First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1587: Immortal

Facing Zhang Bairen's change of calmness and still indifferent expression, Wang Shichong regretted it at that moment for some reason!

A murderous intent seemed to freeze his blood that was hotter than magma, at that moment his soul seemed to be frozen by those indifferent eyes.

Li Shimin’s body was covered with fine dragon scales at this time. The dragon scales on the roads and the mysterious laws of the runes flowed indefinitely. It seems that the lord of fate in the boundless world manifested in the world, dominating the vast and unpredictable world, the life data It's all in the palm of one hand, so you can grasp everything.


Li Shimin's attack stopped abruptly. He looked down at the long knife that pierced his chest. He had to stop his movements and turned to look at the person holding the knife.

Wang Shichong!

The man with the knife was Wang Shichong, who pierced Li Shimin's heart with a single knife.

Even if Li Shimin mastered the phoenix nirvana, the heart is also extremely important, containing the blood of the whole body, once the heart ruptures, I am afraid that he will not be far from death.


Li Shimin's mouth was filled with red and coquettish blood, and the steel knife was smelted into magma by the hot blood in his heart, and it slowly flowed out.

After the Phoenix Nirvana, Li Shimin recovered again, but his foundation was injured.

"Bold!" Chunguijun was angry and suddenly pulled out the green branch in his hand, Wang Shichong fell into the cliff without knowing his life or death.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Zhang Bairen raised his head and laughed triumphantly, as if he was eating dry food?

"It's you! All of this is the ghost of you!" Li Shimin stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes. He is now one of the best masters in the law of fate. How can Wang Shichong sneak attack him without noticing?

But what can I do if I notice it? At that moment, his body could not be the master at all, as if he was not his own, he was controlled abruptly, and then he watched the long knife pierce his heart.

Demon Seed!

The mighty dragon energy was rolling down. At this time, Zhang Bairen used the power of the magic seed to reveal the magic seed, and the law of fate was circulating, washing away the power of the magic seed in Li Shimin's body.

Do you know what is wrong?

Although Li Shimin was hit hard, he took the opportunity to wash away the power of the magic seed, at least most of the power of the magic seed.

"What a weird magical power, a weird way, most of the governors are amazing and beautiful, and the old man admires them!" Li Shimin slowly recovered from his injuries, looking at Zhang Bairen in front of him, his eyes were murderous, and once again turned into the law of fate, he was arrested by Zhang Bairen. .

"Unfortunately, this kid has a little chance. If the dragon energy is strong enough, he can summon the Lord of Destiny in the dark to descend the phantom clone. At that time, I am afraid that the real person of the sun will also fall. …This kid is not good enough! If you swallow Zhuojun and Wagang's aura, it will be almost done!" Shaoyang ancestor muttered, his eyes revealed a solemn color: "It's a pity, how bright is Jishengyu? Zhang Bairen transcends the Three Realms and is not among the five elements of Yin and Yang. He is better than Li Shimin."

"Even if you are traumatized, what can I do? The ten golden crows are not dead, and I can easily recover from the serious injury. What can you do with me?" Now that Zhang Bairen no longer fights back, but works hard to suppress His injuries swept through the palms of Li Shimin's chest. At this moment, the two gathered together to breathe. Looking at Li Shimin's ferocious eyes, Zhang Bairen smiled instead: "You can't kill me! Even if you add Wang Shichong's dragon energy, You still can't kill me! After I completely refine the Shenzhou ancestral veins, it will be the death of Er Deng!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of disdain.

"Leave me apart!" Li Shimin wanted to exert his strength and completely tore Zhang Bairen apart: "Cut your body into pieces, I will see if you die!"

Zhang Bairen simply closed his eyes and let Li Shimin's tearing forcefully, his own bones were smelted by the sun **** fire, and merged into the bone marrow essence of the emperor. If it can be broken by Li Shimin in your area, the emperor will claim the supreme supreme and dominate thousands of gods.

"Damn it, how did your physical body cultivate, you are so tough!" Li Shimin swept across the gods with a pair of eyes: "Don't stand up, everyone, come and help!"




Chains flew out one after another, entangled between Zhang Bairen’s limbs and neck in an instant, and saw a grinning smile from the Spring Return Jun: “This person has ten golden crows blessings. It’s harder to kill, it’s almost immortal. For the body, the only way is to smash this person's corpse into ten thousand pieces of five horses and divide the corpse.

After a word fell, he heard the Buddha's horn loudly, grabbed the chain between Zhang Bairen's neck and tore it forcefully.

Li Shimin grabbed the chain on Zhang Bairen's left arm, and Shebishi grabbed the chain on Zhang Bairen's right arm. Then the King of Stone Man grabbed the chain of Zhang Bairen's left foot, and the rest of the gods, at this time grabbed the chain of Zhang Bairen's right foot.

"Capital Governor!" Seeing the scene before him, Yu Juluo was shocked and could not sit still.

"It's okay, a bunch of clowns want to kill me? It's just a wishful thinking. My body is forged from the fire of the sun god. Even if I have internal troubles in my ancestral veins, these people can never shake it!" Zhang Bairen stopped his men. The movement, the cold light in his eyes circulates, and the sacred fire of the sun is constantly turbulent.

