First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1556: Dragon Slaying

What kind of person is the Blessed One, who has lived for a thousand years, and has long seen through the world's love, hatred, affection, hatred, hatred, ignorance, resentment, hatred, honor and disgrace, everything has vanished.

It's like eating a delicious pastry alone. Even if the pastry is delicious, it will taste greasy, even disgusting, and can't eat it anymore.

Why do men cheat?

The same is true.

The Blessed One has lived for a thousand years, what hasn't been seen, what hasn't been experienced?

Although the dough is important to him, it is not as important as people think.

Zhang Bairen swept across the world with a pair of eyes and snorted coldly: "No matter, you Buddhism will eventually have retribution in the future, but this retribution does not fall on me, so you can handle it yourself."

After speaking, I swept through Li Jing: "I hope you can have such good luck every time, Blessed One and Bodhidharma are here in such a timely manner."

Zhang Bairen is gone, and now he has to recharge himself, it is not the best time to start with the Blessed One.

And there is also the big enemy Li Shimin who is waiting for him, Zhang Bairen does not want to waste time on the body of the Lord at this time.

The end of the song

In any case, all the envoys of the Western Regions have already explained that they have paid countless prices. After countless deaths, the envoys fell into the sand.

Chang'an City

Li Shimin stroked He's Bi, surrounded by the dragon's Qi of the emperor, like a **** dominated by all living beings, who is a nine-day god.

"Zhang Bairen, great strength! It was the father who was wrong back then. If the younger sister is betrothed to him, this kind of disorder will not happen, I, Li and Tang, will be as stable as Mount Tai!" Li Shimin stood on the pavilion with solemn expression: "Father is wrong. me!"

Nothing in this world is perfect, just like now, there are not so many ifs back then.

Missing is a miss after all. Li Yuan chose the Chai family, who is rich in wealth, instead of the grassroots Zhang family in front of him.

"Second Young Master is very interested" a footstep came from outside the hall. Although the sound was light, it fell in Li Shimin's ears, but it was like thunder, which made his three souls and seven souls tremble constantly, his eyes surrounded by purple dragon: "Who?"

This is the deep palace, who can walk here without disturbing the guards in the palace? And Li Shimin couldn't notice the slightest vitality of the other party, which was simply unimaginable.

What a master Li Shimin is. When he reaches his level, he is already close to the extreme of martial arts. How can he not be shocked if he can hide his perception.

"Second Young Master is really forgetful. How long have we not seen each other? I have forgotten my voice. It is really a nobleman forgetting things." A figure in a purple robe wandered through the Ouchi Imperial Palace. Wherever he passed, the emperor let out a sob. , Immediately evaded Sanshe, seemingly encountering natural enemies, one after another retreated.

The petals were floating in the air, time and space were twisted and elongated, and Zhang Bairen's feet stepped out, and the guards seemed indifferent to him wherever he passed.

"Zhang Bairen!" Li Shimin's complexion changed insignificantly, and the whole body was gathered together, his skin tightened instantly, constantly shaking the Qi in the void.

What is he here for?

Could it be that I pushed him too quickly, asking him to come here to die with me?

Could it be that he came to me desperately?

Li Shimin's heart was ups and downs, desperately trying to figure out what Zhang Bairen wanted.

The Great Inner Palace makes people come and go freely, and Li Shimin only meets this person in front of the world! He is also the only person in the world.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Haha" Seeing Li Shimin's posture as if he was facing a major enemy, Zhang Bairen suddenly smiled: "Don't be nervous, I'm here today, I'm just looking for the second son to talk about the past."

"Reminiscing about the past?" Li Shimin came back to his senses, knowing that he had lost his temper, and slowly relaxed his body: "The governor is a busy man. Where can I have time to relive the past."

Zhang Bairen walked to the pavilion not far away and saw a chessboard with all black and white pieces made of polished jade.

"Sit down!" Zhang Bairen looked at the opposite seat, took out the chess piece and grabbed it: "Why don't you talk about a game?"

Li Shimin couldn't figure out Zhang Bairen's intention, whether there was a master guard by his side, and was uncertain. He didn't know Zhang Bairen's intention, so he could only sit on the opposite side as Zhang Bairen said.

Li Shimin took out the chess pieces from the white chessboard and threw them gently on the chessboard.

Two white chess pieces!

Seeing this, Zhang Bairen slowly released his palm, but saw four black chess pieces falling on the chessboard: "You go first!"

Li Shimin put away the chess pieces when he heard the words, and began to move without a word.

The atmosphere in the hall was quiet. After walking for more than a dozen hands, I heard Zhang Bairen say: "Recently, the countries of the Western Regions have begun to be restless. This seat has prepared a group of Western Region spies for your Majesty. Your Majesty will have to be careful in the future."

"Oh?" Li Shimin's pupils shrank when he heard the words, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen, and then he said after a while: "For the frontier fortress, you don't have to work hard, and you can take care of your own Zhuojun."

Zhang Bairen smiled upon hearing this, and continued to drop a chess piece: "Second Young Master really wants to listen to Buddhism bewitched, and be my enemy?"

Li Shimin knew that he must not give in at this time. It was the time for the showdown, but he continued to play the chess pieces without raising his head: "There is no two masters, and there is no room for maneuver. Even if there is no Buddhism, I will do it. ."

