First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1594: Back to Jiangdu


Hearing Li Chengqian's words, Zhang Bairen's two eyebrows stood up, and the whole lobby was crisscrossed in a murderous moment. At this time, Gongque quieted down strangely, and the needle drop could be heard.

"Recognize the thief as the father and covet the rebellious son of glory and wealth!" Zhang Bairen snorted coldly, and anger rolled up from his heart. If this person is not the reincarnation of Zhang Jingan, I am afraid that he has already taken a palm and turned the other party into powder and cleared the door.

"Capital Governor, you must not be too domineering, since Cheng Qian still recognizes me as my father, then I must protect him from the wind and rain! Although you are terrible, you have suffered heavy damage. This is because the Oney Palace cannot tolerate your presumption!" Li Shimin blocked In front of Li Chengqian.

Zhang Bairen also had to sigh with emotion at this time, the long-sun Wugou woman is indeed powerful, and the brainwashing technique is extraordinary.

However, if you look at it from another angle, Li Chengqian's move does not forget the fundamentals. Li Shimin has nurtured him for decades, and of course he can't just leave like that.

It's just that Li Chengqian's last words of clinging to wealth and honour caused Zhang Bairen's anger to burst out, and the wooden planks under his feet slowly ignited.

"Climb the wealth, forget the ancestors, and kill!" Zhang Bairen stared at Li Chengqian with a pair of eyes: "I just hope you don't regret it!"

Under these elder Sun Wugou's deliberate arrangements, Li Chengqian stayed in the simplest place and had been active in the Imperial Palace. He had no knowledge of outside information and had no idea what the three words Zhang Bairen represented in the world.

And from the very beginning of its birth, Wu Kuu, the long-time grandson, began to make noodles, constantly inputting all kinds of words about power, prosperity, and wealth. A tree began to bend from the time it was a sapling. What can Zhang Bairen do?

It can only be said that Li Chengqian is abolished!

A good child was abandoned by the eldest grandson Wu Gu.

"Longsun Wugou! Longsun Wugou! What a eldest grandson Wugou, the Governor finally saw your method again, and left him with such a big surprise before he died." Zhang Bairen stomped suddenly, and walked out of the country without a word. Inside the palace.

Seeing Zhang Bairen's leaving back, Li Shimin's eyes showed a touch of happiness, and then his eyes fell on Li Chengqian's body, a touch of gloomy murderous intent was fleeting.

"Captain!" Pei Yu waited in front of the palace gate for a long time.

Without saying a word, Zhang Bairen went straight to Cuiping Mountain and stood silent for a long time on the top of Cuiping Mountain.

With the mountain breeze blowing, Zhang Bairen looked at the bright moon in the sky, and after a while he said: "You have been by Li Chengqian for so many years, what do you think of Chengqian?"

"This..." Pei Yu hesitated, then whispered in a low voice: "The disciple doesn't know whether to say it or not."

"Although speaking, it will be fine!" Zhang Bairen said.

"Yes" Pei Yu gave a salute, and then said: "The disciple felt that Prince Chengqian was afraid that the whole person had been abolished. The martial arts cultivation level can be improved through practice, and even through the genius treasure to wash the hair and cut the marrow, but his heart is not strong. The heart of the scholar has been taught by the eldest grandson since he was a child, and it is not worthy of the captain’s attention."

"I don't know what you said, but you don't know that Li Chengqian is my son!" Zhang Bairen sighed helplessly: "I can't help him. I want to use him to plot Li Tang's country. If you can take him away sooner, you won't end up in the situation it is today!"

"Ah?" Pei Yu was taken aback, said bad things about her son, and was caught in person. How could the panic and embarrassment in her heart be described in words?

"The disciple's failure to say something, please also my teacher to punish!" Pei Yu smiled bitterly and apologized.

"Fine, this matter ends here, you don't want to go to the Imperial Palace in the future, and go to Luoyang with this seat." Zhang Bairen took a deep breath.

"What are you going to do in Luoyang?" Pei Yu was taken aback.

"I will give you a rehearsal of Zhuxian Jianyi" Zhang Bairen's figure disappeared into the dark night, leaving his voice echoing in the mountains.


Wang Shichong sat in the hall, and at this time countless drinks continued to pour into his abdomen. The drinks were poured too hard and wet the clothes on his chest.

In the main hall, the candles are shining, countless beautiful women are dancing, and hundreds of delicacies are spread out on the table.

Wang Ren stood at the gate of the hall, looking at such a decadent Wang Shichong, he was surprised. After the war that day, Wang Shichong returned with serious injuries all over his body, and it has become like this. All the ambitions of the past are gone and turned into illusions.

"Uncle, what's the matter? How did you degenerate into this way? What about your ambitions and ambitions in the past?" Wang Ren couldn't help but ask.

In Luoyang, the one who can scold Wang Shichong in this way is afraid that Wang Ren is the only one.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Wang Shichong ripped off his clothes and rushed into the crowd, only to hear a ‘tear and pull’. Accompanied by the woman’s exclamation, the uncovered meeting began.

"Fate is going to die, what about Wangtu domineering work! It's better to have fun before death!" Wang Shichong drunkenly flogged the woman under him, and he laughed wildly when he heard the woman's painful voice.

