First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1580: The fate of the grandson Wugou

"The stronger Zhang Bairen is, the more those people want to kill him, and the sooner Zhang Bairen will die! The second son will have more and more assistants. I am afraid that Zhang Bairen is not strong enough, and he is not strong enough to attract the hearts of the strong. "The fear of" Chun Guijun's eyes were full of mockery.

"Okay, I will hold him here. Now I have taken over the world. If I can get rid of Zhang Bairen, my emperor will be the real emperor. Otherwise, Zhang Bairen will still be so powerful. What do you mean? Why don't you sit down! What's wrong with me if the ancestral vein is destroyed? As long as you can kill Zhang Bairen, not to mention the ancestral vein is destroyed, even if the sky is broken, I don't care!" After speaking, Li Shimin stood up again. Attacked towards Zhang Bairen.

"Death!" A purple light flashed in Zhang Bairen's eyes. The next moment the magic seed lurking in Li Shimin's body suddenly broke out. He saw Li Shimin's body weakened, and the tiger soul knife in his hand fell to the ground, and the whole person fell to the ground.

"Success!" Zhang Bairen dropped a palm and printed it on Li Shimin's chest. With just one blow, Li Shimin's internal organs were torn apart.

Without looking at Li Shimin who was falling in the clouds, Zhang Bairen continued to rush to the Henan boundary.

"Second Young Master!" Seeing Zhang Bairen walking away, Chun Guijun hurriedly stepped forward to support Li Shimin, his eyes full of shock.

It was okay just now, full of courage and confidence, how did you become a dog in a flash?

"Puff~~~" A mouthful of purple blood mixed with internal organs spewed out, and Li Shimin's eyes were full of anger: "Demon Seed! He deceived me! Back then, he didn't pull out all of Li's Demon Seeds!"

"Second Young Master, how are you doing?" Chunguijun supported Li Shimin.

"It's okay, I'm going to Nirvana of the Phoenix, and I have my husband to protect me. I was caught off guard this time. Next time I have defenses, I won't be as defenseless as this." Li Shimin's eyes showed anger.

I saw Li Shimin pinching the Fa Jue with his hands, qi and blood surging all over his body, instantly turning into a **** silk cocoon, wrapping it firmly, and the whole person's energy gradually fell into nothingness.

Sweeping afar in Henan, looking at Li Shimin, who was hit hard, the Spring Return King stomped his feet: "Sure enough, it's not enough to fail. You haven't noticed such a big thing as the Demon Seed. If there was never a Demon Seed, this battle might be worth it. There is hope of victory, but you have been caught by others, and you have lost the opportunity under the control of others. I am afraid that the consequences of this battle will be bad."

"Zhang Bairen has no obstacles. The old guys on the Henan battlefield are afraid that they may not be their opponents. There are too many people staring at the ancestral line. Even if I shoot, I may not be able to win. However, there is another big advantage waiting. For me, the old man lurked by Li Shimin's side for decades. One was to punish Zhang Bairen, and the other was to gain that benefit. After this war, Li Shimin will inevitably lose power. If so, it is better to take the benefit and slip away early." Guijun's eyes rolled, and then moved lightly, his figure disappeared in the pavilion.

Chang'an City

Ouchi Palace

Changsun Wugou wore the phoenix crown and xiamen, stood at the railing and watched the battle in the distance, his fingers could not help but he clenched and fell into his palm.

No matter who wins or loses, I am afraid that the consequences are not what I want.




A sound of footsteps sounded in the empty, quiet pavilion, and only the guard yelled: "Who!"

Then there was no more interest.


At that moment, the pores of Changsun Wugou's whole body stood up instantly, his eyes were full of horror, and he looked downstairs, a sense of anxiety slowly rising in his heart.

While the maid ran out of the house in small steps, trying to see what was going on, she just arrived at the door, as if she had been in a fixation technique, and then the whole body gradually disappeared, turned into a pile of dead bones, and fell to the ground. .


The sound of the bone falling to the ground seemed to hit the heart of the grandson Wugou, making the sense of anxiety in his heart even stronger.

"Who?" Changsun Wugu yelled.

"I've seen my empress in Xiachunguijun!" Chunguijun wearing a black robe walked slowly into the house.

"Mr. is here, why do you take action on the guards of the palace?" The long sun Wukui's hair on his back stood up, and he looked at Chunguijun in the black robe, and he seemed to have encountered some terrifying monster, ready to open his blood basin. Gulped himself down.

"These unsightly servants keep wasted food, and the servants will clean it up for you, so as not to dirty your hands" Chun Guijun walked into the hall unhurriedly.

"Your Majesty is in a big battle now. You didn't go to help your Majesty, but came here in this palace, why?" Changsun Wuguo has sensed the crisis and said calmly.

"Your Majesty was defeated, and Zhang Bairen's calculations were made, and countless variables were added for nothing. This battle is likely to be fierce. The subordinates are here to borrow something from the empress to help your Majesty defeat Zhang Bairen."

"What?" The bad feeling in my heart became stronger.

"I want to use the congenital bamboo in my mother's body" Chun Guijun said with a smile.

