First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1592: Return to Chang'an City

"Haha, foundation? What do you lose?" Shaoyang ancestor looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "As long as you can digest the Shenzhou ancestral veins, not to say it is the foundation of mere damage, at least for your sun **** body training. Just 50%!"

"What is the concept of 50%? As long as it is not in some extreme circumstances, no one can kill you!" Shaoyang Patriarch's eyes were full of sorrow.

"However, when the Heavenly Emperor's Sun Divine Body became so complete, isn't it still dead?" Zhang Bairen shook his head, saying that it was invincible, which was too far and unrealistic.

"What do you know? The Emperor of Heaven wanted to reverse time and space. He suffered a backlash, even more fiercely refining the world. He suffered countless karma and causal backlash before he was shot and killed by the two **** Taiyin and Yi. Otherwise, you Think that the emperor will die? As long as the emperor does not want to die, no one can kill him!" Old ancestor Shaoyang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Just talk about it, and consider the rest. When the pulse is reconnected, I will never stop you."

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words. He is not a fool. He has eaten something in his stomach. Will he vomit it out?

of course not!

With his fingers gently tapping the jade belt around his waist, Zhang Bairen looked at the old ancestor Shaoyang who closed his eyes and meditated, and turned away without saying a word.

Some things are boring to put it bluntly.

Just like now, Zhang Bairen will never spit out what he swallowed. He almost died for the Zhongzhou ancestral vein. Such a price has been paid. You asked Zhang Bairen to spit out the ancestral vein. How could he be willing?

"Sir, you are back, and my concubine almost thought you could not come back this time." Empress Xiao saw Zhang Bairen and threw herself into her arms and cried.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly and hugged the plump body of the other party: "Didn't you tell me? No one can kill me!"

"Don't take such a risk in the future!" Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen with tears in her eyes.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "Good! Good! Good! Everything depends on you!"

A world-shattering matchup ended in this way. Zhang Bairen's methods shocked many people. The ability to suppress the existence of a lifetime is indeed extraordinary and comparable, and he has an unexpected ability.

But now Zhang Bairen has been hit hard and his foundation has been broken. Although he is still daunting, he doesn't take it seriously.

"There are some causes and effects, after all, it's time!" Zhang Bairen ran Dao Gong, silently refining the Zhongzhou Ancestral Veins in his body, and the sun's blood in his body continued to derive thousands of times in the past days.

Naturally, the foundation is not so fast to make up, but the effect of Zhang Bairen's sun divine body progress is beyond everyone's expectations.

With the mystery of the Zhongzhou ancestral veins and the blood of the sun god, it was only a day's time. The foundations that had been damaged by the demon gods before were restored. The dragon energy remaining in the body faced the power of the powerful and domineering sun, and was wiped out. , It can't last long at all.

No one knows, nor has anyone swallowed the ancestral veins of Zhongzhou. Zhang Bairen only recovered from his injuries in one day. In the following three days, he made up for the foundation, and he recovered to the peak of the past, and his cultivation was incredible. The degree is improving.

"Cough cough cough~~~" Zhang Bairen covered his lips and kept coughing. Since these guys thought they had been severely injured, how could the Demon God and the Li Clan turn against each other if they didn't perform the show?

How do you look away from your body?

Only when his own threat is weakened, those so-called alliances will naturally disintegrate, and then they will fade out of everyone's sight and secretly accumulate their strength.

Jingrui is approaching, and any master is very likely to come back from the resurrection, with a shot at his head, so many people staring at him, it is strange that the future will be better.

Zhang Bairen shook his hands with his hands on his back and shook his steps. At this time, the Qi of his body converged to the extreme, so that people could not see the reality: "Changan City!"

The longson Wugou is dead, and Li Shimin knows the identity of Li Chengqian again. In the days to come, I am afraid that Li Chengqian will not have good fruit, so it is better to get Li Chengqian back early.

Chang'an City

The long sword on Li Shimin's chest slowly melted, and the scars of his flesh were rolling, recovering visible to the naked eye.

However, after a few breaths, Li Shimin's injury was as good as before, only the pale face told everyone that Li Shimin was very bad at this time.

"The fierce sword intent, the poisonous sword aura, have taken root in my heart and integrated with the demon seed, I'm afraid that life will be difficult in the future!" Li Shimin changed his clothes and looked at. The tattered and empty palace, stood silent for a long time in the Tai Chi Hall.

"Your Majesty, Li Jing, please see me" the voice of the servant came from outside the door.

"Tell him to come in" Li Shimin waved his hand, and there was a sense of disappointment in his words.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Li Jinglong walked in and looked at Li Shimin respectfully. "See your majesty. Your majesty has not taken good care of the imperial city. He hasn't taken good care of the empress. Please punish your majesty."

"Fine, let's get up, you can't blame you for all this, the innate demon **** has mental calculations, can you resist it?" Li Shimin shook his head.

"Your Majesty, his mother?"

Li Jing maintains the order of the Imperial Palace and never sees the final ending of the story.

"Dead!" There was a touch of grief in Li Shimin's eyes. No matter what the relationship between him and his eldest son Wugou was true, even in order to help him defeat Zhang Bairen, Changsun Wugou did not hesitate to do things.

