First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1595: The death of Wang Shichong

What do people fear most in spiritual practice?

It's not death. Death is just a new beginning for practitioners. It's not a big deal.

But the soul flies away, that is really completely wiped from the world, and there will be no chance of reincarnation in the future. This is the truly frightening thing.

"The governor is forgiving, and the governor is kind!" Wang Shichong knelt directly on the ground, begging for mercy.

After sweeping Wang Shichong, Zhang Bairen frowned: "Keep your nine tribes and don't involve your family. The governor is already out of law, so you still want to bargain?"

"Yes..." Wang Shichong shook his body, knelt on the ground, limp and couldn't move.

Looking at Wang Shichong who was kneeling on the ground, Zhang Bairen shook his head and said to Pei Yu: "I wanted you to observe the sword intent of the Governor, but this person is so unbelievable. Killing him is afraid of insulting my sword intent. ."

Zhang Bairen looked down at Wang Shichong: "You don't want to be a living person, you don't want to enjoy the power and wealth, then this seat will fulfill you, you go be a ghost!"

A handful of golden needles appeared in Zhang Bairen's hands, and then his wrist shook, and the golden needles instantly pierced Wang Shichong's whole body's orifices. Zhang Bairen suddenly exerted force and all the golden needles sank in, blocking all the orifice points around him: "Since you don't want to be a living person, it's okay to be a living dead person. If you refine you into a flying man, you can continue to contribute to this seat."

Zombies do not enter the cycle of reincarnation or the underworld after death. They can only wander in the Yang world, feed on grievances, never grow old, never die.

"Huh!" A coffin appeared in the lobby. Zhang Bairen flicked the coffin, but when he saw the lid of the coffin opened, he kicked Wang Shichong in.

It's done!

The soil cracked and Wang Shichong's coffin sank into the ground, undergoing erosion and washing by the veins of the earth.

"After you die, you will protect this Luoyang city." Zhang Bairen sighed, then turned to look to Wang Renze, but he saw Wang Ren's feet soft and knelt on the ground: "The Governor, please forgive me!"

"In the future, I will take over for your uncle, and Luoyang City is yours!" After the words were finished, Zhang Bairen stepped outside Luoyang City.

"Thanks to the Governor for not killing! Thank you for the Governor for not killing!" Wang Ren continued to bow, his eyes full of joy from the rest of his life.

"The governor, cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates..." Pei Yu whispered behind Zhang Bairen.

"Hehe, Wang Shichong is a member of the Wang family, and you are also a member of a family of clan families. How did you get into trouble?" Zhang Bairen looked at Pei Yu in surprise.

"The governor's words are bad, I am different from them" Pei Yu's eyes were full of pride.

"You are indeed different from them." After Zhang Bairen looked at Pei Yu seriously, he turned around slowly: "There are some things that are not as simple as you see. Wang Ren is very useful to me. ."

Stepping on the soft soil with the soles of his feet, Zhang Bairen suddenly stopped, and he felt a familiar aura.

"You go back to Zhuojun first, the governor has important matters to deal with!" Zhang Bairen's figure flashed and disappeared into the night, leaving Pei Yu standing there puzzled.

Outside Chang'an City

A bonfire

The bearded man was roasting sweet potatoes, holding fine wine in his hand, looking at the bright moon in the sky and speechless for a long time.

"You are really in good spirits" a voice sounded in the dense forest, and then Zhang Bairen walked slowly out of the forest, standing in front of the bonfire, with a pair of eyes looking at the shackles, compared to the previous year, the shackles were restrained and restrained. , The cultivation base is obviously gaining.

The "du governor" the bearded man lazily raised his head and drank another drink.

"When did you return to Middle-earth? Don't say hello to me. If you don't feel it, I'm afraid you will come." Zhang Bairen sat beside the skewers, tumbling sweet potatoes in the fire.

"You have to fight against masters from all over the world, how can I miss this grand event?" The squeaker looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and stared at the two insignificant white hair at the temples of Zhang Bairen: "Are you still you? "

"The way of heaven is me, and the way of humanity is me! Whether it is heaven or humanity, it is all me!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"Oh?" The bearded guy stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "If you had 20 years ago, you would have never swallowed the ancestral veins of Zhongzhou."

"But I just swallow it now" Zhang Bairen said.

"If you completely step into the realm of heaven, it will be a catastrophe for all living beings. No one in the world is your opponent, and no one can stop your footsteps." A dignified look was revealed in the eyes of the squeaker.

"Oh? Haven't seen you for decades, I'm about to weigh your skills!" Zhang Bairen looked at the bearded man with a pair of eyes.

"Don't make me happy. On that day, you fought the demon gods' battle. I witnessed it with my own eyes. How is your opponent?" The bearded guy shook his head again and again.

"Fine!" Suddenly Zhang Bairen sighed with excitement, "Are you going to leave?"

"Central Earth is not where I stayed for a long time," said Qiu Yanke.

