First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1599: Seed of Dharma

Although this world is the world of Li Shimin, it is also the world of aristocratic families.

These green forest heroes, who has never been involved in collusion with the family?

Those who are eligible to enter the imperial city to watch the battle are either the big names of the famous side or the killer of the side. If they shoot all of them here today, how can the family of clan families give up?

When the time comes, the clan will inevitably have an explanation. Li Shimin will definitely introduce a substitute for the dead, and calm the anger of the clan, who will go?

The general is not qualified, only Qin Qiong will die.

In fact, Qin Qiong was a little envious of Luo Shixin, and became a general of the side in Zhuojun.

Watching countless gangsters rushing out of the imperial city, he was anxious: "General, these guys rushed out of the imperial city, how do we explain to your majesty?"

"Explain? I naturally have an explanation!" Qin Qiong looked at Wei Zheng not far away: "Have you ever written down the names of those people?"

"Take it down!" Wei Zheng nodded.

"Huh, if you can run, the monk can't run to the temple. Let's go to the door quietly in the future, not afraid that they won't spit out the treasure." Li Jing turned and walked into the imperial city.

Outside the imperial city

The heroes rushed out of the imperial city. At this moment, when you look at me and I look at you, there is a strange color in your eyes.

A green forest hero turned around in surprise and looked at the tightly formed imperial city. He was a little confused: "Weird, why did the court suddenly turn our face and surround us?"

"Whatever matters to him, it's good to escape now. In the vast arena, why can't we be at ease? How can we stay here and suffer Li Shimin's bird air?"

"Yes! That's right! After leaving, everyone hurry up..."

All the bandits were scattered among the birds and beasts, and in a blink of an eye there was no one left in front of the imperial city.

"It seems that things are a bit big, and the noise this time around is a bit big!" Kong Kong'er walked along the path a little uneasy, his eyes looked far away, and there was a little contemplation in his eyes: "I lost the seal of the emperor, only I'm afraid Li Shimin won't let it go. No, after seeing the bitter gourd, I will go to Zhuo County to avoid the limelight. I can't ask for this seal. I'd better return it to the governor."

It was the same restaurant as last time, and I wandered around without seeing bitter gourd. He turned around and went downstairs to an alley in the city.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Kongkong'er knocked vigorously.


The door opened and Bitter Gourd was sitting in the courtyard reciting Buddhist scriptures.

"I said bitter gourd, why do you not only chant the scriptures all day, are you bothering you!" Kongkong'er said jokingly.

"If the donor wants to recite sutras, the monk can personally transcend the donor and enter the empty gate"

The voice came from behind Kong Kong'er, who was shocked that Kong Kong'er suddenly turned around, and then paled in shock: "Who are you?"

Under the banyan tree behind him, there was a monk in white sitting cross-legged, seeming to be integrated with the whole world. After entering the yard, Kong Kong'er subconsciously ignored the past. If the monk hadn't spoken, Kong Kong'er would never find him.

As the world's number one thief, making such a mistake was only a joke to Kong Konger. But after all this really happened to him, Kongkonger knew how terrifying all this was.

The monk in front of him is simply too terrifying, he has entered the realm of harmony between man and nature.

There are only two monks in the world who can conceal their perceptions, one is the Blessed One who founded Buddhism, and the other is Bodhidharma, the Buddha of Middle-earth.


Faced with uncontrollable danger, Kong Konger's first thought was to escape, the farther the better.

"Amitabha, since the benefactor is here, why bother to leave?" Bodhidharma stretched out his palm and grabbed it forward slightly. Kong Konger's figure involuntarily retreated and came to Bodhidharma.

"Don't be so nervous, sit down!" Bodhidharma looked at Kong Kong'er with a smile, but he had to sigh in his heart. Sure enough, there is a sequence of hearings, and there are special skills in the art. Do it.

Buddhism needs such talents.

Kong Kong'er stared at Bodhidharma with a pair of eyes, but sat down involuntarily, as if his body was no longer his own.

"The mage keeps me, but what's the order?" When things came to the end, Kongkonger quieted down instead, what about Bodhidharma? My family is not a person without a background.

"Please listen to the monk to recite a passage" Bodhidharma slowly closed his eyes, holding the wooden fish in his hands, and beating slowly and rhythmically. After a while, the courtyard was quiet, and only Bodhidharma chanted in the whole world. sound.

"This monk wants to save me!" Feeling the constant ups and downs in his mind, the clearness gradually faded away, Kong Konger suddenly became anxious: "Bitter gourd, you bald donkey, don't hurry and save me! I don't want to do it. Monk, I don’t listen, I don’t listen!"

Kong Konger was covering his ears vigorously, but it was a pity that the Buddha's voice seemed to sound from his heart, constantly flooding the soul, and countless Buddhist scriptures were revealed before his eyes, pouring into his soul.


The powerful and domineering Buddhist scriptures seemed to stimulate a certain kind of aura in the underworld. The magic seed in Kongkonger's spirit suddenly awakened, and the magic seed turned into a bottomless black hole, absorbing all the thoughts of the overwhelming Buddhist scriptures. .


Zhang Bairen stopped, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, feeling the magical energy from the dark, and the countless Buddhist scriptures that came from him, Zhang Bairen suddenly smiled: "Good man! Dharma is a good man!"

