First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1553: The killing before Yumen Pass

? "Run!"

Facing the mountain that covered the sky and the sun, the merchants below had no time to dodge. The power of the earth magnetism blocked the void, and everyone’s body was ten thousand catties heavy. Before the mountain fell, the whole person had already exploded under the mountain. Made a blood mist.

"Crazy!" A warrior stopped desperately, with sweat and tears falling in his eyes: "Beasts, they are all innocent! They are all innocent!"


"My son~~~"

"Father, run away~~~"

In the midst of the crisis, all sentient beings are exposed to the eyes. Zhang Bairen's ancient well has no waves, like a high god, looking down at the ants under his feet.

Whether you see the gods or change your bones, even ordinary people in the caravan are all buried under the mountain.

"Bang!" The earth shook, and the gate of Huichuan City shook for a while. The guard at the gate looked at the mountain that had fallen since nine days, with a look of horror in his eyes.

This is the supreme power to use the method of moving mountains to suppress strong enemies. Everyone is not a reckless person. They are all looking sideways, and no one dares to push forward.

With a wave of the big sleeve, the mountains and rivers went away in an instant, leaving behind the horror of the people passing by in front of the city gate.


Zhang Bairen stood in the cloud, the petals in his hand flowed, following the causal induction, the mountains and rivers in his hand suddenly threw out.


The distant mountains shook, and Zhang Bairen left without turning his head.

As for the innocent dead?

There is no innocence in this world, only cause and effect. The Tibetan people wanted to use the caravan to enter the territory of the Sui Dynasty. If Zhang Bairen didn't notice it, he would be the one who died.

Where is the innocent?

It's just cause and effect.

Before Yumen Pass

A caravan from afar came one after another, and Yumen Pass was about to close when the sun was setting.

Seeing that the last ray of the sun on the horizon is about to pass through the gate and disappear into the horizon,

A guard shouted:

"Close the City Gate"

"Hold on" Li Jing suddenly stretched out his hand to stop the action of the guard below.

"My lord, it's a rule to close the city gate without entering afterglow..." the guard hesitated.

"Wait again" Li Jing's words are beyond doubt.

Hearing this, the guard had no choice but to retreat. Li Jing is the Shangshu of the Ministry of War. He can't afford to offend a young guard who defends the city.

"Prepare!" Li Jing turned to the Five Thousand Forbidden Road in the city.

"Who is here!" Luo Yi rebuked, and the world was shaking.

The caravan was noisy and uneasy, and then an old man came out and said: "This sir, I am a merchant from the Tibetans. The path is here, little care is not a respect."

Luo Yi scanned the convoy with a pair of eyes, then walked towards the convoy without a word, and pulled off the cloak on the car. It was indeed some animal fur and specialty products.

After scanning the guards who were eyeing each other, Luo Yi turned around and said, "Master Zhang, this caravan doesn't look like the person we are looking for."

"Hehe" Zhang Xutuo smiled suddenly: "This general doesn't know when it will start. Can a caravan invite the strongest Dao to protect the Dao?"

However, Yu Juluo suddenly waved his hand: "All the soldiers listened to my orders, and would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one pass."


With a word of order, the 800 dead men rushed over without saying a word.

No reason, no reason!

"Bold, I am waiting for a regular caravan with a court clearance document. If you dare to intercept and kill in an upright manner, is there any reason for heaven?" How can the caravan guard be stunned? At this time, they drew out scimitars one after another, fighting with the eight hundred dead men.

In the caravan

An old man with a thin body looked at the killing, his expression dignified, and he looked at Yumen Pass, which was less than a kilometer away, with a cold light in his eyes: "There are actually three strong men, we are miscalculating! Give me the clearance documents quickly."

"General, you can't abandon me and wait..." The envoy on one side panicked.

The thin old man looked serious, ignored the envoy's words, and rushed out directly through the sonic boom.


As long as he can **** the documents to Li Tang, he is the messenger. In other words, as long as the document reaches Li Tang, any Tibetan can become an envoy.

What really matters is not the people, but the Tibetan documents.

"Want to go?" Zhang Xutuo had been prepared for a long time, how could he tell the old man to get off, stepping out of his hand and slashing with a long knife.

Void raised the sound of wind and thunder, and the thin old man had to stop: "Who are you?"

"I am Zhang Xutuo, the first-class general of Zhuo County." Zhang Xutuo held a machete in his hand and looked at the skinny old man: "If I were you, I would hand over the paperwork in my arms and go back and forth."

"Hehe, you are the Supreme Dao! I am also the Supreme Dao. I have heard your reputation before. Although I am not your opponent, if you want to stop me, you can never imagine! A strong man who wants to escape, There are no five or six powerful masters who are going to fight together, you don't want to stop it!" The skinny old man looked at Wang Renze who was about to move not far away, and there was a cold look in his eyes: "It's the same even if you count him, you two Can't stop me!"

While talking, he broke through the sound barrier without talking nonsense and rushed out, trying to escape into Yumen Pass not far away.

For the most powerful, three breathing time is enough to break into Yumen Pass from the spot.

