First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1602: Li Chunfeng

Playing with the seal of the Chuan Kingdom in his hand, Zhang Bairen showed disdain in his eyes: "The reason why Buddhism made such a big move was not to send the woman into the palace. Good, good, you wait for your plan. , I also have my plan."

"Which one is better depends on the methods of each company." After a long time, Zhang Bairen stuffed the seal of the country into his sleeve: "Interesting! Interesting!"

"I definitely want Zhang Bairen to survive in this life, but not to die. I want to punish his nine families! I want him to cut off his children and grandchildren!" Li Shimin's eyes were murderous.

"Your Majesty, your majesty has a plan to make this evil for your Majesty, but..." But when he saw a guard walked out, the guard was an old acquaintance of Zhang Bairen, and he didn't know how to get to Li Shimin's side.

"Just how?" Li Shimin widened his eyes and looked at the guard.

"It's just that it's too vicious. If you do it, I'm afraid it will violate your majesty's demeanor," the guard said hesitantly.

"Don't be afraid of viciousness, just be afraid that it is not malicious enough, you say it quickly, I forgive you not guilty!" Li Shimin said.

"Then the official said." The guard came to Li Shimin's side and smiled coldly: "Zhang Bairen's cultivation has reached this level. It can be said that he is almost immortal, detached from the commonplace, and the blood in his body is so powerful that it is difficult to produce offspring. Yes, we can design to have him cut off his children and grandchildren, and completely cut off this last bloodline."

"Are you saying that you killed Li Chengqian? No! No! This will only force the general governor and me to turn a face. This is not appropriate!" Li Shimin shook his head repeatedly.

Turn your face with Zhang Bairen? Li Shimin doesn't have the courage yet. If the two sides tear their skins apart, I'm afraid that he will be more ugly.

"Your Majesty's difference, who said that you have to kill people to cut off one's children and grandchildren?" The guard smiled coldly.

"Could it be a black hand? Nothing is right, a shrewd character like Zhang Bairen, must be able to see through our little tricks" Li Shimin shook his head.

"Your Majesty, what if the prince likes to be male?" The guard sneered coldly.

"Huh??" Li Shimin was startled, and there were countless goose bumps all over his body. He looked at the guard with weird eyes, and then took a breath: "It's really vicious. If Li Chengqian likes male sex, it's no wonder Here we are."

This strategy is simply creepy and cold to the bone.

With Li Shimin's power, it is not difficult to break Li Chengqian. Although this is simple, it is absolutely vicious.

"You can even make a little design so that the father and the son will turn against each other. We are watching the big show. This is wonderful! Only then can the evil breath in your Majesty's heart come out!"

"The Governor, the Governor, I heard that Zhuojun you are in trouble again?" A familiar shout sounded, and Empress Xiao frowned, turned and went to the house, leaving Zhang Bairen sitting in the yard and constantly playing with his hands. Pieces in.

In this era, apart from chess, there seems to be no entertainment.

"You are here again? You have not seen you for a while, and you brought a little Taoist priest!" Zhang Bairen suddenly raised his head, and Yuan Tiangang was followed by a thin, yellow-faced child who looked like a skeleton.

The root bone is only five or six years old, but due to stunted growth, it is only three or four years old.

At this time, he was following the same step, closely following the old Taoist priest, his eyes looked at everything around him timidly.

"Is this child your illegitimate child?" Zhang Bairen's eyes fell on the child.

Yuan Tiangang's old face was stiff, and his eyes were full of frustration: "The Governor, you can't talk nonsense, this is the old disciple I received from the mountain."

"Disciple? You don't want to mislead your children!" Zhang Bairen retracted his gaze and looked at the chess game in front of him unhurriedly.

Yuan Tiangang's body stagnated, then turned to look at the child: "Quickly, call Uncle Master."

"Why not uncle?" Zhang Bairen was a little unhappy.

"Old-fashioned, I am older than you" Yuan Tiangang plausibly said.

"Hehe, my Taoism is higher than you, don't our cultivators compare with Taoism?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yuan Tiangang with a pair of eyes. The face of this old Taoist is really not to be underestimated.

"Quickly, call Master Uncle" Yuan Tiangang ignored Zhang Bairen, but patted the child on the head.

"Teacher...Teacher...Uncle!" The child's ability to observe words and behavior is indeed extraordinary. At this time, looking at Zhang Bairen, he called out timidly.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback, the chess piece in his hand was hanging in the air, and he turned to look at the child, his eyes filled with surprise.

"You stinky boy, do you want to be annoyed to be a teacher, and ask you to call uncle uncle, you just call uncle uncle!" Yuan Tiangang slapped the child on the back of the head.

"Don't hit him, lest you frighten the child!" Zhang Bairen yelled Yuan Tiangang, and then just sat there blankly, his eyes dilated, as if he was wandering beyond the sky.

After a while, seeing Zhang Bairen still sitting like that, the child timidly tugged at Yuan Tiangang's clothing corner: "Master, do you not like me?"