Five hours

I saw Wang Shichong crawling out of the woman's body like a puddle of mud, slowly sitting in front of the throne, drinking a drink, and looking at the candlelight in front of him.

"Uncle, what happened?" Wang Ren looked at the piles of innocent children, then glanced at Wang Shichong.

"Disaster is coming, didn't I tell you to run away early?" Looking at Wang Renze, Wang Shichong's wine glass stopped.

"My uncle doesn't explain the reason, how can my nephew escape? How can I give up the good foundation of my Wang family?" Wang Ren grabbed Wang Shichong's arm: "Why is my uncle so depressed? We can't solve the things that can't be solved by the Governor? As long as there is a capital governor, there is no barrier in this world. Even if we can’t make it, don’t we still have a major governor?"

"Hahaha! Hahaha! The governor? What if the governor wants to kill you?" Wang Shichong smiled madly, shaking the entire palace.

"What? This is impossible! Uncle is the right-hand man of the governor, he is absolutely confidant, otherwise he will not take his place in Zhenjiang, Luoyang, how could the governor kill you? This is absolutely impossible!" Wang Renze's eyes were full of no Dare to believe it.

"Hehe, you were in retreat before, but you didn't know that I had already taken refuge in the emperor Li Tang, and wanted to help the emperor Li Tang in slaying Zhang Bairen. Unfortunately, I failed! Success and failure, like this in ancient times..." Wang Shichong sighed.

"Huh?" Wang Ren was stunned.

Wang Shichong's refuge in Li Tang, he knew, but never thought that he failed?

"Impossible, Li Shimin has gathered the aura of all countries in the world, how can he not get a mere Zhang Bairen?" Wang Ren did not believe it.

"You are the leader of the youth of my royal family, and the hope of my royal family in the future is pinned on you. And remember what your uncle said, you must never be an enemy of Zhang Bairen in this life. This person has become immortal and no one can kill. Damn him! Remember! Remember!" Wang Shichong's eyes showed a touch of emotion.

"Uncle thinks too much. Since the Wang family has betrayed the chief governor, do you think the chief governor will give the king a chance? It is the style of the chief governor to cut grass and roots!" The whole door is not left, and the blood is completely wiped from the world."

There was silence in the hall, and Wang Shichong’s drinking movement stopped, and there was a sense of horror in his eyes. After a long time, he said: "I will take care of this. In fact, if you think about it carefully, most of this person is still very emotional. My Wang Shichong has guarded Luoyang and Jiangdu for decades. There is no credit and hard work. Uncle will not involve you in this matter."

After speaking, Wang Shichong took a sip of his drink suddenly.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the process of waiting for death.

If he failed to betray Zhang Bairen, Wang Shichong would pay the price and give Zhang Bairen an explanation.

He didn't dare to commit suicide, he didn't dare to die by drinking poison, he had to give Zhang Bairen an account in person.

As it is now, it can only continue to suffer in life and death.

People know that they are going to die, and even someone will take their own lives in the next moment, but they are delayed in dying. This kind of suffering can drive people crazy.

Wang Shichong's realm was not cultivated by himself, but took a shortcut with the insights infused by Zhang Bairen's magic seed. Naturally, his mind and nature are incomparable with those who are truly powerful.

There was silence in the hall. Although Wang Ren was arrogant, he never dared to say the words we spelled with him.




There was a sound of footsteps The guards in the Luoyang Palace had fainted at some point.

Only one person's footsteps

Wang Ren scolded: "Who trespassed into the palace of the inner palace?"

"Wang Shichong, you know a little bit of yourself!" A long sigh sounded, making Wang Shichong shiver.

The voice is Zhang Bairen, and the footsteps are Pei Yu.

"Xiaguan Wang Shichong, pay homage to the governor!" Wang Shichong got up from the soft couch and knelt down at Zhang Bairen's feet in a single coat.

"Haha" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed with divine light, and he swept over Wang Shichong who was kneeling on the ground: "This seat treats you not thinly and never interferes with Luoyang. I really can't think of a reason for your betrayal. "

Zhang Bairen sat on the soft couch, looking down at Wang Shichong who was kneeling on the ground.

Wang Shichong remained silent, while Wang Ren on one side also knelt to the ground.

"Why betray this seat?" Zhang Bairen looked down at Wang Shichong: "I give you power and martial arts, why do you betray me?"

"Freedom, the official is for freedom!" Wang Shichong gritted his teeth.

"Haha, freedom? For the sake of illusory freedom, I buried my life, all the glory and wealth disappeared in an instant." Zhang Bairen lowered his head and looked down at Wang Shichong: "Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it!" Wang Shichong touched his forehead: "Everything was done by Wang Shichong alone, and I asked the governor to let his family members go. Wang Shichong will be a cow and a horse to repay the governor's great grace in the next life."

"Haha, the afterlife? Do you think there will be opportunities for the afterlife?" Zhang Bairen looked at Wang Shichong with interest.

"Huh?" Wang Shichong was shocked, his body trembling constantly.

This time, it really faded.

ps: Thanks to the students of "No meat but no books" for their great rewards.


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