First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1591: The power of scorpion sperm

Bodhidharma spread out his palms and stood in the void. Outsiders could not see the Guan Zi in his palm, but they could not hide his own Dharma vision.

"Guan Zizai, based on your current way, how to escape the old monk's palm, I don't want to be embarrassed by the monk. Please surrender quickly!" The Bodhidharma sounded like a thunder and passed into the palm of the universe.

"Really? That's not necessarily!" Guan Zizai's sleeve was a blue, like a crystal-like scorpion that fell into his hand, and then was held by him, with a sneer in his eyes.

Guan Zi believes that Zhang Bairen is better than himself, and since he said that, he can't be wrong.

"The overall situation is settled!" Shizun dropped a chess piece and looked at Zhang Bairen with his eyes.

"Not necessarily!" The old **** Zhang Bairen no longer played the chess piece in his hand unhurriedly.

"Oh?" Blessed Lord frowned, since Zhang Bairen spoke like this, he must be backed by something in his heart.

As I was talking, I could only hear a scream from Tianzhu. Bodhidharma's golden body's left arm shuddered, swelling in a short time, and the world's mana in his palm was in chaos. It collapsed in an instant, and his white clothes fluttered to his face. Beautifully walked out of the void.

"What kind of evil do you have!" Bodhidharma not only swelled in his golden body, but also began to swell in his physical body. His wrist was three points thicker than his thigh.

A sharp pain rushed into his mind, Damorgan could not stabilize his thoughts, his mana was unsustainable, and suddenly he waved his hand suddenly, the scorpion spirit fell into the mountains and disappeared, and Bodhidharma fell into the mud, constantly rolling and wailing.

"What a vicious scorpion essence, it's not right... my scorpion essence..." Guan Zi was taken aback, and hurriedly went to the mountains to find his own scorpion essence, but Zhang Bairen lent it to him, so he must not lose it.

"Capital Governor!" The World Venerable stood up abruptly, his expression frantically changed: "The Governor is really good at calculating. We have surrendered in this round! I Buddhism allows Guan Zi to teach Tianzhu."

But the world is not in a hurry. Although Tianzhu’s Buddhism Lair is important, Buddhism has now opened up in Zhongtu. Compared with Zhongtu, Tianzhu is a bit tasteless.

It's not guilty to break Bodhidharma because of Tianzhu's aura.

Dharma is a disciple carefully nurtured by the Blessed One, and is the No. 2 leader of Buddhism. He has made great contributions to the foundation of Buddhism. No matter how Dharma is, there should be no accidents.

Zhang Bairen smiled and nodded: "That's fine, please, please!"

The World Zun hurriedly went to Tianzhu, Zhang Bairen looked at World Zun's back, with a smile in his eyes.

"The Governor, it's not good! It's not good! The scorpion spirit has disappeared!" Guan Zizai hurriedly came to Zhang Bairen, not seeing the slightest happiness rooted in Buddhism in his eyes.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

Guan Zizai said helplessly: "I don't know if the scorpion spirit was slapped to death by the hand of the world-zun, or how, it was actually missing."

Zhang Bairen stretched out his finger to make a calculation. After a while, he said, "It turns out that Scorpion Jing is very bored with this seat all year round, so I went out to relax. You don't have to worry about it. Once the number of days has passed, it will come back naturally."

"Huh? That's good! That's good! If you lose the scorpion essence, I can't help you!" Guan Zizai sat opposite Zhang Bairen.

"Before Jingrui arrives, whether or not the Law Bodies can reach Consummation is the chance of Buddhism! I don't have to say anything else to you. You should have a number in your heart." Zhang Bairen dropped a chess piece.

"You gave me such a chance, what should you do?" Guan Zi stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"I have my own way, so don't worry about it!" Zhang Bairen touched his free head: "Come, accompany me to finish this game of chess."

"However, you scorpion spirit is really amazing," Guan Zi said in surprise.

"I have been fed with God's blood for decades, how can I not have a few brushes?" Zhang Bairen smiled: "Don't say it's Bodhidharma, even if the Blessed One holds it in his hand, it will end up in the same way."


The Blessed One lifted up Bodhidharma, applying something in his hand to Bodhidharma's red and swollen arm, and his eyes were filled with anxiety: "How? How come you look like this? What sorcery did Guan Zizai use?"

Bodhidharma reduced the painful color on his face at this time, forcibly entered the concentration and circulated the vitality and blood, and carried the energy of the camp and guard in his body. After a while, he said: "Master, that mindfulness can be vicious, unexpectedly took out a scorpion essence The scorpion essence was stung by the scorpion essence. The poison of that scorpion essence was too overbearing. Once stung by the scorpion essence, he would feel that the golden body was broken and the primordial spirit was distorted, and he could not maintain the Taoism at all. The Qi machine was in chaos, the Primordial God Chaos didn’t know the north, south, east, and west, and the world in the palm could not be maintained, causing that view to run away. The disciple was incompetent, and he hoped that the master would punish him..."

"I should have thought long ago, since he made a calculation and was not completely sure, how could he make a move? He also made a gambling agreement with me?" The World Venerable patted Dharma on the shoulder: "You have a good life and rest. You can't blame you for this. It's better to calm the anger of the chief governor! It's better! It's better than losing a small life!"