"Don't talk nonsense, your uncle is about to cut off all cause and effect and turn into a deity. Since then, he has no personal feelings. How can he say like or dislike?" Yuan Tiangang looked at Zhang Bairen's white hair at the temple. There was a hint of contemplation in his eyes.

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the number of gray hairs increased rapidly. Yuan Tiangang hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Zhang Bairen's clothes when he saw this: "Captain, Captain!"

"Hey, I think of a little bit of the past, but it's just a bit of emotion!" Zhang Bairen recovered, put down the chess pieces in his hand, looked at the child with a pair of eyes, his eyes softened: "What is your name?"

"If you go back to your uncle, your nephew is called Li Chunfeng!" The child said timidly.

"Li Chunfeng?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback. The little guy who was as thin as a monkey was Li Chunfeng?

That Li Chunfeng who co-launched the pushback picture with Yuan Tiangang?

"What are your ideals in the future?" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Chunfeng with a strange color in his eyes.

"Eat enough, don't starve or get cold!" Li Chunfeng said crisply.

Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard this, and then there was a memory in his eyes. When he first came to this world, his dream was nothing more than that.

It's all accidental to have today's climate, and I'm just a lucky guy.

"Same as I thought at the beginning" Zhang Bairen grabbed the white chess piece in his hand, and a petal flew out of the void, gradually merging with the white jade chess piece, and then saw that the white jade chess piece turned into a crystal color at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Since you called me an uncle, and I can't get any ordinary things, this chess piece will be given to you!" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Chunfeng.

"The governor, can't make it! This thing is too expensive, he is too young to protect this treasure, I am afraid it will cause disaster!" Yuan Tiangang shook his head repeatedly, blocking Li Chunfeng's movements.

"Heh, are my things so easy to get involved? Who dares to bear the cause and effect of the governor?" Zhang Bairen sneered.

However, Li Chunfeng pushed Yuan Tiangang away, and bowed down at Zhang Bairen's feet respectfully before taking the chess piece: "Thank you, Uncle!"

"No problem, I just hope that you will practice hard in the future and inherit your master's mantle!" Zhang Bairen helped Li Chunfeng up and sighed with emotion, looking at the cautious look of the other party, for fear that he would be unhappy to drive him out. With his expression, Zhang Bairen couldn't help but fall into the memory again.

I was like this at the beginning, in order to please the uncle Zhang next door, he always performed all kinds of clumsy performances. In order to prevent her mother from abandoning herself, she cautiously showed her well-behaved and tried her best to do something within her ability, just for fear that she would be abandoned by Zhang's mother as a burden one day.

Fortunately, the hardest days passed.

Looking at Li Chunfeng cautiously at this time, Zhang Bairen suddenly thought of all his past.

"Something's wrong!" Suddenly Zhang Bairen came back to his senses, looking at Li Chunfeng earnestly with a pair of eyes, his hands spread out, his brows slowly frowned.

"No?" Zhang Bairen was a little uneasy.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Tiangang was a little hairy, soothing Li Chunfeng, who was a little uneasy, hurriedly stepped forward and said in a low voice: "You don't want to scare my your apprentice, but he is "An old friend of mine" Zhang Bairen looked up and down at Li Chunfeng, then waved his hand: "Child, come here."

Li Chunfeng timidly stepped forward and moved three steps to Zhang Bairen's eyes, bowed his head with tears in his eyes: "Uncle, you can't do without Chunfeng, Chunfeng is very obedient. You can wash your clothes and make your bed, you can cook , Do all kinds of chores. And Chunfeng eats very little, only eats one nest a day..."

After thinking about it, it seemed that there were too many wowotou, and he quickly said: "Chunfeng only eats half a wowotou every day. Uncle, you must not drive me away. Chunfeng is very good! Very good!"

The little boy, already aware of the warmth and coldness of humanity, resisted the choking and constant begging for mercy.

"Yuan Tiangang!" Zhang Bairen's voice suddenly increased, and the words were full of dissatisfaction.


Seeing Zhang Bairen's expression, Yuan Tiangang knew Zhang Bairen was angry.

How many years has it been?

Ever since Dingdang died, I haven't seen Zhang Bairen's expression. Even in the last shocking battle, I haven't seen Zhang Bairen half-hearted.

"Capital Governor, if you don't like this child, I will take him down the mountain and never show up in front of you in the future." Yuan Tiangang hurriedly stepped forward and blocked Li Chunfeng, his eyes full of begging for mercy: "I just hope that the Governor Forgive this child for his life! He is still young and knows nothing! Everything in the previous life has passed, and I hope the Governor will show his favor."


Zhang Bairen smashed the chessboard in front of him: "What **** thing to say, I mean to ask you to raise him as your own son in the future. How can you be so sloppy and unsafe. Yuan Tiangang, you are guilty!"

"Huh?" Yuan Tiangang was taken aback when he heard the words, and never thought that Zhang Bairen would say such a thing.

ps: Eighth more.

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