First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1579: Law of Shatter

"Chiyou, dare you!" Zhang Bairen's eyes rolled over the divine fire of the sun, endless murderous intent was brewing, and nine days of nothingness seemed to be penetrated by this flame.

"Dare? I dare not. Didn't you see it? Don't say, this little Pi Niang's skin is smooth and tender, she is really chewy!" Chi You's eyes were full of provocation.

"Okay, don't be long-winded, please pull out the dragon veins," Xiao Shu on one side said impatiently: "Li Shimin may not be able to stop Zhang Bairen. If Zhang Bairen is asked to come, our trouble will be great."

While talking, Ling took out a pair of metal-colored long swords, and slammed it into the inverse scales of the ancestral veins, only to hear the ancestral veins wailing, but could not get rid of the sword that he had collected.

"This is the origin of Xiantian Gengjin, can you get rid of it?" There was a sneer in his eyes. At this time, she saw that the two palms of Shebi Zui turned into white bones, and she pulled straight to the distant dragon veins: " Get up! Get up!"

A lot of thunders were rolled up between the heaven and the earth, I saw a lot of thunders in the void, and the earth of the middle-earth China was constantly shaking, rolling up the earthquake. The dragon pulse in the world is turbulent, and the mountains and rivers are flooding.

"Stop!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flowed in anger: "Why don't you wait for the old guy to take action? Once the ancestral vein is taken away, the consequences are not something you can afford."

The world is silent, and a group of ancestors of the Dao Sect fell into silence at this time. Obviously, the Longevity Dao is more important than the dragon vein.

"Zhang Bairen, you stay with me!" Li Shimin turned into a fire phoenix, with flames in his eyes burning through the void, sweeping towards Zhang Bairen.

"Get out of me!" Zhang Bairen's fingertips knives lightly, and the sun **** fire shot out from the chain: "You are the emperor of my Middle-earth Divine State. It is your duty to protect the dragon veins, but you are entangled with me at this time regardless of the importance. Constantly, you are also worthy of being the emperor?"

Zhang Bairen shot Li Shimin away with the sun bursting around his body and the chains rattling.

The power of the sun chain is so powerful that Li Shimin can't compete with it.

What is the sun chain?

The sun chain was made by the ancient emperor himself, and it was incorporated into the source of countless geniuses of the Golden Crow. Even if the sun could not smelt it, it had been burned in the sun for tens of thousands of years, which was beyond imagination.

And since this treasure was taken over by Zhang Bairen, he was soaked in the blood of his body day and night, echoing with Zhang Bairen's Qi machine, and feeling the principles and laws between heaven and earth has become more and more incredible.

"This is impossible, what kind of treasure is this, it can even penetrate my dragon energy!" Li Shimin spurted blood, his robes were burst open by the chain, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Zhang Bairen was too lazy to entangle with Li Shimin. Although Li Shimin had the number of days, he was not in his eyes. The only thing worthy of his attention was the Zhongzhou ancestral line.

The ancestral line of Zhongzhou is the top priority, and the rest is just a momentary victory.

"You wait for me to die!" Zhang Bairen tried his best to mobilize the sun's will. At this moment, the starry sky in Henan seemed to be lit, the night turned into day, and a round of big sun slowly rose into the sky, hitting three thousand miles in an instant, towards the capture The demon **** of the dragon vein called.

"Don't think about it!" Li Shimin stood up. After the phoenix nirvana, the tiger soul sword and the sword merged into one and turned into a black phoenix. In an instant, it pierced through nothingness, broke Zhang Bairen's back, and came out from his chest.

The golden blood was slowly flowing down, Zhang Bairen's hand moved for a while, looking at Li Shimin with scarlet eyes, a murderous intent appeared in his eyes: "Li Shimin, you are looking for death!"

"I will not die, I don't know, but I do know that you must be dead today" Li Shimin looked at the Henan realm: "When the demon **** swallows the ancestral veins and the strength is restored to its peak state, it is you. The death period! I have to say that your current strength is beyond my expectations. Even if I try my best, I still cannot kill you."

There was a haze in Li Shimin's eyes. It was not that he was inferior to human beings, but that the treasures in his opponent's hands were too overbearing, ignoring the emperor's dragon spirit, ignoring the law of fate, and not being suppressed by himself at all. How do you tell yourself to fight?

"Hehe, you bug, originally wanted to let you go, but since you take the initiative to seek death, then I will kill you first, and then I will kill the devil!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, as if there were ten rounds of the sun. Ups and downs in the palm of his hand, and then he saw Zhang Bairen pushing Da Ri horizontally, blocking a side of time and space, and suppressing Li Shimin in front of him.

"Do you think the bottom line of the emperor's dragon energy is here?" Looking at the palm that covered the void, Li Shimin was sweating like rain, and the mountains and rivers were dried up by the palm: "The law of fate!"

"Bang!" Zhang Bairen's palm fell on Li Shimin's chest, but a mountain in the distance suddenly exploded and turned into ashes in the flames.

This is the law of fate, with the mystery of cause and effect.

