First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1588: Its daybreak

Li Shimin's dragon energy is too mighty. Even though the dragon ball in Zhang Bairen's ancestral aperture has absorbed most of it, there are still a lot of dragon energy and the law of destiny flowing in his body, constantly eroding its foundation.

At this time, the dragon ball was spinning around in Zhang Bairen's ancestor's orifice, as if alive, actively absorbing and pulling Li Shimin's dragon energy, as the dragon energy was infused, a mysterious aura gradually recovered in the dragon ball.

"Something's wrong! It seems that the situation is a bit bad!" Zhang Bairen looked at the dragon ball in front of him with a pair of eyes, revealing an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.

It's a pity that Zhang Bairen was powerless at this time, and he couldn't stop Li Shimin's actions at all.

The endless dragon energy poured down, as if the nine-day Milky Way was falling down. After all, the dragon energy was not an endless thing. After an hour, when Li Shimin stopped, the dragon energy all over his body was exhausted.

If you want to restore such a huge dragon energy, you don't have to work for ten and a half days, but you can't think about it.

If Dragon Qi is the water in the cup, then the people are the fountain.

The water in the cup can be used up, but after a while, the people's spring will fill up the dragon's energy again.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Everyone, I have eroded its foundation and bones with dragon energy, and you are working with me to completely kill this place forever." Li Shimin said with a cold light: "General Governor, you don't want to Blame me, you said that your cultivation base is so high, and you will never die for a long time, why should you be greedy for the power of the world?"

Zhang Bairen smiled: "Don't you know the cause and effect?"

"You!" Li Shimin changed his color suddenly, and Zhang Bairen's heart was touched, and his eyes suddenly surged with anger: "When you die, you dare to be hard-headed. After you die, I will tell you to cut off your children and grandchildren, and let that cheap species taste the torture of the world. And die!"

"Do it!" Li Shimin suddenly locked Zhang Bairen's neck.


The strong men stepped forward again and locked Zhang Bairen's limbs.

"Let's just watch it like this, and let the general governor be persecuted, is it really okay?" 6 Jingxiu's eyes showed hesitation.

"This person is selfish and selfish, swallowing my ancestral veins in Zhongzhou, or making him die in this way, maybe there is a chance to return the ancestral veins to heaven and earth" Deng Yin's eyes showed hatred.

"Moreover, this person doesn't have one mind with my Dao Sect. What if he died? It has nothing to do with my Dao Sect." The Taoist Master of Beitian smiled coldly.

As time goes by, the head teacher who had a good face and a handsome face is now a white beard.

"Drink, Jumang, you still can't pay for your life!" At this moment, I suddenly saw thousands of swords light circulating in the sky, and the overwhelming sword thread shot at Jumang.

Yin Gui shot!

"The governor is not anxious, I'll save you!" Yin Gui straddled the void, and three thousand swords strangled Yin Gui.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Think of me as Zhang Bairen, who has kept the world under constant pressure for decades. Although I don’t talk about kindness with the Daomen, there is still some kind of kindness and cause and effect. I never thought that now in trouble, you are the only one who will save me. !" Zhang Bairen’s inexhaustible desolation: "I was too domineering in the past and asked for myself! True person Yin, you step back and wait. Today is the time when this seat is alone fighting the world’s heroes. How can you be broken? Good thing for this seat!"

Zhang Bairen's **** face lifted up to look at Yin Gui, only one pair of eyes were as clear as before: "Get out, a bunch of chickens and dogs, they want to kill me too!"

Yin Gui stopped his movements, and Zhang Bairen said, "I will accept your favor."

"Drink, you still dare to be stubborn when you die, even if you have one more Yin Gui? We have so many strong people here, but they come to send food, and can't get out of a round!" Li Shimin's words are full of murderous intent: "Don't be long-winded. , Everyone do it."


The demon gods all yelled in unison, grasped Zhang Bairen's body, and suddenly pulled hard.

"Squeaky~~~" The same as before, Zhang Bairen's limbs were motionless like a mountain, no matter how hard everyone used to suckle, he still couldn't shake his body.

"How could this happen! How could this happen!" Li Shimin stepped backwards and sat on the ground, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen who seemed to be muddy, his eyes were full of disbelief, regret, struggle, and despair.

On the one hand, the demon gods also changed color in astonishment, Chi You twitched his mouth: "This **** thing is many times harder than my copper skin and iron bones. The old man always thought that his copper skin and iron bones are the best in the world, but he looked at the person in front of him. , I realized that I was sitting on the well and watching Yelang arrogantly."

"This is impossible. Is there really no way to kill him?" Chi You's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he finally realized the taste of Emperor Xuanyuan back then. Facing a powerful enemy, after you subdued the opponent, you never thought The other party is copper-skinned and iron-boned, so why can't the other party even ask you if you are angry!

"It's worthy of the fundamental law of the Emperor of Heaven." The sentence was full of gloomy eyes: "Everyone, now, there is only one way to cut this."

