First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1564: Gili Khan

As soon as this statement came out, the inside of the big tent became quiet for an instant; yes, Zhang Bairen's swords must not be used at will, otherwise, with the sharpness of the swords, how can we all be their opponents? Don’t you want to cut the watermelon and be chopped up and scurry around?

What does this show?

It shows that Zhang Bairen is probably because of a certain reason, Zhu Xianjian cannot be used normally at all. At least at this time, it can't be used normally, otherwise it will be invincible. What's the matter with everyone.

Look at me and I look at you, with a dignified look in his eyes, and he touched the tea cup: "If this is the case, we may not have no chance."

"Yes, right now is the best opportunity! A rare opportunity to kill Zhang Bairen! It brings together the aura of the Western Regions, Turks, and Li Tang. If the emperor's dragon qi can't kill Zhang Bairen, what are we going to do? Just wipe your neck!" Chunguijun patted his palms: "Everyone, if you miss this village, you won't have this shop. If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to kill Zhang Bairen in the future."

As soon as this statement came out, the group of heroes fell silent, their eyes all looked at Pugu Huaien and the Blood Demon God, Pugu Huaien patted his chest: "Naturally, I can't hold back everyone, Turk and Zhang Bairen. I can’t help but report the grievances. I will leave it to me on the Turkic side. I will convince the new King Khan to submit to Emperor Li Tang.”

Martial arts cultivation has reached this level, and every word and deed can affect the general trend of the entire Turkic. If the new Turkic Khan King cannot be recognized by the servant bone Huaien and the blood god, then he can never succeed to the Khan King.

The servant bone Huaien and the blood **** are the Turkic war gods, martial arts myths, and the existence of the gods of the sea.

The three armies are sober, and the Turkic King Khan was killed with a sword. This hatred is a lesson from the world.


There is a wailing in the Turkic, thousands of miles away.

At this time, all the powers have dispersed. Chi You just walked out of the camp, but he heard the spring return to the monarch behind him: "Chi You, please stay."

"It turned out to be the Great God of Jumang, is there anything else?" Chi You smiled.

"I am all betting on Li Shimin in the future. Li Shimin's success or failure is related to the future millennium plan of the Demon God and whether we can open the two-world channel, so there can be no mistakes in this matter," Ju Mang said with a solemn expression.

"So, what do you mean?" Chi You asked.

"If you want to borrow the Tiger Soul Blade for use, the Tiger Soul Blade fought against Emperor Xuanyuan and drank the blood of many ancient human sages. The magic is boundless. If you can force Zhang Bairen's innate sword weapon out, it would be worth it! "Chun Guijun carried his hands on his back: "The Congenital Sword Weapon is Zhang Bairen's biggest trump card. Once used, it will be exposed once. When the bottom is missed in the future, Zhang Bairen will not be terrible."

"Even if we can't kill Zhang Bairen, we must force the innate sword weapon out. If we can find out the details of Zhang Bairen, there will be means to kill him by then," Ju Mang said coldly.

Chi You was silent when he heard the words, and then nodded: "It's okay, but my Tiger Soul Blade is too resentful. After using it, the consequences are too serious. If you accidentally bite the emperor, it will be bad."

"Whatever you do, as long as you can kill Zhang Bairen, or in other words severely inflict Zhang Bairen, what will Li Shimin do for us?" Chunguijun shook his head and said.

Chunguijun got the Tiger Soul Sword and got up and turned back to Chang'an City. At this time, Li Shimin was sitting in the hall practicing.

The dragon gas roared in the sky and turned into a purple golden dragon, and then suddenly descended from nine days, poured into its body, tempering its blood and essence.

"Mister is back?" Li Shimin opened his eyes, and the hall was rendered purple.

"Your Majesty, the old man has brought good news this time" Chunguijun said with a smile.

"Good news? What good news?" Li Shimin stood up in surprise.

"Zhang Bairen killed the Chuluo Khan of the East Turks" Chungui Jundao.

Li Shimin's expression suddenly changed upon hearing this: "When? What kind of good news is this?"

"Your Majesty, let me come one by one" Chun Guijun said with a smile: "Before Mobei had the Liaoshou Cave Mansion present, Zhang Bairen showed great power in the Liaoshou Cave Mansion and killed Rokhan; this is simply true. What a shame and shame, Zhang Bairen has already killed three generations of East Turkic khans, and he has become a mortal enemy in the hearts of the Turks. I want to drink his blood and hide his skin. Do you think the Turks can sit still with such an opportunity to kill Zhang Bairen?"

"Sir, I mean, the East Turks are also very likely to send envoys to Chang'an City to surrender and help me kill Zhang Bairen?" Li Shimin's eyes lit up.

"Yes, the old man has already asked someone to make peace on this matter, and soon there will be an envoy from the Turks to Beijing. Now that half of the fortunes of the Western Regions, the East Turks, and Li Tang have been gathered, if you can't kill Zhang Bairen, I'm afraid this People are really going to be invincible, and there will be no one in this world who will be his opponent." Chunguijun looked solemn.

This competition is not only about Li Shimin and Zhang Bairen, but about the future and hope of a large group of people.

