First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1573: Prelude to the decisive battle (continued)

City Lord Mansion

The banquet has already been rolled out. At this time, all the officials and officials in Zhuo County are waiting. Zhang Bairen is sitting in the main seat, and Yu Juluo, Zhang Xutuo, Luo Yi and others are sitting on both sides of Zhang Bairen.

Below are Luo Shixin, Xiaolong Xiaohu and other future ZTE forces in Zhuo County, and then the big and small managers in Zhuo County.

Here, force is supreme, and martial arts cultivation is the real right to speak.

At this time Zhang Bairen slowly settled down, swept over the thousands of people in the lobby, and nodded with satisfaction: "Everyone, I can have today in Zhuojun, and I must work hard for you. Please take a seat, the future development of Zhuojun, I have to rely on you a lot."

The crowds worshipped three times, and then took their seats.

Zhang Bairen picked up the wine glass and looked at the fish club, Zhang Xutuo and Luo Yi: "The three are the backbone of my Zhuojun. I will have a break with Li Shimin three days later. If there is any accident, Zhuojun’s Safety depends on the three."

"The governor has vast magical powers and boundless mana. It is expected that even if Li Shimin gathers dragon energy, he is definitely not an opponent of the governor. Otherwise, would the governor just sit back and watch Li Shimin gather the world's energy?" Zhang Xutuo smiled.

"General Zhang understands me!" Zhang Bairen nodded, and slowly drank his drink: "You are the best in the world. There are you who sit in town, Zhuojun City I am very relieved, just because I am afraid that the devil will make trouble. , You just wait to be on guard."

Zhang Bairen just mentioned something and didn't say much. This is not a life and death. It is not much harder to kill him than to become an immortal.

Zhang Bairen just sat there for a while, then turned around and left. On the contrary, the officials of Zhuo County, big and small, couldn't let go. Those in power should leave early.


Empress Xiao carrying a basket and standing aside waiting

"Are you out?" Empress Xiao changed into a coarse linen.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "Are you ready to sacrifice?"

"Let's go!" Empress Xiao said.

As gray snowflakes fell in the sky, Zhang Bairen slowly took Xiao Huang to a grave.

"Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the grass at the head of the grave is so high!" Looking at the two solitary graves in the cold wind, Zhang Bairen slowly squatted down and cleaned the weeds in front of Zhang Lihua and Dingdang's graves, while Empress Xiao was in love with the scene. , Grabbed a handful of weeds and said, "Sir, if I die in the future, you will bury me here. Lihua and Ding are also company, so I won’t be lonely."

Zhang Bairen paused, stopped his movements, looked at Empress Xiao with a pair of eyes, and then continued to bow his head to tidy up the weeds: "I will definitely go to the Immortal Dao in this life. I would rather pay all the price. I hope you don't blame me."

"They won't blame you, the governor treats them well, and they are grateful that the governor is too late," Zhang Lihua said.

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen said in a low voice: "What about you?"

"The chance to meet the king is the great happiness of the concubine in this life!" Zhang Lihua said.

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, and gently sorted out the soil in his hands: "Don't worry, even if you wait for the ashes to disappear, your spirit and energy will spread into the world, but there is my magic seed to support, a little real spirit can hardly return to the void, as long as I The power of the law can take you a step further and you will be able to pull you out from the depths of time and space, and re-enter the wheel to return to life.

"Really?" Empress Xiao's eyes lit up, who would be willing to die if he was alive?

"I have never spoken big words in my life" Zhang Bairen said.

After speaking, the tomb was cleaned up, Zhang Bairen lit the incense candles, placed the sacrifices, and looked at the candlelight that was immortal in the wind. Zhang Bairen was speechless for a long time. He had many things to say before he came, but at this time, he was silent. Said it.

"The Cao family still exists, and Empress Chen's dead soul is still missing" Empress Xiao said.

The goose feather and heavy snow drifted in the sky, and Zhang Bairen slowly stood up: "Wait a little longer, it will be soon! To destroy the Cao family, you must go all out to display the momentum of thunder, now is not the time."

Empress Xiao didn't say much, let alone ask questions. Since Zhang Bairen said to wait, there must be a reason to wait.

Zhang Bairen tapped his belt with his fingers, and his figure disappeared in the wind and snow: "Don't worry, I will give an explanation to the dead bones in the tomb."

With the lights lingering, Zhang Bairen held the bronze lamp and walked straight to the South China Sea.

Guan Zizai sat in the pavilion with tea in front of him, obviously waiting here for a long time.

"Pop!" The bronze lamp was placed on the table, and Zhang Bairen took up the tea and drank it without saying a word.

"Ready?" Zhang Bairen said.

"Do you really want to give me such an opportunity for enlightenment?" Guan Zi looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"You have six pure bamboos, and even the nine-character mantra of Taoism. Buddhism and Taoism will give you away!" Zhang Bairen looked at the rippling blue water of the pool.

"Unfortunately, I can't see your battle anymore," Guan Zizai said regretfully.

"Oh, enlightenment is important or watching the excitement is important" Zhang Bairen said in a bad mood.

"I'm worried that you won't be able to handle it." Guan Zizai made no secret of his worries.