"Hahaha, Zhang Bairen... Your death date is here." The dragon spirit on the tiger soul knife in Li Shimin's hand continues to condense, and the power of the law of destiny is flowing. Resistible.

"Fate is like a sword punishing an evil demon"

Li Shimin slashed out, sealed off destiny, cut off cause and effect, and a bit of mystery connected Zhang Bairen's heart with that sword light.

Under fate, this long knife will inevitably cut into his heart.

The vastness, this knife became the only one, eternal!

Zhang Bairen suddenly thought of his own Zhuxian Jianyi at this moment. When others faced Zhuxian Jianyi, wouldn't they also feel like this?

The cold light flashed in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and the four sword auras intertwined with his fingertips, and then combined the only one, and cut it out instantly.

The four sword qi turned into a mini illusory Zhuxian sword formation, turned into a sword qi, and then cut out from Zhang Bairen's hand.


The void shattered, directly connected to the endless void, and the vacuum was cut by Zhang Bairen at this moment.

The power of the law was shattered by Zhang Bairen, and the tiger patter knife wailed and flew out.


A trace of sword marks appeared on Li Shimin's flat crown, and then it exploded and turned into nothingness.

Looking at the knife mark on his heart, Zhang Bairen looked at Li Shimin who couldn't believe it: "It's good, but it's a pity, you almost achieved what you wanted, really piercing my heart."

Almost, it is the difference between heaven and earth.

The silence of a thousand mountains

The corpse of Shebi, who was pulling out the dragon vein, stopped, turned and looked at Chi You and said: "I'm not mistaken, am I? How can I get dazzled? The power of the law can also be cut?"

Chi You looked incredulous: "Don't be long-winded, pull out the dragon veins quickly, Li Shimin's skillfulness, I'm afraid he won't be able to stop this kid for long."


When the world-zun looked at Zhang Bairen’s smashing rule, his face kept twitching, and a touch of panic appeared in his eyes: “It’s too cruel, I’m afraid it’s worse.”

Not only the World-Honored One was shocked, but at this time, the old antiques of the Taoist sects, and the old antiques of the family's family hidden in the dark, were all shocked.

"Zhang Bairen is too strong. It is so strong. If he does not die, how will we get ahead in the future? Today is a great day to kill Zhang Bairen. No matter what, Zhang Bairen will be left here." An old antique twitched: "Maybe Who is this powerful reincarnation?"

"He has cultivated for decades, it is worth waiting for thousands of years of hard work, God is unfair!" An old man shed tears silently.

"Ancestor, do we still take action?"

"Stupid, Zhang Bairen is so strong, what else do we do? I would rather not have an ancestral line, and I must break Zhang Bairen today!"

"Watch the changes and see how they develop!"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Is this kid really Zhang Bairen? The blood of my Zhang family?" Emperor Shaoyang's mouth twitched: "Killing Avenue, this kid actually understood the Slaughter Avenue, no wonder! No wonder! He has the style of the Great Emperor when he was young. It's just how many years the Great Emperor experienced. Penance? How many calamities have I experienced? I think my ancestors have worked hard for thousands of years, but the combat power may not be as good as this kid. The person I rely on is just one more powerful name than him."

Even Emperor Shaoyang began to feel sour at this time: "Old ancestor, I have cultivated to the present state, how much thought did it take? It took thousands of reincarnations to achieve today's achievements, but this kid seems to be only the first life~www it be that he got the blessing of the emperor's aura? It makes sense, he must have won the legacy of the emperor, and it will only be a matter of course for Da Luo in the future."

Emperor Shaoyang frowned, "However, the more the Slaughter Avenue goes to the back, the harder it will be to walk, and even if he accidentally kills himself, this kid is too risky and extreme!"

The realm of practice and the means of killing are not the same thing, and the intensity of the power of attack has nothing to do with the realm of practice.

"Single-round attack, although the ancestor I am higher than him, but I may not be able to match his sword aura," Emperor Shaoyang muttered.

Turning around and looking at the desperate Li Shimin, Zhang Bairen put his fingers in his sleeves calmly. No one noticed that Zhang Bairen's fingers exploded and turned into blood mist in an instant. They were gathered by the universe and regenerated.

As the power of the Four Zhuxian Swords became more and more powerful, Zhang Bairen dared not use the Zhuxian Sword Qi easily. Without using the four Zhuxian Swords, his body could not bear the killing power of the Zhuxian Four Swords. .


A piece of tofu naturally cannot withstand the pressure of a piece of iron.

Zhu Xianjian's energy is too refined and the advancement is too fast, which may not be a good thing for Zhang Bairen.

"Why? Why! I don't accept it! I don't accept it! I gather the spirit of the world, but I am the co-master of the world, how can I lose?" Li Shimin's eyes were full of unwillingness and despair.

"Could it be that my dignified emperor will always surrender to this wicked might?" Li Shimin was sad.

"Second Young Master, it is not without a chance. As long as you hold Zhang Bairen and ask the demon gods to swallow the ancestral veins, those demon gods will never let go of such a strong Zhang Bairen." Hold on, the hope of victory is here."


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