First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1572: Prelude to the decisive battle

Li Shimin is not a fool. Of course he will not go to Zhuojun to fight against Zhang Bairen, nor will he say what time I will decide and place you pick.

"Your Majesty, will Zhang Bairen come?" Li Jing outside the door couldn't help but interject.

Zhang Bairen is not an idiot, come to the imperial city to find something?

"Will come! Definitely!" Li Shimin carried his hands, with a wise light in his eyes: "I know him better than you. Since he has given me time to mobilize the world's dragon energy, it shows that he is confident and sure to win invincible. There is no reason for this. You will spread the news so that the people all over the world will know. Ask all the heroes of the rivers and lakes to come to Chang'an City to watch the battle. Let's not give Zhang Bairen a chance to speak, and block his mouth first.

"Your Majesty Shengming!" Li Jing's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he had to say that Li Shimin was really good at playing tricks and tricks.

"The time, the place, and the harmony of people, the time of the decisive battle will be determined by me, and the place of the decisive battle will be chosen by me. The whole world is subject to me. All peoples defeat Zhang Bairen. The time and place are favorable to me. I can't think of a reason for failure." Li Shimin strolled and disappeared in the main hall: "I want to retreat. The state affairs of the past few months have been handed over to Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui for decision-making. If it is not a major event, it should not be disturbed.

After speaking, Li Shimin left, leaving behind the quiet Tai Chi Hall.

As soon as the news of Li Shimin's decisive battle with Zhang Bairen came out, the world was shaken, and high-profile guests from all walks of life came to the imperial city from all directions.


Looking at the secret report in his hands, the bearded guest looked contemplative.

"My lord, shall we go back?" A guard whispered: "If you can't watch this prosperous age, don't you have to regret it forever?"

"Go back!" The bearded guy put away the letter in his hand: "Let's go back quietly."

Beitian Shidao

Zhang Heng looked at the handwriting, and all the ancestors of Taoism gathered together.

"Everyone, how sure do you say that the chief governor is sure?" Zhang Heng put down the letter in his hand.

"Zhang Bairen has always been unfathomable in strength, but this time it is different. Li Shimin has gathered all the auras in the world. Even if the dragon aura of the previous dynasty has never been as prosperous as it is today, the chief governor is afraid that he will die! He will die in the Forbidden City." Lu Jingxiu's eyes are full. Is emotion.

"I don't care about Zhang Bairen's life or death. What the old man cares about is how Li Shimin should die! Li Shimin betrayed his faith and supported Buddhism to suppress my Taoist school. Now I don't care about Zhang Bairen, but only want the life of Li Shimin." The Wang family's ancestors were full of gloom.

Nan Tian Shi Dao belongs to the Wang family, and Li Shimin suppresses Dao Sect. How do you call Nan Tian Shi Dao to play?

Nantian Shidao can't play!

If everyone has nothing to play, just flip the table.


Taoist Chunyang looked at the secret report in his hand and stood in front of the cliff with a worried expression: "After all, is the decisive battle? The ancestral line of the Middle-earth is related to the life and death of countless beings. I must not just watch the devil ruin my grand plan."

After speaking, the Taoist Chunyang turned into a breeze, and disappeared in the heaven and earth.

Time is passing slowly


With the letter in his hand, Zhang Bairen could see through Li Shimin's little tricks at a glance.

"The decisive battle against Chang'an City? Is it that I am afraid that you will not succeed! I have the courage to call you to gather the dragon energy in the world, don't you mind where the decisive battle is? Such a small trick is too small for me." Zhang Bairen casually turned the letter into ashes.

With a glance, he saw the worried Empress Xiao at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, Empress Xiao stood at the foot of the mountain silently with worry, standing alone under the banyan tree without saying a word.

Taking a step forward, he came to Empress Xiao, Zhang Bairen smiled: "Why are you here?"

"The life and death battle, can I not come?" Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You are too risky this time. If there is any accident, countless people will be implicated by you."

"Life and death battle? Not counted!" Zhang Bairen rubbed Empress Xiao's cheeks: "I cultivated into an immortal body, Yang Shen gathered into the supreme magic weapon, and even the innate gods protect the body. Say something arrogant in this world. No one can kill me!"

"But what Li Shimin gathers is the dragon spirit of the world" Xiao Empress said.

"But you don't know. I have mastered the power of the law. Although the dragon qi of the emperor is strong, it may not be able to restrain me, and I still have treasures that are not afraid of the dragon qi of the emperor. The end of Li Shimin is already doomed, he must Will fail." Zhang Bairen said with a smile: "Now that Shocking Rui is coming, what is the fight for? The fight is for the vitality! Li Shimin has gathered the vitality of the world, if I can defeat Li Shimin, I will definitely win the vitality, and then the world will be strong. , Even if those ancient demon gods are resurrected, one of them counts as one, who can match me?"

"I have such a strong aura. Xianji offers me whoever I am. As long as I defeat Li Shimin, I will have obtained the qualifications of Xianlu. Otherwise, you think I will be thankless and let Li Shimin develop? How could it be possible that I am not. Fool!" Zhang Bairen squeezed Empress Xiao's cheek, took it into his arms and kissed him.

