First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1596: Death of Li Jing

"Who said I'm a squatter!"

Zhang Bairen slowly drew out the long sword, took out the soft silk and slowly wiped the blood stains on the long sword, and then poured some wine to wash the sword, Zhang Bairen put the sword on the fire and slowly grilled it. The fragrance of the wine diffused.

"Why is this voice so familiar?" Li Jing was taken aback.

"Huh~~~" The sword returned to its sheath. Before Li Jing thought about it, Zhang Bairen had taken off his hood, revealing the sloppy face that Li Jing thought about day and night and wanted to poke it.

"It's you!" Li Jing's eyes were full of surprise.

"Your sneak attack swordsmanship is a bit interesting. I didn't even evade it for a while, but I was really curious. You actually attacked your beloved brother! Fortunately, it was me who was attacked today. If you change to a guillotiner, I’m afraid you’re dead and there is no place to bury your body." Zhang Bairen used the blood of the gods to repair his heart, and looked up and down Li Shimin with a pair of eyes: "It is not only the lack of body, but also your heart. It must be so vicious."

"The hatred of killing the father, the hatred of taking the wife!" Li Jing stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and Taotao resented the sky: "It's just that I am unwilling!"

"Why not reconciled?" Zhang Bairen slowly ate the roasted sweet potatoes, as if he hadn't shot himself before.

"I can't pull you as a back cushion before I die! If it weren't for you, how would Hong Fu and I end up like today? All love and hatred are fake, and all the **** fake!" Li Jing's mouth was bloodshot.

Zhang Bairen acted for a while, then turned to look at Li Jing seriously, and after a while, he said, "Is there anything else you want to say? If you have a last word before you die, I can consider completing it on your behalf and fulfilling your wishes. ."

"Kill the pair of dogs and the girl! Kill the pair of dog men and women!" Li Jing looked madly rolling in the mud, and eventually his vitality was gradually cut off and his whole person lost vitality.

The most powerful person will not die even if the heart is broken, but it is a pity that Zhang Bairen's sword spirit of Zhu Xian is among him.

Although Li Jing's martial arts cultivation is good, his blood concentration is not enough to obliterate the power of Zhuxian Jianqi.

Zhang Bairen was eating sweet potatoes and looked at Li Jing, who was crawling in the soil. For some reason, the sweet sweet potatoes before became tasteless.

After a while, Zhang Bairen stood up slowly and sighed.

"The world is out of my generation, and when I enter the rivers and lakes, the years are urging. Wang Tubaye talked and laughed, and the world was drunk. He swung his sword to cut ghosts and rain, and the bones were like mountains and birds. People come back!" Zhang Bairen stood up slowly and came to Li Jing's body, looking at the body lying in a pool of blood, speechless for a long time.

That day, if I didn't survive the catastrophe, I'm afraid it will be the same as this person now.

He died and became a pile of bones.

There are countless warriors in the world, and there are only a handful of them who can be called a good one by Zhang Bairen.

Li Jing is one of them.

"No wonder I, since we are the enemy, then I can't blame me for being so cruel." Zhang Bairen put away the golden needle in his hand, originally thinking of making Li Jing into a zombie, but then I thought about Li Jing who is such a strong person. Too profane, not enough net weight.

How to say Li Jing is also one of his opponents!

Putting away the golden needles, a handful of sun **** fire fell and lit Li Jing's body.

At some point, Zhang Bairen suddenly began to value and respect his opponent, just like now, Zhang Bairen suddenly felt that although Li Jing was dead, he deserved his respect.

Li Jing's life is truly extraordinary, and even Zhang Bairen must be amazed by his military talent.

As the last piece of bone turned into ashes, Zhang Bairen cleaned up all traces, looking at the bright moon in the sky for a long time without words.

From today on, the whereabouts of Li Jing is a mystery!

A mystery no one knows, no one can predict.

"Go! Go watch the excitement!" The bonfire went out, and Zhang Bairen's figure disappeared into the jungle in an instant, disappearing.

It was the same pier where he left that year, and the bearded man was speechless for a long time, with his hands on his back, with the help of the moonlight, looking at the sea of ​​silver yarn.

"I'm sorry!" The bearded man looked towards the city of Chang'an. He was speechless for a long time. After a while, he whispered and turned to look at the boat not far away: "Lao Zhang is waiting, let's set off now."

The skewers landed in the cabin, but felt something was wrong. How could a familiar smell of powder and fat be hidden from the skewers' senses?

I was about to take the opportunity to escape and dive into the sea, but I only felt a cold wrist, and a delicate palm had firmly grasped it: "Zhang Zhongjian, I caught you! Do you want to run this time?"

"The girl recognized the wrong person!" Zhang Zhongjian shook his palm, and suddenly broke free of Hong Fu's arm and plunged into the sea.

"I count three, if you don't come out, I will kill myself in front of you!"

Under the moonlight, the red brush sleeve arrow slipped off and landed on his neck.




Hong Fu's eyes were full of determination.


