First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1557: The death of Zhang 0 Yi

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Baiyi suddenly changed his color when he heard the words: "You say it again? You actually want me to attack my brother!"

"What are you anxious for? You should know how Zhang Bairen treated you. You should think clearly about your own life. As long as I and other practitioners condense the primordial spirit, the so-called blood relationship will be empty, and parents can't help it. As long as the bottle pill is swallowed by Zhang Bairen, it can ruin his practice. When the emperor Li Tang gathers the aura of the Western Regions, it is Zhang Bairen’s death, and it can be regarded as revenge for you." Pure Land Bodhisattva looked at him with a pair of eyes Zhang Baiyi: "As the saying goes, there is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason. You have a good life and think carefully about it. If you enjoy the Buddha status of my Buddhism, how can you not contribute to the development of my Buddhism?"

"But that's my brother!" Zhang Baiyi's eyes were filled with anger: "Even if I am a beast, I know that I can't kill each other with brothers. What's more, although I hate Zhang Bairen, I am just jealous when I was young. I was colder, but I would always help me at critical moments. Although I am dull, my conscience has not been eaten by the dog. Only my father and son owe Zhang Bairen, but Zhang Bairen owes my father and son, I will not do this! Never do it!"

The Pure Land Bodhisattva's face suddenly became gloomy when he heard the words. He sat on the lotus platform for a long time and was speechless. After a while, he said, "You have to think carefully. You are now enjoying the aura of my Buddhism. Don't forget who gave it. Your way and status today."

"Haha!" Zhang Baiyi only sneered when he heard the words, and simply closed his eyes and didn't speak.

The Pure Land Bodhisattva shouted angrily: "Zhang Baiyi! You have to think clearly, you are now the Buddha of my Buddhism, and everything must be based on the overall situation of my Buddhism. You can't do it or not, since you have enjoyed the fruit of my Buddhism. How can you choose your position and aura?"

"This is not just what I mean, but also what the Blessed One means. If you refuse, I'm afraid it will be difficult to walk in Buddhism in the future." While talking about the Pure Land Bodhisattva, he placed the jade bottle in front of Zhang Baiyi and turned away: "You are good to consider yourself. Well, it’s your fruit, the future is important, or Zhang Bairen’s life is important."

The Pure Land Bodhisattva left, leaving Zhang Baiyi sitting there looking at the jade bottle in a daze. It took a long time to see Zhang Baiyi picking up the jade bottle with a flat face, and then turning around and walking out of the pure land world.


Sitting on the top of the mountain, Zhang Bairen twirled the chess pieces in his hand, looking at the smiling Empress Xiao on the opposite side: "Hahaha, you lost again in this game."

"You can't let this palace" Empress Xiao angrily smashed the chess piece in her hand on the chessboard.

"If I let you go, what's the point of playing Go?" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

As he was talking, he heard a rush of footsteps, Xiaohu walked over and said: "Captain, Zhang Baiyi is asking for a meeting under the mountain."

"What is he doing?" Zhang Bairen frowned.

While Empress Xiao stood up and went away, she never asked about Zhang Bairen's affairs.

"Please come up." Zhang Bairen condensed the chessboard, slowly stood up and came under a pine tree, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Not long after, Zhang Baiyi, dressed in white, slowly walked up to the top of the mountain and stood opposite Zhang Bairen.

The two brothers looked at the familiar face and the air fell silent.

Zhang Bairen didn't speak, he was waiting for Zhang Baiyi, the dude to speak.

After a while

I saw Zhang Baiyi whispered: "This time Buddhism and Li Tang joined forces, how sure are you to survive this disaster?"

"I don't dare to say 10%, 70% to 80% is still there." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion. Zhang Baiyi in front of him was suddenly different from before. He is no longer the same as before. There is no desire in his eyes, but some are just Calm, endless peace.

"That's good! That's good! Buddhism is very ambitious, you take care of yourself!" Zhang Baiyi looked at Zhang Bairen, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes: "Buddha is not your opponent, but you must be careful of the dark methods of Buddhism, although Buddhism is. One party is a great teacher, but he may not use despicable means."

While talking, a jade bottle was placed in front of Zhang Bairen, and Zhang Baiyi sighed: "My Zhang family is now ruined, and only you have become the climate, and it is hoped that you will become immortal and immortal. It is also the aura of my Zhang family. "

"What is this?" Zhang Bairen picked up the jade bottle on the case.

"Bone Damage Pill" Zhang Baiyi said with a solemn expression: "As long as I eat this Bone Damage Pill, the bones in the body will be melted away, or the original source will be damaged, the vitality will be damaged, and the practice will be damaged. The Pure Land Bodhisattva forced me to damage the bones. Dan eat it for you, I am not a fool. If you are in my Zhang family, you will be in my Zhang family's blood. If you die, those lingering Zhang family descendants and disciples will inevitably fall into a dead end and be caught in the world. The causal backlash caused death."

"It's rare, you didn't choose to hurt me this time!" Zhang Bairen picked up the bone damage pill.

The air fell into silence at this time, and after a while Zhang Baiyi suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Zhang Bairen. His voice was full of emotion: "Sorry!"