"But I'm just worried!" The Emperor Xiao said solemnly, "Where is there anything in this world that is absolutely certain? How can I live if you make any mistakes?"

How to live?

Zhang Bairen held Empress Xiao in his arms and looked at the big day in the distance without words for a long time.

The breeze blows, and the forest is silent.

After a quarter of an hour, I saw Empress Xiao coming out of Zhang Bairen's arms, and looked at Zhang Bairen up and down very seriously: "You go to retreat, I will wait for you here!"

Zhang Bairen smiled lightly, touched Empress Xiao's cheek, didn't say much, turned around and walked towards the mountain.

In three months, speaking fast is also fast, speaking slow and slow.

I don't know when, a little snow fell in the sky, and at this time, people gathered under Huoyan Mountain.

The air was stagnant, and Xiaoxue fell on the shawl, slowly melting.

The weather is cold early this year, especially in the North, and it has snowed in September.

"Today is the day he should leave customs, right" Empress Xiao was a little uncertain.

"Don't worry, Empress, the governor must leave today" Xiaolong said respectfully.

not far away

Zuoqiu Wuji, Yu Juluo, Zhang Xutuo and others stood quietly on the bluestone, as if they were statues. Occasionally, the corners of the clothes were blown by the cold wind, and a breath of heat was exhaled from the nose to let people know that those were not clay sculptures.

"Why haven't it come out yet? Could it be an accident, right?" Empress Xiao had a hint of anxiety in her eyes.

"No, how come! Don't worry, Empress" Xiaohu also comforted.

Just talking

Suddenly a breeze came from the void, and that breeze seemed to contain a special power. The wind and snow melted, evaporated, and sublimated in an instant.

Even the clouds in the sky evaporate to dryness in an instant, and then turn back into water vapor.

A figure in a purple shirt appeared at the mountain pass with his hands on his back.

Zhang Bairen stood with his hands in his hands, with a relaxed look in his eyes, and swept the people down the mountain: "Oh, where are you all?"

"Captain, three days later is the day of the decisive battle, you finally came out" Yu Juluo's eyes showed a solemn touch.

Tremendous stress! Everyone in Zhuojun is under great pressure.

Zhang Bairen is the Dinghai Shenzhen of Zhuojun. With Zhang Bairen, everyone can develop with peace of mind.

"Let's go back to the city," Zhang Bairen said.

The carriage was ready at the foot of the mountain. Zhang Bairen and Empress Xiao boarded the carriage and walked towards Zhuojun City.

Today, Zhuojun City is called the Jinjin Cave in the world, and it is known as the Terran: Evernight City. There are millions of people gathered here. There are busy traffic on the streets, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. First, there is no corvette, second, there is no government or government bullying, and the people have a red light. Compared with the middle-earth, they are heaven.

The chief governor of Zhuojun, to the people of Zhuojun city, is a legend of nine days high. Since the establishment of Zhuojun for decades, no one has seen anyone. Everyone has only heard of that person's reputation, but they have never seen the truth.


The city of Zhuojun was decorated with lights and festoons. The red carpet was spread from the city gate to the mansion of the city. Numerous flowers were scattered on the red carpet. The band of musicians welcomed them and played the notes.

A graceful maid stood respectfully on both sides.

At this time, the people in the city saw this scene, and they all eagerly waited on both sides, and countless heads protruded from the restaurants on that side, one after another.

"I said, man, old man, I have come to Zhuojun City for more than 20 years, but I have never seen such a posture. Could it be that the nobleman is here? Could it not be the emperor Li Tang?" A vendor knocked. Knock on the guards on the side ~ At this time, the guards were sweating, and there was a touch of disdain in their eyes: "Cut, how does the emperor Li Tang compare with the governor? It is true that the governor is about to drive the city by law. I don't deserve such a gift."

"Captain? Which captain?" The hawker was taken aback.

"Zhuojun can afford such a posture, who can there be?" The guard curled his lips.

The boss suddenly contracted his pupils when he heard the words, and immediately said excitedly: "You mean the chief governor is coming? The good life of our Zhuojun is all given by the governor. It's a pity that the old man for more than 20 years has only heard of the name of the governor, but I have never seen the true face of the governor, but today I finally got what I wanted."

The governor is here!

Zhuojun burst!

Countless people gathered one after another, crowding the roads.

The fanatical beliefs and the air of red dust rose up into the sky, and looked at the countless gates and Buddhist gates outside Zhuojun, but they dared not step into the thunder pond for a long time.

At this moment countless incense was poured into Zhang Bairen's temple, and at that moment countless dharmakayas actually condensed and formed.

"Look at that team of carriages, the governor is here! The governor is here!" Wu hundreds of people looked at the caravan with flags and flags outside the sun, and screamed frantically, and then knelt all over the ground.

"Capital Governor, I am waiting to thank the Governor for his grace!"

"I'm waiting to thank the Governor for his life!"

"I'll wait to thank the Governor for providing the land!"


Countless kowtows were accompanied by fanatical beliefs. Zhang Bairen looked at the people on both sides of the street through the curtain, his eyes moved slightly: "No wonder gods and Buddhas often show sacredness in the world. Such fanatical beliefs do not show the sacredness..."

While thinking about it, the carriage had crossed the street and came to the city lord's mansion.


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