First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1600: Did you punch?

At this time Kongkonger fell into the hands of Bodhidharma, fight? Can't beat people, reason, threaten people and refuse to listen, it really is not working every day.

Calling Tiantian should not call the earth not working, but calling a person's name will definitely respond.

"Capital Governor, Kong Kong'er can't hold you back. I was thinking of stealing the seal and going in front of you to claim credit. I didn't expect to be intercepted by this bald donkey. Kong Kong'er will have no face to see you in the future! Kong Kong'er will have no face to see you in the future. You're here!" The wolf cried and howled in the air, but there was no sign of regret, and there were no tears on his face.

"Hehe, you quickly hand over the seal of the country, and the monk will let you go, otherwise..." A weird smile appeared in Dharma's eyes.

"How else?"

An indifferent word rang from Dharma's ear.


This time round Dharma was frightened. I saw Dharma like a frightened rabbit. He suddenly rushed out. He turned around and looked at the figure in purple clothes standing under the banyan tree. His eyes were full of horror: "The governor, When did you come?"

The purple-clothed figure stood quietly under the banyan tree, seeming to blend in with the void of heaven and earth. He didn't even notice that he was touched by someone. How was Bodhidharma not surprised?

Time seems to be going backwards, exactly the same as the scene when I teased Kong Konger before, but now the protagonist is changed. And the scene like this is even more shocking. At that time, I was just sitting still in the sense of heaven and human, but at this time, the other party came to me while walking, seeming to separate the world and be in another time and space.

"I heard you say that even if I came, I couldn't save Kongkonger, right?" Zhang Bairen stood there peacefully, looking at the clouds in the sky, and then falling on Bodhidharma.

"Cough cough cough~~~" Accompanied by a violent cough, Zhang Bairen's figure trembled violently, and there were violent winds in the yard.

Looking at Zhang Bairen’s waxy white face, as if his vitality has not recovered from a serious injury, Bodhidharma calmed down a bit and regained some confidence: “Who is I? It turned out to be the chief governor, and the chief governor is not in Zhuojun to recover. It's weird to come here to wade in the muddy water!"

Facing the severely injured Zhang Bairen, Bodhidharma relaxed a little, his eyes filled with weird colors: "The governor also wants to pass on the seal of the country?"

"Wrong, the Seal of the Kingdom was originally mine, I lent it to Li Shimin, and now it's back to the original owner!" Zhang Bairen glanced at Bodhidharma indifferently, "I asked you to leave, or Do you leave by yourself?"

"That day, the governor fought against the world's heroes. The monks wanted to ask for advice from the governor, and he hoped that the governor would give him advice." Dharma lowered his eyebrows, and his attitude was submissive, but his words were full of provocation.

"It's interesting! You monk is a bit interesting!" Zhang Bairen looked up and down Bodhidharma with a pair of eyes, and then said after a while: "The Blessed One didn't dare to do anything with me at the time. I didn't expect you to be a disciple to be more courageous than him. Me too. Don’t make it difficult for you, as long as you can take my punch, it’s okay to pass the seal of the country to you!"

After speaking without giving Bodhidharma time to react, the Sun’s will has been mobilized. Now after a few days of recuperation, Zhang Bairen is different from before. It can’t be an exaggeration to say that Zhang Bairen’s cultivation base is fast. The progress is one step a day.


Facing this punch, Bodhidharma felt that the sun had fallen from the nine days, the universe had turned around, and everything between the sky and the earth had gradually disappeared, and only the blazing sun had become the only eternal one.

Not seeing the wind, flowers and snow, only a round of scorching sun hit him.

The golden body seemed to be melted under the mighty power of the scorching sun.


My own golden body has been practicing hard for several lifetimes, how can it easily melt?

All this is an illusion, Zhang Bairen's fist is too strong, it has distorted and affected his senses.


After a shot fell, the courtyard was still that courtyard, and Bodhidharma was still that Bodhidharma. Even Zhang Bairen was still standing under the banyan tree, looking at himself indifferently.

Kongkonger looked at the sweaty Bodhidharma in surprise, while bitter gourd was also surprised that the wooden fish fell in his hand.

Everything remains the same, only Bodhidharma is nervous, sweat wet his clothes.

"Amitabha!" Bodhidharma's pupils shrank sharply, and there was a touch of jealousy in his eyes: "The chief governor is very skilled, and I admire him."

"You monk is also interesting, let's go! Let's go!" Zhang Bairen waved his hand.

"Yes, leave now!" Bodhidharma gave a respectful salute before turning around and leaving.

The bitter gourd on one side also hurriedly got up and followed out, and walked behind Bodhidharma: "Master, what happened? You and the chief governor haven't done anything yet, and you haven't done anything, why did you give up?"

Bodhidharma paused and looked at Bitter Gourd with a pair of eyes: "You were on the sidelines before, can you see that the governor punched?"

Bitter Gourd was surprised: "After the chief governor finished saying that, he stood there with his hands on his back, and then you were trembling and sweating like pulp, and then you opened your mouth and conceded."

Bodhidharma was silent when he heard the words, and after a while he looked at the white clouds in the sky, like blood in the setting sun.

