First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1563: situation

The cave sky is the cave sky opened up by Xiaoshou, which naturally has the mark of Xiaoshou. Now the world is shattered by Zhang Bairen's palm and becomes the nourishment of the divine world. It is melted and refined by the chaos. How can Yinshou not suffer severe damage?

The law of heaven and earth!

It is not that Zhang Bairen has become bigger, but the universe of heaven and earth has become smaller in Zhang Bairen's mouth. The shattered world is shrinking, as if it is a plume of smoke and dust, Zhang Bairen is taken into the belly and merged into the chaotic world.

"Zhang Bairen, where is Chuluo Khan?" The Gorefiend asked with a gloomy expression.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen gave an unexplained laugh, tearing apart the void without saying a word and disappearing into the vast grassland.

Zhang Bairen left, leaving the ground covered with devastation, leaving behind the grassland land with elegy echoes.

Chu Luo Khan is dead!

The dragon energy of the emperor who had originally gathered in one place had broken apart in an instant, turning into fireworks and dispersing in all directions.

"Die! Chuluo Khan has died!"

Turkic shaking, it is in the prime of life, how can Chuluo Khan, who knows the martial arts, be like this?

How could you just die like this?

But he is indeed dead! Chuluo Khan is indeed a place of death.

Zhang Bairen tapped his belt with his fingers, looked at the sad Turkic land, and turned to the south.

"I said, at this moment, you killed Chu Luo Khan, didn't you ask for trouble?" Baidi's voice rang from Zhang Bairen's sleeve.

"What do you know, my hatred with the Turks is no longer a day or two. It is a real **** hatred. If there is a chance, the Turks will never let me go. If so, it is better to kill the Turks directly and call them Qi'an. After a period of time. When the Turkic elects a new Khan, this seat has already ended the decisive battle with Li Erna kid!" Zhang Bairen naturally had a long time to study, killing Chuluo Khan was not a whim.

Li Shimin can never kill himself, but there are still opportunities to hurt himself. If he suffers a serious injury, Chuluo Khan will never give up this opportunity, but will send his troops south to avenge the beginning of Bi Khan. Then Zhuojun will definitely The life of Zhuo County who has been recuperating for decades will be destroyed by war.

Zhuojun is Zhang Bairen's painstaking efforts, how could Zhang Bairen sit back and watch this happen?

"No matter what, I will maintain the stability of Zhuojun, and then try to punish the rebellious party!" Zhang Bairen's eyes swept across the world: "Where does Senior Baidi want to go? How about coming to my Zhuojun?"

"It's not right! The world of Zhuojun is too rich and it's useless to rebirth. The old man still chooses a place by himself, so you don't bother to worry about it!" After speaking, Emperor Bai turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky, leaving Zhang Bairen station Be silent in the void.


Zhang Bairen returned to the mountain next time, with a pair of eyes looking at the void in the distance. I don't know when the old ancestor Shaoyang took a thin step, and his short legs came to him: "I heard that your kid is going to fight the son of today?"

Zhang Bairen nodded, and the ancestor Shaoyang pondered a little before saying: "It's too risky!"

"I'm sure" Zhang Bairen is confident.

"Do you know the essence of the emperor's dragon spirit?" Shaoyang Patriarch looked at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen was taken aback: "I don't know!"

"If I were you, I would raise my troops to rebel and enter the city of Chang'an, riding on the throne of Li Shimin before the envoys of the Western Regions arrive," the Emperor Shaoyang said with a solemn expression.

The corners of Zhang Bairen's mouth curled up: "Old Patriarch, how many years are there since the day of shock?"

"It will definitely come within a hundred years, maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe it will be ninety years later, it's hard to say..." The ancestor Shaoyang was also not sure, Jingrui is a vision of heaven and earth, no one can predict it accurately in advance.

The hundred-year error is considered small, even in units of millennium or ten thousand years.

"I need to defeat Li Shimin where he is the strongest to show my strength" Zhang Bairen said with a solemn expression: "To defeat Li Shimin at the peak is equivalent to defeating the countries of the Western Regions. Now Jingrui is coming, and what I want is peace. Develop and gain momentum."

"That's right, but you seem to have missed some things" Shaoyang Patriarch suddenly turned his head.

"What?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"Turkic! Southern Xinjiang!"

"Impossible, how could a Turkic country willingly surrender Li Shimin? Turkic is also a dignified and turbulent country, definitely not..." Zhang Bairen wanted to refute.

"But now the Chura Khan is dead! The new Khan will definitely avenge the Chura Khan! So the opponent will definitely have actions, whether it is a big move or a small one, the action must be. It can be done for the tribe. , It can also be an explanation to the Turkic dignitaries! You have now become a big mountain in front of the world's heroes. In order to get rid of you, nothing is impossible," Shaoyang ancestor said.

"I haven't thought about what the ancestor said. That's why I cut Chu Luo. Even if the Turks want to intervene in this war, there is no chance. The selection of new khan candidates cannot be made in a short time..." Zhang Bairen had a confident smile on his face.