"You don't understand my realm. I'm already in a mysterious realm. Although it is not necessarily reflected in combat power, but I am already invincible." Zhang Bairen moved his hand, and took out from his arms with some reluctance. A water-blue, crystal-clear scorpion, played with it for a while, and then looked at Guan Zizai: "reach out!"

The delicate, white and well-proportioned palm stretched out, Zhang Bairen's index finger drew a rune on his palm, and then placed the blue scorpion essence in his hand: "I temporarily lend you this treasure to protect you. If you are not a last resort, don't use it lightly, you I will return from Tianzhu in the future, but I have to return it to me."

"Stingy!" Guan Zizai played with the scorpion essence: "I didn't see anything powerful?"

"Oh, as the saying goes, a dog that bites people can’t bark. My scorpion spirit looks ordinary, but its combat power will retreat even if the **** encounters it! Now that the blood is returned to the ancestors, a drop of god’s blood is provided every day. "I have been supporting for three years." Zhang Bairen said with a bit of heartache: "If it weren't safe for you to go there alone, I wouldn't lend you."

After listening to this, Guan Zizai looked solemn and did not dare to be careless, carefully stuffing the scorpion sperm into his sleeve.

"Thank you!" Guan Zizai's eyes were very sincere.

"Friends of Daoist! These two words are not to say, we are real friends of Daoist!" Zhang Bairen patted his shoulders.

"This opportunity is given to me, what do you do by yourself?" Guan Zizai said.

"I have an unprecedented path. I have so many ways. Don't worry about it!"

Zhang Bairen stood up slowly: "I'm leaving now!"

"Your lamp forgot," Guan Zi said.

"No, from now on, he will be your lamp! You take this lamp to Tianzhu, Tianzhu is poor in mountains and rivers, and there is no need to fight. The more masters sealed in this copper lamp, the more powerful the power will be. Waiting for you to return. Earth, I will also use this treasure to settle a period of cause and effect." Zhang Bairen left, leaving a copper lamp burning quietly. Looking at the bronze ancient lamp, Guan Zi held it gently, and the handle was made of Zhang Bairen’s Yu Wen.

"All that should be explained, what else is missing?" Zhang Bairen thought for a while, with a look of thought in his eyes.

For this war, I don’t know why there is always a haze in Zhang Bairen’s heart. Li Shimin is not in his eyes, but he does not know where the unknown haze comes from.

"Everything that should be explained is explained. It's always good to be prepared and unprepared. I have to see who wants to calculate me." Zhang Bairen slowly stepped onto the mountains and rivers, and unknowingly came to Henan.

Xuanyuan ancestral veins, the foundation of the human race.

Zhang Bairen's eyes swept across the barren mountain, and there was a touch of contemplation in his eyes: "Could this crisis come from the ancestral vein?"

Zhang Bairen was not sure in his heart.

When Zhang Bairen hesitated, he saw a familiar figure walking in the mountains in the distance.

At this time, the figure also noticed Zhang Bairen, and walked over happily: "After all, you still can't rest assured of your ancestral veins. You are a knife-mouthed tofu heart."

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"Since I already know that the ancestral vein is about to be in trouble, how can I just ignore it?" Taoist Chunyang looked at Zhang Bairen with stubborn eyes.

"Naughty!" Zhang Bairen's expression changed, and he scolded: "Which one of those demon gods can you fight against? You don't even have the proof of Yang Shen, so you can harmonize these things?"

"You can't control me! As a member of Middle-earth, as a member of a monk, I must contribute my own strength" Taoist Chunyang has very eyes Bright and stubborn.

"Stupid! Stupid!" Zhang Bairen grabbed the ears of Taoist Chunyang, "Hurry up and get me back."

"Zhang Bairen, I'm serious!" Chunyang Taoist opened his teeth and danced his claws, struggling constantly.

"I can't help myself" Zhang Bairen smiled disdainfully.

"You bastard, let me go quickly! You hurt me!" Taoist Chunyang bit Zhang Bairen on the neck.

"Jingrui is coming, your main task is to comprehend Immortal Dao, not to waste time here!" Zhang Bairen simply carried the Taoist Chunyang directly and walked towards Qinglu Cliff.

"Bastard! Bastard! Tortoise bastard! Let go of me quickly! Let go of me quickly!" Taoist Chunyang was ashamed.

"Pop" Zhang Bairen slapped a palm on the opponent's ass: "Be honest, if you don't throw you down."

With a palm down, Taoist Chunyang suddenly lost his temper, but his eye circles began to red and swell.

Perceiving that Taoist Chunyang suddenly became quiet, Zhang Bairen stopped his movements, put the opponent down, looked at the drops of falling tears, and wiped it with his hand: "Why are you crying?"

"I just want to do something for you, even a little!" Taoist Chunyang lowered his head.

Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words, wiped the other party’s cheeks, and then said after a while: "Actually, I have a layout for everything. The ancestral line of the Middle Earth is not my own. If the demon **** really does it, those old antiques will not I'm sitting on the sidelines."

"Are you serious?" Taoist Chunyang asked in surprise.

"The Middle-Earth Dragon has a big problem, who dares to make any mistakes? Those old guys in Dao Sect are all staring!" Zhang Bairen patted the other side's head.


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