First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1554: Bold

The Tibetan messenger rushed into the city, Zhang Xutuo and the others suddenly changed color, their faces became ugly, and even the movements in their hands stopped.

The Tibetan messengers have already entered the city, does it make sense to continue to kill?

"Good! Good! Good! It is really good indeed. Li Shimin entered Beijing for the envoys of the Western Regions, but he really paid for it. Even the **** generals of Tiance Mansion sent two!" Zhang Xutuo's expression was gloomy, his voice Icy.

On one side, Wang Ren changed his color: "The general asked the Tibetan envoy to enter the city, and he did not complete the task assigned by the governor. What should we do?"

You look at me and I look at you, Luo Yi clenched the scimitar in his hand, and his eyes turned murderously: "It's better to rush into the city and kill the Tibetan envoy."

"Don't be reckless. After the Yumen Pass, Emperor Li Tang can take action at any time. If we act rashly, Li Shimin will inevitably provoke Li Shimin to attack." Zhang Xutuo looked cautious. There are three Li Tang masters who want to kill the soil. Fan envoys can be said to be more difficult.


Who would have thought that Li Shimin had sent two powerful men, Yuchi Jingde and Li Jing, to know that Yuchi Jingde was brave, but no less than Zhang Xutuo's master.

"Hahaha, this officer has now entered Yumen Pass, and Zhang Bairen's death date has come." The Tibetan messenger laughed up to the sky: "If you have the ability, you can kill me! The officer is standing here to see if you can kill the rat generation. I."

"Huh?" Luo Yi on one side shook his spear, and pierced a Tubo business traveler and threw it in front of the city gate: "Kill these messengers first, and then think of a way to remedy it."

The killing continued, the eyes of the Tibetan envoys standing inside the city gate were red, and their smiles stopped abruptly: "You dare to slaughter my Tubo heroes, and my Tibetans will continue to die with you."

He spoke and looked at Li Jing: "This general, you must have been sent by Emperor Li Tang to save my Tubo envoys. I also hope that the lord will help save my fellow officials. I am grateful."

Li Jing looked at Yuchi Jingde. Yuchi Jingde swept over the slaughtered eight hundred dead men, and looked at the three people, Zhang Xutuo, who was so angry. They shook their heads calmly, and they both withdrew back into the city, before seeing Li Jing said: "General Zhang is also an indomitable man, why bother with that group of innocent merchants."

"Haha, where are the innocent people who are slaughtered by foreign races?" Zhang Xutuo's face was cold, with a touch of disdain in his eyes: "Don't say more, do it!"

The killing continued, despite the merchants struggling, but where was the opponent of the 800 dead men, a thousand caravans were already buried in the rolling yellow sand before long.


As the last Tubo envoy fell, the thin old man in the city trembled, and the blood in his mouth continued to escape: "I never die! I never die! We never die! The old man must unscrew Zhang Bairen's dog's head himself. I pay homage to my dead family."

"Hehe, how capable the general governor is, and you can do harm. Although you escaped into Yumen Pass by luck, you really think that Li Shimin can win the general governor?" Zhang Xutuo sneered.

The closer you get to Zhang Bairen, the more you will know how unfathomable and almost invincible Zhang Bairen's cultivation is today.

"Hahaha, it's not just Zhang Bairen, you won't live long for a running dog. After Emperor Li Tang merges with my Western Regions aura, you will naturally wait for you to look good at that time!" The Western Regions envoy looked crazy, anyone watching. It was a huge shock to see that his relatives and friends were slaughtered, but he was powerless to survive.

"Zhang Bairen! Zhuojun! I want you to die without a burial place!"

The voice was stern, as if it were Ye Xiao, even the clouds on the horizon seemed to be soaked with blood.

"Oh? Are you going to kill me?"

At this moment, a voice floated, and the world seemed to be quiet in an instant.

A figure in a purple shirt with his hands on his back, standing in the last afterglow of the setting sun, his whole body seemed to be stained with blood.

The purple clothes looked **** in the sunset.

No one knows when he appeared, let alone when he stood there, standing so quietly on the highest point of the castle tower, overlooking the sun line in the distance, with his back facing everyone.

The crowd fell silent for an instant, and a pair of gazes all looked at the purple-clothed figure, their eyes full of solemnity.

In the whole world, even gods and demons would never dare to despise the person in front of them, even if the ancient strong were resurrected, they must be treated with care when facing this person.

"Zhang Bairen!" The Tubo envoy squeezed a few words between his teeth, and his strength seemed to be drained in an instant.

For some reason, after seeing that figure, a thought came up in his heart involuntarily.

Zhang Bairen!

He is Zhang Bairen!

It is inexplicable, and the person in front of him is indeed Zhang Bairen.

An affirmation from the heart.

"Hahaha, Zhang Bairen, you are late, the officer has already stepped into Yumen Pass, you can't kill me!" As if thinking of something, the skinny messenger was full of power again at this time, and his eyes were filled with complacency: "You are calculating a mistake. , You can't kill me, and you can't stop the merger of the Western Regions and Li Tang Qishu. Your death date is about to come. You can't kill me! You can't kill me! Hahaha...hahaha..."