Unfortunately, he ran into Zhang Xutuo.


The void collapsed, and the strongest man was slashed into the air, spurting blood.

Zhang Xutuo had a sneer in his eyes: "I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and the Tibetans are the land of barbarians. How do you know that the Dharma is vast, even if the same is the same way, it is also the difference between heaven and earth.

Having said this, Zhang Xutuo slowly walked towards the skinny old man with a scimitar: "Since you don’t know how to promote, you can’t blame me. This general will not only take your papers, but also take yours. Heading to go to the governor to make an appointment can be regarded as a warning to the Tibetans. I want to see how many powerful people there are in your Tibetans, and they are not enough for the general to kill."

"Stop it!" At this moment, there was a roar from inside the city gate, and Li Jing's horizontal knife slashed towards Zhang Xutuo: "This is the place where Yumen is closed. You and other bandits must be here to be presumptuous."


The long knife was handed over, Zhang Xutuo's knife was in his chest, blocking Li Jing's thunderous blow, and his figure shook. Li Jing on the opposite side flew out and stood firm on the yellow sand: "Whoever do you wait, dare to attack before Yumen Pass."

"The general save me. I am a Tibetan messenger in Xia. He wanted to go to Chang'an City to submit his documents. How did he know that he was intercepted and killed by a thief in the middle of the journey. I hope the general will save me! There will be a re-report in the future!" The messenger stood up and stood up. , The eyes are full of excitement.

The most powerful, as long as the head is not chopped off, it will not take long to recover from the injury.

"You don't know me?" Zhang Xutuo ignored the messenger, but turned to look at Li Jing.

Li Jing was silent when he heard this, and after a while, he said, "General Li, this is the boundary of Yumen Pass. The general is here to intercept and kill the emissary of the court, I am afraid it is wrong."

Zhang Xutuo was silent when he heard this, while Wang Ren said coldly: "General Zhang, why bother with this kid? We only respect the Zhuo County decree, and most of the governors have ordered to punish the Tibetan envoys. This matter cannot be merciful. I will stop Li Jing. , You quickly shot and killed the Tibetan messenger."

After speaking, he turned to look at Luo Yi who was rushing in the caravan: "General Luo, he has an idea, and he hasn't rushed to help the general. If you complete the entrustment of the general governor as soon as possible, you may return to life."

Luo Yi flicked his spear when he heard that, leaving scarlet spear flowers in the air, and pulled away to Zhang Xutuo's body: "General!"

"Let's do it, don't show mercy, as long as dead bodies, don't live people!" Zhang Xutuo's voice was cold.


Zhang Xutuo and Luo Yi went to kill the skinny old man. Li Jing saw this change of color and tried to step forward with his weapon, but was stopped by Wang Renze: "Li Jing, you can think about it. This is the governor and the emperor. The game is not something you can mix."


The air exploded, and Li Jing shot directly without saying anything.

He had forged a death feud with Zhang Bairen a long time ago, so what scruples do?

The Tubo envoy's entry into Beijing involved the killing of Zhang Bairen. How dare he not try his best?

At this time, Li Jing's complexion was gloomy, and a touch of bad feeling appeared on her face.

It is indeed a bit bad, the situation is a bit bad!

If there are two people on your side and the other three people, if you delay the time and prevent you from entering the city, then it will be bad for the one from Zhuojun to be attracted.




There was a burst of intersecting sounds, and in a blink of an eye the two fell into a disadvantage.

far away

I don’t know when there was a figure in Yumenguan city

Holding a double mace, Yuchi Jingde suddenly broke through the sonic boom and rushed out: "General Li don't be impatient, I'll help you."

"General Yuchi, you just came here, and quickly stopped Zhang Xujiao and let the Tibetan envoy into the city." Li Jing saw Yuchi Jingde and was overjoyed.

On the contrary, Zhang Xutuo and the others turned gloomy at this time, and a pair of eyes looked at Yuchi Jingde who had joined the battlefield, and a sense of badness came into their hearts.


With a loud noise, Zhang Xutuo took Yuchi Jingde's double mace, took three steps back for the first time, and looked at Yuchi Jingde in surprise: "A good man."

"I have seen General Zhang" Yuchi Jingde saluted Zhang What a pity! "Zhang Xutuo sighed.

"Why does the general sigh?" Yuchi Jingde asked in surprise.

"You shouldn't be involved in this turmoil. No one knows the methods of the chief governor better than I. It's a pity that you are a tiger general." Zhang Xutuo's eyes were full of regret.

"The younger generation has long admired the prestige of the old general, and is about to ask the old general for advice," Yuchi Jingde said with a fist.

Zhang Xutuo nodded: "Your strength is no less than mine, but you are a rare player."

While speaking, Yuchi Jingde attacked for a while, only to hear "Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!"

When the two were fighting, they heard Wang Ren's exclamation: "General, it's not good, I actually told the Tibetan barbarian to run away."

When Zhang Xutuo heard the words, he turned his head quickly, and the next moment he burst into tears, and saw that the skinny old man had rushed into Yumen Pass.

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