First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1562: Rokhhan

She was shocked by Zhang Bairen's sword. It was the first time I saw a powerful opponent who was able to cut out a scar on his coffin board.

Since she was born, she has traversed the world, what power hasn't seen it? What kind of strong have not experienced? However, this is the first time I have seen any traces left on my coffin board.

What is the coffin board?

That was the life of Shebi corpse, the life of Shebi corpse. It is precisely because of the coffin board that Shebi corpse suppressed her own temperament. After tens of thousands of years, she escaped from Nuwa Empress’s Jianghe Sheji picture and resurrected with a drop of blood.

Even the Empress Nuwa never left a mark on her coffin board! But now the coffin board was cut off by others, which is incredible.

Outside the small world

Looking at the deep sword marks on the coffin board, Shebi's complexion was extremely gloomy: "What a terrible person, what a terrible sword, no one knows where his details are! Now Jing Rui Da Shi, how could it be like this? Ruthless people in this world?"

"So, this person must not stay, it must be resolved as soon as possible!" Chi You looked at the coffin board of Shebi's gloomy face, and his own Tiger Soul sword could not leave any traces on the coffin board, but the sword was almost dead. Pierced the coffin board.

"Senior, I said, you are going back more and more lively!" Chi You widened his eyes.

Shebi's complexion was gloomy: "I haven't recovered my real body now, so naturally I can't exert the power of Lingbao. I will settle accounts with it in the future."

"What should I do?" Chi You's eyes showed worry.

"It should be bad luck to encounter such a evil star. I just don't know if he is smart enough to find a chance to get away." She shook her head: "The matter is over, no one can help him."

Within the cave

Zhang Bairen looked at the Turkic people with a pair of eyes, and the stone man king looked at the sword in Zhang Bairen's hand with a solemn expression. At this time, he chose to be silent. Without a word, he tore the void directly, turned and left.

Seeing this, the Gorefiend also turned into a drop of blood and fell into the mortal world, leaving only Chuluo Khan standing in the void with a gloomy face, and then he hated and said: "Okay, you are ruthless, this time this king will admit it! Let's wait and see!"

Chuluo Khan wanted to tear apart the void and escape, but at this moment Zhang Bairen flicked his fingers, and the long sword vibrated with the wind, tearing the Qi of Chuluo Khan: "After that? I'm afraid there is no future."

"Huh? What are you going to do? Could it be that you still want to keep this king here?" Chu Luo Khan's eyes showed a cold look.

"Hehe, you came to this place outside the law, sincerely looking for death, who is it strange? If I can't fulfill you, how can I be worthy of such an opportunity?" , It’s also your honor, it’s not humiliating you."

"Zhang Bairen, have to think carefully, this king is a Turkic khan, if you leave me here, what will be the consequences, I am afraid that then a catastrophe in the middle earth will be rolled up again, I don't know how many The people died of unfaithful fate, and their lives were burnt!" Chu Luo Khan said with a gloomy expression.

"The Turkic Khan, it’s not that the Governor has never killed it. Back then, the Qimin Khan was smashed by me from the army, abandoning the martial arts cultivation base, and then I had to die in depression. The second Khan began. Bi Khan, I took the first rank from the Ten Thousand Arms, and I didn’t see any Turkic noise from you? Now you are counted, but there are three khans, I have to see what tricks you are waiting to play. Do you dare to build troops in the Turks."

"Kill!" Without a word, Zhang Bairen waved the Immortal Sword Sword in his hand.

"I will not sit and wait for death! If you kill this king, my Turk will never spare you! My Turk..." Chuluo Khan struggled to resist, wanted to use his magical powers, and escape from the cave. Get out.

As long as he escapes from this cave, he can mobilize the dragon energy of the emperor of Turk, and defeating Zhang Bairen is not difficult for Chuluo Khan.


He has no chance to tear the void

Jian Guang Leng

Those who control the sword light are colder

Chuluo Khan was covering his neck, red blood was constantly flowing out, and his eyes stared at Zhang Bairen firmly: "No! No! This king is not satisfied! This king is deadly aggrieved!"

Chuluo Khan is in his prime of life. He hasn't displayed his grand plan yet, so he died on the spot like this. He hasn't had time to enjoy the great world, he is not convinced!

"Huh!" The sword light converged, and the Zhuxian sword fell into the chaos. Zhang Bairen looked at Chu Luo Khan with a pair of eyes: "Go with peace of mind!"

"What a beautiful sword light..."

Chu Luo Khan murmured and spurted blood and died.

On the one hand, the Emperor Bai said with lingering fears: "What a terrible kendo! The more brilliant things, the more deadly."

Zhang Bairen tapped his belt with his fingers, a pair of eyes looked at the corpse of Liaoshou in the distance, looking at the spirit of the sky poured down from the sky, there was a divine light in his eyes: "If you can take away the spirit of Liaoshou, treat me Practice is of great benefit."

Zhu Xian formation likes the power of the gods most, and the power of the gods the most. Without a word, Zhang Bairen blasted out a punch, and the sun's will burst out.