"What way?" Everyone looked towards Ju Mang.

"Mountain axe! Only if you find King Yu's axe, perhaps you can use the power of Kyushu to kill this person!" Jumang said with a solemn expression: "In those days, King Yu opened up mountains and opened up waterways in the world. Boiling water, the mountain axe has gathered part of the origin of Kyushu, swallowing the origin of many mountains. If you want to kill this, you must open the mountain axe."

"Mountain axe?"

The heroes are all taken aback, where to find the mountain axe?

"It has been thousands of years since the time of King Yu, where shall we find a mountain axe?" Li Shimin said sullenly.

"The Jiuzhou Ding still has traces to follow, let alone the mountain axe? If you have the heart, you can always find it!" Chungui Jun said: "As long as you gather the Jiuzhou Ding, the old man can sense the location of the mountain axe."

When this statement fell, everyone once again looked at Zhang Bairen. The Great Sui gathered the Jiuding in the world, and only the person in front of him knew the whereabouts of the Jiuzhou Ding.

"Hahaha, you don't want to look at me, this Jiuzhou Ding is in the sleeve of this seat, you can take it out if you have the ability! Hahaha! Hahaha!" Zhang Bairen's smile was full of madness.

"This bastard!" Xuan Ming hit Zhang Bairen's abdomen with a punch: "Don't be wordy, hurry up and hand over the Jiuzhou Ding to spare you not to die, otherwise... but you can not blame us for being polite."

"Hahaha! You are like tickling, you use a little bit of strength, if you say a begging for mercy, then grandpa has lost." Zhang Bairen stared at Xuan Ming, his eyes full of hostility.

"You..." Xuan Ming pointed at Zhang Bairen and instantly sealed it into a big ice lump, angrily not knowing what to say.

"Everyone, is there a way to break Zhang Bairen's supernatural powers and take out the treasures from his sleeves?" Chungui Jundao.

"The Dragon Qi of the emperor destroys all laws, why don't the dragon Qi of the emperor obliterate its supernatural powers," Gili Khan said.

"Unfortunately, it's too late!" Li Shimin suddenly raised his head and looked to the east, and saw the pale purple: "The emperor's dragon qi has been consumed before, and if you want to gather again, there is no rest in the middle of the night, but it is bright today! "

Its daybreak!

Looking at the pale Dongfang that day, all the powerful men looked pale for a while, and tossed all night, did they still lose like this?

What does dawn mean?

It means that the sun is about to come out, and Zhang Bairen will be invincible by then! Immortal, immortal, resurrected with blood.

"Is there really no way?" Geely Khan said: "Why not hide him in the dark, don't let him see the sun."

After hearing what Geely Khan said, everyone rolled their eyes helplessly. You are not talking nonsense, if you can do this, you need to remind you.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! The sun is coming out, after all, I won, I survived!" Zhang Bairen's eyes gradually scanned the crowd in the field: "The matter of tonight, when the Japanese seat arrives, you will inevitably have to pay for your life. To repay today's great favor."

"Huh, Zhang Bairen, don't want to be arrogant. You dare to speak wildly, even if the sun comes out? What if you were severely damaged by the grandson Wugou, and you were tossed back and forth by me. The hidden danger of the explosion of the ancestral veins in your body, there is no one hundred years that you will never want to restore the foundation. After a hundred years, I have all been restored to the peak state, but you are still standing still, and killing you will be like killing a chicken or dog! Full of Zhang Bairen has been standing there for a hundred years. After a hundred years, the demon gods will return to their peak state. Will they still be afraid of Zhang Bairen who is as strong as today?

"Everyone, since we can't kill him, then we simply give up completely, but try our best to destroy its foundation, delay its recovery, and buy time for our future rise!" Chi You's eyes were full of sneers.

This time Zhang Bairen finally changed his color and said with a pale face: "What a vicious heart! Er Deng is really a vicious heart!"

"Hahaha, you guys, the sun is coming out, let's do it!" Leng Shuo smiled coldly, and pointed at the acupuncture points around his body: "Look at my golden aura to destroy your foundation!"

"My Xuan Ming Qi!"

"The power of my spring!"

"My breath of death!"


At this time, everyone shot together, not asking for Zhang Bairen to be beheaded, but only looking forward to destroying Zhang Bairen's foundation. If he could suffer irreversible damage, that would be great.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Zhang Bairen, you still lost! A hundred years later, I must personally take your head." Li Shimin laughed up to the sky, and punched Zhang Bairen with one punch and punched the last dragon. Into Zhang Bairen's body.

"Good! Good! Good! It really is very good! It really is very good! I said that it was a heads-up, but I never thought it was a group fight. If you wait for the rat generation to perform spooky tricks, how can I guess? It's!" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously, and slowly closed his eyes: "Tonight's hatred, the governor of the capital has written down, there will be a retaliation in the future!"

While speaking, the purple air on the first floor of the horizon rose into the sky, rendering the world a purple in an instant.

Its daybreak!


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