First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1598: Kong Konger's big move

"Huh?" Li Shimin suddenly frowned in the Great Nei Shen Palace, and his eyes looked in the direction of the Taiji Hall: "Impossible, it is because I felt wrong! How can anyone besides me in all the world be able to spur the emperor's seal? Xi?"

Having said that, Li Shimin still hurriedly walked towards the Tai Chi Hall, with a touch of anxiety in his eyes.

"It's not good, things don't seem to be good!" Li Shimin hurried, there was a subtle feeling between himself and the seal of the emperor, but just now this wonderful feeling suddenly broke, and he could no longer feel the seal of the emperor. Xi's air machine.

Although it was not possible intellectually, the unpleasant hunch in my heart became stronger.


Li Shimin is now defeated in the hands of Zhang Bairen, and Li Tang's situation will never appear again, and his actions will not withstand any accidents.

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the case table, his eyes looked far away, and he looked in the direction of Chang'an City thoughtfully: "What is Kongkonger doing?"

The seal of the emperor suppressed the ten thousand laws, and at that moment the feeling between himself and the demon seed was extremely weak. If it hadn't been for the profound understanding of the law of causality, I was afraid that he had lost the feeling for Kong Konger.

"I can isolate my feelings for the Demon Seed!" Zhang Bairen's eyes darkened, and he walked slowly towards the city of Chang'an: "Could it be that what Li Shimin is going to do?"

"Your Majesty is here~~~"

The guard shouted, and the guards in front of the Taiji Hall saluted.

Li Shimin looked gloomy, walked hurriedly into the hall, and glanced at the dragon chair table above.

A piece of empty space on the dragon chair, the emperor's seal has been lost.

"Boom" Li Shimin's brain rushed to his head, and his heart slammed. He heard Li Shimin's voice coldly saying, "Who has been here before?"

Slowly ascended to the throne and looked at the rag on the case table, Li Shimin asked.

The guard saw that Li Shimin's mood was not right, and he said respectfully: "Your Majesty, just before, a servant came in to clean the dust."

"Asshole! Where is the servant?" Li Shimin said with a gloomy expression.

"I don't know!" The guards shook their heads.

"Come on, immediately block the city gate, no one can get half a step out of the imperial city!" Li Shimin walked back and forth in the hall with a gloomy expression: "Proclaim the decree, we must catch the little eunuch, and I want to find the little eunuch."

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's wrong! The characters in the imperial city haven't been exhausted yet. If the imperial city is closed, it will inevitably arouse those martial arts hawks," Han Qinhu said hesitantly.

"This is the Ouchi Imperial Palace, the emperor's palace, if anyone does not obey the order, he will only end up with death! Now that the seal of the ruling country is lost, no matter who dares to block my way, I will slash it a thousand times." Li Shimin said Cold: "If those martial arts figures are making trouble, they will be all killed."

"This... it won't be good to spread it out for fear of causing trouble..." Han Qinhu hesitated.

"The transmission of the seal of the country is important and must not be lost. Any price is worth it!" Li Shimin said with a gloomy expression: "Just do it."

Han Qinhu had no choice but to withdraw.

"Where is Li Jing?" Li Shimin asked again.

"Return to your Majesty, General Li hurried out of the palace the day before yesterday. Since then, he has never seen the shadow of General Li again," the general said.

"Huh?" Li Shimin's expression was gloomy, and then he said: "Quick rumor Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and others entered the palace quickly. The seal of the rumored kingdom is in the big house. It is not easy for the thief to take it away. "

Following Li Shimin's orders, the entire imperial city began to move, countless soldiers blocked the checkpoint, the gates were closed, and the martial arts people who had not had time to leave were locked in the imperial city.

"What are you doing, why did you lock me in!"

"That's right, I'm here to watch the battle. Now that the war is over, I don't have to let me go out quickly!"

"You wait to lock us in the imperial city, what do you want to do?"

"Quickly open the door and let us out!"

"That's right, I'm going to fight if I don't open the door!"

A group of martial arts figures gathered in front of the city gate at this time, looking at the closed gate, they couldn't help feeling flustered, and a bad feeling arose.

Royal and Jianghu have been two roads since ancient times, and the atmosphere between the two is not as beautiful as imagined.

The people in the arena are those who take the tip of the knife, add blood and eat, kill and prey, bully men and women, and escape from the jurisdiction of the court. In terms of crime, a thousand decapitations are enough. Now suddenly surrounded by the court, trapped in this imperial city, if it were you, would you be afraid?

Are you scared?


Facing the policeman, the thief had a natural panic and fear, and his momentum could not help but be short.

"Everyone, please listen to me!" Standing at the top of the city, Qin Qiong swept across the noisy rivers and lakes below, and his voice shook the audience: "There is a treasure lost in the Imperial Palace. No one is allowed to leave before the treasure is found. I also hope that all of you friends will give this general a face, and you will surely make apologize in person in the future."

"I'm pooh, what are you talking about? Are we still stealing your things?" A strong man stood up, his eyes full of anger: "We are all good guys on the rivers and lakes, although what we do is nothing. This business, but shameless things have never been done. Who do you think of us?"