"Look at that white cloud, is it floating?" Buddhism flowed in Bodhidharma's eyes.

"The wind blows the white clouds, the white clouds are fluttering! The wind is moving!" said the monk bitter gourd.

"No, your heart is moving!" Bodhidharma suddenly said, then turned and left.

Bitter Gourd stood in place, his eyes filled with confusion and struggle, as if he had realized something.

"The Governor, why did that man automatically admit defeat? It must be because he is afraid of the prestige of the Governor, and dare not fight with the Governor." Kongkonger pleased him.

"Huh!" Zhang Bairen snorted coldly, "You have caused a lot of trouble this time, so send me the seal of the country!"

Kong Kong'er smiled bitterly and turned around, with a wooden box in his hand: "The governor, the villain steals this seal of the State to honor you. Isn't this a contribution to attack Li Tang?"

"You? Honor me? It's good if you don't mess with me!" Zhang Bairen took the seal, then grabbed Kong Konger and fumbled in his arms: "Weird! Weird!"

"What's weird?" Kongkonger puzzled.

Zhang Bairen said: "The emperor's dragon qi shattered all laws. How did you steal the treasure? The most important thing is that you actually avoided the suppression of the seal and restrained the impression of the seal, which is really strange."

"It turns out that there are still things in this world that the governor doesn't know, but this is a unique skill passed down by the little people..." Kongkonger hesitated and used words to prevaricate Zhang Bairen.


Zhang Bairen let go of Kong Kong'er, and his figure fluttered away: "Go to Zhuojun to collect the crime by yourself!"

"Thanks Dudu! Thank you Dudu! The villain thanked Dudu!" Kongkong'er repeatedly thanked him.

If you steal the seal yourself, you will definitely not tolerate the world, and you will be chased by a family of clans. If you want to survive, you can only seek refuge in Zhuo County.

Zhang Bairen talked about punishment, but he showed his intention to defend.


Zhang Bairen bumped into the bitter gourd monk with scarlet eyes. At this time, the bitter gourd monk saw Zhang Bairen and suddenly rushed up: "Du Governor, did you punch anymore?"

Zhang Bairen remained silent, and his figure disappeared suddenly.

Know the obstacles!

Bitter Gourd was caught in a blind spot, and Zhang Bairen obviously did not punch, but why did Bodhidharma say that Zhang Bairen punched?

The mountain is the mountain, and the water is the water. How can mountains not mountains and water not water?

Bitter Gourd’s eyes are full of incomprehensible colors. If the artistic conception can be broken through, Bitter Gourd Buddhism will inevitably go to a higher level. If you can’t understand it? I'm afraid there will be a crazy Yang Shen real person in the world.

"Have you punched? Did you punch?"

As soon as Zhang Bairen left, Kong Konger was entangled in crazy bitter gourd.

Seeing how the best friends of the past few decades are in such a situation, Kongkonger shook his head helplessly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to slap bitter gourd: "You are full of food and support. The realm of the governor and the Buddha is also what you can covet. of?"

Bitter Gourd was taken aback, and then slowly came to his senses, with a touch of clarity in his eyes: "Yes! Yes! It is true that I do not know the heights of the sky and the earth is thick! Buddhism also requires a down-to-earth, step by step. Wanting to understand the realm of the Buddha is simply reckless."

"Thank you, this time you saved my life again" Bitter Gourd grabbed Kong Kong'er and respectfully saluted.

"Let go! Let go! We've broken our I'm just seeing you pitifully! Let go of me!" Kong Kong'er punched the bitter gourd's head, the bitter gourd's head snapped Rattle.


Bodhidharma came to the back mountain with a pale face, stood behind the world-zun, and said nothing.

"Failed?" Blessed One didn't look back, but said without hurries.

"Is the gap between the disciple and that person really that big? That person actually defeated the disciple without a punch!" After a while, Bodhidharma spoke, and there was a rare unwillingness in his words.

"Haha! You are also unlucky. Now Zhang Bairen has been hit hard. If you fight with a real sword and a real gun, you may not lose to him! But if you compete with spirit and will... Zhang Bairen defeated the world's heroes, although he suffered heavy losses, but his spirit It’s steadily tall, and at this time it’s at its peak. There are few enemies in the world, and even a teacher can’t compete with this person’s spirit."

"Huh?" Bodhidharma was taken aback when he heard the words, and his pale face looked a lot better: "The world-honor meant that Zhang Bairen was just an empty shell, and the disciple was frightened by his spirit?"

"That's it! Zhang Bairen may have a higher cultivation base than you, but at this time he has suffered a heavy blow. If you really do start, you may not be able to beat him." The Blessed One twirled the rosary unhurriedly, and he did not say to kill him. With Zhang Bairen and the like, Zhang Bairen has ten golden crows. Who can kill him?

Even if a group of demons can't do it, let alone Bodhidharma?

"Bastard!" Bodhidharma looked ugly: "I was actually frightened by others. The disciple lived for thousands of years in vain!"

The more I think about it, the heavier the anger in Bodhidharma's heart, and the more intense the unwillingness in his heart.

I was frightened back by others. If this were spread out, wouldn’t I lose face?

ps: The sixth is the leader!


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