"Ah~~~" Li Shimin was shocked: "Where is Zhang Bairen? But was he killed by your majesty?"

Li Jing's eyes were full of expectation.

Li Shimin looked at the hall with a pair of eyes speechless for a long time, and did not answer Li Jing's words.

"Damn it too! So many masters have been dispatched, and if they don't die, there is no reason for it," Li Jing muttered to himself.

Appearing to be awakened by Li Jing's words, Li Shimin glanced across the ruins in the distance with ugly eyes: "The **** people are not dead, the people who don't deserve to die are dead!"

"Huh?" Li Jing was shocked: "With so many masters dispatched, he hasn't killed him yet?"

"Retreat now, I want to be quiet." Li Shimin waved his hand to signal Li Jing to retreat.

"Mother queen! Mother queen!" A crying voice came from outside the hall, and then Li Chengqian stumbled in: "Father, the mother is dead! The mother is dead!"

Li Chengqian broke into the hall and knelt to the ground, howling and crying, his eyes full of pain: "Father, the queen is dead! The queen is dead! The queen is killed by the dog thief of Chunguijun."

"Shut up, don't make any noise!" Li Shimin yelled impatiently, Li Chengqian's cry stopped instantly, and his eyes looked at Li Shimin cautiously.

"Crack~~Crack~~" Li Shimin clenched his fists, his whole body burst into blue veins, and his Qi continued to float.

A pair of eyes swept over the figure of Li Chengqian worshipping the ground, Li Shimin's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the murderous intent at the corner of his mouth disappeared instantly.

Li Chengqian can't kill!

At least he can't die in his own hands.

This time he was defeated and he had fallen into a disadvantage. The reason why Zhang Bairen didn't kill himself was that he might not be able to kill himself because he was hit hard. The second is to be concerned about the overall situation, for fear that he will be cut off and annoy the devil gods. If he killed Li Chengqian, he was forcing the opponent to fight with himself. Although Zhang Bairen suffered heavy losses due to damaged foundations, he might not be able to cut himself if he was willing to pay the price.

"Dove occupy the magpie's nest, this is Zhang Bairen's plan." Li Shimin twisted the jade belt in his hand, swept over Li Jing who was kneeling on the ground, waved his hand and said: "Nothing, you step back, I'm running out! I'll talk about something tomorrow. "

"It's the emperor father, the child retires!" Li Chengqian halted himself and gave a respectful salute before quitting.

"Hmph, the days to come will be long. Although you have severely wounded me, what about it? You can't kill me either. My dragon spirit will gradually recover. It is far away for your injury to recover!" Li Shimin held in his hand. With Yuzhu, murderous intent continues to flow: "Sooner or later, I will make you pay the price!"

Chang'an City

Zhang Bairen was walking on the streets of Chang'an City, his eyes swept across the people on both sides, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Without disturbing anyone, he quietly entered the Oney Palace, and Zhang Bairen slowly entered the East Palace.


A sharp sword cut through the void and pierced towards Zhang Bairen's orifice.

Quick sword! Soon the sword!

At least faster than the ninety-nine of the master swords Zhang Bairen had seen.

And there is a trace of the sword intent in Jianyi, except Pei Yu, no one in the world can stab this it's me," Zhang Bairen said.


The sword light stopped at Zhang Bairen's throat with a slight difference, and the sword light narrowed, and then Pei Yu paled in front of Zhang Bairen and said, "The disciple has seen the teacher!"

"Your Zhuxian sword intent is just similar in shape, without even a trace of essence" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

"The disciple, please ask the teacher to give me some guidance." Pei Yu knelt on the ground. He also saw the battle that day. Zhang Bairen fought against the heroes. Although the sword of Zhu Xian disappeared in a flash, the aura caused people to sink and yearn for it.

"Originally, I would never teach any kind of humanity or swordsmanship to aristocratic family or clan in my life, but you are indeed a sword idiot, a good seedling of kendo. You leave, prepare to go to Zhuo County, and practice with me for a month. To what extent can you cultivate and understand the essence of it all depends on your good fortune." Zhang Bairen waved his hand and signaled Pei Yu to retreat.

"Thank you teacher! Thank you teacher! In the future, Pei Yu will only be a disciple of the teacher, not a child of the Pei family, and the disciple will thank Teacher Ende." As he said, Pei Yu respectfully withdrew from the East Palace.

Zhang Bairen walked in the East Palace, the whole East Palace was empty, and no one was seen.

When he arrived at Li Chengqian's bedroom, Zhang Bairen slowly came to the screen of the main hall, looking at the landscape paintings on the screen for a long time without words.

Beautiful scenery, small bridges and flowing water, this is all the grandson Wugou wants.

On this screen is the spirit of Changsun Wugou, which was painted by Changsun Wugou.

"Oh!" Zhang Bairen sighed suddenly as he stroked the calligraphy and painting on the screen.

ps: I don’t seem to owe it this time! Today’s 9th update is over, please don’t give me a reward. The weather is cold, my fingers are frozen, and the code does not move, which is too uncomfortable. Don't give a reward, everyone.


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