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen was stunned, he didn't seem to hear what Zhang Baiyi said.

"Back then, I was spoiled in Chunyang Taoist Temple. I didn't understand the love, love and hatred in the world, and caused a lot of trouble for you. I'm sorry!" Zhang Baiyi sat opposite Zhang Bairen, his voice gradually lowered: "I can't help you, if In the afterlife, you must repay your grace in this life."



A rainbow light rushed into the sky, and the relics exuding colorful colors rushed out of their Baihui acupoint, wanting to flee away.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his hand to restrain the relic, then a touch of astonishment appeared in his eyes: "Sit down!"

Zhang Baiyi actually sat down!


Zhang Bairen looked at the relic in his hand with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Zhang Baiyi took the initiative to sit down and cut off all vitality, which really went beyond Zhang Bairen's expectations.

"The Buddhism wants me to harm you. I have already repented. How can I deal with you? Big brother let me go to reincarnation." There was a wave of fluctuations in Zhang Baiyi's relic.

Without harming Zhang Bairen, he would not be able to integrate into Buddhism. There would be no way forward and back into the abyss. Apart from reincarnation, Zhang Baiyi didn't know what he should choose.

Zhang Bairen meditated for a while, and then he threw it away, and saw the relics transformed by Zhang Baiyi thrown towards Zhuojun: "You are born in reincarnation. Since you are right as a brother, you will not be stingy as a brother, naturally. Seek a big chance for you."

Zhang Baiyi could suddenly wake up, and to be honest, Zhang Bairen was still very happy, but he did not dare to call Zhang Baiyi's reincarnation out of Zhuo County, so as not to be calculated by Buddhism.

Seeing that Zhang Baiyi's Buddha light disappeared, Zhang Bairen's cold voice sounded from the mountains and forests: "Tell me the decree, no monk can appear in the Zhuojun area, once he appears, he will be sent to the fire to pass away."

When the words fell, Zhuojun was startled, and then the huge organization began to function again.

Songshan Peak

The Blessed One's brows suddenly wrinkled, his wisdom eyes opened, and a solemn color appeared in his eyes: "Zhang Baiyi is sitting down."

"What?" Bodhidharma was surprised: "Why did Zhang Baiyi die? He has attained the Buddha status, and now it is far from the end of his life, how could he die?"

Bodhidharma was anxious: "Master, this one hundred righteousness is important, but you can't die. I hope that Master will come back from the dead. Which bloodline between Zhang Baiyi and Zhuojun must not die! If Zhang Baiyi is dead, I have a lot of plans in Buddhism. Can't go on."

The World Venerable sighed after hearing the words: "The Zhuojun intervened, and there is nothing he can do as a teacher. Zhang Baiyi's rebirth in Zhuojun, our Buddhism can't penetrate, and we will be in trouble in the future."

"It's really troublesome" Bodhidharma puzzled: "Zhang Baiyi is alive and well, how could he die?"

"It's not the idiot of the Pure Land Bodhisattva." A rare anger appeared in the eyes of the Blessed One: "You take me to decree and punish the Pure Land Buddha.

Before the hill

Zhang Bairen came to Chunyang Taoist Temple carrying some clothes to change, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

The Pure Sun Taoist Temple has fallen, and the entire Taoist Temple is all ordinary people, and no one is actually meditating and practicing Qi.

Zhang Bairen took Zhang Baiyi's clothes and relics, and then uprooted the tomb of the little widow with a big hand, and disappeared on the top of Chunyang Taoist Temple in an instant.

In front of Zhang Fei's grave, a new grave appeared.

Zhang Baiyi and the little widow were buried together, and it was considered to be a fulfillment after death.

The Sutra of Saving People was slowly chanting, and Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a heavy touch. Even if it was how dirty these two were before their lives, and how uncomfortable they were, they were their only surviving relatives.


A strand of white hair is turning black quietly

"Seeking benevolence and benevolence, I hope you two will continue to lead in the next life!" Zhang Bairen shot, and saw the power of causality in his hand turn, and a petal in the sky connected Zhang Fei and Zhao Ruxi together.

With a flick of his finger, the law of cause and effect disappeared. Zhang Bairen looked at the graves of Zhang Baiyi and the little widow: "May you two continue their relationship in the next life!"

The same petal resets, distorts, and changes a certain cause and effect in the world.

"Baiyi is also dead." A white figure suddenly came from a distance, and it was Mother Zhang who had come, standing in front of the grave without a word for a long time.

"Baiyi forgive you before he died" Zhang Bairen did not look back.

"That's good." Mother Zhang was silent for a while, then looked at Zhang Bairen: "How about you?"

"The grace of nurturing is greater than the sky. I have no qualifications to complain about you. I owe you no matter what." Zhang Bairen sighed.

"That's good! That's good! From then on, you and me, mother and son, have not owed each other, and the good cause and good results in this world have ended, and it is also considered a consummation" Zhang mother looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, and then said: "This is great! Zhang Bairen has met fellow Taoists!"

No one noticed that the strand of white hair on Zhang Bairen's head was turning into black at a speed visible to the naked eye. Only the last strand of white hair was hidden in the hair.

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