The world-zun slowly stood up: "The wind is rising, and Tianzhu will definitely be uneasy in the future. Since he has made calculations, there must be a move.


As the last chess piece fell, Zhang Bairen looked at Guan Zizai and said in surprise: "This is impossible. When did your computing power become so strong? It was a tie with me."

"The Governor, I have to tell you one thing..." Guan Zizai stretched out his palm and saw a glazed lamp appeared in his hand, and saw that the glazed glazed lamp appeared in a hazy and colorful chaos, as if it contained a red dust upside down and hazy. World: "This treasure was unexpectedly refined by me, and I recognize me as the master..."

"Fine, I know what you are going to say!" Zhang Bairen waved to interrupt the other party, his eyes looked at the heart lamp in front of him, revealing a solemn color: "This thing is predestined to you, I will give it to you, but in the future It needs to be borrowed and used to subdue a rat somewhere."

"This thing is too precious, how can this be..." Guan Zizai said in a tangle.

"Are you willing to give it back to me?" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"Naturally reluctant..." Guan Zizai glared at Zhang Bairen.

"Then you just accept it. This copper lamp is precious. Isn't the six clean bamboos precious?" Zhang Bairen looked at Guan Zizai.

Guan Zi was speechless, and silently received the heart lamp: "I owe you too much in this life."

"Don't waste time. Buddhism and Taoism share the same origin. It's what you should consider to bring forth the new from the old." Zhang Bairen slowly put away the chess pieces: "The nine-character mantra is the avenue of the true monarch of morality, and Buddhism is the avenue of the world-zun, and if you want to become an immortal, When the Dharma body is consummated, the shortcut is to have the same origin of Buddhism and Taoism, completely unite, and create a new path."

"Time is running out, you go to retreat as soon as possible" Zhang Bairen stood up slowly.

Guan Zi nodded his head, held a fist at Zhang Bairen, turned and disappeared to the top of the mountain.

Looking at the broken valley, a sense of emptiness rose from Zhang Bairen's heart, so what if he escaped?

What about the defeated heroes?

He didn't know where his future was.

Although he was defeated, Zhang Bairen didn't feel any joy in his heart.

"Longsun Wugou..." Zhang Bairen sighed, "Women, really are animals that are good at acting."

Changsun Wukui painstakingly understood him, and he knew everything from the look before Daohua.

Li Chengqian's practice of martial arts can only stimulate the power of blood, and he will inevitably be aware of it by Li Shimin.

"But now Li Shimin still sees the clues. Fortunately, I have a plan!" Zhang Bairen stood up slowly: "We should go to Chang'an City to take over from the Qianlong Emperor, but I have to meet someone before then."

Shaoyang ancestor!

A person Zhang Bairen had to meet.

"You go back, Zhuojun must not lose." Zhang Bairen glanced at Yu Juluo and Zhang Xutuo, and disappeared into the void.

Hill head

The ancestor Shaoyang was meditating cross-legged. I don't know when Zhang Bairen appeared by the ancestor Shaoyang.

Zhang Bairen also didn't say anything, and sat and meditated on his own, regaining his cultivation.

It wasn't until the sun slanted that Old Ancestor Shaoyang opened his eyes: "Why are you here?"

"If you have something to ask the ancestor," Zhang Bairen looked at the ancestor Shaoyang: "Why did the ancestor harm me?"

"Hurt you?" Old Ancestor Shaoyang sneered, "It seems that you already know?"

Zhang Bairen is Do you know how long the day of shocking will come? "The ancestor Shaoyang looked at Zhang Bairen.

"Within a hundred years, it will definitely come" Zhang Bairen said.

"You are not strong enough. This time is your chance. As long as you swallow your ancestral veins, you can at least train into a five-point sun **** body until the day before the shock. Who will be your opponent in the world?" Old Shaoyang Zu shook his head.

"But the ancestral veins are swallowed, the cause and effect are too great, and the cause and effect of hundreds of millions of Chinese creatures is not easy to bear." Zhang Bairen frowned.

"Causality? What are you afraid of? What is there to be afraid of! Let me ask you, can you see the Kyushu enchantment?" Shaoyang ancestor said.

"I saw it" Zhang Bairen said with a solemn expression.

"Did you see Guimenguan?" Old Ancestor Shaoyang asked again.

"I saw it" Zhang Bairen looked solemn.

"How long do you think the Kyushu enchantment and the ghost gate can last? If the ghost gate breaks, who will protect the hundreds of millions of living beings in the middle earth? Does it rely on the ancestral veins? Then the ancestral veins will only be the nourishment of the group of demon gods! And you are different, if you are If you swallow your ancestral veins, you can protect hundreds of millions of living beings in the Middle Earth! The demon **** in **** is not an incomplete demon **** like Chi You. With your current cultivation base, although you can deal with it, if you say that you can kill and suppress it, it will be too powerful! All sentient beings will inevitably encounter catastrophe." Shaoyang ancestor looked at Zhang Bairen: "I only ask you, are you able to swallow this dragon vein or not?"

"Swallow!" Zhang Bairen was firm, without hesitation. But then he smiled bitterly: "But my foundation has been hit hard by others. This is a great trouble. If I delay for decades to make progress, the consequences will be disastrous! The trouble will be great."

ps: Make up the million rewards owed before.


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