If you can kill Zhang Bairen, that's all, everyone is very happy. If Zhang Bairen defeated Li Shimin, the future must be Zhang Bairen's world. The demon **** will live in seclusion on the border and dare not step into Middle Earth.

This battle has determined the future trend of the world.

"It's a pity that my father was short-sighted back then and never married my younger sister to Zhang Bairen, otherwise I would have trouble as much as I do today" Li Shimin said with a sullen face: "Zhang Bairen has a map of Jiangshan Shiji in his hands. I have never been in contact with Jiangshan Shiji. I don't know what power it has, this is another variable."

"Second son, don't worry, the old man has already thought of a countermeasure" Chungui Jun took out a wooden box from his arms. The wooden box is made of sandalwood, simple and elegant, and it looks extraordinary: "This is Chi You's magic sword. Unless Zhang Bairen finds the Xuanyuan sword that has disappeared for thousands of years, otherwise this magic sword is enough to restrain the power of Jiangshan Sheji Tu."

"Great Sage Chi You's magic knife?" Li Shimin's eyes lit up upon hearing this.

Chunguijun said unhurriedly: "Second son, now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed. The second son is good to live in the imperial palace and retreat. When the Western Region envoy enters the capital, the Turkic envoy handed over the credential. It is the day of the decisive battle."

"Sir, why don't you ask the demon gods to take action and help me?" Li Shimin couldn't help but said.

"All the demon gods are surviving. It is not easy to live. Where can you still have the strength to help you? If the demon gods are in their peak state and don't need the second son to take action, we have already joined hands to kill the kid" Chunguijun Shaking his head and saying: "Unlucky! Unlucky!"

Seeing the return of Spring to Junyuan, Li Shimin turned around again and walked into the palace, slowly closing his eyes.


Longsun Wugou Palace

Changsun Wuguo stood in the pavilion, looking at the pond in the distance.

"Is the empress thinking about how to calculate me again?"

A gust of breeze poured into the main hall, and there was a sound and a figure.

"Huh?" When Changsun Wugu heard the disgusting voice, he frowned, "Why are you here again? You are really a bold man, can you treat the Ouchi Palace as a private courtyard?"

Zhang Bairen didn't say much when he heard the anger from the grandson Wugou. He actually rushed directly at the grandson Wugou. Without waiting for the reaction from the grandson Wugou, he already took the other party back into his arms.

"Let go of me! What are you doing!" Changsun Wugou struggled hard.

"Without him, I want to borrow Niang Niang's congenital chaos and hope that Niang Niang will forgive her sin." Zhang Bairen's palm had already penetrated into the arms of the eldest grandson Wuguo, and grabbed a jade pigeon.

"Asshole, you dare to offend this palace!" Longsun Wugou was impatient: "If you don't let me go, this palace is about to scream!"

"Yo? Scream? You screamed, and it shocked Li Er, I'm afraid I will kill him without waiting for him to gather the dragon energy of the world." Zhang Bairen came to the spirit and tore the clothes of Wuguo Changsun. He pressed the railing up.

The long-term Sun Wushen silver teeth clenched tightly, his hands propped on the railings, and the blue veins on the back of his hands violently: "Any thief, this palace will not spare you! This palace will never spare you!"


Changsun Wugou really didn't dare to shout out, if he alarmed the people in the palace, would he still have the face to be a human?

Moreover, Wuguo, the eldest grandson, was indeed afraid of Zhang Bairen's brutality, for fear that he would accidentally harm Li Shimin.

In fact, the grandson Wugou thinks too much. If Zhang Bairen is sure to behead Li Shimin, does he need to run to her to take the innate heat?

The impact resounded throughout the palace, and Wuguo Changsun almost fainted with shame, but fortunately, no one was near here, otherwise Wuguo Changsun would have no face to see people.

"Any thief, what do you want!" Longsun Wukui's eyes were full of pleading: "Just let me go, why bother me as a woman with matters between you men."

Zhang Bairen set up his grandson Wuguo's legs around his waist, and embraced his grandson Wuguo in his arms: "You are too late to say this! If you didn't harm Chengqian, I would naturally not involve you, but you Now that an irrelevant person like Cheng Qian is, how can I spare you?"

"Any thief, I fought with you..."


Gili Khan sat in the king's tent, looking at the map with his eyes full of solemnity.

At Rokhan Bintian, it was finally his turn to be the King of Khan.

"General Servant Bone, have things really reached the point where you must surrender?" Geely Khan was unwilling, and the Turkic theory was not smaller than that of China. Geely Khan was about to show off his fierce power, but was forced Don't surrender to Li Tang, how can you be willing to call Jili Khan?

"Small intolerance leads to chaos, Zhang Bairen is not dead, he can take you and my head at any time! He can kill Shibi Khan, kill your father's servant Mohe, and kill Ro Khan, and then his sword It's possible to fall on you and me at any time, so you can think about it yourself!" Pu Gu Huai'en looked solemn: "Li Tang said, but Zhang Bairen is the enemy that has to be eliminated."

The atmosphere in the big tent was dull, but then Geely Khan suddenly sat up and said in a loud voice: "Okay! Surrender to surrender, but before surrendering, we have to reap the benefits."

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