"That's it, it's too much, to think of us as the kind of gangsters, Li Shimin is simply deceiving people too much!"

"This kind of humiliation, we must not tolerate it. If it is spread out, we will teach our fellow citizens to know that we have succumbed to the imperial power of the court. What face will we have in the future? What face will occupy the top of the hill? Face our subordinates! "

"Yes! That's right! Open the city gate and let us go out. You Li Tang throws things and cares about us!"

"If you don't open the city gate, don't blame me for waiting and just fight out!"

"Open the door quickly! Open the door quickly!"

"Hurry up and open the door!"

The gangsters kept yelling.

In the crowd

Kong Kong'er looked left and right with a pair of eyes, and looked at the warriors in front of the battlefield, the soldiers in iron armor, a bad premonition surged in his heart.

After all, I still didn't have time to escape, one step too late! The city gate was closed first, and he underestimated the reaction speed of Li Tang Palace.

"Never sit still and wait for death. Li Shimin will definitely come later. At that time, there will be an Ouchi guard who will identify him. I'm afraid I won't escape this disaster!" Kong Konger's eyes showed a gloomy look. It is not so easy to steal the seal of the country. .

"Everyone, the court deceived people too much. We couldn't beat the governor but took us out of anger. We must not bear Li Tang's bad breath, otherwise the world will not put us in the eyes in the future? Everyone quickly shot and exploded. "The gate of the city leaves Chang'an" Kongkonger spied her throat, and the darts in her hand had already escaped.

"Do it!"

Someone takes the lead, everyone in the arena is blind, one after another blindly shot, clamoring to kill the city gate.

"Who dares to be presumptuous!" Qin Qiong yelled, and countless sacred crossbows were put out one after another, placed on the head of the city, and aimed at the eye-catching martial arts heroes.

The icy arrow gleamed with cold light on the city, and the crowd fell silent for a moment, and the anger that had been rushing into the sky was instantly subdued.

Death can always calm people down.

The clamoring heroes turned gloomy, facing the dazzling crossbow with the cold light, they could only recognize it.

The hawks of the arena, the highest cultivation base can only meet the gods, and the strongest in the realm of Taoism will not fight in the arena.

"It's not good!" Kongkong'er saw sweat on his forehead, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes. I am afraid that I will only wait for death if I go on like this.

"Monk Bitter Gourd, this time you have really hurt Lao Tzu! If I die here, I will not let you go as a ghost." Kongkonger muttered and continued to curse Monk Bitter Gourd.

"Sure enough, the people in the rivers and lakes are guilty, and discuss that he doesn't listen, he must come true!" I don't know which general at the top muttered.

Although the voice is light, everyone has martial arts cultivation skills, and they can hear clearly.


Actually insult yourself for being cheap?

An anger rose from the hearts of everyone.

"Not good" Qin Qiong felt the change in the atmosphere below, and his heart suddenly burst, as he was about to open his mouth to appease, when the change had already happened.

"Good opportunity!" Kong Kong'er suddenly jumped out at this moment, her voice full of grief and anger: "You waited for the imperial dog, but didn't treat me like a person, and spoke insulting me. Brothers, people live a face and a tree live A piece of skin, Li Tang humiliated us so much, if we bear this tone, how will we be in the rivers and lakes in the future? This bad breath can not be endured anyway, we fight with him, I don’t believe that he really dared to kill us all. ."

"Yes, we played with them. We are also somebody with a face in the arena, with the support of a family of clans behind, I don't believe that he really dares to keep us all here!"

"Get out of Get out of the imperial city!"



The martial arts characters madly stormed the gate and climbed toward the city.

"Bold gangsters, don't have to die quickly, the soldiers listen to the order," the one who had spoken before would speak at this time.

"Yes!" All the soldiers shouted together.

"Let the arrow..." Pian Jiang showed a cold light in his eyes.

People in the court have not regarded so-called heroes in their eyes since ancient times, but in their eyes are just a mob.


Qin Qiong slapped the head away, and quickly yelled: "No! Stop it!"

The rivers and lakes are reckless, and most of them have something to do with aristocratic families. If there is a big killing here today, Li Shimin will push himself out as a scapegoat tomorrow. Qin Qiong is not stupid, and he does not dare to do this. There are still wives, children and parents in my family, and I can't bear the revenge of the family.


The city gate was shattered, and hundreds of martial arts hawks roared out of the imperial city.

"General, it's too late before the killer!" The general on one side was full of anxiety.

"The killer? The clan will be held accountable. Are you going to make amends or me?" Qin Qiong said coldly.

ps: Thanks to the leader of the classmate "Chu Mengyao's Wooden Man" for three warm words in winter, and bad words hurting people in June. I don’t need to say more about the book reviews these days. Thank you for your support at this critical moment. Encourage, thank you! Thank you!

Not much to say, the ten watch will be finished today, and I would rather save it if I use it. The scholar is the death of a confidant, and the woman is a pleasure for oneself, not much to say, continue to do more! Save the manuscript no longer!

I will remember fellow Taoists for life, thank you! Thank you!

The fourth one is offered.


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