First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1586: Wang Shichong's betrayal

Although Chunguijun was banned from his roots and his skills were not good enough, his vision still existed. He was very vicious, and he could see Zhang Bairen's biggest weakness at a glance.

I still ate too much by myself, and I was crushing myself to death!

The ancestral vein is in Zhang Bairen's body, and he has no time to digest it in a short time. Instead, he needs a part of his body to suppress and restrain some of his power.

"It depends on how many times you can hold on and how long you can endure. Sooner or later, the power in your body will burst out, so that your soul will be scattered forever." Chungui Jun showed a hideous smile.


With a scream, everyone once again killed Zhang Bairen together. At this time, Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of helplessness, and he was most taboo against the fist of the King of Stone Man.

The stone king's boxing gun was too ruthless, and he specifically shook the ancestral veins in his body, and Zhang Bairen had to be extremely jealous.

"Trouble!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look, and then he tapped his finger lightly, and countless petals flowed: "Refining Yin and Yang!"

"It's useless, you should die!" Li Shimin rushed up with the Dragon Qi of the emperor, and instantly entangled with Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen threw a fist to push away Li Shimin's emperor Dragon Qi, and then turned and blasted the Stoneman King, but he did not expect that Chunguijun's attack would come again.

Taking a step back, avoiding the branches of Spring Guijun, Zhang Bairenqu flicked towards the branches of the world-zun.

"Capital Governor!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Xujiao and Yu Juluo couldn't sit still, and they exclaimed, with worrying eyes in their eyes, and they wanted to help.

"No, this is the tribulation of the capital. Today, the capital is going to fight the heroes of the world and convince him of his defeat!" Zhang Bairen scolded Zhang Xujiao and Yujuuo's movements, accidentally distracted by him, and was instantly distracted. He flew out and fell into the distant mountains and forests, causing endless fire.


Zhang Bairen took a big mouth, and the Golden Crow once again released the power of the sun, and then the injury was reversed and he recovered. Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of mockery: "It's all said, it is easy to defeat me, but it is impossible to kill me! Don't waste your thoughts. "

Looking at Zhang Bairen, who was resurrected in situ full of blood again, the stone man king's entire face was darkened. He raised his head and looked at the ten golden crows in the starry sky. His voice was cold and stern: "The ten golden crows attract the power of the sun, unless you cut With those ten golden crows, otherwise no one can kill him."

The world is silent, and the heroes are silent.

Zhang Bairen fought the world's heroes alone, who would have thought that it would be such a result?

Although the heroes defeated him, they were unable to kill him.

Everyone finally realized Zhang Bairen's difficulty.

"Hehe" Shaoyang ancestor sneered: "Zhang Bairen trained into the sun **** body, if he was so easy to kill, wouldn't the Emperor of Heaven die a thousand times long ago in the deserted ancient times?"

"Everyone, his magical powers may not be flawless. Your Majesty's emperor Dragon Qi is a magic killer, and Zhang Bairen's magical powers should also be in it." The Lord twisted his rosary and looked at Li Shimin with his eyes: "I will try!"

Li Shimin slowly closed his eyes and hovered around his body to feel the power of dragon energy.

Although he is in charge of the emperor's dragon gas, he has never experienced the beauty of the emperor's dragon gas, and has no knowledge of the essence of the emperor's dragon gas.

What is the essence of the Dragon Qi of the Emperor?

Li Shimin never knew, only knew the world's thousands of magical powers, and all the thousands of magic arts were restrained by him.

At this time, Li Shimin was wearing a flat crown on his head and an emperor's robe. The emperor's dragon aura was full of strength all over his body. The essence of the emperor's dragon aura was unprecedentedly clear.


The essence of Dragon Qi of the emperor is destiny.

The fate of all living beings is in one palm, as if viewing flowers in the palm of one hand, seeing clearly and plainly.

"Xuanyuan sword, it is better to say that it is the sword of destiny! The map of the country and mountains, it is better to say that it is the map of the life of the blue! That is a treasure that belongs to me, and it was cut off by you. You robbed me of my chance. Hugh!" Li Shimin jumped up suddenly, cutting out the Tiger Soul Blade in his hand, ignoring time and space, not knowing where it came from, and did not know where it went, he had already inserted Zhang Bairen's chest when he reappeared.

This is the power of destiny!

Fate destined that the knife was inserted in his chest, and then he was killed by the knife, this is his destiny.

"What a weird magical power" Zhang Bairen looked down at the Tiger Soul Blade on his chest, a sword in the dark seemed to cut off his past and future, and cut off all his own cause and effect.

It's a pity that the Four Swords of Zhu Xian can't be smashed by Li Shimin!

The world of divine evolution is a real world, and it cannot be cut apart by Li Shimin, so Zhang Bairen is still alive, and the cause and effect that was cut off by Li Shimin also resumed in an instant.

"It's a pity, your emperor's dragon spirit is still a bit short. If you can make a strong point, you may be able to hit me hard! It's a pity!" Zhang Bairen shook his head, and the tiger patter blade flew out with a whine, and withstand the power of the sun. His smelting has already compromised a lot of spirituality.


