First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1590: The light of the heart is burning, the world is revealed in the palm of Bodhidh

Looking across Zhang Bairen, the world-honored faintly said: "You and I are playing chess here, my disciple is leaving, but it's okay!"

Before Zhang Bairen could answer, the World Venerable had already ordered: "Leave that person in Tianzhu forever, so that the world knows that not everyone can dig the corner of my Buddhism!"

"Disciple obeys!" Bodhidharma respectfully saluted and turned to Tianzhu.

After a few breaths, Bodhidharma's figure had disappeared into the sky, and the world-zun turned to look at Zhang Bairen, showing a scornful smile: "What do you think the chief governor? You are wrong this time. Bodhidharma's cultivation is no less than me Except for not having the power to comprehend the law like me, the rest is no different from me. The person who dared to make trouble in Tianzhu, to be unkind, this time is dead."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen slowly twisted a chess piece: "Let's watch the changes, your buddhist aura is about to be decided!"

"The governor wants to have a simple Buddhism aura. Just say a word to me, so why use such a method?" The World Zun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"It's not easy to use what others give, or what I get is more practical, and I feel at ease!" Zhang Bairen didn't pay attention to external affairs, but played chess pieces unhurriedly, and the sun and light intertwined the colored glaze. Constantly recovering the injuries in his body, stably suppressing the dragon veins in his body.

"Zhongzhou's ancestral line is important, and it determines the rise and fall of my Middle-Earth. I never thought I was swallowed by you in one bite. Do you know the consequences of swallowing this bite?" The World Venerable stared at Zhang Bairen stubbornly.

"Hehe, why do you need Zhongzhou ancestors if I am here? After today's battle, as long as this seat is not dead, the Demon God can't do anything big in Middle Earth!" Zhang Bairen looked at the World Zun with a pair of eyes: "With me, how can the Demon God be presumptuous? I’m not more reliable than that dragon vein. Besides, the Zhongzhou dragon vein has been pulled out and can’t be placed back. Instead of dissipating in the world for nothing, it’s better to make me cheaper and help my way."

"Who said Ancestral Mai could not go back?" The World Venerable looked at Zhang Bairen in a daze.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

"If the ancestral vein does not go back, do you think the old antiques of the Taoist school will be able to sit still?" The World Venerable asked back, his eyes were filled with stunnedness, countless grass mud horses ran in his heart, and he was still wondering why Zhang Bairen would risk the world. After swallowing the ancestral veins, who would have thought that this servant thought that the dragon veins would never be picked up again.

I almost forgot. Although the person in front of me is a master of the world and the coercion, he is a wild way, a wild fox Zen without a teacher.

Thinking of this, World Zun looked at Zhang Bairen with his eyes, and he didn't know what it was like.

"You don't want me to spit out my ancestral veins, do you?" Zhang Bairen looked at World Zun with a pair of eyes.

"It's best to spit it out!" World Honor nodded.

"Before, I almost died for this ancestral vein. Do you think I would spit out the ancestral vein?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly and continued to fall.

The ancestral vein has been swallowed, is there any reason to vomit it out?

The ancestral vein of Zhongzhou is gone, and he is the ancestral vein of Zhongzhou. How dare those demon gods come out and jump?

Zhang Bairen's eyes filled with doubts: "Why did the ancestor Shaoyang lie to me?"


For example, today Zhu's many masters reincarnated in China to seize vitality, but they never thought that Guan Zi would draw salaries from the bottom of the tank, and coupled with the exhaustion of Tianzhu's national fortune by Li Shimin, it was precisely a loophole for Guan Zi.

Regardless of whether the Tianzhu masters reincarnated, or the Tianzhu country's national fortune was exhausted, the two were indispensable, but it was achieved by a certain black hand.

Guan Zi was holding the ancient lamp with colored glaze in his hand, and the light flowing in it seemed to contain a colorful world.

Heart light!

Since this bronze lamp became colored glaze, it suddenly communicated with Guan Zizai, and Guan Zizai knew the name of this ancient lamp.

I saw a burst of dreamy distortion of the lights, submerged in the heart of Guan Zizai, and then disappeared.

"It's weird!" Guan Zizao touched his head, with a hint of doubt in his eyes: "Since I have a relationship with this heart lamp, in the future, this Dharma body must occupy a lamp character. Only when the lamp burns can it shine on the great thousand. To drive away the darkness, it should not be called: burning lamp! Use burning lamp as the law name."

Just thinking about it, I saw a grey-robed monk stepping on the void and breaking through the sound barrier, but he had come close in the blink of an eye.

"I have seen fellow Daoists!" Bodhidharma put his hands together and performed a Buddhist ceremony.

Guan Zizai looked at Bodhidharma blankly: "What can you advise?"

"Tianzhu is the ancestral home of my Buddha. Your Excellency came to my Tianzhu for preaching. Doesn't it mean that I didn't see the Buddha Sect of Tianzhu in my eyes?" Bodhidharma did not hesitate, without the slightest anger in his eyes.

"Hehe, Zhongtu is the ancestral land of my Taoist sect. Your Excellency went to my Middle Earth to preach. Could it be that you didn't put my Zhongtu sect in your eyes?" Guan Zizai asked rhetorically.