"Hong Fu has been waiting for you for more than 20 years. She is not happy now, and Li Jing is no longer the Li Jing she used to be." Zhang Bairen looked at the bearded man.

The bearded guest was silent, but took a sip of his drink.

The sound of breaking through the sky resounded and echoed in the jungle. Like a frightened rabbit, the skewers rushed out suddenly and disappeared into the dark night.

The red clothes remain the same, just as they did in the past, but the years have finally left a lot of wind and frost on his face, and his entire face has lost its past shine.

"Why are you!" Hong Fu Girl looked at Zhang Bairen, her expression suddenly changed.

"Are you chasing a bearded man?" Zhang Bairen looked at Hong Funu seriously with a pair of eyes.

"He went in that direction" Hong Fu said hard.

"You can't catch up with him" Zhang Bairen said, "Don't waste your effort."

"If you can't catch up, you have to chase it. I missed it twenty years ago. This time, even if he runs to the end of the world, I will never let him go!" Hong Fu female gritted her teeth and said: "Which way did he go?"

"If you believe me, just go to this place and wait, one day he will fall into your hands." Zhang Bairen took the wooden stick, cut it into a wooden sign, and carved a line on it.

Hong Fu Nu looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes. After watching for a long time, she pulled the wooden sign over, turned and walked into the darkness.

"I'm sorry!" Zhang Bairen said suddenly.

Hong Fu paused, standing outside the flames, swaying.

"Everything has passed, I made it myself what happened back then!" It took a long time for Hong Fu to move on and disappear into the darkness.

"You have dry blood in your body, immortal, immortal, immortal, you must not practice martial arts in the future, you can only regain your youth with the light of the lunar yin, the lunar star is the source of your strength, and you have gone wrong now," Zhang Bairen said in a voice. Into the jungle.

After a long time, I heard a sound from the jungle: "Thank you, you and I will be cleaned up in the future."

"The two are cleared! The two are cleared!" Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, looking at the bonfire in front of him, shrank into his robe, and said nothing.


There was another sound of breaking through the air, and someone fell behind Zhang Bairen from the jungle.

"Big Brother, don't come here unharmed! Never wanted to disappear for more than 20 years, but you actually returned to Middle-earth again" Li Jing's voice sounded behind Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen roasted the sweet potatoes patiently without speaking. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

"You shouldn't come back!" After a long time, I heard Li Jing's voice sounded: "Since you have already left, why do you want to come back? Why do you want to ruin my life with Hongfu?"

There was a trace of hoarseness and resentment in Li Jing's voice: "Even though Hong Fu married me, her heart belongs to you. For twenty years, she has eaten fast and chanted and missed you all the time. I don't. Reconciled! I am not reconciled!"

"Why are you still coming back! Why are you still alive! As long as you live for one day, Hongfu will not forget you in one day, and today you and I will be a break! Those who are alive will have Hongfu completely, and those who live People will continue to live!"

Quietly, a knife pierced Zhang Bairen's ribs and penetrated his heart.

The knife was too abrupt, too sudden, and even Zhang Bairen didn't react.

what's the situation?

what happened?

Li Jing treated me as a stunner, and then suddenly attacked?

Zhang Bairen's eyes were filled with stunnedness, and sure enough, there were some things he couldn't hear. I was thinking of eavesdropping on some secrets of dog blood between the guilty beard and Li But who would have thought that Li Jing would suddenly urge the killer, so that people have no intention of guarding at all.

Moreover, when did Li Jing have such a damaging routine?

The knife was too fast. Although Zhang Bairen was careless and unprepared, he could penetrate his heart, showing the skill of this knife.

If you change the guillotiner here, I'm afraid it will definitely die.

"I've said it, you shouldn't come back!" Li Jing sighed: "On Huangquan Road, you don't want to blame me. Back then, I and Hongfu had no guesswork. If Zhang Bairen hadn't broken my lifeblood, how could I win you with a sword? Opportunity? You pretend to call yourself a hero, but taking advantage of the danger to take away your wife and daughter is simply despicable."

"When death is approaching, what else do you have to say?" Li Jing looked down at the black-robed guillotine, with murderous eyes in his eyes: "As long as you kill you, the world will be peaceful, and Hong Fu will still return to me. I will bury you here, and then tell Hong Fu that you are going to sea. All this will naturally be seamless."

While speaking, Li Jing stomped and shook the soil away, staring at the stunner: "If you have any last words, just say it."

"Don't say yes, then forget it, I'll bury you as soon as possible. Hong Fu is walking around here. If Hong Fu finds it, it won't be easy to explain!" Li Jing punched out again, wanting to scream ''S head exploded, completely cutting off the other's vitality.


A long sword suddenly pierced out of the black robe, lighting up the deep night.

The sword light was so fast that Li Jing had no time to react, and the sword had already pierced into his heart.

"Fast sword, you are not a beard!" Li Jing held his heart, staggering backwards.

ps: The leader is more! Thanks to the classmate leader of "Chu Mengyao's Wooden Man", plus ten more... I'm going to cry...


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