"Oh? Really?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were indifferent.

"The governor, he will dereliction of duty in the end, he failed to leave this servant at Yumen Pass, and the governor should punish him." Zhang Xutuo knelt on one knee, his eyes full of remorse.

"It's okay, killing all envoys is just a warning to some people. After a wave of killing, can we continue to kill? There will always be fish that slip through the net." Zhang Bairen sighed, "But This first wave of messengers wants to kill them cleanly, which can be regarded as letting people know that this seat is not a clay sculpture, it is also angry."

While talking, Zhang Bairen looked at the Tibetan messenger: "Do you have any last words, although you can say it quickly, if it's late, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to speak again."

"Drink, you don't want to bluff, this is Yumen Pass, Li Tang's territory, I don't believe you dare to kill me! I don't believe you can kill me, really, the emperor Li Tang eats rice?" The messenger Leng Ran Smiled: "You can't kill me today, and I will definitely screw your head off and kick the ball in the future."

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words.

Zhang Bairen's vitality is extremely restrained, and it seems to be integrated with this world, and the whole person gradually fades.

"Supervisor think twice!" Yuchi Jingde sensed something bad in his heart, and immediately stepped forward: "I also hope that the superintendent will think twice. This person is the one that the emperor wants to protect. I also hope that the superintendent will not make it difficult for the emperor. If there is a dispute, It's not easy for everyone to tear the dough."

"Oh? Are you using Li Shimin to press me down?" Zhang Bairen scanned Yuchi Jingde with a pair of eyes, and met Zhang Bairen's crystal eyes. Yuchi Jingde's hair burst and his skin became tight, as if he had encountered a natural enemy. I dare not move.

"Don't dare, the next official is just stating a fact!" Yuchi Jingde said hastily.


Zhang Bairen stretched out his hand, as if the world turned upside down, and the universe was tumbling endlessly. I saw a seal on the horizon as if it collapsed improperly. It suddenly solidified time and space, liquefied the air, shattered the city head at Yumen Pass, and smashed towards the thin envoy. Go down.

"Those who are one step at a time, dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

The power of the earth, mountains and rivers in a radius of fifty miles gathered under the seal, as if it could smash everything in the world.

The crisis of death broke out, and the envoy and Li Jing and others were shocked. They never thought that Zhang Bairen would really dare to do it.

"The governor, stop!" Li Jing's machete cut across the void and slashed towards Zhang Bairen.

Surround Wei and save Zhao!

The power of the seal, Li Jing and Yuchi Jingde, did not dare to resist, and now they could only attack Zhang Bairen's body, only hoping that Zhang Bairen would have scruples and stop.


Zhang Bairen smiled disdainfully: "The law of heaven is like the earth!"

A palm twisted the time and space, and smashed it down at Li Jing and Yuchi Jingde as if covering the sky.


The sky and the earth shook, and a roar of the emperor's dragon qi from the sky shook the void, shattering the world wherever he went.

When the dragon qi passed, the origin of the earth veins, mountains and rivers immediately returned, and Zhang Bairen's Fantian seal was actually cracked by the dragon qi.

Even so, the envoy of the Western Regions was knocked into the air by the aftermath of Zhang Bairen's shot, and rolled out, with blood pouring in his mouth continuously.

"Li Shimin?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a sneer: "Do you really think you can stop me?"

The palm of the hand stretched out, and a scroll slowly opened. After the countless emperor Dragon Qi encountered the scroll, they were instantly broken up.

Chang'an City

Li Shimin opened his eyes suddenly, a touch of anger rolled up from his heart, and his body's vitality flowed and he wanted to force his shot: "Damn bastard, I dare to do it at Yumenguan."

With the power of fate flowing, Li Shimin's phoenix rises, and he wants to attack Zhang Bairen.

"Your Majesty!" Chunguijun grabbed Li Shimin: "That is the map of the country and mountains, and the treasure of the emperor's way. At the moment, your Majesty has not integrated the aura of the Western Regions. You must not compete with Zhang Bairen. Your Majesty is definitely not Zhang Bairen at this time. Opponent."

Chunguijun looked solemnly and said: "Now is the critical moment. As long as your Majesty integrates the aura of the Western Regions, you can break with Zhang Bairen. Zhang Bairen's move at this time is deliberately looking for troubles for your Majesty, forcing your Majesty to make a move, and then use Dayizhi. Name, his majesty died in the abdomen. Tolerated the wind and waves, took a step back, and his majesty's plan was about to be done. How could he turn his face with Zhang Bairen at this time? It was just a messenger, even if he was killed, what could he do? The Western Regions can continue to send Messenger, how many batches can he kill?"

Li Shimin really stopped when he heard the words, his eyes showed hesitation.

"Your Majesty, is face important or future plans are important? Your Majesty must have his own school examination in his heart. What the old man wants to remind his Majesty is that the more critical the moment comes, the less he can tell Zhang Bairen to find an excuse to die!"

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