Can a person move the sun?

Except for the sky, no one has heard that anyone can move the sun!

Zhang Bairen doesn't know if the emperor can pull the sun, but these people can never pull the sun.

If you want to pull Zhang Bairen, you must first pull your own sun **** lock, and if you want to pull the sun **** lock, you must pull the sun.

The chain of the sun is constantly absorbing the power of the sun, helping Zhang Bairen to suppress the power of the ancestral veins in his body.

"Everyone, let's make concerted efforts to kill Zhang Bairen right now." Chi You stepped forward and grabbed the chain with Chunguijun, and suddenly pulled: "Everyone!"

"Hey! Ha!"

This chain didn't know what it was made of, no matter what everyone used to make, just listen to the chain rattling, but it didn't break.

The sound of the cowhide came. At this time, the chain was pulled on Zhang Bairen's body, like a cowhide that had been pulled for thousands of years. No matter how hard everyone pulled, the deformation of Zhang Bairen's body was delayed.

"Hahaha, hahaha! Don't wait for nothing, who can do anything to me in the world? Who can do to me?"

The jade rabbit circulated at the center of the eyebrows, and the extremely cold air followed the chains and invaded the powerful ones.

The power of the lunar yin can freeze everything.

The powerhouses did not notice that their heads were stained with frost for a while, and the whole body shuddered. The blood in the body seemed to stop flowing and was solidified by the cold air.

"Aren't you cultivating the power of the sun? How can you still have such a strange cold power" Chungui Jun loosened the chains, his eyes were full of gloom, whether the power of the sun or the power of the yin, they just happened to restrain him , How do you make Chunguijun happy?

Junguijun can't be happy!

Ignoring Chunguijun's words, Zhang Bairen used the power of the sun **** and fire again, and saw that the chain broke and scattered all over the ground in an instant between water and fire.

"Do you really want to let this go and return safely today?" She Bi Shi's eyes were full of unwillingness.

"I'm coming!" The King of Stone Man slammed Zhang Bairen's body with another punch, and then he saw Zhang Bairen's color change suddenly.

He is not afraid of car cracks or killing, he is afraid that the fist of the stone man king will sway the dragon veins in his body.

"Dare you!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed coldly, and he was about to use his physical skills to avoid him, but he never thought that Li Shimin was entangled like brown sugar.

"Bang!" The punch hit Zhang Bairen's heart, and the ancestral veins in his body that had been suppressed broke out again, and the acupoints of the whole body began to burst like beans, and burst out again.

"Asshole! Asshole!" Zhang Bairen showed anger in his eyes.

"Everyone, come again, today I will definitely split it to pieces!" Li Shimin hugged Zhang Bairen's head, and Chunguijun and others clasped his limbs.

"Drink!" Everyone worked together, only to see Zhang Bairen's figure twisted, and finally changed form.


It's horrible!

No matter how many people tossed, Zhang Bairen's body was twisted, but it was not cracked.

"Come again!" The Stone Man Wang slammed Zhang Bairen's chest with a punch, continuously damaging the ancestral veins in his body.

It's a pity, even though Zhang Bairen was on the verge of collapse and was about to be beheaded by but... but...the last straw that overwhelmed the camel has not been seen.

"Your Majesty, infuse the dragon energy into his body, and completely crush all the magic and all the magical powers in his body. When he loses his magical powers, how can he resist?" Geely Khan suddenly moved his eyes, and his eyes revealed a vicious look. color.

Isn’t the Dragon Qi of the emperor the nemesis of the Taoist magical powers?

Well, I will directly infuse the emperor’s dragon energy into your body, obliterating your magical powers and ways. Without God’s channel, you can see how you can resist the attacks of the people. At that time, it will not be crumpled and killed. How would you kill you?

It's a good way!

Although the method is simple, it is really effective!

The simple method, although not mindful, is often the most effective.

Zhang Bairen finally changed his color, staring at Geely Khan with a pair of eyes, but did not say much, but closed his eyes.

In an instant, the Yang God was hidden within the divine nature. At this time, there was only a ray of divine nature in Zhang Bairen's ancestral aperture hidden in the depths of time and space, and the dragon ball of the ancestor dragon kept floating.

"The Governor, I'm sorry, this time you are dead! The dragon energy has eroded your bones, and it depends on whether you die!" Li Shimin smiled grimly, and the dragon energy inside his body was leaping toward his ancestor's orifice. Perfused away.

The dragon energy was vigorous, but after entering Zhang Bairen's body, the dragon ball changed. At this time, the dragon ball took the initiative to face the difficulties, and instantly absorbed the sky full of dragon energy.

Although Zhang Bairen felt uneasy about the Dragon Ball's change, he felt an unpleasant feeling, but he was powerless to stop it and could only watch it.

Time is slowly passing by. Although the dragon ball has swallowed the dragon energy, there is still a part of the dragon energy infused into Zhang Bairen's body, constantly obliterating its blood and foundation.


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