"Zhongtuwu Huatianbao has outstanding people and spirits. Naturally, I don’t care about me waiting for barbarians. When the emperor had agreed to wait for me to preach. On the contrary, your Excellency, came to Tianzhu to greet him without saying anything, so he directly calculated and reborn in the Emperor’s House. I have committed a taboo! I am not allowed to reincarnate in the emperor’s family when I am waiting for spiritual practice. This is the iron law, you have violated the taboo!" Bodhidharma does not hurry, does not hurry, does not seem to be anxious.

"Oh? Taboo? Whose taboo? Whose iron rule?" Guan Zizai smiled coldly.

"Naturally it is the iron law of the people of the world, and you Zhongtu also obeys this iron law!" Bodhidharma looked at Guan Zizai coldly: "I need your Excellency to give me an explanation."

"Oh? Explain? What do you want to explain? Why should I obey the iron law you have laid down? I only respect the decree of Zhuojun. If you are dissatisfied, go and reason with the governor of the capital!" The said.

"You..." Bodhidharma became angry when he heard the words, facing the powerful Zhang Bairen, especially the great war just before his eyes. Zhang Bairen's power is obvious to all. Who dares to embarrass him?

After a while, I heard Bodhidharma's words: "Anyway, I still need your Excellency to give me an explanation for what happened today."

"Explain? What kind of explanation do you want? You can go to the general governor to explain!" Guan Zizai used Zhang Bairen to overwhelm others, and the angry Bodhidharma had no temper at all.

"I don't know what happens when ten golden crows come to Tianzhu." Zhang Bairen, who was playing chess with his head down, suddenly glanced at World Zun.

"Huh?" The world-zun was agitated when he heard the words: "The Governor is not kidding!"

"The barbarians outside the Great Wall dared to oppose me and intervene in the struggle for luck. They couldn't live or die." Zhang Bairen looked down at the chessboard.

"That's the life of a million people." The World Venerable couldn't sit still. He didn't know Zhang Bairen's truth, let alone how true or false this statement was.

"The barbarians outside the Great Wall, what do you do to me?" Zhang Bairen raised his head and looked at World Zun: "To me, there is no benefit at all, but it is not worth mentioning. Erasing will be erased."

The Blessed One's face was ugly, and he sat silently.

"As for what kind of punishment? I am indestructible as it is today. It is difficult to die. After I have completely digested my ancestral veins, who else is my opponent in this world?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

The Blessed One was silent, just looking at the chessboard with a pair of eyes, and the chess pieces did not move.

"The big fist in this world is the truth and iron law. Since you can't kill me, you naturally have to bear the consequences!" Zhang Bairen hummed a little song.

He can't kill the Blessed One, but he can threaten him from his ancestral land and countless people and people of the Blessed One.

Just ask if you want to preach. If you do not allow preaching, you will directly erase Tianzhu from the map. If people are called to preach, there is still a ray of life.


Bodhidharma looked at Guan Zizao with a pair of eyes, and then said after a while: "Speaking of speaking, you still have to see the true chapter in your hand. Back then, the governor's five fingers crushed the heart ape Jing Wushuang, as long as you can escape the world in my palm. , Then everything is up to you. If you can’t escape, please leave Tianzhu, you will never step into Tianzhu.”

Speaking of this, Bodhidharma looked in the direction of Zhongtu. This sentence was not only for Guan Zizai, but also for the uncle of Zhongtu.

World Zun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "What do you think?"

"Dharma is an old senior in the practice world. Is it embarrassing to bully a younger junior?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

"The governor, what you said is not right. People in the practice pay attention to talents and aura. When do you classify length and height by age? Just like the governor ~ after only a few decades of practice, The world has been overwhelmed by all the heroes. It is true that the blue is better than the blue. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward..." The World Honored persuaded him endlessly.

"Okay, you don't have to say, this matter is correct, if Guan Zi wins, you can't hinder the preaching" Zhang Bairen's eyes are full of murderous intent.

"If Guan Ziyi loses?" World Zun stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"You are confident" Zhang Bairen swept the world-zun.

The world-zun smiled without saying a word, and Zhang Bairen said, "Naturally do what you say."

"Good! Good! Good! The governor is happy!" The World Honored smiled and clapped his hands.

Tianzhu Kingdom

Bodhidharma's Buddha light circulated around his body, and the six-fifty golden body slowly appeared behind him. In a short time, hundreds of people in Tianzhu Kingdom provoked one after another, and the air of incense rose into the sky.

"The Lord has practiced for thousands of years, and I am definitely not his opponent. I only hope that the card given to me by the governor will be useful, otherwise it will be really empty today." Guan Zizai's eyes showed solemnity.

The next moment, he saw the six-foot gold body being taken toward Guan Zizai. Guan Zizai only felt that the law between heaven and earth had reversed Yin and Yang, and the universe had been reversed, and it had already appeared in the endless void.

The yellow sand is rolling under my feet, and I can't see the edge.

The world in the palm, in the hands of Bodhidharma and Blessed One, is the real world in the palm, and falling in the hands of Master Guangming and others is a joke.

Even Zhang Bairen couldn't match the realm of the world in such a palm.

outside world

Everyone saw that Guanzai turned into a small dust and disappeared in the hands of Bodhidharma, as if it had merged into a world.

"Guan Zizai, you still surrender!" Dharma's voice shook the universe and passed into his palm.

ps: Thanks to the classmate "Socrates Without Bottom" for the reward, plus one more


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