"I hope so!" The ancestor Shaoyang said solemnly: "I don't know what hole cards you have, but if Li Er wins the Turkic spirit, you will be restrained even if you have a big hole card."

The ancestor Shaoyang left, leaving Zhang Bairen sitting on the top of the mountain silently.


Actually, Zhang Bairen thinks too much

After Chuluo Khan died, Geely Khan directly succeeded to the throne, which was not as cumbersome as Zhang Bairen imagined.

Gili Khan is the younger brother of Sibi Khan and the uncle of Churo Khan. He is a powerful figure in Turkic, second only to Churo Khan.

Moreover, the succession of Turks is not as good as that of Middle-Earth. It is not necessary to inherit the throne from father to son. It is legal even for brothers to inherit the throne and is recognized by the entire Turks.

Moreover, with the support of the Stone Man King, the Blood Demon and others, even if there was a retort, it became a trivial spray and was instantly submerged.


Pugu Huai'en, Blood Demon God, and Stone Man King gathered together, Shebi Zhe and Chi You, with dark faces, looked gloomy at the newsletter in their hands.

"Zhang Bairen has an artifact of heaven and earth in his hands. It is simply too strong. This person has cut my khan for three generations. If I can't get rid of it, I am afraid that my grassland will never be peaceful." The voice of servant bone Huaien was filled with the sharp air of the golden iron horse. .

"I can't go on like this. Zhang Bairen is the world's number one master and has won the world. If he doesn't stop it, he will definitely get Jingrui Xianyuan. Then, will there be a way for us to survive?" The blood demon stroked the **** long knife. .

"Everyone, what do you say? Is there a way to restrain Zhang Bairen?" The Shiren Wang looked at Shebi Shi and Chi You.

"I'm not at the peak, so how can I be that thief's opponent?" Chi You gritted his teeth and said, "If I am really complete, then how can I be my opponent?"

Speaking of this, Chi You suddenly moved his eyes, and it seemed that Li Shimin was fighting with Zhang Bairen. This was a good opportunity to steal the dragon's energy.

"Yes, if I am at the peak, not to mention beheading the kid, it will be no problem to defeat him with restraint. The key thing now is that the kid's cultivation base has improved too fast, and we are recovering our strength. The kid's cultivation speed is actually faster than We can recover even faster, it's so unreasonable!" Shebi snorted.

"Do you guys have a way to kill Zhang Bairen? If we continue with the current trend, even if we restore the peak cultivation base, I am afraid that the cultivation base has reached its peak and unpredictable state. We are still not our opponents and missed the best. Time of restraint" Chi You opened his mouth and looked at everyone.

"What do you mean?" Pu Gu Huai'en and She Bi Zie looked at each other, a solemn look appeared in their eyes.

"I know a good way to punish Zhang Bairen. Right now is the best time to punish Zhang Bairen." There was a sound outside the big tent, and then the big tent curtain was opened, and the black-robed Jumang was out of the tent. Walked in.

"Jumang!" Seeing Jumang walking in, there was a touch of excitement in Pugu Huaien's eyes.

"Hahaha, you old guy has finally returned, but our old brothers have disappeared for a while" Chungui Jun laughed.

"Your Excellency said there is a way to kill Zhang Bairen?" The blood demon's eyes looked at Chunguijun.

Chunguijun nodded, gave Pu Gu Huai'en a wink, and then said calmly: "Yes! You guys don't want to forget, now Li Shimin is about to have a break with Zhang Bairen."

Speaking of this, Chungui Jun paused, then his face became solemn, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes: "Li Shimin got the help of Buddhism, which provokes all the countries of the Western Regions to vote, and brings together the aura of the Western Regions. It's just in my opinion. Come, but there is still not enough, if you can get the Turkic Qi, Zhang Bairen will undoubtedly die!"

"This..." Hearing this, everyone looks at me and I see you. If you haven't experienced the battle of the cave, everyone will admit this statement, but now...just listen to the servant bone Huaien said: "The Turks are different from the Western Regions. Those small countries in China are not inferior to Li Tang’s country. How can they surrender to a country weaker than their own? And Zhang Bairen’s sword is too I am afraid that Li Tang’s dragon spirit may not be able to surrender."

"Hahaha, you all have great abilities. Although it is difficult to surrender the Turks, it is not difficult to achieve this as long as you are willing to speak!" Chunguijun said with a smile: "As for Zhang Bairen's sword, although I don't have it. Seeing, I don’t know how powerful it is, but I also have a doubt in my heart, and I hope everyone can help me with it!"

"It doesn't hurt to say it," the stone man said kingly.

"You said before that Zhang Bairen's swords are unparalleled, sweeping the crowds, but why don't you see Zhang Bairen showing it from the great world? Since Zhang Bairen's debut, the old man has witnessed it with his own eyes, but has never seen the swords you mentioned. Why?" The green brilliance in the eyes of Jumang flowed.


You look at me and I look at you, I can't figure it out.

"It can only be said that Zhang Bairen's unparalleled sword weapon has limitations. I don't know why, it can't be displayed in the big world, otherwise, how can we still have our vitality? It has long been chopped by that piece of Bairen cut vegetables. !"

. . . .

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