Originally, Zhang Bairen wanted to create Mahayana Buddhism, but he still didn’t know how to start. If he wanted to understand the meaning of Buddhism, it would not be a dream for decades or hundreds of years, but now it’s better. Bodhidharma has actually taught him the sutras directly and exposed all of the Buddhism. Mystery and mystery, Zhang Bairen had already entered the room in an instant, by analogy, inferring more Buddhist mysteries.

"How did Kongkonger provoke Buddhism?" Zhang Bairen tapped his belt with his fingers, turned and walked towards the direction of the magic seed.

In the courtyard

Bodhidharma has been preaching for a quarter of a while, looking at the peaceful and quiet Kongkong, Bodhidharma nodded: "It should be done!"

This is a shot by yourself, how can it be impossible to save it?


A crisp sound of wooden fish, like a drum from Hong Zhongmu, instantly awakened Kong Konger.

"Ah? How long has it been? Monk finished reading your scriptures? Can you let me go?" Kongkong'er was shocked and swayed. She wanted to stand up but couldn't move, so she could only continue to sit down honestly and look towards Dharma on the opposite side.

Bodhidharma was stunned, and his eyes were full of surprise: "Are you asleep?"

"It seems so..." Kong Kong'er was a little uncertain.

Bodhidharma's complexion was distorted and stained with a little bit of cyan. Even if it was Bodhidharma's mind, he could not wait to open Kong Konger's head and beat his palm into fleshy flesh.

What kind of predisposition is it for Buddhist disciples to preach the sutras by yourself? Now that some people fall asleep listening to their scriptures, it is unforgivable! Unforgivable!

"Didn't you listen to the Buddhist scriptures I said before?" Dharma's eyes showed danger.

"I heard it, but I don't understand..." Kongkonger said with sleepy eyes.

"Good! Good! Good!" Bodhidharma's face has begun to turn purple: "We will continue to teach, and you must understand it before you can let you go."

The wooden fish knocked and the chanting sounded again.

The sky gradually darkened, and the sunset gradually went to the west from noon. Looking at Kong Kong, who seemed to be asleep but not asleep but awake and not awake, the sound of Bodhidharma's chanting came to an abrupt end, and his eyes were full of helplessness: "Do you have something to protect your soul? treasure?"

"I don't know" Kongkong'er yawned: "Bald donkey, since you don't read the scriptures, let me go quickly, grandpa, I have been hungry for a day, and my body has been hungry. Can't you bear it? Up."

At this time, the politeness is no longer the same as before. Anyone who is forced to listen to the scriptures for a day will be furious.

"I'm not in a hurry to eat, dare to ask if the donor is willing to enter my Buddhism?" Bodhidharma looked at Kongkonger with a pair of eyes.

"Can you eat meat and drink?" said emptyly.

"No!" Bodhidharma shook his head.

"Heh, can you play with women?" Kongkong'er asked again.

Bodhidharma shook his head: "No way!"

"Unless my brain is flooded, how can I join Buddhism?" Kongkonger looked at the world-zun with a pair of eyes: "Are you sick, or I'm sick? And it's still unclear!"

"Hurry up and let me go, otherwise there will be good fruit for you in the future, grandpa is not without backstage!" Kongkonger said angrily.

"It's not impossible to let go of the donor. It's just that you have to make a fate with the donor. As long as the donor leaves the seal of the country, the monk will let you go!" The old **** Dharma was gone, his eyes looked at Kongkong'er.

"The seal of the country? What is the seal of the I don't know, grandpa, you let me go quickly, otherwise you will look good!" Kongkonger cursed.

Bodhidharma smiled and shook his head: "As long as you leave the seal, your Excellency can leave."

"How do you know that I have the seal of the country in my hand?" Kong Kong'er did not deny, but suddenly looked at bitter gourd: "Bitter gourd, you and I have broken up since today."

"Amitabha!" Bitter Melon closed his eyes and made a noisy Buddhist horn.

"Hmph, the Seal of the State is on me, I'm afraid you don't have the guts to take it away" Kongkonger sneered.

"Either starve to death here, or hand over the seal of the country. This is actually a very simple multiple choice question. I think you are also a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, not the kind of hard bones" Bodhidharma swept up and down Kongkong'er.

Kongkonger's face turned pale, and after a while, he said: "This seal, I want to dedicate it to the chief governor, dare you stop it?"

"The chief governor has been hit hard, and it is already a mud bodhisattva who cannot protect himself from crossing the river. I don't know how many masters are staring at Zhuojun, and the chief governor can't care about a seal." Bodhidharma slowly put the bowl away: "Even if the governor is here. , You also have to hand over this seal, and most of you will not be able to protect you! You should accept your fate so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

ps: Thanks to the leader of the classmate "Chu Mengyao's Wooden Man" for three warm words in winter, and bad words hurting people in June. I don’t need to say more about the book reviews these days. Thank you for your support at this critical moment. Encourage, thank you! Thank you!

The fifth one!

Not much to say, the ten watch will be finished today, and I would rather save it if I use it. The scholar is the death of a confidant, and the woman is a pleasure for oneself, not much to say, continue to do more! Save the manuscript no longer!

I will remember fellow Taoists for life, thank you! Thank you!


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