"Okay! So courage! So courageous!" Zhang Bairen suddenly laughed when he heard the words: "Actually, the reason why I killed a group of envoys is not to block the envoys of the Western Regions from entering Beijing, but simply to see that the envoys of the Western Regions are not pleasing to the eye."

"Blocking is worse than sparse. There are millions of people in the Western Regions. How many people can the governor kill? How many batches?" Li Shimin raised his head and roared.

Zhang Bairen smiled and put down the chess pieces in his hand. He had already played a hundred hands before he knew it. At this moment, he heard Li Shimin's words, he suddenly laughed, a chess piece fell, and the building was extremely thunderous.

Kill the dragon!

Li Shimin's dragon was slaughtered by Zhang Bairen unknowingly.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Li Shimin was shocked that the chess piece in his hand fell, his eyes full of disbelief.

"I already know what the second son thinks in his heart. If you want to do it, then I will fulfill you." Zhang Bairen stood up unhurriedly: "There is only one thing you need to consider clearly. There is no turning back. You Do you really choose to do this?"

While speaking, a gust of wind suddenly swept into the pavilion, the blowing curtain flew up, and Zhang Bairen turned into a sky full of petals, disappearing without a trace.

"He's coming!" There was a sound of footsteps, and the voice of Spring Return Jun came.

Li Shimin stared at the chessboard in front of him blankly, and at the slaughtered dragon, he waved the chessboard into chaos: "Sir, can I kill Zhang Bairen with the dragon spirit of the Western Regions?"

"Yes" Spring Return to Jundao.

"How sure is it, sir?" Li Shimin asked again.

Spring Return Jun hesitated slightly before he said: "At least six points are certain."

"Six points, still too little!" Li Shimin shook his head.

Chunguijun didn't speak. He was six points sure before seeing Zhang Bairen's shot today. Now...?

There is no need to tell Li Shimin about some things, lest it affect his mood.

"If your Majesty wants to be 100% sure, it is not impossible to do so" Chungui Jundao.

"What way?" Li Shimin was startled and turned to look at Chunguijun.

"Either send Kong Konger to steal Zhang Bairen’s pictures of the country’s and mountains, or go to the Baidi Dongfu. Now Baidi is about to be resurrected. Just grab Baidi’s embryo and refine it into a sword of killing and kill Zhang Bairen. Not difficult."

"Bai Di's embryo? Bai Di hasn't been born yet?" Li Shimin was taken aback when he heard the words. The Li family secretly calculated the Bai Di back then, and never thought that after decades, Bai Di was still gestating.

"How easy is the resurrection of the dead? Ordinary babies need to be pregnant for nine months. It is even more difficult for such great supernatural powers as Baidi to be resurrected! Once they are born, they will inevitably descend from the sky, and it is impossible not to be perceived" Chungui Jundao .

Li Shimin looked hesitant after hearing Chunguijun's words, and then said: "Since the gentleman has spoken, I want to have traces of Baidi."

"Your Majesty can rest assured that the Dragon Qi of the emperor has broken all laws, and the Emperor Bai is resurrecting with the help of the power of the law world. He is definitely not your opponent. He is naturally restrained by you. This is the best opportunity. Once you miss it, it will be too late!" Whisper.

outside world

Zhang Bairen left Chang'an City and looked at the Dragon Qi above Chang'an from a distance. After a while, he sighed slowly, and then suddenly rose up and disappeared into the realm of Chang'an.


Shaolin Temple

Now Zhang Baiyi has been awarded the title of Great Happiness Buddha, enjoying the blessing of Buddhism, and his cultivation is progressing rapidly.

Suddenly, Zhang Baiyi was in a daze, and the void in front of him opened, and the door to the Buddhist realm suddenly opened.

A Bodhisattva came and paid respectful respect to Zhang Baiyi: "Worship and rejoice in the Buddha, please invite the Pure Land Bodhisattva."

The Pure Land Bodhisattva is the master of the Buddhist Pure Land world, a person who is not a Buddha but has a higher status than the Buddha.

Zhang Baiyiyang went out of his body, followed the lead, and went straight to the center of the Pure Land World, but saw a monk in white standing among the flowers on the other side, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

"I have seen the Great Happy Buddha" The Pure Land Bodhisattva took the lead to give a gift to Zhang Baiyi.

Zhang Baiyi didn't dare to entrust and gave a gift: "I have seen the Pure Land Bodhisattva."

When the two parties were seated, they saw the Pure Land Bodhisattva and said: "Please come today, the Buddha of Huanxi, because there is something to ask the Buddha of Huanxi for help."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Baiyi was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Does Huanxi Buddha hate Zhang Bairen?" said the Pure Land Bodhisattva.

Zhang Baiyi was silent upon hearing this.

"The grievances between you and Zhang Bairen back then are obvious to all. No wonder you are Zhang Bairen being too domineering. Today, I don't know how many people pray day and night, wishing this person died." A touch of emotion appeared in the eyes of the Pure Land Bodhisattva: " Now, Buddha’s chance of revenge has arrived."

"A chance for revenge?" Zhang Baiyi was taken aback when he heard the words.

The Pure Land Bodhisattva smiled and nodded: "Now the emperor of the Western Regions wants to kill Zhang Bairen in the town of Dragon Qi, but Zhang Bairen is not so easy to kill. Even if the Dragon Qi is one, it is rare to be sure, so you still need to rejoice in the Buddha. Help each other."

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