A sigh echoed on the surface of the sea, and the skewers got out of the sea and climbed into the boat again. He understands Hong Fu's temperament, is very staunch, and the one who speaks the same.

He flees overseas just for the sake of Hong Fu, how can he sit and watch Hong Fu and kill himself in front of him?

"Why do you force me? Feelings can't be forced..." The squatter stood wet in the bow.

"Why don't you even want to meet me! If I don't force you, can you come out?" Hong Fu's eyes stared at the squatter: "It's good to go as soon as you leave, but you push me in. Huo Pit, you don’t know that Li Jing was castrated. You are so cruel. Your brotherhood is important. Isn’t my feeling worth mentioning, let you trample it?"

"Sanmei, you are already married with your second brother Baitang!" The bearded words said solemnly.

"Isn't it your escape? You actually hate me for going to church and getting married!" Hong Fu heard the words and his eyes were red and swollen, showing grief: "Good! Good! Good! If you want to be a brother, then I will It has fulfilled your brother's comfort, and it will not be difficult for you to do in the future!"

After speaking, Xiujian stabbed directly into the neck, and the hot blood wetted the clothes.

"What are you doing?" As if the bearded man was struck by lightning, his eyes were full of disbelief: "You haven't cultivated the perfect way yet, do you know you will die?"

The bearded man was anxious, like a furious lion: "Why are you so stupid!"

While talking, the guilty bearded squeezed Hong Fu's wound hard to prevent blood from flowing out.

"It's useless, I've pierced the meridians, and I'm dead this time! Before I die, I just want to ask you whether you like me or not..." The red robe was stained with blood, and it looked more than the red one on his body. flirtatious.

"I...I..." The beard-squeezed his lips, but couldn't speak.

"Hehe, you don't have to say, I already know it, I already have the answer in my heart!" Hong Fu's eyes stared at the squatter: "It seems that I am dead in vain. You don't like me at all. You never liked me."

"I like you, who said I don't like you! It's just that you and your second brother met before, how can I win the love?" The slapstick hugged Hong Fu, taking out gold sore medicine in his hand and continuously applying it to the wound. Sway.

"Don't waste your efforts, I'm going to die soon. If you can hear you say that I like me, I'm worthy of death! It's worth it!" Two lines of teardrops in Hong Fu's eyes slipped slowly: "However, the only regret is this life I can’t get married with you...hehehe...

Big mouths of blood spurted out, and Hong Fu Nu had a pair of eyes looking dimly at the bearded man: "Before I die, can you marry me once, my younger sister died without regret!"

"This..." The Qiu Shaker's expression suddenly hesitated.

"Sure enough, you still don't like me. All words are just to comfort me. Get out of me! You get out of me! I don't want you to be pitiful! I don't want your comfort! Just let me be buried in the sea, and I will be clean!" Hong Fu Suddenly pushing away the skewers, he was about to pounce into the sea.

"I promise! I promise! Isn't my promise still? I will marry you! I will marry you!" The squeaky bearded grabbed Hong Fu's arm and embraced it in his arms: "Let's worship heaven and earth. Let's worship heaven and earth!"

Seeing the dying red whisk, tears slipped from the eyes of the bearded man.

far away

Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back to collect everything on the boat in the bottom of his eyes. Although he helped Hongshu to figure out where the skewers would stay, this play was not directed by him.

"The Governor Vessel and the Human Vessel were pierced by a sword. If I don't take action, Hong Fu will be dead!" Zhang Bairen sighed in the wind, looking at the red candle rising in the cabin, there was a memory in his eyes.

Regarding Hong Fu, Zhang Bairen can't tell what kind of feelings he is and appreciate? like? Unclear, unclear!

Hong Fu has a strong personality and will never like herself in this life. Zhang Bairen knows this better than anyone else. If there were no zombie blood poisoning nights, I might have some hope, but since that night...

"I just hope she is happy!" Zhang Bairen remained silent, looking at the red whisk and the bearded guest who were kneeling in the same place, Zhang Bairen's thoughts rolled over.

Heart, messed up!

"If I want to cultivate heaven and humanity, I have to cut off these fetters of evil fate!" Zhang Bairen saw the tearful eyes of the bearded man in the candlelight, and saw the smile in Hongfu's dim eyes.

"Brother, I'm still married to you after all!" After the prostration, Hong Fu kept coughing up blood in her mouth, and dyed the clothes that the bearded customer liked.

"I can't hold you back! I can't hold you back!" Tears rolled from the beard and fell on Hong Fu Nu's face.

"Big brother, you are in tears!" Hong Fu actually smiled at this moment, swept over the oil lamp, and suddenly smiled sadly: "People are married with high candles and red makeup, but you and I are oil lamps. There is nothing but this oil lamp. There are no guests, no relatives or friends, no red makeup...just this simple cabin..."

As he spoke, Hong Fu's Qi machine gradually declined: "However, Hong Fu is already satisfied!"

When the words fell, the energy came to an end, and it was cut off.


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