You look at me and I look at you. The difference is the difference between heaven and earth. Today, the lower regions are all in the hands of Li Shimin and Zhang Bairen, how can there be any way to enhance Li Shimin's emperor dragon spirit?

"Everyone, Zhang Bairen suffered a heavy injury tonight. This is the best time to kill him. If he leaves alive, we will die in the future." The King of Stone Man swept his eyes across the group of heroes: "What else can you do to strengthen the Dragon gas?"

Li Shimin wounded Zhang Bairen with a single stab, causing his wounds to be unable to heal, causing everyone to be shocked and seeing the hope of killing Zhang Bairen.

"The surrounding countries have all surrendered. Where can I borrow the rest?" Chungui Jun was anxiously scratching his head.

Obviously, he has seen the way to kill Zhang Bairen, and he can be divided into five horses without any help, delaying the recovery time for everyone for thousands of years, but the dragon spirit is a little bit worse.

"The number of days! The number of days is not dead! This thief!" Geely Khan gritted his teeth, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes. If Zhang Bairen does not die, one day the grassland will be buried in the hands of this person.

"Everyone, is there really no other way?" Shebi said anxiously.

No way, the surrounding countries have already surrendered. Where will you tell everyone to find a way?

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Li Shimin, God doesn't want me to die, so what can you do about me? After all, these Turks and Tubos are not really the domain of the Sui Dynasty. Although the dragon spirit seems to be one, it is ultimately illusory, you It hurts others and yourself, and can't hold back your breath. If you can settle for two or three years, I will end up badly today, but now..." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of disdain.

"Your Majesty! The subordinate has a way to kill the thief Zhang Bairen!" As soon as Zhang Bairen's words fell, he heard a burst of laughter from the sky, and then saw a figure with a sonic boom swept into the battlefield.

"Wang Shichong!" Looking at the incoming person, Zhang Bairen's face showed a smile.

Li Shimin looked at Wang Shichong with surprise, and then showed ecstasy: "General Wang is seeking me, what's the point?"

Wang Shichong occupies Luoyang, it is the most important place in the world, and the share of dragon energy is not small.

"Wang Shichong, do you dare to betray the capital governor, do you not want to die?" Zhang Bairen said coldly, but there was no panic in his eyes.

Wang Shichong looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and shook his head. The man who used to be awe-inspiring and frightened is now so embarrassed. It is really a shrimp show in the Longyou Shoal, and a dog bullied by the tiger in Pingyang.

This is indeed an opportunity to put the opponent to death! A great opportunity!

"Capital Governor, no one in this world wants to be subject to others for a lifetime. Although I, Wang Shichong, is not a weapon, I dare not humiliate the glory of our ancestors and become a slave to others!" Wang Shichong slowly came to Zhang Bairen: "You must not blame the Governor. Officials, freedom is extremely important to lower officials."

Zhang Bairen looked at Wang Shichong with a pair of eyes: "You are not afraid that this seat will escape today's catastrophe and will break you into ten thousand pieces?"

"Hehe, like today, all the heroes are attacking you, and you have suffered heavy losses. Let's talk about it when you escape." Wang Shichong kicked Zhang Bairen after he finished speaking, kicked him into the valley, smashing an unknown number of bones. Turning around and bowing to Li Shimin: "The next official is willing to command Luoyang to belong to Li to contribute to the eradication of the traitor to your majesty. This is a national book, and I hope your majesty will accept it."

"Wang Shichong, I will solve the magic seed for you, how about you and I canceled from now on?" Zhang Bairen sounded shocked.

"Hahaha, the governor laughed, but I can't trust you. You said that you will unlock the ban for me, but who knows if you will leave behind? The dead is the most reliable! The official still believes in a dead!" Wang Shichong said with a smile.

"Good! Good! Good! General Wang understands righteousness, I admire it! I admire it! In the future, Luoyang will remain the same as General Wang’s Luoyang, and I will never get involved!" Li Shimin took the letter of the country and comforted Wang Shichong. .

The dragon gas between heaven and earth was rolling again, and Luoyang's dragon gas roared and was instantly swallowed by Li Tang's dragon gas. At this time, Li Shimin's clothes and crown were completely solidified in an instant.

"Zhang Bairen, you are perverse, even the officials betrayed you, what else do you have to say?" Li Shimin looked at Zhang Bairen vigorously.

"So what? What can you do even if you have gathered the dragon veins of the world?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of mockery: "Like you, even if you have the dragon energy of the world, it is difficult to control and can't kill me! "

"When you die, you still dare to be stubborn, I will send you to the Yinsi to see the first emperor." Li Shimin roared around his body, and the leakage manifested his arms into dragon claws, and then tore the void and drew towards Zhang Bairen Come: "I will completely shatter your heart this time, and see if you are still dead!"

"Thinking too much! You guys obviously think too much!" Zhang Bairen turned his head and looked at Wang Shichong, "I hope you don't regret it!"

For some reason, facing Zhang Bairen's indifferent eyes, Wang Shichong's heart suddenly burst.


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