Half of the punch has been recovered.

Zhang Bairen looked at the figure in astonishment and escaped! Don't even want the chance to harvest, just ran away!

"Hahaha, well, well, he ran away by himself so that he saved the trouble of this seat, so he didn't need to waste some hands and feet." Zhang Bairen laughed and ran the technique, the divine inner punishment pattern rotated, forming a whirlpool in Zhang Bairen's whole body. , Constantly swallowing the essence of Liaoshou.

"Hey, I said, kid, you save me some! You save me some! But the old man, I helped you find the Nianshou cave mansion, you can't forget me!" Baidi looked anxiously, and Lian received The origin is of great benefit to Zhuxian's Four Swords, and it is also a great tonic for him.


A golden light penetrated the two barriers and landed on the Turkic grasslands.

That sharp aura immediately attracted Shebi Zhe and Chi You.

"Your excellency?" Shebi looked at the person in front of her tentatively.

"Subishi, we haven't seen you for some years, and you have forgotten all of this seat," but he saw the servant bone Huaien loudly.

"Sure enough, it was you. I didn't expect you to be resurrected." Shebi Shi's eyes were full of excitement.

"Who is the one who shot in that cave? What a terrible cultivation base, what a terrible power, this seat dare not even rise up the mind to fight with it," Pu Gu Huaien said with a gloomy face.

"The first person in this world——————Zhang Bairen!" Chi You said.

"Zhang Bairen? Sure enough, there are talented people from generation to generation, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years. The era that belongs to us has passed." Liao Shu sighed, and then slowly stood up: "Such a terrible person must not be allowed. Living in the world, I wonder if the two of them have a solution?"

"Originally, there was no way, but since he killed Chuluo Khan, there is a way." Chi Youyin sneered.

"It's a pity that half of my spirit is all cheaper!" Liao Shu sighed with a gloomy face.

"Let's make a good living plan. How to punish Zhang Bairen is important." The Stone Man King strode forward, and seeing Zhang Bairen's power today, the Stone Man King finally couldn't sit still.

"I heard that Buddhism and Li Tang united, I was afraid that it was not enough. Let's report to the Turks for funeral together, and then make a little provocation and call Zhang Bairen a dead place without burial," Shebi said.

Within the cave

After Zhu Xian's formation had absorbed the spirit of Xiao Shu, there was no change, and the final fusion was still not completed.

Baidi's eyes were full of grievances: "I said, boy, you are too much, such a huge energy, I can't swallow even one Chengdu, and the rest is swallowed by you, your boy is simply too much. "

Zhang Bairen ignored Baidi’s words, but walked slowly to Chuluo Khan’s corpse, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "A generation of heroes, if they don’t pay attention, they will die on the spot. Today I killed Chu Luo, if I accidentally hit him in the future If the enemy is tricky, then the dead person is me."

"Are there any good things in the cave?" Zhang Bairen swept across the cave and looked at the continuous palace in the distance, showing interest.


The whole cave is made of gold, all kinds of gold can be seen everywhere, and the whole palace is made of gold.

Zhang Bairen showed interest in his eyes: "I don't know when is the **** of the harvest?"

"I don't know, it's just older than the Three Emperors." Baidi shook his head and shook his head: "The most terrifying thing about this **** is the confrontation between the two armies. If you abolish your weapons, wouldn't it be slaughtered?"

Zhang Bairen was suddenly stunned when he heard the words, and took control of the world's Gengjin Qi. If the two armies abolish one of the armor and fight against each other before the battle, wouldn't it be a complete defeat?

Zhang Bairen never thought of such a terrifying scene.

"The curse!" Zhang Bairen frowned. In a way, the harvest was far more terrifying than Shebiju, Chiyou and others.

"It's good if you know it, but it's a pity that the spirit of the essence of the harvest is brilliant, otherwise you can stay here today! If you can swallow the source of the harvest, the emperor will definitely be hatched in one fell swoop!" Baidi babbled.

" I just thought about Liaoshou, but I forgot about you. You are the five elements of gold, and you can also hold the spirit of Gengjin. Why should I be afraid of Liaoshou with you?" Zhang Bairen was surprised Tao.

"Not the same! Not the same! I am not the same as Liaoshou, I am the reincarnation of the five emperors, and Liaoshou is innately sacred, different!" Baidi shook his head repeatedly.

Glancing around the void, Zhang Bairen broke through the barriers between the two worlds and walked out of the cave. He saw that the Turkic people in the surrounding area disappeared and walked completely.

"This cave sky is a good thing, don't miss it!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm and directly shattered the cave sky, and then opened the mouth of the operation method to swallow the broken cave sky.

Swallow it indeed!

This scene was so shocking that the people who waited and watched from a hundred miles around were horrified. It was not enough to seize the treasure, and even the cave sky was swallowed. The fierce Ruoss is also rare in the world.


Liao's face looked ugly, feeling the mark of the original source being broken, and a mouthful of golden blood burst out suddenly.

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