and went in a hurry, disappearing into the desert in a blink of an eye, and all traces were buried by the wind and sand.

This day

Blood flows into a river in the desert

I don't know how many people floating in the desert can never come back.

The newsletter in his hand continued to circulate, and Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a look of contemplation: "These people are clever. The 18 weakest envoys of the Western Regions have all been buried in the yellow sand, but the remaining dozen can be It’s a bit tricky."

"The governor can rest assured that if the general Zhang Xutuo takes the shot himself, he must be caught by his hand," Yuan Tiangang swayed.

"I'm not worried about this, but the desert is too vast. It takes too long to accurately hunt and kill a team in the desert..."

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