"Not good!" Hearing this, the grandson Wugou turned around and walked away. The sun deified into nothingness, but he saw that the main hall and the house were actually withered in spring. In an instant, countless vines emerged from the railings, beams, eaves, and floors, blocking the whole Main hall.

The Yang Shen was mysterious and wonderful, but he couldn't penetrate this little vine.

"Niangniang, you don't have to struggle, you still obediently follow me" Chun Guijun slowly took off his hood, revealing Yin Xi's pale face.

"Bold spring to return to the Lord, I am Empress Li Tang, do you dare to be disrespectful to me?" Changsun Wugou exclaimed.

"Huh, Li Shimin is really an idiot. He has always disliked his slow cultivation speed, but he doesn't know that the best thing to increase the cultivation speed is around him. As long as he can keep on weekends with you, even a pig should be the world after all these years. Invincible. But Li Shimin is actually violent, letting you leave the lonely bed empty. He is really a fool. The old man has been coveting the empress for decades, and he can get what he wants today. Although the empress can rest assured, the old man will pity and cherish jade and be gentle with the empress. "

While talking, Chunguijun slowly unbuttoned his clothes, slowly threw his robe on the ground, and reached out to lift his underwear.

"Presumptuous, there is phoenix blessing in this palace, you can also collide!"

The ordinary woman must have been frightened and collapsed to the ground at this time, but is Changsun Wuguo an ordinary woman?

The whole body was surrounded by phoenix, and the grandson Wugou slapped at Chunguijun with a palm.

Facing Feng Qi, Chun Guijun didn’t want to face the collision. Instead, he turned around and staggered a step, avoiding the attack of the grandson Wugou, and slapped the opponent’s hip with a smile: "You are cultivating the Tao, but the Feng Qi has shattered everything, yours Dao Fa is incompatible with your fate, how long can you hold on? How many ways can you hold it under my hands?"

"Bad son, you dare to be rude to this palace, this palace chopped off your dog's paws" Wugou, the grandson, was furious and suddenly shouted: "Come on! Come on!"

"Niangniang, don't shout, this palace has been set by me for a forbidden method. No matter how loud the sound is inside, it can't be transmitted." Chunguijun smiled and slapped Changsun Wugui's waist again, eyes full of Laughing way.

After avoiding the blow of Wuguo, the triumphant smile on Chunguijun's face suddenly solidified and turned into a panic: "No!"

Changsun Wuguo's attack was not directed at the Spring Return King at all, but at the vine on the window.

The vines on the windows were given divine power by Chunguijun, but they could not resist the phoenix aura. Facing the power of the phoenix aura, the divine power was instantly annihilated and turned into ordinary vines.


The window exploded, and the movement instantly alarmed the guards in the Chang'an City University. The guards looked sideways to this place, and their eyes were full of surprise:

Could anyone dare to make trouble in Ouchi Imperial City?

"Help! Save my palace!" Wugou's panicked voice came from the window.

"No! Niang Niang suffered an accident!" Hearing the shouts, all the guards changed their faces and rushed towards the palace frantically.

"Bitch, good calculation!"

Seeing that Changsun Wukui was about to jump out of the window and escape, but the next moment he saw Chunguijun stretch out his palm, grabbed Changsun Wukui's ankle, and pulled him back in from the window.


With a vigorous flick, he saw Changsun Wugou hit the pillars of the main hall and was thrown to pieces, not knowing the north, south, east, and northwest.

The vines on the window were reconnected in an only to see Chunguijun's face grimly said: "Bitch, do you really think you can escape? Even if the guards in the imperial city are disturbed, what can you do? It is Li Shimin who is here, otherwise, who can break the deity's supernatural powers?"

"Hahaha! Hahaha! This is what you asked for. Today, the deity tells you what despair and hope are." Chunguijun raised his head and laughed. Li Shimin was busy participating in the war and couldn't take care of it.


A bang sounded, and the guards slammed into the gate, and saw that the gate was like a mountain of iron and stone, not moving.

Then I saw that the door of the house sprouted vines automatically, entangled the guards like lightning, and then took root in the body and swallowed the other's vitality.

"Today the deity will insult you in front of the guards of the great inner servants, and teach you the mother of this country the attitude of the silver wave to the big guys. The deity will stage a live **** palace" Chunguijun unhurriedly untied his shirt. Button.

"Birds! You are not as good as beasts, I'm fighting with you!" Changsun Wugou rushed towards Chungui Jun.

"Oh, take the initiative to throw your arms and hug you, I like it the most!" Chunguijun avoided a blow, and then unhurriedly untied his clothes: "You don't want to hug your arms, we have time, you can Have fun! Play slowly!"


The attendant sanitation machine was swallowed, and more guards were alarmed. At this moment, only one humming sounded: "What happened?"

"General Li is here, General Li come and save me!"

"General Li, help!"

"General Li is the most powerful person, and he can definitely break this vine."

Looking at Li Jing, the guards all begged.

"Let me come!" Li Jing's waist flickered, and the void shattered in pieces, smashing toward the wooden door like mountains and seas.


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